AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
this guy is hilariously dumb, white couple and the dude is half-convinced the black baby is his until they get a dna test :)
Jupiter551 said:
Is that supposed to be a prom dress? :eek: Holy cow.....that....just doesn't seem like something that should be worn to an event like that..... :? Is she even 18? :shock:
"People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered - forgive them. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish,ulterior motivies - be kind anyway. If you are succesful, you will win some false friends and true enemies - be succesful anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight - build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, other may be jeleous - be happy anyway. The good you do today people will often forget tomorrow - do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough - give the world your best anyway. Because in the finil analysies - it's only between you and God and noone else anyway.... Quote about life"

Found as the meaning of life text on

Aside from the god part (and the cute typos) I feel really inspired by this! It was a nice little bonus to checking ur her profile today when I noticed she is #1 camscore as well as #1 currently on Miss MFC.

Way to go, Kattie!
"Birth of a Super-Villian" looks more like birth of a cam girl with a stalker ... :lol: :lol:
AmberCutie said:
"People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered - forgive them. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish,ulterior motivies - be kind anyway. If you are succesful, you will win some false friends and true enemies - be succesful anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight - build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, other may be jeleous - be happy anyway. The good you do today people will often forget tomorrow - do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough - give the world your best anyway. Because in the finil analysies - it's only between you and God and noone else anyway.... Quote about life"

Found as the meaning of life text on

Aside from the god part (and the cute typos) I feel really inspired by this! It was a nice little bonus to checking ur her profile today when I noticed she is #1 camscore as well as #1 currently on Miss MFC.

Way to go, Kattie!

I love this quote, it's one of the few Mother Teresa quotes I've gone back to over the years.
I don't mean to be complicated.

hot wax - you're tender there...

I also know when I see, a young person who can make a difference/a stand!!!

You are potentially a great person....

I am sorry,



a great person,

with the potential,

to help others,


Just help a few,

to see,

how we,

should treat each other...


WTF, bb. :lol:
camstory said:
I don't mean to be complicated. hot wax - you're tender there... I also know when I see, a young person who can make a difference/a stand!!! You are potentially a great person.... I am sorry, You Are a great person with the potential to help others see...Just help a few to see how we should treat each other...~eric~

WTF, bb. :lol:

With some commas and many extra spaces/line breaks removed, I have to commend you on the least-wordy post we've seen from you in months! However, it still makes no sense. :mrgreen:
lordmagellan said:
Some days you just want to meet up with your boy, fist bump, put on a pair of shades and slowly saunter away from an exploding building while opera is blasting over loud speakers.
without looking back* :cool:
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I just found out my parent's had their garage broken into while they were visiting my sister and I in Scotland, they got a call from the police early this morning. :crybaby:

I feel so mad and sad for them! The fuckers took the garage roof apart to get in, (my dad is a tradesman and has a lot of expensive equipment locked up in there)....WTF! They are on there way back to England now, I hope they are ok.

Portal 2 is $6.79 for the next 26hrs on Steam. Makes a cheap and awesome gift if you already have it
woke today with this strong feeling i had to say something about all that Love bullshit... It was not Bullshit in what it said. "I am a huge fan of Love. It is universally what we have far to little of, and what we may never have too much of."

It was bullshit, if it created any underlying currents that are unneeded/unwanted. I forget how well ppl really know me. It is connected directly to that thing that makes me so unclear. It is b/c, - I think ppl understand what is in my head.

That used to work pretty well. My thought process used to be less unique. A lot of time the last 10 years>< spent alone. Around others, yet no one who I cared to communicate with. (Wow Cam does not love everyone) No I don't - I try to like everyone...

Back to the path.

My thought process has developed alone on my Galapagos.

Ppl don't wonder if I think - They wonder how?

I want to communicate with you PPL.

This daily thoughts, nice thread, good idea.

watch your maoa vic :peace bawksy :)
Jupiter551 said:
Click thanks if you like kittehs :whistle:

Lol, my dogs were so disturbed over this. They couldn't figure out what the strange sounds from the weird electronics was. :lol: Poor Sammy, he's confused right now.
spikyhaired said:
Yay! for the first sitting president to go on record in support of same-sex marriage!

:) :clap: :thumbleft:

They were talking about it on the news after Law and Order SVU went off. Coincidentally, in that SVU episode Detective 'Fin' Tutuola's (Ice-T) son announced that he got engaged to his boyfriend.
The_Brown_Fox said:
spikyhaired said:
Yay! for the first sitting president to go on record in support of same-sex marriage!

:) :clap: :thumbleft:

They were talking about it on the news after Law and Order SVU went off. Coincidentally, in that SVU episode Detective 'Fin' Tutuola's (Ice-T) son announced that he got engaged to his boyfriend.
For a second I thought you were gonna say Tutuola was gay, I was already thinking "explains the ponytail..." :shifty:
I am damn near out of Simply Lemonade. :( This is UNACCEPTABLE. Time to go to the grocery store...
Jupiter551 said:
For a second I thought you were gonna say Tutuola was gay, I was already thinking "explains the ponytail..." :shifty:

I'd love to see Fin go out on a date. There was one episode where Olivia introduced him to a gorgeous woman who was like a news reporter or something. I was hoping to see more happen between the two of them.

And Fin cracks me up. He'll be placing a perp under arrest, the perp will ask "What are you doing?," and Fin will respond "Arrestin' yo punk ass....." :lol:
Pretty much what my brain would look like if you sliced it open and stared inside...
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