I'm a new black BBW Cam Model in the US and I need help figuring out which countries and/or states that favor BBW models the most also the times of day that is most profitable for someone like me? Right now I'm totally free no kids, husbands or boyfriends, and no job. Although, I will be starting a new job after this shout down. I plan to start on April 1 with six sites full-time. Splitting them up three hours for two sites and two hours for another site for the month of April to see which ones I like. I'm keeping Friday, Saturday and Sunday open for now. I don't want to overwhelm myself even though I may float on these days but I need to leave time open for making custom videos and photoshoots and just answering fan mail. I know how important setting times and sticking to them are in any business so I want to start doing this right. So any help I will appreciate it.