AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
AmberCutie said:
SoTxBob said:
From the pics, possibly a house or wolf spider or similar. Looks like a minor [toxin] bite and not a strong enzyme bite from the likes of a recluse or black widow. Had it been serious acidic enzymes, you would have had a central 'pus head' and it would have made an open oozing sore in short order as your flesh dissolved. One of the best ways to heal most any spider bite is with plain old baking soda. Make a paste and apply it to the fresh bite. If you can, use a bandage of some sort to keep the soda on the wound. It will extract and neutralize most of the acids within the venom fairly rapidly. Did you call the exterminator yet ? ;)

[I kept spiders as a kid]....
LOL it got worse after i did 3 doses of baking soda paste. :D

It got infected and I'm on tons of meds. :(
I used to tell the kiddos that I nannied that I had magic kisses that cured all booboos. I am willing to lend you one or two to heal up if you'd like. :mrgreen:
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I've had a stiff neck for a few days now. :crybaby: I took Ibuprofen, but my friend told me to take Advil instead (is one really better than the other)? I've also been using a heating pad.

Please pray (or wish me luck, if praying's not your that I get better soon...thanks! *HUGS*
the advil we have in Australia is ibuprofen, not sure if yours is different. I get a stiff neck too sometimes, usually some kind of sports liniment is what I find works, or Tiger Balm.
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schlmoe said:
camstory said:
If you use IE and you have taken too long writing a post, so that you are redirected to the login page when you try to post b/c ACF has decided, no one is that fucking slow and has signed you out, that after signing back in you can not back up three steps as you can using chrome or Mozilla and find your post. IE does not care that you have spent more then an hour on what was sure to be the most impressive post of your 400+. No IE says, post this bitch :eek:bscene-birdiedoublered: and for just a split second, you hope the next time Bill & Melinda fly into Uganda or Malwai, their private Learjet crashes in flames atop mt kilimanjaro in the exact place Hem climbed to weekly, and wrote about. Then you retract that thought, knowing that at some point the huge amounts of philanthropy the Gates do will make up for IE,,, probably.

Solution #1: When typing out your next masterpiece, use notepad or any other text editor. When you're done, copy/paste into the web form on ACF. Last time I checked, there's no time limit on notepad.

Solution #2: Get some earplugs to drown out the laughter after admitting to the world that you still use IE.
Solution #1... I have found that when composing somewhere, then cutting and pasting has the complication of not showing the spelling errors after being pasted in. That does not matter when you use a word app with a speller, and is in fact how I like to do it, but I was limited to note, or wordpad, b/c I was working on a friends computer who has no word app.
Solution #2 b/c I was using a friend computer, I was limited to the browser she had - she had only IE. I do not regularly use IE, why I was unfamiliar with how it would act.
Vic said:
"Guys are obsessed with the anus. Do you think it's vagina envy?"
Starting right after the first time I became intimately acquainted with a vagina, until present, I have had a raging case of vagina envy.

So laugh, laugh your fucking assess off, then loan me for just a day or two your vag, and I promise I'll bring it back clean and well pressed. :dance:
Hey Vic I got news for you, if what you are doing is pressing on it, no matter how well, you have yet to become "intimately acquainted with a vagina." :lol:
MrRodry said:
Trying to figure if those "I say what I want" people are actually full of bullshit. Feels like they say what they want to say and are all about other people doing that too, but are not really ready to hear what they don't want to hear. And when you disagree with them, you are the one acting superior, because... you said what you wanted to say :think:
I nominate this post for most perceptive post, or best post uncovering the white elephant that no one had mentioned, or just brilliant...

And I have thought for some time to express :thumbleft: for your rotation of super cool avatars.
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The_Brown_Fox said:
I've had a stiff neck for a few days now. :crybaby: I took Ibuprofen, but my friend told me to take Advil instead (is one really better than the other)? I've also been using a heating pad.

Please pray (or wish me luck, if praying's not your that I get better soon...thanks! *HUGS*
Advil is ibuprofen.

Maybe you have a pinched nerve. Painkillers don't really relieve that at all. Only time, or a massage therapist can help work that out.
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spikyhaired said:
LiLredhairedgrl said:
Is this the evil nasty spider that bit you Miss Amber?

Jesus! Burn it with fire!
Agreed. And many many thanks for not quoting the picture AGAIN! :D
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AmberCutie said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
I've had a stiff neck for a few days now. :crybaby: I took Ibuprofen, but my friend told me to take Advil instead (is one really better than the other)? I've also been using a heating pad.

Please pray (or wish me luck, if praying's not your that I get better soon...thanks! *HUGS*
Advil is ibuprofen.

Maybe you have a pinched nerve. Painkillers don't really relieve that at all. Only time, or a massage therapist can help work that out.

Advil, Motrin, and ibuprofen are all the same thing.
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DrRex said:
AmberCutie said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
I've had a stiff neck for a few days now. :crybaby: I took Ibuprofen, but my friend told me to take Advil instead (is one really better than the other)? I've also been using a heating pad.

Please pray (or wish me luck, if praying's not your that I get better soon...thanks! *HUGS*
Advil is ibuprofen.

Maybe you have a pinched nerve. Painkillers don't really relieve that at all. Only time, or a massage therapist can help work that out.

Advil, Motrin, and ibuprofen are all the same thing.
Don't forget Excedrin. :thumbleft:
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AmberCutie said:
DrRex said:
AmberCutie said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
I've had a stiff neck for a few days now. :crybaby: I took Ibuprofen, but my friend told me to take Advil instead (is one really better than the other)? I've also been using a heating pad.

Please pray (or wish me luck, if praying's not your that I get better soon...thanks! *HUGS*
Advil is ibuprofen.
Maybe you have a pinched nerve. Painkillers don't really relieve that at all. Only time, or a massage therapist can help work that out.
Advil, Motrin, and ibuprofen are all the same thing.
Don't forget Excedrin. :thumbleft:

>> Excedrin (acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine)
Though ibuprofen and acetaminophen are both painkillers, ibuprofen acts as an anti-inflammatory, while acetaminophen does not.
Also, anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen, aspirin and naproxin should not be taken together--they're cousins (as a doctor described them) and will cancel each other out. My favorite over the counter pain "cocktail" is acetaminophen with naproxin. (Aleve) One dose will last twelve hours so that combination may be easier on the liver. :)
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Nordling said:
Also, anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen, aspirin and naproxin should not be taken together--they're cousins (as a doctor described them) and will cancel each other out. My favorite over the counter pain "cocktail" is acetaminophen with naproxin. (Aleve) One dose will last twelve hours so that combination may be easier on the liver. :)
It's not that they'll cancel each other out, although they do similar things.

Aspirin, Ibuprofen etc are anti-coagulants (they thin blood and stop it from clotting) and if say you had internal bleeding and overdosed by taking a full dose of each drug there's a chance you could bleed out. It's a pretty rare circumstantial thing but you's one of those things they tell you just in case.