AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Things Members Say That Make You Go "WTF?"

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
I have 4 brand new HD videos. The price would normally be 650 for all of them. I have a sale for the package for 500 tokens for August. I personally feel this is a steep discount (basically it's buy 3 vids get an entire one free.) I cropped some unimportant lines from pub chat below:
Public chat said:
06:27:07 PM bjoneski85: can i have the vids for 490 tokens
06:27:20 PM ACs_Johnny: really?
06:27:22 PM ACs_Johnny: duhfuck?
06:27:30 PM ACs_Johnny: you cant do 500
06:27:33 PM ACs_Johnny: but you can do 490?
06:27:47 PM ACs_Johnny: k, brainiack.
06:28:00 PM bjoneski85: right
06:28:06 PM ACs_Johnny: its 10 tokens.
06:28:10 PM ACs_Johnny: 10.
06:29:05 PM bjoneski85: sorry johnny, have a life and wife but amber is so hot!
06:29:16 PM Jake710: Are the new vids on sale individual?
06:29:25 PM AmberCutie: All 4 new vids for 500 tokens or buy individually
06:29:38 PM Jake710: ill take the foot obsession!
06:29:39 PM ACs_Johnny: I get that
06:30:00 PM bjoneski85: i loved the purple dildo vid
06:30:30 PM Jake710: So is it 150 for the foot one or 100?
06:30:35 PM Topic: Foreplay and group soon! Tips are spectacular! 4 new vids! 500 for all of em.
06:30:36 PM bjoneski85: prettyplease
06:30:58 PM bjoneski85: with a cherry on top?
06:31:28 PM ZenHedonist: Go sell some plasma bj
06:31:32 PM ZenHedonist: Dumpster dive
06:31:56 PM Hay_Zeus: WTF is a plasma bj?
06:32:09 PM bjoneski85: i have a mortgage and 2 car payments, but i love your vids
06:32:16 PM bjoneski85: oh well
06:32:17 PM ZenHedonist: Knock over a Stop & Rob
06:32:25 PM Hay_Zeus: actually, I don't want to know
06:32:40 PM ACDuoSher: He has 490 tokens?
06:33:07 PM ACs_Johnny: Lol
06:33:26 PM bjoneski85: calm down super nerds, i just asked question
>> at which point I told bj that I thought I was being really respectful with my denial of the exception of the already great deal of a sale and which he'd just listen to me and not everyone else, and not call my friends names <<
06:33:50 PM ACDuoSher: I just gave you 10, bj
06:33:55 PM ACDuoSher: You better buy it now
06:34:04 PM bjoneski85: not talkin to you, the chatters (to me)
>> he leaves the room, ignoring the fact that Duo spotted him 10 tokens <<

I had been verbally replying things like "well the sale is ALL month long, so you have plenty of time! Just come back when you can and they'll be waiting for you" and "and don't forget you can just buy SOME of the vids and not all of them, that'll be less than 500" the entire time.

Now I know "it's only 10 tokens" but it's the principle of the matter. When a store has a sale on something at a steep discount, you can either afford it at that rate, or you don't buy it... you don't go up to the register and ask for more of a discount. I feel like making exceptions (especially publicly where it sets a visible example to EVERYONE watching) is a slippery slope. Let one person get an extra 10 tokens off a deal, the next person wants 15 off, then 20 off... it's best to just stand your ground to start with.

I thought maybe he had missed the comment from Duo about the token donation, so I PM'd him:

PM with bj said:
06:35:24 PM AmberCutie: one of my friends sent you 10 tokens so that you can get the package
06:35:28 PM AmberCutie: if you didn't notice
06:36:39 PM AmberCutie: i think you left before it happened
06:37:24 PM AmberCutie: are you typing to me? it keeps saying you are but i don't see anything
06:37:35 PM bjoneski85: its ok, dont like the way i was treated, youre gorgeous btw, im here for you not them, he can have them back if he wants
06:37:55 PM AmberCutie: i'd love to send you the vids if you tip like you said you wanted to
06:38:01 PM AmberCutie: and i know you understand, its the principle
06:38:54 PM AmberCutie: and like i said, i think i treated you and the situation respectfully
06:38:58 PM AmberCutie: while holding my ground
06:39:14 PM AmberCutie: you seem nice so i know you understand that.
06:40:30 PM bjoneski85: i do, ill see you another day, cant help that i have real life bills, youre gorgeous and wanted to spend my tokens on you
06:40:38 PM AmberCutie: sweetheart...
06:40:53 PM AmberCutie: you offered to tip for the vids, someone gave you the amount needed, and now you're not?
06:41:09 PM AmberCutie: big disappointment
06:41:26 PM bjoneski85: because of the principle
06:41:35 PM bjoneski85: so was getting bashed in your roo
06:41:40 PM bjoneski85: room
06:41:46 PM AmberCutie: you said you're her for ME
06:41:49 PM AmberCutie: i treated you respectfully
06:42:01 PM AmberCutie: you're not doing the right thing here ;(
06:42:28 PM bjoneski85: whatever you say
06:42:37 PM bjoneski85: if you want to ban me thats fine
06:42:42 PM AmberCutie: see, i don't want to
06:42:46 PM AmberCutie: but you're being super mean here
06:42:50 PM AmberCutie: after a friend of mine helped you out
06:42:53 PM AmberCutie: you're bailing
06:43:12 PM bjoneski85: how do i give the tokens back? i dont need his charity
06:43:30 PM AmberCutie: tip them to me, because he would have anyway
06:44:29 PM bjoneski85: are we done now?
06:44:50 PM AmberCutie: completely. sorry we wasted each others time. ishould have just said NO and let it go and i guess u should have too
06:44:51 PM AmberCutie: take care.

So of course I 60-day banned, because if I wasn't worth the 490 tokens then, I won't ever be, and it was a dick move ultimately.

So, lessons learned here?
1. Giving people the benefit of the doubt is risky, best just to say NO and move on.
2. Comments made by models' regulars do sometimes affect her tokens
3. Members: donating tokens to a newcomer/stranger will probably end with disappointment.
4. Most members don't have "real life bills" (according to this dude) so the ones that do have real life bills should get a steeper discount than everyone else. :thumbleft:
LilyMarie said:
This guy bought my sex video.

09:44:23 PM racercoup: that file is too large to down load. i tried 3 times
09:44:27 PM racercoup: The download was taking too long and was stopped by the network.
09:45:02 PM LilyMarie: works for everyone else.
09:45:08 PM LilyMarie: you should make space on your hard drive!
09:45:28 PM racercoup: i dont know how to do that
09:46:04 PM LilyMarie: delete things
09:46:31 PM racercoup: I have plenty of room on my hard drive
09:46:47 PM LilyMarie: the file is not too big to download
09:48:18 PM racercoup: The download was taking too long and was stopped by the network.
09:48:37 PM racercoup: thats what happens everytime i try and download
09:59:20 PM racercoup: send me the file in an mfc email
10:06:12 PM LilyMarie: I just sent it to you in a pm...
10:06:23 PM LilyMarie:
10:09:39 PM racercoup: that link is useless, email me the file pls
10:10:56 PM LilyMarie: it's not useless. You click on it to find the chat log with the PM I sent you.
10:11:29 PM LilyMarie: I can't send files in an MFC mail, and I can't even E-MAIL you the file because it's too big. You'll have to download it like everyone else did.
10:11:50 PM racercoup: I have tried, it wont download
10:12:02 PM LilyMarie: That's your problem, not mine, to be honest
10:12:07 PM LilyMarie: works for everyone else like I said
10:12:18 PM LilyMarie: you should talk to your ISP! you might have a weak connection
10:12:23 PM racercoup: fuck you - keep the tockens and die


Lily, not only do we sell videos but we're also here to play tech support. Come on didn't you realize that when you signed up? lmao
LilyMarie said:
This guy bought my sex video.

09:44:23 PM racercoup: that file is too large to down load. i tried 3 times
09:44:27 PM racercoup: The download was taking too long and was stopped by the network.

I'm not saying this is true for you, but it can be true quite often..

It annoys me when models don't know anything about sizing videos.

You buy a video, it's only 10 minutes but the file is over 1GB..

I personally have rubbish internet speed so a 1GB download is pretty much worthless because It will take forever or time out.

Now you can say "well that is your problem, it works for other people" but at the same time 1GB for 10 minutes is huge and a joke.

Again, not saying it at you because I have no idea what you file sizes are, I just know it happens quite a lot.
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MFCGod said:
I'm not saying this is true for you, but it can be true quite often..

It annoys me when models don't know anything about sizing videos.

You buy a video, it's only 10 minutes but the file is over 1GB..

I personally have rubbish internet speed so a 1GB download is pretty much worthless because It will take forever or time out.

Now you can say "well that is your problem, it works for other people" but at the same time 1GB for 10 minutes is huge and a joke.

Again, not saying it at you because I have no idea what you file sizes are, I just know it happens quite a lot.
It's 1.6 GB big and 16 minutes long.
It's Full HD. I use Sony Vegas and there's no format in which you can render it so that it ends up being a smaller size. I've tried. So much for 'not knowing anything about sizing videos'.
The size is not a joke, but normal. The source material, coming straight from the camera, is much bigger (3 GB for 10 minutes).
I have relatively slow internet here (14 mbps download speed right now) and when I start downloading the video on my computer, Chrome tells me it'll take about an hour. Most MFC guys have much faster internet than me. I know of members who have downloaded the video in as little as 5 minutes. I've been selling the video for a year and no one has ever complained about the time they had to wait, so it must have been at least bearable for everyone.

If you have slow internet but want to watch Full HD content, there are sacrifices you have to make (i.e. having to wait for up to one hour).
I don't know about the time out, but it has only happened to the guy I was talking about, and one regular (who managed to make it work after a few tries). I've sold the video many, many times, and the most that people ever say to me is "woah, 1.6 GB!" or "damn, it says it'll take an hour, I can't wait to watch it!"

tldr; 2 people having a time-out issue is not enough for me to start uploading my videos in Standard Definition when I can have them in Full HD. The fact that they're Full HD is a huge selling point for my videos and the reason they're comparatively expensive.

By the way the link in your sig is wrong. :)

Yeah that is a pretty huge file, but still there's at least as many pervs who would rather a large very high quality video as there are ones who want a fast, quick to download vid.

I've bought many videos, and for quality/size ratio I think Amber's are amazing. Very high quality, very small size.

This is not a criticism of any model regardless of the size of her videos.
Jupiter551 said:
I've bought many videos, and for quality/size ratio I think Amber's are amazing. Very high quality, very small size.
I just went to Amber's video page and it looks like going down 1 resolution already makes a big difference in file size :think: Her underwater video is 511 MB at 10:38 mins and that's about half of what a video of mine would be at that length.
So if people actually started complaining about my file sizes, I would probably switch to 1280x720... It really seems to make a difference!
faust69: sorry had to check my batch
faust69: it's all good yo
*Godiva explains that 'faust69' is apparently baking meth and says she calls him Walter White*
faust69: lol
Jupiter551: more like Jesse, Walter wouldn't be distracted by MFC lol
faust69: jupiter u couldn't hold my jock so shut the fuck up nigga
faust69: don't fuck wit me
faust69: jupiter
Jupiter551: dude I wouldn't WANT to hold your jock [:lol]
*Godiva enquires wtf is going on*
faust69: ya he's my bitch
faust69: just sayn
Jupiter551: yeah I said he was Jesse not walter
faust69: fuckn nigga
Jupiter551: see? who always says bitch?
Jupiter551: Jesse!
faust69: don't fuck wit me
faust69: fuckn nigga
faust69: i'm walter
faust69: bitch
PM from Godiva420: fucking hell faust lol
Jupiter551: as if walter would say bitch lol you're so Jesse
faust69: i bet ur ugly jupiter
faust69: u couldn't get laid in wood shop
faust69: just sayhn
faust69: why
faust69: cause i'm right
faust69: jupiter is an ugly mofo
faust69: just sayn
Jupiter551: I bet you're extremely touchy lol
faust69: jup
faust69: kiss my ass
faust69: fuckn nigga
gaanm: delivered to the uterus?
gaanm: patience, patience
gaanm: endure juice comes out
gaanm: your Love juice
gaanm: in pussy, upper side of wall, around back of navel
gaanm: There are a lot of pleats,Gently rub into one by one of the pleats
gaanm: This method takes time to orgasm, However, the effect is tremendous, You may cry
From yesterday.

06:52:32 PM Selene24: Do you feel awkward if I ask how many kids you have? :$
06:56:30 PM Selene24: Just wondering how it could feel like being a parent =)
06:57:44 PM LilyMarie: wtf?
06:57:45 PM LilyMarie: I'm 22
06:58:25 PM Selene24: Ohh, :S Don't know why I got the impression.. :$
07:00:42 PM LilyMarie: how old do I look
07:00:45 PM LilyMarie: what the hell o.o
07:02:00 PM Selene24: Sorry if i seemed to offend you.. you look very mature

As if I wasn't already insecure enough about my looks, now I can also worry about looking way older than my age, awesome -.-'
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LilyMarie said:
From yesterday.

06:52:32 PM Selene24: Do you feel awkward if I ask how many kids you have? :$
06:56:30 PM Selene24: Just wondering how it could feel like being a parent =)
06:57:44 PM LilyMarie: wtf?
06:57:45 PM LilyMarie: I'm 22
06:58:25 PM Selene24: Ohh, :S Don't know why I got the impression.. :$
07:00:42 PM LilyMarie: how old do I look
07:00:45 PM LilyMarie: what the hell o.o
07:02:00 PM Selene24: Sorry if i seemed to offend you.. you look very mature

As if I wasn't already insecure enough about my looks, now I can also worry about looking way older than my age, awesome -.-'

Positively wtf to ask people these types of questions and you certainly look young and beautiful, but you could easily have had many children by 22. I am quite sure it was not a comment on your looks. Looking mature doesn't necessarily mean looking older. :twocents-02cents:
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Just Me said:
you could easily have had many children by 22.
But what are the odds of having more than one child by 22 in a first world country? :? I think he definitely implied that I look older than 22.
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LilyMarie said:
Just Me said:
you could easily have had many children by 22.
But what are the odds of having more than one child by 22 in a first world country? :? I think he definitely implied that I look older than 22.

I know a lot of people who had 3 of 4 kids by that age in the UK. I know of one person who had her 2nd one due about the time we were sitting our final exams, aged 16.
Misono said:
LilyMarie said:
Just Me said:
you could easily have had many children by 22.
But what are the odds of having more than one child by 22 in a first world country? :? I think he definitely implied that I look older than 22.

I know a lot of people who had 3 of 4 kids by that age in the UK. I know of one person who had her 2nd one due about the time we were sitting our final exams, aged 16.

Yeah, it's not at all uncommon in the UK for young women to have shot multiple babies out their baby cannon :)
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In regards to file size stuff:

I will often offer two versions.

One is a smaller download size, and less resolution.

One is full HD but warns that you gonna get a larger download.

When I compress into mp4 format its not too bad, even retaining the full HD content.
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Miss_Lollipop said:
In regards to file size stuff:

I will often offer two versions.

One is a smaller download size, and less resolution.

One is full HD but warns that you gonna get a larger download.

When I compress into mp4 format its not too bad, even retaining the full HD content.
Mine are mp4s, too... How big are your Full HD files per minute? :think:
My nominee for loser of the week...

03:21:20 PM hacunamatata: can i show my penis for you?
03:21:28 PM hacunamatata: i am running my webcam now
03:21:58 PM hacunamatata: ah...
03:22:01 PM hacunamatata: i want to cum for you
03:22:16 PM hacunamatata: plz just see me..
03:22:22 PM hacunamatata: I am a student so i dont have money
03:22:43 PM hacunamatata: I want to show my penis