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Daily Thoughts

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Lol Idk. My thoughts weren't quite in any of those directions when I envisioned Texas rn. But I know they're famous for a lot of different things. Never been. Not even on a layover.
I've only ever been to San Francisco (a long time ago now). And my knowledge of Texas (and the rest of the USA really) is only from media, and "legend" as it were.

But generally these days I feel all countries should be asking "hey, USA..... RU OK?"
as an outsider, it does genuinely worry me.. and not just for the outcomes for us out here in the rest of the world.
Whilst I am not some dewy eyed USA-phile, it is tragic (IMO) what is happening there.
I wasn't interested in politics until 2015. I went to bed in 2016 with Hillary as the victor and woke up to ShitGibbon taking the Electoral College. I knew we were done in that instant. The rest has just been one insane shitshow after another and the flabbergasting part is the man is a goddamn moron who just happens to know a lot of secrets about a lot of really powerful people. I read hundreds of articles a day about it and well...yeah, we're fucked. It was nice while it lasted. The guardrails are off and we're sliding down the hill at Mach speeds.
I wasn't interested in politics until 2015. I went to bed in 2016 with Hillary as the victor and woke up to ShitGibbon taking the Electoral College. I knew we were done in that instant. The rest has just been one insane shitshow after another and the flabbergasting part is the man is goddamn moron who just happens to know a lot of secrets about a lot of really powerful people. I read hundreds of articles a day about it and well...yeah, we're fucked. It was nice while it lasted. The guardrails are off and we're sliding down the hill at Mach speeds.
The sad thing is that it is not only the USA, although it seems to be manifested most heavily there. Right wing xenophobic conservatism, is on the rise all over the globe. (French elections, major right wing nutjob in UK getting elected after trying for years admittedly he's not in government)

All such things are cyclical, of course, but I am sad that I probably will not live to see the pendulum swing back to the "sensible" social situation, of freedoms and inclusiveness. (i know of course that unfortunately there are always those within society who do not get to share those freedoms)
The sad thing is that it is not only the USA, although it seems to be manifested most heavily there. Right wing xenophobic conservatism, is on the rise all over the globe. (French elections, major right wing nutjob in UK getting elected after trying for years admittedly he's not in government)

All such things are cyclical, of course, but I am sad that I probably will not live to see the pendulum swing back to the "sensible" social situation, of freedoms and inclusiveness. (i know of course that unfortunately there are always those within society who do not get to share those freedoms)
I can't speak for any other countries because largely the US media does not cover their stories unless it's about us giving them money or sending troops to fight their battles, but what's happening in the US is purely a race-based problem. This country dared to actually try to make people equal under the law through diversity acts and political correctness and we elected an educated, charismatic black man to the presidency twice and by and large he didn't fuck anything up beyond repair so naturally old white dudes with no education and no money are deeply offended by this because the American dream only applies to white, Christian men. So rich white "I'll say I'm Christian to get the vote" males are their saviors. I wish this was hyperbole, but it is not.

Trump claims to be Christian. Has never been seen inside a church.
He was pro-choice, now he's pro-life because "reasons".
He swears Project 2025 is outrageous which means he will follow it to the letter.
Every accusation is a confession by the Republican party.

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Sorry for the double post and I know this isn't where these debates should happen but we are a forum based on educating and informing others so with that, here is a recent comment on another site about Biden's interview on ABC tonight in response to the debate crap.

"He's not wrong. 90 minutes of putting up with that sociopathic liar after a day of travelling is too much for anyone in peak health. Doing it over 80 is asking too much. But he's again right. Fall down, get back up.

TCG lied throughout the entire debate after four years of lying his ass off and subsequently gets convicted of 34 felonies.
The President stuttered and trailed off after 3 years of actually running the country.
Clearly what we need is dumpster fire 2.0."

(TCG is Trump.)
I can't speak for any other countries because largely the US media does not cover their stories unless it's about us giving them money or sending troops to fight their battles, but what's happening in the US is purely a race-based problem. This country dared to actually try to make people equal under the law through diversity acts and political correctness and we elected an educated, charismatic black man to the presidency twice and by and large he didn't fuck anything up beyond repair so naturally old white dudes with no education and no money are deeply offended by this because the American dream only applies to white, Christian men. So rich white "I'll say I'm Christian to get the vote" males are their saviors. I wish this was hyperbole, but it is not.

Trump claims to be Christian. Has never been seen inside a church.
He was pro-choice, now he's pro-life because "reasons".
He swears Project 2025 is outrageous which means he will follow it to the letter.
Every accusation is a confession by the Republican party.
Thanks @Vixxen81 for that insight. I've never had the chance to read such a direct and to the point statement from an US "insider". All Americans I met here see it that way, But that's just my little sphere. Like everywhere here the conservative populist right wing saw fear and hate. But even if we lost, the FIFA euro 2024 football thing here brought some very beautiful pictures of huge crowds of colorful people cheering to a colorful team giving their best. In many places the international fans party all night no matter who won or lost. It is a little reminder in how it could be.
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Thanks @Vixxen81 for that insight. I've never had the chance to read such a direct and to the point statement from an US "insider". All Americans I met here see it that way, But that's just my little sphere. Like everywhere here the conservative populist right wing saw fear and hate. But even if we lost, the FIFA euro 2024 football thing here brought some very beautiful pictures of huge crowds of colorful people cheering to a colorful team giving their best. In many places the international fans party all night no matter who won or lost. It is a little reminder in how it could be.
I don't like to sugar coat things. I think that's why when I comment in love scam conversations I'm the one they ignore because it's the most real, that said, I'm a huge baseball fan and I often broadcast during my team's games and I get reactions that let me know not all is lost but it's going to be a very hard time.
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I can't speak for any other countries because largely the US media does not cover their stories unless it's about us giving them money or sending troops to fight their battles, but what's happening in the US is purely a race-based problem. This country dared to actually try to make people equal under the law through diversity acts and political correctness and we elected an educated, charismatic black man to the presidency twice and by and large he didn't fuck anything up beyond repair so naturally old white dudes with no education and no money are deeply offended by this because the American dream only applies to white, Christian men. So rich white "I'll say I'm Christian to get the vote" males are their saviors. I wish this was hyperbole, but it is not.

Trump claims to be Christian. Has never been seen inside a church.
He was pro-choice, now he's pro-life because "reasons".
He swears Project 2025 is outrageous which means he will follow it to the letter.
Every accusation is a confession by the Republican party.

I believe we have something in common!😉 the only thing I dislike worse than DJT is DJT supporters. This country is history if that POS is elected.
Lol Idk. My thoughts weren't quite in any of those directions when I envisioned Texas rn. But I know they're famous for a lot of different things. Never been. Not even on a layover.

You’re not missing anything, trust me.

Unless you enjoy 110 degrees weather, shitty politics and somehow shittier drivers.

I had the option to move to Houston this summer (actually, this month) and I respectfully declined. Sure, I can rent a huge three bedroom house for the same price or less than what it is to rent a one bedroom apartment where I currently live, but I’d rather pay more to live somewhere that I actually like living.

I had my cross country road trip around this time last year and if I never have to drive through Texas again it will still be too soon. Driving on the interstate through Dallas was probably one of the most nerve racking experiences of my life. Six lanes (I think), my car thermometer was reading 112 degrees and aside from being able to feel the heat radiating off my windows even with the ac on full blast, it made the road hazy so you couldn’t see the lines and everyone was driving like maniacs… until I got caught in dead stop traffic. Then there was long stretches of nothingness on the highway, where you’d have random trucks speeding by at over 100, because I guess they had to rush to their nearest honkty tonk bar, and you’re worried the Jeepers Creepers monster is going to pop out of nowhere. And then random little hee-haw ass towns where you had to slow down to 30 out of nowhere or risk getting ticketed by some hee-haw cop.

Downtown Austin is kinda cool, at least. I went there to escape Mardi Gras one year, and to go see a band play a few gigs, and they were having their own version of Mardi Gras there which was… interesting.
DP, buuutt….

Me rewatching GoT and getting to The Rains of Castamere (Red Wedding) episode:

That Sucks The Office GIF
I can rent a huge three bedroom house for the same price or less than what it is to rent a one bedroom apartment where I currently live, but I’d rather pay more to live somewhere that I actually like living.
This seems to be what a lot of people's I've talked to recently have said.
The wrong ambiance can fuck w people hard.
I don't think I'd feel secure living in a place that wasn't on the national grid tbh. Texas has it's own electrical grid; and I'm not sure I'd like that much.
I like my electric to get around lol. I can't stand the thought of using electric that hasn't at least seen CA once! 😆
Seriously though, there numerous things in Texas that I'd feel, extremely insecure about.
I hope I can visit it someday though. Briefly. Before returning once more. Alive.
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@Marceline cilantro tasting like soap or sour is a genetic anomaly in the population. I also have the same issue. I can taste cilantro in anything regardless of the other flavors and it's overpowering. I could never eat at Chipotle because they put cilantro and lime in the rice and on every protein.
@Marceline cilantro tasting like soap or sour is a genetic anomaly in the population. I also have the same issue. I can taste cilantro in anything regardless of the other flavors and it's overpowering. I could never eat at Chipotle because they put cilantro and lime in the rice and on every protein.

Yeah, for me, cilantro is super souring tasting. I know for some people they say it tastes like soap, but not to be nasty, cilantro tastes like bile to me.

I have the same exact issue with Chipotle! There’s so much cilantro in everything there. Every time I’ve gotten food from any Chipotle I’ve immediately regretted it.
Same here. "Cilantro Aversion" even notated in my DNA results from 23andMe. Tastes absolutely awful to me!
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Totally get it. When I make fajitas I sub lemon juice for lime and omit cilantro. Tastes like soap to me.
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My cats have a growing fanbase. The maintenance guys in my building stopped by to update me on how they didn't get a part in for my fridge that was supposed to come in today, and one of them was like "Can I say hi to your cats for a second?". Hahaha. Last two times maintenance came by they were here for a good while fixing stuff, and my cat Jake was up their butts each time. Anyone who meets him is always amazed at how friendly he is. Finn is a scaredy boy, but he looks like a stuffed animal and once it's established that he will get pets from someone, he is also up anyone who comes over butt.

And yes, my cats are Finn and Jake, because we're all a part of the Adventure Time team in this household!

Alsoooo, it's hilarious how desensitized being a content creator has gotten me to having sex toys out in the open. I cleaned yesterday, but I had some monster sized dildos sitting on the dresser in my room from filming, which you can easily see from my dining room area if my door is open, which it was. Pretty sure the maintenance guys saw my huge 14 inch dildo just chilling out in the open hahaha.
I'll ask. I just deleted my comment, because right after I typed that, I remembered it was started by you, and was able to look it up.
I love photography, picture threads are so my thing!

Lets ask @AmberCutie .
I forget how often we need to post to a thread, to keep it alive.
I think if it's inactive for 90 days it auto locks.
While making this post:

I started really thinking about the current state of affairs in the US, and it has me feeling pretty hopeless. I also started thinking about other related things, which got me angry. I'm not intending to debate or anything, but just vent out my frustrations in the only space I feel I can when it comes to these topics.

I'm really worried about the future of this industry. I know there's also been a lot of doomsayers in the industry over the years, but over this past year my fears have grown exponentially. I'm terrified of what will happen if we have a Republican super majority after this election. So many Republican politicians have gone to the extremes of conservatism. We've seen more attacks than ever on not just the adult industry, but the rights of women. There's conservatives who want to ban porn and imprison anyone who makes adult content. No nuance, nothing. It's crazy to me that this is the supposed party of "small government". And it's not just porn they want to ban. Total abortion bans with NO exceptions. Same sex marriage bans. They even want to ban certain words and books that go against their conservative ideals. It's terrifying to think that the country where people fled to to get away from dictatorship rule might become just that. I've read bits of Project 2025, and it's horrifying. Granted, the only thing that makes me feel a little better is that I do doubt that Trump, if elected, will enact a lot of those things. Call him what you will, but he's not exactly conservative. However, he has also shown that he has no morals and no qualms about going back on his formerly stated ideals to appease his Republican/conservative voter base.

I'm also not confident in the Democratic party either. I watched the debate. Putting aside my opinions on that, after the debate I kept the channel on and listened to some of the analysis commentary they were doing with different political commentators/politicians. The former mayor of New Orleans, my hometown, came on. New Orleans loves electing shitty politicians, and Mitch Landrieu is no exception. My disdain for that man runs deep. I actually didn't know this until very recently, but he is the senior advisor for infrastructure coordination. I was legitimately shocked to hear that. New Orleans has the absolute worst infrastructure of any city I've ever been to. There's streets that are legitimately undriveable because of how bad they are. You can't drive a block anywhere in the city without hitting a pothole. And here's the kicker, while he was still the acting mayor of New Orleans there was a huge damn sinkhole on an extremely popular street downtown. Not a tiny pothole. The street literally caved in. Oh, and the city floods everytime there's a hard rain because they refuse to do anything about the drainage systems. That's enough reason to resent him, but wait, there's more. During his term, there was extensive raids on French Quarter strip clubs. They were trying to pass mandates that would have shut down almost all the strip clubs in the city, which would have put many strippers/sex workers out of a job. During the raids (which they claimed was to stop sex trafficking, sound familiar?), dancers were physically assaulted and harassed by police officers conducting the raids. In the end, they found no evidence of sex trafficking in any of the clubs. The only reason why the strip clubs bans didn't go through was because the dancers of the city got together and successfully lobbied/fought against it and won. But, this was all under Democratic leadership. And it just shows, Democrats don't care about sex workers just as much as Republicans don't care about sex workers. They're just not as vocal about it.

It just sometimes feels like we get attacks from all sides, and it's hard not to feel desolate. It's more than sad, it's heartbreaking. It's enraging. The same people who privately use our services are the same ones who publicly demonize us.

Anyway, sorry for the huge ass rant. I'm just feeling some sort of way about this, or really, I've been feeling like this on an off for awhile now, and needed to get it out and I can't do that with anyone in my personal life because they just don't get it. Or choose not to get it.