AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

What are the signs that a CB Model is simply a paid actor?

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Dec 9, 2024
What are the signs that a CB Model is simply a hired wage-earning / hourly paid actor?

Naive inquiry, I admit. It JUST occurred to me a couple days ago that a CB Model I adore and contribute to not-insignificantly might possibly simply be a paid actor for an Agency (or whatever you call these things). 🤦🏻‍♂️

When viewing CB through the years I have tried to keep in perspective that the majority of models on my screen are entertainers acting, sometimes VERY convincingly, similar to adult dancers. The "best" (most succe$$ful?) models acutely develop and hone their powers of persuasion and manipulation through experience and trial-and-error until they can convince even the most skeptical observer to suspend their disbelief. It can be awe-inspiring to observe, and I admire them for their skills and talents similarly to how I admire accomplished actors.

However, IMHO, for some reason there is a distinctly different and despondent feeling of disappointment and disillusionment when one considers the possibility that a model one has grown to adore may simply be a hired wage-earning or hourly paid actor, and have no involvement whatsoever in the ins-and-outs of "her" CB Room &/or OF page . . they are simply playing the role of a character assigned to them.

What are some of the tell-tale signs . . and/or . . how can one know? THX
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I've heard about selling promoted accounts before, but I don't think it works now. Apparently Chaturbate has solved this problem (verified face).

It used to look something like this: A model would leave the studio, but before she left, another model's documents would be uploaded, but the account wasn't marked as a couple. After which the account with a large number of subscribers (but with the same name) passed into the hands of another model, who also had an account before. In general, the studios made money on this. But that was quite a long time ago (more than 5 years ago), I have not seen anything like it since.
What? They can add another models ID and remove the old one as well as change the models username. Only people I know buying accounts with followers are models that previously worked on the account and left the studio.
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If others' & my estimations re. her Ticket Show are remotely correct (based on the numbers we were trying to keep track of as they scrolled by in the Chat), she had about 300+ viewers who paid 500 Tokens each, some of whom went on to tip MUCH more . . and she made about $20,000+ (understanding that CB takes about 40% and her Studio would probably take another 35%(?) . . she still should have walked away with a pretty penny.
FWIW I really feel that you're over-thinking and over-analyzing this model's room.
Maybe I'm wrong, but that's what I'm picking up on.
You got time to count how many users join a ticket show, add up the math, AND debate all that with other users, something's not right.

My advice: Tip, enjoy, repeat.
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FWIW I really feel that you're over-thinking and over-analyzing this model's room.
Maybe I'm wrong, but that's what I'm picking up on.
You got time to count how many users join a ticket show, add up the math, AND debate all that with other users, something's not right.

My advice: Tip, enjoy, repeat.
I appreciate your two cents, and feel you're probably mostly right.

A bunch of us (her regulars) have been with her since pretty early on, when she was a relative unknown newcomer stuck on page 5, and have really enjoyed the ride, watching (and participating in) her sudden success, cheering her on and supporting her how we can, and just hanging out in her lovely presence . .

(in "her bedroom," which is definitely in some sort of house set up for streaming models: very little evidence of personal items, no supplies / food / mess in the kitchen, every wall bare, pale walls pale furniture pale carpet pale curtains, etc)

. . for hours day after day. So up to the point that things really got "interesting," it was simply exciting and fun to sort of just sit back and watch the circus of the Ticket Show and try to keep track of the sudden swarm of people paying 500Tokens each and then tipping generously on top of that.

* typing "/ticket" in the chat gives one the number of tickets sold . . easy peasy
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FWIW I really feel that you're over-thinking and over-analyzing this model's room.
Maybe I'm wrong, but that's what I'm picking up on.
You got time to count how many users join a ticket show, add up the math, AND debate all that with other users, something's not right.

My advice: Tip, enjoy, repeat.


OP - I think you should remember to approach this for what it is: entertainment. Visit rooms, spend money, have fun. Assume models are “acting,” and learn to consider that a good thing. Again - they’re entertainers. You should expect (and enjoy!) the embellishments, personas, and roles being played.

Remember these are adults, and remember that CB has very strict checks in place to prevent foul play. And worrying about what happens behind the scenes will bring you nothing but stress, because you’ll probably never know, anyway. Just like if I go to see a musician perform, or an actor, I have no clue what happens in their lives once the show ends. But I still enjoy the show for what it is, and move on.
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OP - I think you should remember to approach this for what it is: entertainment. Visit rooms, spend money, have fun. Assume models are “acting,” and learn to consider that a good thing. Again - they’re entertainers. You should expect (and enjoy!) the embellishments, personas, and roles being played.

Remember these are adults, and remember that CB has very strict checks in place to prevent foul play. And worrying about what happens behind the scenes will bring you nothing but stress, because you’ll probably never know, anyway. Just like if I go to see a musician perform, or an actor, I have no clue what happens in their lives once the show ends. But I still enjoy the show for what it is, and move on.
Appreciate it . . I hope I'm getting there.

"Remember that CB has very strict checks in place to prevent foul play." I can't remember this because I was unaware of it until just now when I read it.

Through the years, I have sort of assumed CB (all cam streaming sites, really) is a generally murky, seedy underground organization taking advantage of and exploiting other people's vulnerabilities and misfortunes. I know there are MANY positive aspects off cam sites and camming, as well. "Sex" is the most powerful thing in the world, the oldest profession, and it is probably beyond my capacity to even begin to estimate the billions and billions (trillions?) of $$$$ thrown at making money and losing money surrounding every aspect of men being horny, from centerfolds to escorts to T.V. shows to mascara to furniture . . you get the point.

CB has been the #1 (most well-known? most popular? most accessible?) cam site in my understanding for a long time, and it would not surprise me if it is run like something akin to the mob. It would also not surprise me if it is run like something akin to Facebook or Johnson & Johnson. Some would say I am a skeptic. Perhaps I'm cynical. I'd say I'm a realist.

If CB (and all the other cam sites) are generally decent folks running honest businesses on the up-and-up, and not taking too much advantage of other peoples circumstances in life and/or exploiting people when they are vulnerable and/or too inexperienced (naive? young?) to make well-rounded decisions that could impact the rest of their lives . . well . . I'm super happy to learn more about that : )
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Appreciate it . . I hope I'm getting there.

"Remember that CB has very strict checks in place to prevent foul play." I can't remember this because I was unaware of it until just now when I read it.

Through the years, I have sort of assumed CB (all cam streaming sites, really) is a generally murky, seedy underground organization taking advantage of and exploiting other people's vulnerabilities and misfortunes. I know there are MANY positive aspects off cam sites and camming, as well. "Sex" is the most powerful thing in the world, the oldest profession, and it is probably beyond my capacity to even begin to estimate the billions and billions (trillions?) of $$$$ thrown at making money and losing money surrounding every aspect of men being horny, from centerfolds to escorts to T.V. shows to mascara to furniture . . you get the point.

CB has been the #1 (most well-known? most popular? most accessible?) cam site in my understanding for a long time, and it would not surprise me if it is run like something akin to the mob. It would also not surprise me if it is run like something akin to Facebook or Johnson & Johnson. Some would say I am a skeptic. Perhaps I'm cynical. I'd say I'm a realist.

If CB (and all the other cam sites) are generally decent folks running honest businesses on the up-and-up, and not taking too much advantage of other peoples circumstances in life and/or exploiting people when they are vulnerable and/or too inexperienced (naive? young?) to make well-rounded decisions that could impact the rest of their lives . . well . . I'm super happy to learn more about that : )
I hear Mariah Carey 🎼 “ why you so obsessed with me” any time you reply. why do dudes give a fuck about if a model has personal items during a stream. Gross dude. Go walk on grass for a month get some fresh air.
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What are the signs that a CB Model is simply a hired wage-earning / hourly paid actor?
What are some of the tell-tale signs . . and/or . . how can one know? THX

If you have ever seen her say "No" or "Fuck Off" to a member with ready tokens, take it as a good sign.
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What? They can add another models ID and remove the old one as well as change the models username. Only people I know buying accounts with followers are models that previously worked on the account and left the studio.
I hope not anymore. But I used to follow one account where every six months there was a new face. At first I just followed one model (she worked for a year and a half), after which new ones started appearing other people instead of her. I often saw offers from studios to sell such accounts. I'm not sure how exactly they did it, but yes, it happened. But that was a long time ago, so I hope that such schemes are no longer relevant. I'm not sure about the fate of this account, but last I saw it had about a million followers.
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Girls being replaced on popular accounts is quite frequent now. Definitely way more then it was 5 years ago. Don't know if they pay or if a studio just thinks they're more likely to make more money this way then start a new account for a model.

Not related to camming, but just wanted people to be aware most 'reality' shows are just acting. The situations have been planned and set up, especially the American ones.
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Girls being replaced on popular accounts is quite frequent now. Definitely way more then it was 5 years ago. Don't know if they pay or if a studio just thinks they're more likely to make more money this way then start a new account for a model.

Not related to camming, but just wanted people to be aware most 'reality' shows are just acting. The situations have been planned and set up, especially the American ones.
I haven't followed this for a long time, I thought it was already in the past...
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I hear Mariah Carey 🎼 “ why you so obsessed with me” any time you reply. why do dudes give a fuck about if a model has personal items during a stream. Gross dude. Go walk on grass for a month get some fresh air.
Perhaps I didn't express myself well 🤦🏻‍♂️

By "personal items," I meant "anything that might be seen in a lived-in space, but not be seen in a staged room" . . like: art / posters / pictures on any wall, clothes in a closet, a sponge in the kitchen, something in the refrigerator, a pillow on the couch . . anything item added to or subtracted from the room or anything in the room that has moved over six months, etc.
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I haven't followed this for a long time, I thought it was already in the past...
There are a bunch of them on CB, where the alias stays the same but the Model changes every six months / year.

Then the model sometimes pops back up under a different alias at the same time her old alias is streaming . . sometimes even on the same page.
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Perhaps I didn't express myself well 🤦🏻‍♂️

By "personal items," I meant "anything that might be seen in a lived-in space, but not be seen in a staged room" . . like: art / posters / pictures on any wall, clothes in a closet, a sponge in the kitchen, something in the refrigerator, a pillow on the couch . . anything item added to or subtracted from the room or anything in the room that has moved over six months, etc.
Still Fucking Creepy as fuck. Throw away your magnifying glass and go out and walk on Green Fresh Grass For a month or year.
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Still Fucking Creepy as fuck. Throw away your magnifying glass and go out and walk on Green Fresh Grass For a month or year.
I don't understand why observing that, although a cam model is being portrayed as being in her bedroom, she is likely simply on a set is fucking creepy as fuck. So I like puzzles and solving things. For years I naively assumed it was their actual room and suspended my disbelief. Now I am aware it is probably a set. Why is that creepy?

You are correct about getting out and walking on green grass, which I love to do, although I would much rather walk on a beach.
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taking advantage of and exploiting other people's vulnerabilities and misfortunes
See, this is where I get a bit pissed off. The assumption that cam models are all doing it because they are down on their luck. Put away your goalkeepers gloves. Nobody needs to be saved.
I don't understand why observing that, although a cam model is being portrayed as being in her bedroom, she is likely simply on a set is fucking creepy as fuck. So I like puzzles and solving things. For years I naively assumed it was their actual room and suspended my disbelief. Now I am aware it is probably a set. Why is that creepy?
It's not creepy as fuck. If you knew anything about the industry then you would know that studios are commonplace. Some are better than others, but there's nothing creepy as fuck about utilitarian rooms with a bed, some wallpaper and a few ornaments. It's just the nature of creating a supposedly sexy space which is probably used by multiple models on a rotating shift over 24 hours.

You are overthinking a lot of this stuff. It's entertainment.
There are a bunch of them on CB, where the alias stays the same but the Model changes every six months / year.

Then the model sometimes pops back up under a different alias at the same time her old alias is streaming . . sometimes even on the same page.
I've seen the model change in the course of one day - changing back again the following shift ha ha
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See, this is where I get a bit pissed off. The assumption that cam models are all doing it because they are down on their luck. Put away your goalkeepers gloves. Nobody needs to be saved.
Thank you for your reply 🙏. I totally get this and knew it would be coming, deservedly so, as soon as I hit "Post Reply."

You're absolutely 100% right, of course, which nobody needs me or anybody else to validate, obviously: I have only a very limited amount of direct, 1st hand experience in this area.

I didn't mean to infer that all or even most cam models, escorts, adult dancers, adult film actors & actresses, adult magazine models, etc. are doing it because they are down on their luck or at their wit's end struggling to make ends meet with no other options available.

I just meant to say that some probably are. I hate thinking about anybody being exploited or taken advantage of . . in any job . . but especially when it comes to one's agency (a person's ability to make choices and control their actions) and potentially compromising (?) images - -either moving or still -- on the internet.
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I don't understand why observing that, although a cam model is being portrayed as being in her bedroom, she is likely simply on a set is fucking creepy as fuck. So I like puzzles and solving things. For years I naively assumed it was their actual room and suspended my disbelief. Now I am aware it is probably a set. Why is that creepy?

You are correct about getting out and walking on green grass, which I love to do, although I would much rather walk on a beach.
My room is set up so Nothing at all can be assumed about my life in any way to protect my sanity from people like you who crave So Much and dive into some idea that you are entitled to A Lot More information about a models space just because you are a puzzle solver. There is NOTHING creepy about studios rooms. Take that walk on the beach asap!
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My room is set up so Nothing at all can be assumed about my life in any way to protect my sanity from people like you who crave So Much and dive into some idea that you are entitled to A Lot More information about a models space just because you are a puzzle solver. There is NOTHING creepy about studios rooms. Take that walk on the beach asap!
I'm glad you said this, because I've been wanting to in this thread too.

It's not safe, especially as a woman in this industry, to personalize your space too much.
Part of being a sex worker, or even a public entertainer, in general, is that people want to analyze you, and delve into your privacy, which can feel (and be) very violating. Plus stalking is a thing, and violence and murder are things. Personalizing your room is the opposite of what any of us would want to do (within reasonable bounds).

None of the viewers get to see everything about us, and that is healthy. Boundaries are healthy, and should not be pushed.

I get guys who come in and ask where I live and if I'm married right off the bat, then leave when I refuse to tell them. That is fine with me, because context.

It's noone's right to know anything of my personal business, unless I feel like sharing it.
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I'm glad you said this, because I've been wanting to in this thread too.

It's not safe, especially as a woman in this industry, to personalize your space too much.
Part of being a sex worker, or even a public entertainer, in general, is that people want to analyze you, and delve into your privacy, which can feel (and be) very violating. Plus stalking is a thing, and violence and murder are things. Personalizing your room is the opposite of what any of us would want to do (within reasonable bounds).
Fact!!! And I applaud every studio that has great lighting and sweet features with nothing to identify country or state or city or what the weather is outside which can dictate What time of day it is. I have been a cam model way too long to know immediately when a jackass starts making assumptions about my location or if I’m married or single. Jerks will assume and make stupid fucking comments about the space we work in trying to pry and interrogate to know Everything they can about all of us. It’s so Fucking Gross Creepy and Weird and knowing that they fixate on things like The Bedrooms decore and can’t just tip while watching us Models whip their dick out jerk off and bust all over the place and log the fuck off. And Repeat when they love the show. Then we have dudes like this man who is WAYYYY overthinking every fucking aspect of our lives and our personal spaces. 🤮.
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My room is set up so Nothing at all can be assumed about my life in any way to protect my sanity from people like you who crave So Much and dive into some idea that you are entitled to A Lot More information about a models space just because you are a puzzle solver. There is NOTHING creepy about studios rooms. Take that walk on the beach asap!
REMEMBER IT’S A JOB!!!!!! People Go to a Studio with a Room that is set up for a Woman to do HER Job so she can pay her Bills ! And go home to her Sanctuary to Fuck her Husband or Boyfriend or Wife or GF on her own bed. where you Have NO part of being ever and NOT one single model on the planet wants a User from a sex site in their personal space because It’s Just a JOB! We clock in we do our JOB and we log the fuck off. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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REMEMBER IT’S A JOB!!!!!! People Go to a Studio with a Room that is set up for a Woman to do HER Job so she can pay her Bills ! And go home to her Sanctuary to Fuck her Husband or Boyfriend or Wife or GF on her own bed. where you Have NO part of being ever and NOT one single model on the planet wants a User from a sex site in their personal space because It’s Just a JOB! We clock in we do our JOB and we log the fuck off. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Exactly, although I think the Love Conners actually volunteer all kinds of info like this to everyone, but that's a whole other topic. The info they volunteer is primarily made up, because guys who like to pry and investigate, are vulnerable to this kind of manipulation and exploitation ie Love Conning.

As responsible member, I'd actually consider it suspicious and a red flag, if a model started over sharing personal info with me. But the type of guys that works on, are the same type who will abuse us for not sharing it, and being professional/ setting boundaries, then complain when they get love conned. I'm the bitch for being straight up with some of these dudes, about certain things they are saying, and doing or not doing, being very offputting. But they'll run to the arms of a Love Con model, who'll blow smoke up their asses and act like she's in love with every single one of them, and sing her fucking praises to the Moon and back. Sometimes it's hard to have sympathy for that, when they get ripped off to the Moon and back (both financially and emotionally).
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