AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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No one called you a child. You were told you MAY be ACTING like children do. I'm sorry you seem to have a weak grasp of language.

Ummmmm....... it wasn't "acting like a child" it was this person might be a 12 yr old child...

"I've seriously been starting to wonder if he isn't actually around 12 years old" .

I'm sorry you don't have a grasp of logic it seems.
Fay_Galore said:
cryptoassets said:
Fay_Galore said:

But Thanks Fay_Galore . At least you are nice.

haha, fuckno. was genuinely giving you a window there to budge a bit to our (all of ours) perspective. you didn't take it. I was disappointed. that doesnt qualify me as nice, that qualifies you as an ass.
(the least you could have done was apologise for the nazi remark, not cool man)

What window would that be? To apologize ? LOL ...of course , I didn't honestly think you were sincere. Carry on Fay....
cryptoassets said:
Leon_Omega said:
can we keep this guy as a pet? I kinda find him adorable in his own sad little way.

Cute comment. You already keep yourself as a pet , there is no more room for your pet projects.

Yup ... 12.

And I thanked you by accident.
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cryptoassets said:
Here on Earth, it's not considered namecalling to point out that someone is acting in a very childish manner. Namecalling would be saying that you're a kid, a waste of sperm and eggs, a gnat, a flea, etc.

There's a massive difference in that one is meant to belittle you (that's the namecalling) and the other is meant to advise you on how to communicate more effectively in the future (that's the one where we say you're acting like a child)

Ummm I'm not entirely sure you are "here on earth" yourself more like in Easter Land? I'm sorry, I just have to laugh here ....someone is calling me a child who is dressed up in a bunny suit? LOL ... come on you can't hate me that much to make such a stupid statement as what you just did along with your diatribe about sperm and eggs, a gnat, a flea and feces on your donkey.

Someone is actually lecturing me about not acting like child , when they are brazenly dress up in a Bunny suit?

Is this world for real?

Yup, the guy in the bunny suit is making more sense than you are in this thread. Reflect on that for a moment.

And yeah, here on Earth, because of the two of us, it wasn't me who asked "what planet are you from?" Also, I don't hate you. As a rule I reserve my hate only for the people who I cannot ignore with a couple well-placed mouse clicks. Besides, you amuse me, why would I hate that which amuses?
Yet you think I'm being unreasonable when I say you annoy people here, and call me essentially a Nazi because I banned you for this behavior.

Ummm ...and you don't think people are annoying me ? The impression sure seems you are acting like that. If you require every topic to be screened beforehand and people are saying you have "no rules" you just make them up and excerisize them when you want on un-suspecting newcomers how am I suppose to react? How am I suppose to know I wasn't suppose to talk about Bitcoin?

I'd like to pose a challenge to you, sir. Go start up a bitcoin forum, get it to the activity level that this one is, and I'll post there as a complete newcomer, who has never shown any interest in any other topics on your forum. I'll start 1 thread touting how awesome it is to be a cam girl and work for amazon giftcards. I'll run that topic into the ground after your usual posters get annoyed with my repetitiveness and get banned for it when I didn't listen to your requests to give it a rest, then come back a year(?) later and post again "hah, i told you so! amazon giftcards have tripled in value! you guys are schmucks!" and see how receptive your audience is to me. Then whine and complain when you warn me that I'm not welcome to continue such behavior when your active posters get upset with my posts and repetitiveness.

Clever. You have no idea what BitcoinTalk puts up with lady. I can go there right now and find you some topic that is totally out of control and they wouldn't even think of banning people even after necro'ing a thread that was two years old! . I'll totally take you up on this if you want :) . In fact, I ask , no I implore you , to post there and find out that people who use/talk about Bitcoin aren't all that evil. I would go as far to say, they would be very welcoming of you if you give them a chance. Go for it tell them how much you like Amazon gift cards and you'll hear them say why Bitcoin is better. Amazon gift cards can't triple in value? Like I said, they won't ban you. You could talk about the pimple on your ass and it would get more comments then this thread. If you want, point them to this thread. Oh you wouldn't want that it might bring in the rift raft ....

You may not understand why I moderate the way I do, but you don't have to, see? I'm the one running an active CAM GIRL forum and can decide when the regular posters here are getting annoyed with you enough to call it a day.

Will it would help. If you have topics you ban please list them. Its your forum , make it transparent your the one in control not me.

You're also not reacting very professionally or maturely to people telling you the reasons you're not feeling welcome here. So it has turned into a name-calling, immature joke-fest. So it is very likely that this thread will be locked soon, and the appropriate parties banned or put on time-out very soon. And since you "have to respond" to people, I'll assume you'll just keep on replying to the remarks that are meant as a joke, resulting in YOU being the only one responsible for this, and being banned, yet again.

So , 50 other people can insult, name call me and its perfectly fine with you? That is more a nazi type stuff I'm referring to. You let 50 other people get away with what your accusing me of. You don't reprimand them one bit , but only me? Ok, its your forum , but you can't sit there and deny that this is what is happening? can you ? My crime here was mentioning how well Bitcoin has done and why did you treat me the way you did ? I think its fair to ask.
Yup, the guy in the bunny suit is making more sense than you are in this thread. Reflect on that for a moment.

And yeah, here on Earth, because of the two of us, it wasn't me who asked "what planet are you from?" Also, I don't hate you. As a rule I reserve my hate only for the people who I cannot ignore with a couple well-placed mouse clicks. Besides, you amuse me, why would I hate that which amuses?

I never said you made sense. Will you assumed you are from Earth I'm here to tell you , your probably wrong. I don't think that is quite the case there. Seems you belong down at Disneyland park ? watcha think ?

I'm sure plenty of things muse you. Some of those things I'd rather you keep to yourself? k , buttercup?
cryptoassets said:
JimsX said:
cryptoassets said:
Leon_Omega said:
can we keep this guy as a pet? I kinda find him adorable in his own sad little way.

Cute comment. You already keep yourself as a pet , there is no more room for your pet projects.

Yup ... 12.

And I thanked you by accident.

Takes one to know one, yes?

Thanks for proving my point, son.
JimsX said:
cryptoassets said:
JimsX said:
cryptoassets said:
Leon_Omega said:
can we keep this guy as a pet? I kinda find him adorable in his own sad little way.

Cute comment. You already keep yourself as a pet , there is no more room for your pet projects.

Yup ... 12.

And I thanked you by accident.

Takes one to know one, yes?

Thanks for proving my point, son.

That your a 12 yr old ? umm ok.
Starting to realize that this guy probably has some severe mental issues that he needs to get under control. Even the most illogical, clueless, delusional people I've met on the internet aren't this bad. I hope you can find the help you need soon guy. And yeah yeah I am whatever painfully unfunny joke you will furiously type after you read this, same as you have been doing all day. Seriously guy, seek help.
PunkInDrublic said:
Starting to realize that this guy probably has some severe mental issues that he needs to get under control. Even the most illogical, clueless, delusional people I've met on the internet aren't this bad. I hope you can find the help you need soon guy. And yeah yeah I am whatever painfully unfunny joke you will furiously type after you read this, same as you have been doing all day. Seriously guy, seek help.

I'm assuming its safe to say most of your friends you hang out with are illogical, clueless and delusional. I mean all you friends are on the internet , right ? Not my words, yours. I suggest you take your own advice , and get back on your meds for the sake of all of us.
PunkInDrublic said:
Starting to realize that this guy probably has some severe mental issues that he needs to get under control. Even the most illogical, clueless, delusional people I've met on the internet aren't this bad. I hope you can find the help you need soon guy. And yeah yeah I am whatever painfully unfunny joke you will furiously type after you read this, same as you have been doing all day. Seriously guy, seek help.

Agreed. He's been at it for what, 15 hours now? Because his first post today was at ~6 a.m. forum time (all the way back on page 4,) and it's 9:30 p.m. now and he's still replying to posts just a few minutes after they go up. That's really unhealthy and sad. I mean... has he even eaten? :?
GemmaMoore said:
PunkInDrublic said:
Starting to realize that this guy probably has some severe mental issues that he needs to get under control. Even the most illogical, clueless, delusional people I've met on the internet aren't this bad. I hope you can find the help you need soon guy. And yeah yeah I am whatever painfully unfunny joke you will furiously type after you read this, same as you have been doing all day. Seriously guy, seek help.

Agreed. He's been at it for what, 15 hours now? Because his first post today was at ~6 a.m. forum time (all the way back on page 4,) and it's 9:30 p.m. now and he's still replying to posts just a few minutes after they go up. That's really unhealthy and sad. I mean... has he even eaten? :?

I wouldn't want to be anywhere else then here with you good folks ? lol ... What is ironic is I'm perfectly sane, I can't imagine what that makes you all ? Responding to a suppose "insane" person, what kind of sick people do that? I have been eating GemmaMoore lol ...

I guess, I'll get ready for my "time-out" coming up as AmberCutie said. I feel like I'm back in grade school. Que up next insult directed at me ... three, ..............................
GemmaMoore said:
PunkInDrublic said:
Starting to realize that this guy probably has some severe mental issues that he needs to get under control. Even the most illogical, clueless, delusional people I've met on the internet aren't this bad. I hope you can find the help you need soon guy. And yeah yeah I am whatever painfully unfunny joke you will furiously type after you read this, same as you have been doing all day. Seriously guy, seek help.

Agreed. He's been at it for what, 15 hours now? Because his first post today was at ~6 a.m. forum time (all the way back on page 4,) and it's 9:30 p.m. now and he's still replying to posts just a few minutes after they go up. That's really unhealthy and sad. I mean... has he even eaten? :?
Yeah I'm sure he will reply to your post before I can with some painfully unfunny jokes. Even when we ignore him he will still keep responding to us.
Yeah I'm sure he will reply to your post before I can with some painfully unfunny jokes. Even when we ignore him he will still keep responding to us.

Ignore away. I don't really care to be honest. Its not me that wants to continue talking to people who are unable to communicate to others in an adult manner.
PunkInDrublic said:
GemmaMoore said:
PunkInDrublic said:
Starting to realize that this guy probably has some severe mental issues that he needs to get under control. Even the most illogical, clueless, delusional people I've met on the internet aren't this bad. I hope you can find the help you need soon guy. And yeah yeah I am whatever painfully unfunny joke you will furiously type after you read this, same as you have been doing all day. Seriously guy, seek help.

Agreed. He's been at it for what, 15 hours now? Because his first post today was at ~6 a.m. forum time (all the way back on page 4,) and it's 9:30 p.m. now and he's still replying to posts just a few minutes after they go up. That's really unhealthy and sad. I mean... has he even eaten? :?
Yeah I'm sure he will reply to your post before I can with some painfully unfunny jokes. Even when we ignore him he will still keep responding to us.

Yep, only took him... four minutes? And it took you a whole seven, gosh. I'm so friggin' offended that you weren't sitting there refreshing the page waiting to reply to me, Punk! How dare you ignore me for a whole three minutes! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Crypto, the reason she doesn't have bitcoin listed as one of the banned topics is because you weren't banned for talking about bitcoin. You were banned for continuing to talk about it when people started to get annoyed with you for pushing it so damn hard. Get the difference?

Check this out: Another thread about bitcoin

The person who made it was, *gasp* *shock* *the horror* never banned. It was dropped when ladies pointed out that having a fluctuating income with a fluctuating currency is a recipe for disaster.

I'll put it this way. On MFC, a token equals five cents. Sometimes, I earn 25 in an hour ($1.25). Sometimes, I earn 200 in an hour ($10). Sometimes, I earn 1000 in an hour ($50). Now, let's say a token could equal anywhere from 1 cent to 3 dollars. That means that if I earn 25 in an hour, I may have earned anywhere from $0.25 - $75. If I earned 200, it could be anywhere from $2 - $600. If I earned 1000, it could have been anywhere from $10 - $3000. So, my already fluctuating income now has another fluctuating part to it, not just how many tokens the members are willing to give me but how much they happen to be worth that day.

Now let's look at it from the member side. I charge 50 tokens for a flash of my boobs. If the price of a token fluctuates anywhere from 10 cents to 25 dollars per token, that means the price of a flash of my boobs is fluctuating anywhere from $5 - $1250 . That's going to make it even harder to judge pricing!

This is why the bitcoins would have to be converted into money on both sides. The prices would have to be listed in dollars, the incomes would have to be tracked in dollars, and the bitcoins portion of it would have to be handled entirely by the site itself. Think the average model can keep track of how much a bitcoin is worth? It takes most models a bit to figure out that they can divide their token counts by 20 to figure out how much they actually earned. It takes them even longer to figure out to multiply by 5 then move the decimal two spots to come up with the same number.

But again: the reason you were banned was because your presentation of the topic matter annoyed people. NOT because of the topic matter itself. You were given a chance to interact on the rest of the forum, told "you seem to be a bit too emotional about this. Stop talking about it before you get yourself banned" (paraphrased). Not "no one is ever allowed to talk about this", but "you can't do this without being a dick, so let's see if you're capable of not being a dick in other topics".


This feels relevant.
Oh man, I just realized I could never be an internet troll with this kind of dedication. Too much shit to do. :crybaby:

One can dream.
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