AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

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Did this turn into the funny daily pictures thread? :think: I think I missed the memo, better go find my glasses so I can laugh at the pics too. :)
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hehehe :lol:


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Anybody see these pictures? I found this article on a U.K. News site of some sort that I somehow clicked my way into from who knows, click, click, ooh look at that!, click, click, etc etc blah blah

At first I assumed these pictures were from the days of yore, as in Steinbeck dusty times, but NOO, this is from the 80's. The poorest of the poor-- commonly called "poor white trash" photographed and now a part of history.

Another country: Photographer's stunning black and white pictures of a nation's rural ruins, exiled from the American Dream

Photographer Steven Rubin spent much of the 1980s traveling throughout Maine's countryside with nothing more than a camera and a bit of cash.
This month, a Los Angeles gallery will display an extensive collection of images from that time period, painting a portrait of American poverty that many have never seen.
The photographs, black and white portraits of an isolated community, disarm viewers and allow them unfettered entrance into 'Vacationland.

Read more:

To be honest, I am reminded of the Casteel family of V.C. Andrews "Heaven" and I am now feeling the urge to reread it which could cause a full on relapse into the whole series... (I was obsessed with her books as a preteen and read them over and over.) :shifty:

So there. My daily thoughts of the moment after my latest google adventures. The end.
Trying to figure if those "I say what I want" people are actually full of bullshit. Feels like they say what they want to say and are all about other people doing that too, but are not really ready to hear what they don't want to hear. And when you disagree with them, you are the one acting superior, because... you said what you wanted to say :think:
@blackxrose - explanation-
the funny on the pictures I post is just the file folder I keep all of these types
of pictures in, it doesn't necessarily connotate that all of them are actually to
be taken as funny, just as something to think about. :)


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"Men have been trained and conditioned by women, not unlike the way Pavlov conditioned his dogs, into becoming their slaves. As compensation for their labours men are given periodic use of a woman's vagina."
Esther Vilar

"Guys are obsessed with the anus. Do you think it's vagina envy?"



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I saw Betty say this when she was on I think it was Jay Leno. The place went wild and Jay was a bit surprised for a moment before he recovered.... :lol: :lol:
"Guys are obsessed with the anus. Do you think it's vagina envy?"
I was only for a relatively short time obsessed with the anus. Starting right after the first time I became intimately acquainted with a vagina, until present, I have had a raging case of vagina envy. I don't know or much care what that says about me. I suppose if I had the money a change might be my consideration, if it weren't for the fact that I would, no matter how much money was put to it, be the scariest, most hideous looking woman ever. And I am sure that the best crafted re-plumb would not really be like original equipment.

So laugh, laugh your fucking assess off, then loan me for just a day or two your vag, and I promise I'll bring it back clean and well pressed, if not maybe an hour or two late. :dance:
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If you use IE and you have taken too long writing a post, so that you are redirected to the login page when you try to post b/c ACF has decided, no one is that fucking slow and has signed you out, that after signing back in you can not back up three steps as you can using chrome or Mozilla and find your post. IE does not care that you have spent more then an hour on what was sure to be the most impressive post of your 400+. No IE says, post this bitch :eek:bscene-birdiedoublered: and for just a split second, you hope the next time Bill & Melinda fly into Uganda or Malwai, their private Learjet crashes in flames atop mt kilimanjaro in the exact place Hem climbed to weekly, and wrote about. Then you retract that thought, knowing that at some point the huge amounts of philanthropy the Gates do will make up for IE,,, probably.
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camstory said:
If you use IE and you have taken too long writing a post, so that you are redirected to the login page when you try to post b/c ACF has decided, no one is that fucking slow and has signed you out, that after signing back in you can not back up three steps as you can using chrome or Mozilla and find your post. IE does not care that you have spent more then an hour on what was sure to be the most impressive post of your 400+. No IE says, post this bitch :eek:bscene-birdiedoublered: and for just a split second, you hope the next time Bill & Melinda fly into Uganda or Malwai, their private Learjet crashes in flames atop mt kilimanjaro in the exact place Hem climbed to weekly, and wrote about. Then you retract that thought, knowing that at some point the huge amounts of philanthropy the Gates do will make up for IE,,, probably.

Solution #1: When typing out your next masterpiece, use notepad or any other text editor. When you're done, copy/paste into the web form on ACF. Last time I checked, there's no time limit on notepad.

Solution #2: Get some earplugs to drown out the laughter after admitting to the world that you still use IE.
camstory said:
Note ~EDITED for comedic effect ~
I was only for a relatively short time obsessed with the anus..... I don't know or much care what that says about me...... I would, no matter how much money was put to it, be the scariest, most hideous looking woman ever.
So laugh, laugh your fucking assess off, then loan me for just a day or two your vag, and I promise I'll bring it back clean and well pressed, if not maybe an hour or two late. :dance: :eek:rcs-buttshake:
schlmoe said:
camstory said:
IE says, post this bitch :eek:bscene-birdiedoublered: :eek:bscene-birdiered: :eek:bscene-moneypiss:
Solution #2: Get some earplugs to drown out the laughter after admitting to the world that you still use IE.
:laughing-lettersrofl: :laughing-rofl:

For anything I might want to revise or contemplate the structure or "verbosity," I make a word doc and keep it handy on the desktop. Spell check is my friend :icon-mrgreen: :laughing6: :eek:ccasion5:
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I still use IE. :shifty: But, I am also completely obsessed with the anus. Does that make me an anal freak? :think: I'm not sure, but 6 days out of 7 I'm usually down to take it up the ass. ;)
Google Chrome is my favorite browser, but for some reason I can't use it for camming on ImLive (I use Firefox for ImLive).
I love touchin' my butthole... I'll just leave that here.

I also have major penis envy and had a swell time fucking Aedans face with a strap on. Only thing missing was a cigarette hanging out of my mouf and a beer in hand.
JoleneJolene said:
I love touchin' my butthole... I'll just leave that here.

I also have major penis envy and had a swell time fucking Aedans face with a strap on. Only thing missing was a cigarette hanging out of my mouf and a beer in hand.

Sounds like someone needs to arrange another show then. You should not live an unfulfilled life JJ.
Fucking spiders.

Click to enlarge.
It seems to be fading now, as I have taken tons of antibiotics to treat the infection that resulted from a. fucking. spider. bite.


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Bocefish said:
Yikes Amber! :eek: Ever find out what kinda spider it was?
An ugly one.

Um, not for sure, but the next night there was a brown regular ol' looking house spider crawling on my pillow. I would assume it was that one, or one of it's siblings who tried to eat me alive.
AmberCutie said:
Bocefish said:
Yikes Amber! :eek: Ever find out what kinda spider it was?
An ugly one.

Um, not for sure, but the next night there was a brown regular ol' looking house spider crawling on my pillow. I would assume it was that one, or one of it's siblings who tried to eat me alive.
Hopefully it wasn't a brown recluse. We get those like crazy down here. :?
blackxrose said:
AmberCutie said:
Bocefish said:
Yikes Amber! :eek: Ever find out what kinda spider it was?
An ugly one.

Um, not for sure, but the next night there was a brown regular ol' looking house spider crawling on my pillow. I would assume it was that one, or one of it's siblings who tried to eat me alive.
Hopefully it wasn't a brown recluse. We get those like crazy down here. :?
None of those in soCal, just black widows, and apparently brown widows (I just learned this.)
AmberCutie said:
blackxrose said:
AmberCutie said:
Bocefish said:
Yikes Amber! :eek: Ever find out what kinda spider it was?
An ugly one.

Um, not for sure, but the next night there was a brown regular ol' looking house spider crawling on my pillow. I would assume it was that one, or one of it's siblings who tried to eat me alive.
Hopefully it wasn't a brown recluse. We get those like crazy down here. :?
None of those in soCal, just black widows, and apparently brown widows (I just learned this.)
:shock: Brown widows don't sound pleasant.
Oh gosh Ambah! That sucker got you good, I'm sorry. :(
I'm so afraid of spiders and people laugh at me but I was paralyzed from the waist down for 14 hours because of some "harmless" spider bite. I say fuck that shit and those nasty little buggars, burn em all!
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From the pics, possibly a house or wolf spider or similar. Looks like a minor [toxin] bite and not a strong enzyme bite from the likes of a recluse or black widow. Had it been serious acidic enzymes, you would have had a central 'pus head' and it would have made an open oozing sore in short order as your flesh dissolved. One of the best ways to heal most any spider bite is with plain old baking soda. Make a paste and apply it to the fresh bite. If you can, use a bandage of some sort to keep the soda on the wound. It will extract and neutralize most of the acids within the venom fairly rapidly. Did you call the exterminator yet ? ;)

[I kept spiders as a kid]....
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SoTxBob said:
From the pics, possibly a house or wolf spider or similar. Looks like a minor [toxin] bite and not a strong enzyme bite from the likes of a recluse or black widow. Had it been serious acidic enzymes, you would have had a central 'pus head' and it would have made an open oozing sore in short order as your flesh dissolved. One of the best ways to heal most any spider bite is with plain old baking soda. Make a paste and apply it to the fresh bite. If you can, use a bandage of some sort to keep the soda on the wound. It will extract and neutralize most of the acids within the venom fairly rapidly. Did you call the exterminator yet ? ;)

[I kept spiders as a kid]....
LOL it got worse after i did 3 doses of baking soda paste. :D

It got infected and I'm on tons of meds. :(