I think people cared just as much before Trump was in office. Just, for a lot of people, that amount seems to be zero. It's one thing to see that rich people, like Trump, can go around grabbing whomever they want and getting away with it. Women knew that already. That's really nothing new. It's another to watch them be lifted up to the highest political seat we have. I'm not sure if I can argue that the rape accusations and flippant assault admissions are the worst things about Trump. His disdain for the poor, the brown, science, public education, sex work (though he participates) and drug users is all terrifying given the position his base has put him in. But, I wouldn't judge anyone for thinking it is the worst. As a woman and a mother of 3.5 girls, it's definitely a hard pill to swallow that this man was able not just to avoid legal action for his misbehavior but to hop into the White House. Really, the way people AREN'T responding to the things he's up to is the scary part. We have a President who's pooping all over the citizens and the constitution and half of those citizens are still cheering. FOSTA/SESTA is a frightening window into other politicians all too willing to do the same. Bernie yay'd it. Educated people yay'd this thing. They have to know it isn't fully constitutional. That is what people should be screaming, but I don't mind throwing in there the hypocritical nature of a man who uses sex work signing the dang thing.