AmberCutie's Forum
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Why aren't trans women allowed models only access?

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...but if I ever get a US ID, I suspect I'll be quite annoyed if they don't let me change the sex or gender or whatever is on it. likewise, I identify more as a Sagittarius than a Gemini, so I hope they'll let me change my birthdate, too. why should it be a mere record of birth facts of a humanoid object that have nothing to do with my life or the person I became?

Okay, all that other nonsense you've been spouting I've just been chuckling and glancing over. But this just flips over into the realm of dippy doodle. Change your birth date??? Now I know you're just a troll.
@Confessor, did you read my post? Nowhere did I imply that people should be called things they don't like to be called. I took issue with censorship, but I expressed the importance of treating each other courteously.
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I know of a couple instances where SO of models read and post as their partner. Because of that, I kind of assume there are none models and all genders reading the models only section.

I couldn't help but wonder about this when reading how models would be less likely to post in a MO section where anybody other than cis women are likely to be reading. Of all the hundreds (thousands?) of models who have access to MO, I have to assume that a sizeable chunk of them have boyfriends or husbands. It's not too hard to imagine that many of them share laptops, that many of their boyfriends are interested in or concerned about their camming and want to know more about what they do. Or even vindictive exes who, for one reason or another, would still have easy access to MO.
So as one of the resident trans people, I thought I'd chime in...

I've basically stopped coming here because there simply isn't much reason to be here if you're trans. There was some useful stuff to be had at first and I made some great contacts through here that I treasure; however, there isn't much point to hanging around if you're anything other then a verified cam girl. Still, it is Amber's site and she can do whatever she wants with it. It doesn't really bother me all that much. It is just a reality that unless you want to just shoot the shit, there isn't much reason to hang around here if you're like me. I appreciate what I've gotten from the place, at least.
So as one of the resident trans people, I thought I'd chime in...

I've basically stopped coming here because there simply isn't much reason to be here if you're trans. There was some useful stuff to be had at first and I made some great contacts through here that I treasure; however, there isn't much point to hanging around if you're anything other then a verified cam girl. Still, it is Amber's site and she can do whatever she wants with it. It doesn't really bother me all that much. It is just a reality that unless you want to just shoot the shit, there isn't much reason to hang around here if you're like me. I appreciate what I've gotten from the place, at least.
It's nice to see you, been a while. :) I wonder, though, if you've read beyond the first few posts of the thread?

Still, it is Amber's site and she can do whatever she wants with it.
Things are changing.
I'm taking a bit of a breather from ACF until next week (my bday is tomorrow, going to enjoy a break through Monday other than cam time), but before I do, want to remind folks to read through the thread before clicking reply, as there are posts in here that outline changes that are coming to the verification process and MO sections.
So as one of the resident trans people, I thought I'd chime in...

I've basically stopped coming here because there simply isn't much reason to be here if you're trans. There was some useful stuff to be had at first and I made some great contacts through here that I treasure; however, there isn't much point to hanging around if you're anything other then a verified cam girl. Still, it is Amber's site and she can do whatever she wants with it. It doesn't really bother me all that much. It is just a reality that unless you want to just shoot the shit, there isn't much reason to hang around here if you're like me. I appreciate what I've gotten from the place, at least.

Thanks so much for sharing your experience! :h:
I'm glad you were able to get some info and contacts from here initially. Do you have any other resources/communities like this that you're a part of?
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It's nice to see you, been a while. :) I wonder, though, if you've read beyond the first few posts of the thread?

Things are changing.

But seriously, I really should read more before making posts!

Thank you. Always nice to see you and all the other people here! Even if it is mostly on twitter these days. Glad to hear some headway is being made into this issue. The site is a great resource regardless and I am thankful for everyone's role in making it that way.
Thanks so much for sharing your experience! :h:
I'm glad you were able to get some info and contacts from here initially. Do you have any other resources/communities like this that you're a part of?

Thank you.

Not really. Twitter is my main way of connecting with other sex workers these days.
one post, many comments. I have many replies, you might agree with one and facepalm the next. the machine is set up to encourage me to post in this fashion :p I can't apologize for that, I didn't build it.
Rest assured most of your comments are facepalm worthy, so condensing them won't be a problem
it's just a birth fact that I don't identify with. why wouldn't I be able to change it? what is your argument for the distinction?
It's very important for maintaining laws and for medical professionals to know. I've had to deal with an incorrect date on my birth certificate and... well, that wasn't fun. Keeping records is important for the structure of our laws.

You can choose to celebrate any birthdate you like though! I used to like to celebrate mine in the summer since I hated the cold January birthday outings.
It's very important for maintaining laws and for medical professionals to know. I've had to deal with an incorrect date on my birth certificate and... well, that wasn't fun. Keeping records is important for the structure of our laws.

you said 'it', not 'one is and one isn't', which is what arguing for a distinction would do. is the birth fact of my penis less relevant than the birth fact of November (which is just a point in time, not a part of me)? if so, how?

You can choose to celebrate any birthdate you like though!

likewise you can celebrate any gender or sex you like, no? I can celebrate women and kittens and chocolate without having to have my licence say anything about it. somehow my GP and the hospital manage to cope.
it's just a birth fact that I don't identify with. why wouldn't I be able to change it? what is your argument for the distinction?

Changing your birthdate because you don't identify with your astrology sign?! I'll just say it--it's silly. This is a non-issue to the world and not comparable or even belonging to the same category with trans people getting their sex changed on their ID--like why even...?

It's just sort of a mockery to real issues trans people who DO get their ID changed. I'm not sure how any of this has to even do with OP or the whole thread. "I don't identify with my birthday Everyone else has to change a system for me because of my astrology sign doesn't match me" yeah...silly
Changing your birthdate because you don't identify with your astrology sign?! I'll just say it--it's silly. This is a non-issue to the world and not comparable or even belonging to the same category with trans people getting their sex changed on their ID--like why even...?

silly or not, why cannot we humor that silliness in the same way we might humor what people must think is silly about gender? are there any real consequences to humoring either? some explanation of the harm done that explains why it's important for the system to be the way it is? changing your legal name to Princezz Sparkillz is silly, too, but no one denies anyone the right to do it, and certainly no one says 'it's silly and therefore they shouldn't have the right to do it'.
silly or not, why cannot we humor that silliness in the same way we might humor what people must think is silly about gender? are there any real consequences to humoring either? some explanation of the harm done that explains why it's important for the system to be the way it is? changing your legal name to Princezz Sparkillz is silly, too, but no one denies anyone the right to do it, and certainly no one says 'it's silly and therefore they shouldn't have the right to do it'.

It's just not the same thing.

Trans people can alter their bodies to the gender they identify as. People who change their names are actually changing their name, a name is something to identify as. Your birthdate is a FACT. You were born on that day, you can't change the day you were birthed. So these things just aren't the same and I guess I don't get why you are comparing them? Two of these things are identity issues and one is just a literal fact.
@uncoveredmanhole You clearly have a lot of questions about this and I highly suggest you should take a gender studies class. It will address a lot of your questions in a much more constructive way. I suspect upon its completion you will have a lot more empathy to and understanding of this issue feel like a pretty big jerk that you compared not identifying with your star sign to gender identity. (Hint: Is not identifying with your star sign currently something that has a massive, constant, every single day impact on your life and personal safety?)

I also suggest hitting up some of the links that were posting by OP for further reading on the topic. Perhaps once you have a better rudimentary understanding of the topic you can open your own thread for further discussion that would be better received because, as you can see, right now you aren't making a great impression.
so is your birth sex.
You schooled me!

No but seriously, you can change your biological sex. You can take hormones, get surgeries, ect.

If you don't think that's enough to change your sex, great. But your argument of "well if you can change your sex then I should be able to change my birthdate" is silly and doesn't really help prove your point.
@uncoveredmanhole You clearly have a lot of questions about this and I highly suggest you should take a gender studies class. It will address a lot of your questions in a much more constructive way.
I wouldn't do that any more than I would take a homeopathy course or an astrology course. If the people who have taken these courses appear to know nothing, I have no faith in the course itself teaching me something it couldn't teach them.

Is not identifying with your star sign currently something that has a massive, constant, every single day impact on your life and personal safety?)
for people who believe in astrology it is.
I wouldn't do that any more than I would take a homeopathy course or an astrology course. If the people who have taken these courses appear to know nothing, I have no faith in the course itself teaching me something it couldn't teach them.

for people who believe in astrology it is.

Oh my fucking god. YOUR SAFETY?!

Can this thread be dropped already. Still watching in case anything interesting crops up further, but this is getting ridiculous
No but seriously, you can change your biological sex. You can take hormones, get surgeries, ect.

If you don't think that's enough to change your sex, great.

indeed, you possibly can.
I have never looked at what scientific definition this or that government adheres to for determining sex/intersex/etc.
Do they just use genitals like a layman? (probably), or chromosomes, or what?
And does changing your genitals mean you have to change your birth certificate?--if I was in a penis-removing accident, would I have to change my birth certificate to call me a female? if I had a hormone anomaly from birth? am I changing my sex, or am I merely changing the outward appearance of primary indicators of my sex? Getting a tan doesn't mean I'm not Caucasian anymore, it just means I'm not pale.
Oh my fucking god. YOUR SAFETY?!

maybe I don't understand what you mean by an 'm' or 'f' on an old document having a bearing on my safety.

if I applied for a copy of my birth certificate tomorrow (or a US licence that states a sex or a gender or both), and much to my surprise, it said I was born 20/3/2018 and my sex was female, how would that be relevant to my safety?
maybe I don't understand what you mean by an 'm' or 'f' on an old document having a bearing on my safety.

if I applied for a copy of my birth certificate tomorrow (or a US licence that states a sex or a gender or both), and much to my surprise, it said I was born 20/3/2018 and my sex was female, how would that be relevant to my safety?

I was speaking of this

Is not identifying with your star sign currently something that has a massive, constant, every single day impact on your life and personal safety?)

for people who believe in astrology it is.

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