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Trivia Anyone?

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Just wanted to let everyone know they can check how they are doing and what their average is by clicking the Standings box just above where it says when Today's Game Ends. ;)


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More players = more fun. :mrgreen:

A question for the players. Do you use a mouse or a touch pad when you input your answers. I use a touch pad and simply cannot go any faster. I tried to rush today and ended up fucking up twice.
always mouse, i've struggled with touchpads since my first laptop way back when.

the problem i have is that too many of the questions rely on a knowledge of america, ie tv shows and historical figures
Bad Fenix, Bad
Note to self, do not attempt trivia before coffee. it does not work
So I probably had the slowest time ever recorded for a quiz today, 28413 seconds :lol:

I tried to take the quiz earlier this morning, but couldn't answer any of the questions because the answer bubbles weren't there and apparently the clock kept running until I came back a minute ago.
Yep, that may be a record :lol: Some browsers like chrome can do that to the check boxes/answer bubbles. There's a fix but can't recall what it is right now.

I just tried to play while a model was in *AWAY* status, but mid-quiz she came back with her sound all messed up and the volume blaring and distorted...totally blew my concentration and time, lol. Lesson learned.
damnit boce, now i want to go buy stuff from that website.

also, isn't it about time we had a change of subjects for the trivia?
just wanna say that last month was a fairly close run thing.

personally i would like to see harder topics. i think that the top score should be the one who gets the most right and not the fastest reader/clicker. take today for an example, of the 5 players all but 1 have 10 correct. personally i would also like to see less americanised questions, but that is solely because i am english.
I just had a go, great idea btw, I do think it's way too easy. At least if it's difficult (and interesting) we'll learn a bit :p
That's the kind of feedback I can use and will increase the difficulty levels. I've been keeping it on the easier side just for funzies. The fun trivia mixes have some strictly UK questions too, we'll see.
4/10 - yes I suck! :woops:
Now it's reaaaallly super american lol, at least 4 of the questions today involved presidents
Jupiter551 said:
Now it's reaaaallly super american lol, at least 4 of the questions today involved presidents

i got lucky, only two questions about presidents. and i guessed lucky on one of them.

and i'm beginning to think that we should insist that makeumoist does it blindfolded, at least it would give the rest of us a chance
5/10, that's because I know nothing about US presidents - can you mix it up a bit please :pray:
Fenix is the KING of super-twitchy mouse selecting!! Even when I know every answer without thinking about it he destroys me by 5 seconds lol!
I was #5 for today!
(i missed one--but I SWEAR I MEANT CHOCOLATE, NOT FREAKING TOFFEE! sheesh...)
oh yeah, there were only 7 of us... ;)

Top 50 Scores So Far Today
Top 50 scores at end of the day earn points.
Player Award Correct Seconds Score
1. Fenix001 + 7 pts 10! 73 927
2. Jupiter551 + 6 pts 10! 78 922
3. comrade_1917 + 6 pts 10! 86 914
4. morment + 5 pts 10! 97 903
5. LiLredhairgrl + 5 pts 9 113 787
6. angelandrea + 5 pts 9 124 776
7. Bocefish_D + 4 pts 7 112 588​
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Grats guys on making it into the top 7!! :p

My biggest problem is remembering to do the damn thing every day. That and Fenix's cheaty twitch reactions.

I just did today's: "In what country did the 1993 Eurovision song contest take place?" ....Are you fucking kidding me
I need to remember to pause the movie I'm watching while taking the quiz, I would've shaved at least 10-15 seconds off of my time yesterday if I hadn't kept craning over to watch the tv.

Even though I only got a 6/10 for today's I'm still happy with it, I guessed on all but a couple of them.
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