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Trivia Anyone?

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also joined in today - and made 8/10 with around 4 wild guesses. :)

Don't ask me for lyrics - I am happy if i understand the models half the time on mfc - not trying to decipher some singing.
I got Science and Technology... Let's just say 7/9 of my correct answers I didn't know any of the words that were used as answers... I guess I shouldn't do this because I'm good at the whole "elimination testing". This is the only reason I scored a 96 on the ASVAB and on a state proctored exam once I made a 100% with 0 questions wrong (technically 121%) purely based on elimination testing. I guess doing multiple choicetrivia IS cheating but it takes m FOREVER.
Hmm science and technology should be yesterday, should have changed to music trivia now.
Jupiter551 said:
Hmm science and technology should be yesterday, should have changed to music trivia now.

The music category almost always kicks my ass, unless I get very lucky guessing.

Is there a mythology category by any chance? I'm a mythology buff too, so it'd be neat.
Jupiter551 said:
That and Fenix's cheaty twitch reactions.

hmm, usually i'm slow(ish), makeumoist used to be always good for a sub 40 second score. that is scary

and i learnt my lesson a while back, i don't even consider taking the quiz until my third coffee of the morning. ie after 10
the really annoying thing is when my mouse batteries die in the middle of the round
I think we should all get the same to see some of you fuckers answer where eurovision was held 18 years ago :p :p
Bocefish said:
There are no mythological categories.

We can try having everyone take the same quiz if you want to test the honor system. :p

I don't see why someone would bother cheating on a trivia contest, I definitely wouldn't, so either way they'd be random questions for me.
questions 8 and 9? wtf?? :woops: and so I got 8 out of 10 and 6th place....this is fun--thank you Bocefish!​
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it is fun, and I noticed more players since (presumably) this thread has been near the top
7/10 and I am trying to either know it or click one and go on, but music is something my family shares. Eurovision? Not so much a family history of knowledge on that one.
finally! 10/10.....(#3 on the list) :-D :whistle: :-D

Top 50 Scores So Far Today
Top 50 scores at end of the day earn points.
Player Award Correct Seconds Score
1. morment + 9 pts 10! 48 952
2. comrade_1917 + 8 pts 10! 77 923
3. LiLredhairgrl + 7 pts 10! 79 921
4. CrazyCat42 + 7 pts 10! 90 910
5. Jupiter551 + 6 pts 9 52 848
6. Fenix001 + 6 pts 8 52 748
7. Pervs_INC + 5 pts 8 73 727
8. MercyRain + 5 pts 8 123 677
9. Bocefish_D + 5 pts 7 56 644
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Grats Lil Red :)

lol I was in such a frenzy to get a fast time that I didn't fully read through the stupidly long-winded last question and got it wrong lol :p
I am so glad to see so many new players. The group had been dwindling.
LiLredhairedgrl said:
AngelAndrea said:
Yay! 10/10 #2 on the list today! I like the random significant stuff.

#2, huh? DAMN YOU TO HELLLLLL....... :mrgreen:


HA! I am just being silly...good job miss angelandrea, you have a HOTBRAIN BB!
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :clap:

HAHAHA!! I love that photo! I'll take a face beating from a red-headed hottie!
I forgot about this for a while... :crybaby:and so my fingers must have been "stiff" & out of practice cuz usually I am SO much quicker and if only I would have been quicker I may have beat Mr. Jupiter and been in 4th place instead of 5th.... :-D :-D
(and if I wouldnt have missed one of the EASIEST questions...duh :roll:)

4. Jupiter551 + 5 pts 9 55 845
5. LiLredhairgrl + 5 pts 9 91 809

So watch out Jupiter! I am cumming after you next...


(tee hee hee... ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) )
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I was being cocky without a cock.
woe is me....​


Player Award Correct Seconds Score
1. Bocefish_D + 9 pts 8 83 717
2. Wilfy84 + 8 pts 7 102 598
3. Jupiter551 + 7 pts 7 109 591
4. comrade_1917 + 7 pts 7 132 568
5. Traditio + 6 pts 6 106 494
6. morment + 6 pts 5 69 431
7. Fenix001 + 5 pts 5 74 426
8. Pervs_INC + 5 pts 5 81 419
9. LiLredhairgrl + 5 pts 4 123 277
:whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :hello2:​
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