Shaun__ said:
My DVR deleted the episode from two weeks ago before I could watch it, I think I am going to give up on slow walking zombies. The show just seems to have no idea where it wants to go.
I can totally understand why you want to give up on a show that doesn't seem to have a direction. However, as someone who read the comics, I can tell you that everything that is happening right now is happening for a reason. After everyone left the prison the show has focused on character development instead of nonstop action and conflict - otherwise known as The Governor.
It may be "slow" in the action department right now but the relationships that are developing are all part of what makes this show so good, in my opinion. I mean, if you didn't connect with or care about any of the characters then their survival or death probably wouldn't really anything to you and killing zombies admittedly gets really boring after a while.
So yeah, I'd hang on for a little while longer if you think you can manage it. (This week's episode was AWESOME. I had been waiting for it for a while.