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Stay or Log Off Early

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When do you log off?

  • I log off usually when it's slow

    Votes: 47 51.1%
  • I log off usually when I hit my goal early

    Votes: 8 8.7%
  • I try to stay on for the full hours I planned to no matter what I make

    Votes: 37 40.2%

  • Total voters
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Inactive Cam Model
Oct 15, 2011
I've noticed that some girls hit their daily goal and are completely satisfied and log off early. Then other girls stay logged on if the token flow is good and only log off when it's really slow. Then some just do the full hours they planned to work regardless of token count.
What do you do?
I feel like we might be missing a choice.
For example I log off early if it's slow, but I do not usually log off early if I'm making tokens and having a good time. The only options are logging off early for whatever or staying on full time regardless of slow or busy.

:think: I'm not sure what to choose! :D
JoleneBrody said:
I feel like we might be missing a choice.
For example I log off early if it's slow, but I do not usually log off early if I'm making tokens and having a good time. The only options are logging off early for whatever or staying on full time regardless of slow or busy.

:think: I'm not sure what to choose! :D
I think the one to choose would be, "I log off usually when it's slow."
Because that's what it sounds like you do.

I just noticed most girls log off for 2 reasons (sometimes they don't log off for any reason which is why I added the 3rd option) but either girls get satisfied when they make a lot of tokens and take the day off, or a different girl will be making good tokens and want to keep it going, but will log off if it's dead.

I suck at words :crybaby:
Camming on a site that doesn't have camscore (or any other aspect that punishes you for staying on without making as much) makes it way easier to power through whatever hours I planned to stay on. When I was camming on MFC, stress about whether or not my camscore would be affected was always in the back of my mind if tokens were coming in more slowly than I anticipated. It was sort of different to always be thinking about what I could/should do to make them come in faster.

I'm sure that hustle would be helpful on any site, but it's nice to not worry about site placement being lowered if I don't feel the hustle that day.

ETA: If it seems like goals are easier to hit than usual, then I like to stay longer to see what I can make of it.
When I've made my goal early, I've always tried to stay on and hope for more. Unfortunately, this never works for me - after that really long private that makes my night, it's rare that I make much more - I might get a couple tips for flashes or a short private, but nothing worth my time.
It really depends...if I have a rank goal, I'll usually stay until I've made my goal even if it's slow, or for at least stay a certain amount of hours. If I'm trying to maintain camscore (like this month- I want my camscore to stay high since it will help me with my rank goal next month) I'll log off if it's too slow.
PlayboyMegan said:
JoleneBrody said:
I feel like we might be missing a choice.
For example I log off early if it's slow, but I do not usually log off early if I'm making tokens and having a good time. The only options are logging off early for whatever or staying on full time regardless of slow or busy.

:think: I'm not sure what to choose! :D
I think the one to choose would be, "I log off usually when it's slow."
Because that's what it sounds like you do.

I just noticed most girls log off for 2 reasons (sometimes they don't log off for any reason which is why I added the 3rd option) but either girls get satisfied when they make a lot of tokens and take the day off, or a different girl will be making good tokens and want to keep it going, but will log off if it's dead.

I suck at words :crybaby:
No really I tried to read this first thing in the morning and seriously have no idea why I wasn't able to make sense of it to myself. You did a great job... I just shouldn't attempt surveys before noon. Looking at it now, it makes perfect sense. I'm just a dunce :)
I try to stay on for a minimum of 3 hours per shift. That usually will give me my minimum goal. Very rarely do I actually log off early. When I do it'll be like a site glitch, that's too much of a headache to deal with for the night. Also, I of course stay on longer if I can, and people are tipping. I don't really understand logging off if getting their daily goal early, since obviously it means a bigger likelihood of getting paid more (unless camscore is involved of course).
If its so slow I cannot maintain a happy persona, i will log off and try again later.

If I make my token goal, and I'm tired or have other things to do I will log off.

If I make my token goal but im not super tired, having a good day - and judge my regs are not tapped (example, i got a giant tip from one guy at the start of the night) i will of course, stay on.

I dont usually plan hours - i plan a start time, and i go until I make goal &/Or i'm ready to pass out.
I have a similar answer as above.

If it's so slow that it's hard to focus on anything but the lack of tokens, I'll log off. But I rarely try again later. I just call it a day. I feel VERY fortunate that I don't have to force myself to make a certain quota every day, because my sanity and emotional health would take a toll if I had to keep trying and failing. Luckily, usually within the next few days there will be a better shift to pick things back up (but rarely makes up for a completely fail day.) If the members want me there, I need them to help with countdowns and goals (not just regulars, all members.)

If I'm doing a special rank month, I'll try again later or push through longer than usual, though.

If I'm way beyond token goal and not too tired and having a super time (because let's face it, making beyond your daily goal is FUN and FEELS GOOD MAN) then I might stay just past the time I had planned to get off, maybe do something special.

tl;dr slow = I log off within an hour. on track to goal = stay for hours I had planned. over goal = stay as planned or slightly longer unless very tired.
My goal is always to be online for three hours at least. However, if it's slow and I am really tired or not feeling well, I may log off earlier.

Usually the first hour is super slow for me so I can't judge a shift on that. One time I was online just having fun and had six very slow hours and one very amazing seventh hour, you never know what can happen. Three hours seems like a good amount of time for exposure which is why I always aim for that at the very least, days where people are chatty are always a good thing, even if token flow is slow, it probably picks up later, or someone random tips because they liked something said. But speaking of chattiness, if not many are talking (even with tips) it's very hard for me to stay focused, and I have to really try hard not to log out. That more than anything else determines how long I end up staying online.
On streamate if I go online, I stay online 2-3 hours, work on streamate is pretty consistent for me, it's literally about the same amount per hour almost every single day.
On MFC it's like a lottery for me.
I have had very very many days, when it is super slow first hour or two and then next hour I bank a lot to cover the previous slowlyness. So, I try to stay every day long enough to cover goal.
But if I make my daily goal during first hour, I log off. It helps camscore plus it makes my day and I don't want to stay longer to take risk something can ruin it.
On Streamate I usually get off cause it is tiring. On Kinlive I try to stick around and just go through, especially because there the privates pay really well... Unless there are other things that I need to do , like study, or I am just starting to feel really negative and need some me time (usually thats hormonal) .

If things are going well I will stay later, most of the time I don´t even notice the time past.
If it was so slow that I wasn't even close to making my topless/naked goal, that's when I'd post that :tenmin emote (an actual 10-min. countdown...I used to love that to show that I'd give it 10 more minutes before leaving. If not much has happened within those 10 minutes, I'd say goodnight and log off.
I'm pretty sure logging off earlier then your normal schedule is detrimental to your long term success. It's seen at least one model loss her biggest tipper from this.
Imagine you are going out shopping on Saturday morning to your favourite shop and arrive at 11am, and a sign says "sorry closed early, business has been slow today so we went home early."
It looks like a failure and is so unproessional. What's worse is if you are going for your first countdown and leave before achieving it. That puts all your early tippers in a situation with no result, so why should be tip early in a countdown another day? They might not, and it changes the psychology of tipping for a model in poor light.
It's rare that you see a top model go early, they simply don't give up but try many, many different things; and if all else fails they go for a short while(going for a bite to eat) and then come back again.
I will definitely stay on longer than I planned to if token counts are going well and I'm having fun. I also might stay on longer if I am making new potential regulars. For example, I cammed for 7 hours the other day, but it only felt like a couple of hours because I was having so much fun meeting new people! I saw that as an investment, as well.

But, if it is extremely slow within the first two hours, I will log off early and probably not log on again later.

These habits will probably change, of course, since I am still so new to camming!
I'm pretty sure logging off earlier then your normal schedule is detrimental to your long term success. It's seen at least one model loss her biggest tipper from this.
Imagine you are going out shopping on Saturday morning to your favourite shop and arrive at 11am, and a sign says "sorry closed early, business has been slow today so we went home early."
It looks like a failure and is so unproessional. What's worse is if you are going for your first countdown and leave before achieving it. That puts all your early tippers in a situation with no result, so why should be tip early in a countdown another day? They might not, and it changes the psychology of tipping for a model in poor light.
It's rare that you see a top model go early, they simply don't give up but try many, many different things; and if all else fails they go for a short while(going for a bite to eat) and then come back again.

I really agree with this post! ^^ It's easiest for me to prioritize spending time with my regulars as oppose to prioritizing making x amount of tokens. This really helps my mind set, especially on slower days. I will usually stay on at least 4 hours, no matter what happens. As others have said, you never know what might happen! It is easy to be negative, especially in these slower summer months, but the hope is that everyone in your room will see how hard you're working and remember that for the next time they are able to tip. At the very least, feel good about yourself for giving it your all! It's all you can do! Rawr!
I really agree with this post! ^^ It's easiest for me to prioritize spending time with my regulars as oppose to prioritizing making x amount of tokens. This really helps my mind set, especially on slower days. I will usually stay on at least 4 hours, no matter what happens. As others have said, you never know what might happen! It is easy to be negative, especially in these slower summer months, but the hope is that everyone in your room will see how hard you're working and remember that for the next time they are able to tip. At the very least, feel good about yourself for giving it your all! It's all you can do! Rawr!

This is so true!! I have had many members say that they couldn't tip this time, but would make sure to tip me next time I was on or send me an offline tip. And they did! It's so important to make connections.

I am really trying to challenge myself to stay online for at least 3 hours no matter what, but it's so hard because I start getting disappointed in myself. I'm going to keep trying and working hard!
I'm pretty sure logging off earlier then your normal schedule is detrimental to your long term success. It's seen at least one model loss her biggest tipper from this.
Imagine you are going out shopping on Saturday morning to your favourite shop and arrive at 11am, and a sign says "sorry closed early, business has been slow today so we went home early."
It looks like a failure and is so unproessional. What's worse is if you are going for your first countdown and leave before achieving it. That puts all your early tippers in a situation with no result, so why should be tip early in a countdown another day? They might not, and it changes the psychology of tipping for a model in poor light.
It's rare that you see a top model go early, they simply don't give up but try many, many different things; and if all else fails they go for a short while(going for a bite to eat) and then come back again.

On MFC though girls have camscore, and while I get where you're coming from, if the room is dead and it has been dead for a long time it doesn't make sense to stay on. This is because the girls camscore will start to tank. And if it tanks low enough, she probably wont be finishing any of her counts ever again because her traffic will become so low. And that's not good for her regs either because then it puts all the tipping pressure on them everyday when there is no traffic from her camscore being depleted.

I do think it's best for girls to take breaks when it's slow and come online in half an hour or so but, sometimes it's just so mentally and emotionally draining to have had such a slow start that those models know they aren't going to be happy to go online and that's not good for anyone either.

Camscore really adds so much pressure onto both models and members. And it's not fun but it's a reality.

I really do see why that could cost a reg but at the same time there is so much more to it.
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To add on to what you say @MinaRabbit let´s say you stay on waiting for that big tip or that reg to show up, start chatting and hopefully tipping. But in doing that you burn yourself out so that when that moment comes you aren´t full of emotional or physical energy and that reg doesn´t get a good vibe from you anyway and doesnt tip, or doesnt return for that reason.

If you can keep your energy up, dont´t care about camscore and don´t have other responsibilities then stay.
If there is something you could do now (like you planned to study in the morning but can do it now and get on in the morning) or something, then go do it, come back later. Free time up later on to chat and make new regulars!

Also first impressions are important. If a guy sees you sittinig in your room bored the first time, he probably won´t come back. But if he sees you chatting or dancing then he probably will.
If you have no traffic, no conversations and a bunch of freeloaders you don´t feel like teasing, I would get off.
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I'm a bit in the middle with this one, and as others have mentioned it does depend on how the shift is running. Using the extra time I have to generate income while daily goal has been made allows me to plan for the future if I were to get ill or I have a really bad day another day. I try to stick with it by keeping track of every hour and think about okay did I make at least minimum wage? If two hours have passed and my room hasn't picked up I typically log off to make food or hang out and then try again in an hour. Now that I have been camming for some time I can tell pretty quickly the direction my room will go in the first hour and if I noticed that it starts to get pressuring for me to keep lowering goal and doing more, then I will just call it a day.
I know that models on MFC are obsessed by cam score, but I can't be the only prem that will check pretty much the homepage for model previews that catch my eye.

I have certainly found a few favs a lot lower down that I wouldn't have done by just looking at the top 100.

So in my opinion, it's far more damaging for a model to log off early because its going slower than expected. Especially if I've tipped towards a topic!
I've noticed that some girls hit their daily goal and are completely satisfied and log off early. Then other girls stay logged on if the token flow is good and only log off when it's really slow. Then some just do the full hours they planned to work regardless of token count.
What do you do?
I tend to stay on until I've reached my goal and if the tips are still coming in smoothly I'll create an additional countdown. But if it's too slow I sign off early. The only bummer with MFC is your camscore is just so important. I chose to log on at a different time than usual (about four hours earlier than I normally log on) and my cam score had dropped about fifty points within an hour because it wasn't a steady/higher amount of tokens. I signed off and apologized to my viewers via Twitter but I'm trying to build my score not allow it to drop. :(
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I know that models on MFC are obsessed by cam score, but I can't be the only prem that will check pretty much the homepage for model previews that catch my eye.

I have certainly found a few favs a lot lower down that I wouldn't have done by just looking at the top 100.

So in my opinion, it's far more damaging for a model to log off early because its going slower than expected. Especially if I've tipped towards a topic!
I totally understand this, but it's difficult when there's over 1k models logged on and since your cam score isn't in the 10k region that you're back in page 109 lol. I noticed how important a cam score can be for a model so we can have potential NEW regulars. It's just unfortunate that that's how you're placed on the front page.
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I totally understand this, but it's difficult when there's over 1k models logged on and since your cam score isn't in the 10k region that you're back in page 109 lol. I noticed how important a cam score can be for a model so we can have potential NEW regulars. It's just unfortunate that that's how you're placed on the front page.

Slight correction.
It's how they are sorted "initially" to people. However as soon as anyone goes basic or premium they have the ability to permanently change that. We can totally override 'camscore' as a deciding factor if we want. We can sort by any of the criteria in the upper right box (settings pic below). And regardless of what is set there if we have friends, bookmarked, 'models you may like,' etc., set to show at the top of the list; those show up first.

So encouraging people to add you as a friend puts you front and center on their main page when you sign on.

This is the default settings to anyone until changed. Personally, i've changed almost all of them. The 'sort models by' I usually leave on random just to be able to see different models easily.

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