What are the signs that a CB Model is simply a hired wage-earning / hourly paid actor?
Naive inquiry, I admit. It JUST occurred to me a couple days ago that a CB Model I adore and contribute to not-insignificantly might possibly simply be a paid actor for an Agency (or whatever you call these things).
When viewing CB through the years I have tried to keep in perspective that the majority of models on my screen are entertainers acting, sometimes VERY convincingly, similar to adult dancers. The "best" (most succe$$ful?) models acutely develop and hone their powers of persuasion and manipulation through experience and trial-and-error until they can convince even the most skeptical observer to suspend their disbelief. It can be awe-inspiring to observe, and I admire them for their skills and talents similarly to how I admire accomplished actors.
However, IMHO, for some reason there is a distinctly different and despondent feeling of disappointment and disillusionment when one considers the possibility that a model one has grown to adore may simply be a hired wage-earning or hourly paid actor, and have no involvement whatsoever in the ins-and-outs of "her" CB Room &/or OF page . . they are simply playing the role of a character assigned to them.
What are some of the tell-tale signs . . and/or . . how can one know? THX
Naive inquiry, I admit. It JUST occurred to me a couple days ago that a CB Model I adore and contribute to not-insignificantly might possibly simply be a paid actor for an Agency (or whatever you call these things).

When viewing CB through the years I have tried to keep in perspective that the majority of models on my screen are entertainers acting, sometimes VERY convincingly, similar to adult dancers. The "best" (most succe$$ful?) models acutely develop and hone their powers of persuasion and manipulation through experience and trial-and-error until they can convince even the most skeptical observer to suspend their disbelief. It can be awe-inspiring to observe, and I admire them for their skills and talents similarly to how I admire accomplished actors.
However, IMHO, for some reason there is a distinctly different and despondent feeling of disappointment and disillusionment when one considers the possibility that a model one has grown to adore may simply be a hired wage-earning or hourly paid actor, and have no involvement whatsoever in the ins-and-outs of "her" CB Room &/or OF page . . they are simply playing the role of a character assigned to them.
What are some of the tell-tale signs . . and/or . . how can one know? THX