AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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PunkInDrublic said:
Hard to not feel bad for this guy. He seems to seriously believe the bullshit he tells himself. He has convinced himself that he was banned for talking about bitcoin. It is hilarious but also so very sad.

I was banned for having a conversation about Bitcoin. Is that better?

Because according to the admin of this forum if you engage with others about a subject its considered Spam.
If people replies are to ask me more about Bitcoin I'm going to reply back. This is how a conversation works. People ask you a question and then you respond back.

I was addressing this comment OF YOURS.
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cryptoassets said:
dilligaf0 said:
cryptoassets said:
Also, do you you want to get in on the next Bitcoin ?

Check out - What Bitcoin was for money, this will be the Bitcoin for credit/IOU's. Probably, will grow very huge.

get yourself a free wallet and I'll give you some :)
And now we move to the next Ponzi scheme. :dance:

Says someone who has no idea what a ponzi scheme is. I'm sure you think Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme.

I believe we're in the presence of a celebrity.

When did they dive Bernie Madhoff internet access? :twocents-02cents:
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dilligaf0 said:
If people replies are to ask me more about Bitcoin I'm going to reply back. This is how a conversation works. People ask you a question and then you respond back.

I was addressing this comment OF YOURS.

Bingo! this is what was happening earlier and now even. People asked some questions and I responded back to those questions. Take away the spamming and child antics of others between those real questions and who didn't like to hear they were wrong ( which is the real spam) and you have a conversation about Bitcoin. The people who should be ban are the ones who are throwing out insults and making irrelevant statements and questions.

Keep in mind I opened up with a statement and a question for which was answered by someone which had a question back to me.

This is what we call a conversation. If the premise that conversation is considered "spam" then this whole forum should be banned.
dilligaf0 said:
cryptoassets said:
dilligaf0 said:
cryptoassets said:
Also, do you you want to get in on the next Bitcoin ?

Check out - What Bitcoin was for money, this will be the Bitcoin for credit/IOU's. Probably, will grow very huge.

get yourself a free wallet and I'll give you some :)
And now we move to the next Ponzi scheme. :dance:

Says someone who has no idea what a ponzi scheme is. I'm sure you think Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme.

I believe we're in the presence of a celebrity.

When did they dive Bernie Madhoff internet access? :twocents-02cents:

Well? is Bitcoin a ponzi scheme ? Instead of making some broad accusations like this ..why not back it up ?
Has everyone here seen Being John Malkovich? It's a film in which John Cusack stumbles across a "portal" capable of transporting people into the mind of John Malkovich for a limited time. There's a scene where John Malkovich enters said portal, and this happens...

Theory: This guy is the human embodiment of Bitcoin, and this thread is somehow serving as a portal into his own mind, and he's gone through this portal and the result is, well... "Bitcoin? Bitcoin. Bitcoin Bitcoin. BITTCCCOOOIIINNNNN! Bitcoin? Bitcoin Bitcoin. Bitcoin Bitcoin Bitcoin. Bitcoin"
mynameisbob84 said:
Has everyone here seen Being John Malkovich? It's a film in which John Cusack stumbles across a "portal" capable of transporting people into the mind of John Malkovich for a limited time. There's a scene where John Malkovich enters said portal, and this happens...

Theory: This guy is the human embodiment of Bitcoin, and this thread is somehow serving as a portal into his own mind, and he's gone through this portal and the result is, well... "Bitcoin? Bitcoin. Bitcoin Bitcoin. BITTCCCOOOIIINNNNN! Bitcoin? Bitcoin Bitcoin. Bitcoin Bitcoin Bitcoin. Bitcoin"

As your sig says MynameisBob84 .

"Yeah, well, that's just like, your opinion, man"

Couldn't be a more fitting quote for such a moment.
dilligaf0 said:
O.K., this is an exercise in futility,and a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.

So, make a wild accusation that everything is ponzi scheme then claim you are victim. LOL ....I have to remember this tactic seems its played around here a lot....

Enjoy you life. :twocents-02cents:

I will.
cryptoassets said:
PunkInDrublic said:
Hard to not feel bad for this guy. He seems to seriously believe the bullshit he tells himself. He has convinced himself that he was banned for talking about bitcoin. It is hilarious but also so very sad.

I was banned for having a conversation about Bitcoin. Is that better?
No, not really. I may be forgetting a few things here but I think you were banned/will be banned for

-pretending to be a woman
-being annoying
-not shutting the fuck up about bitcoin when nobody wanted to talk about it
-attempting to insult people with your humor
-pretending you were banned for talking about bitcoin
-being wildly delusional
-being super creepy and camping out in this section for days
-trying to pretend that you're a victim

I could go on but I can't waste any more time on this dude, would be insane. I seriously do hope you can find the help you so clearly need.
-pretending to be a woman - Huh? wild accusation proven not to be true.
-being annoying - You Opinion and subjective.
-not shutting the fuck up about bitcoin when nobody wanted to talk about it - Some people do and did. If you don't want to butt out.
-attempting to insult people with your humor - Have only insulted those who have insulted me.
-pretending you were banned for talking about bitcoin - Ambercutie says thats what I was banned for.
-being wildly delusional - don't describe yourself like this.
-being super creepy and camping out in this section for days - what would that make you? you are camped out in this forum 365 days out of the year -creepo
-trying to pretend that you're a victim - Take a look around there are plenty of people playing the "victim" . Oh , I'm getting so butt hurt by someone mentioning Bitcoin. Stop it... lol ..Nobody forced you to respond to this thread. You did that yourself.

I could go on but I can't waste any more time on this dude, would be insane. I seriously do hope you can find the help you so clearly need.

Refer to my last point loser. Nobody forced you to reply to this thread or read this thread. This is a choice you made. You can see yourself to the exit or do you need some hand holding .
cryptoassets said:
Alexandra Cole said:
cryptoassets said:
And yet that hasn't worked at all.

You wouldn't know a conversation if it hit you in the face. How is that my problem?

Settle down, babygirl. Nobody's getting punched in the face with conversation here.

Here's a reason to care about how you express yourself: you're less likely to inadvertently prove someone's else point.

I'm just saying you are incapable of forming a conversation. Be careful proving your own point doll.

There was this guy here once, a while back. I think he had a terrible idea for some cam-related business, and he wanted input on that terrible idea, and the input was "yeah, your terrible idea is kinda terrible, and this is why..." Unfortunately, he didn't take it very well, which is almost understandable because nobody wants to hear that their terrible idea is terrible, but most people have the sense to handle that sort of thing with a little grace. This guy, though, he was super-defensive, which is pretty much the first rule of the internet - don't be so fucking defensive - but I think nobody ever taught him about that part, so it went on and on and on, and the longer it went, the funnier it got, because everything people said went right over his head. And that's because he was so busy reacting and reacting and reacting that he never actually followed anyone's point. He was too busy swinging wildly at nothing.

That thread was pretty funny, but it was also pretty tragic. I mean, what if that guy was just a little slow, you know? Like, what if he just couldn't follow an argument? Then it's not funny at all - it's sad. And that's the thing with super-defensive people, right? You can never tell.
There was this guy here once, a while back. I think he had a terrible idea for some cam-related business, and he wanted input on that terrible idea, and the input was "yeah, your terrible idea is kinda terrible, and this is why..." Unfortunately, he didn't take it very well, which is almost understandable because nobody wants to hear that their terrible idea is terrible, but most people have the sense to handle that sort of thing with a little grace. This guy, though, he was super-defensive, which is pretty much the first rule of the internet - don't be so fucking defensive - but I think nobody ever taught him about that part, so it went on and on and on, and the longer it went, the funnier it got, because everything people said went right over his head. And that's because he was so busy reacting and reacting and reacting that he never actually followed anyone's point. He was too busy swinging wildly at nothing.

Let me ask you this. If someone calls you a 12 yr old or tells you to Fuck off what is your response? Any response is probably going to be interpreted as defensive yes?

That thread was pretty funny, but it was also pretty tragic. I mean, what if that guy was just a little slow, you know? Like, what if he just couldn't follow an argument? Then it's not funny at all - it's sad. And that's the thing with super-defensive people, right? You can never tell.

Have a link? Having a conversation/debate about a topic isn't defensive. The only time it becomes defensive if someone starts calling you names or making wild accusations. That is just human nature.
To be honest I have no idea how any of you passed this test:

"AmberCutie's forum is for use by adults "

There is some explaining to be done.

So to wrap this all up into a nice bow for the weekend ...Ambercutie needs to re-instate my old account and make a formal apology to me for the hammer ban for no reason other then she didn't like me mentioning Bitcoin and engaging people in conversation around Bitcoin. I believe that is only fair. In return, I won't talk about Bitcoin.

Then we all can move on from this like adults should.

Thanks. I look forward to Ambercuties response on this matter.
cryptoassets said:
To be honest I have no idea how any of you passed this test:

"AmberCutie's forum is for use by adults "

There is some explaining to be done.

So to wrap this all up into a nice bow for the weekend ...Ambercutie needs to re-instate my old account and make a formal apology to me for the hammer ban for no reason other then she didn't like me mentioning Bitcoin and engaging people in conversation around Bitcoin. I believe that is only fair. In return, I won't talk about Bitcoin.

Then we all can move on from this like adults should.

Thanks. I look forward to Ambercuties response on this matter.

That's funny. You really think that any of that is gonna happen? In case you actually do, I'll let you know right now. It won't. And, no. I don't have to Amber to say that. I just have to know her well enough, and I do.
DuoShi said:
cryptoassets said:
To be honest I have no idea how any of you passed this test:

"AmberCutie's forum is for use by adults "

There is some explaining to be done.

So to wrap this all up into a nice bow for the weekend ...Ambercutie needs to re-instate my old account and make a formal apology to me for the hammer ban for no reason other then she didn't like me mentioning Bitcoin and engaging people in conversation around Bitcoin. I believe that is only fair. In return, I won't talk about Bitcoin.

Then we all can move on from this like adults should.

Thanks. I look forward to Ambercuties response on this matter.

That's funny. You really think that any of that is gonna happen? In case you actually do, I'll let you know right now. It won't. And, no. I don't have to Amber to say that. I just have to know her well enough, and I do.

I believe there is no choice for her. She either has to Ban me for no reason again her or reinstate the old account . There was no reason for banning me in the first place. You can't ban someone because you think they are "annoying" there is nothing in the forum rules here about banning someone because they are annoying . That isn't how forums work. Just because you don't like the conversation doesn't mean you ban the person.

The reason I haven't been banned is because I've done none of the following:

You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, harassing, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any laws be it of your country, the country where “ACF” is hosted or International Law.
cryptoassets said:
I believe there is no choice for her. She either has to Ban me for no reason again her or reinstate the old account . There was no reason for banning me in the first place. You can't ban someone because you think they are "annoying" there is nothing in the forum rules here about banning someone because they are annoying . That isn't how forums work. Just because you don't like the conversation doesn't mean you ban the person.

The reason I haven't been banned is because I've done none of the following:

You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, harassing, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any laws be it of your country, the country where “ACF” is hosted or International Law.
You conveniently left out the important part.

“ACF”, in its sole discretion, has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any and all current or future use of the Service, or any other “ACF” service, for any reason at any time. Such termination of the Service will result in the deactivation or deletion of your Account or your access to your Account, and the forfeiture and relinquishment of all Content in your Account. “ACF” reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time.
JerryBoBerry said:
cryptoassets said:
I believe there is no choice for her. She either has to Ban me for no reason again her or reinstate the old account . There was no reason for banning me in the first place. You can't ban someone because you think they are "annoying" there is nothing in the forum rules here about banning someone because they are annoying . That isn't how forums work. Just because you don't like the conversation doesn't mean you ban the person.

The reason I haven't been banned is because I've done none of the following:

You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, harassing, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any laws be it of your country, the country where “ACF” is hosted or International Law.
You conveniently left out the important part.

“ACF”, in its sole discretion, has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any and all current or future use of the Service, or any other “ACF” service, for any reason at any time. Such termination of the Service will result in the deactivation or deletion of your Account or your access to your Account, and the forfeiture and relinquishment of all Content in your Account. “ACF” reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time.

Never said they couldn't do the above. My point stands I haven't done what I mentioned above. In other words, she can't terminate /ban a 9 page thread without reason otherwise, it will reflect horribly on the forum.
And like everyone's said thirteen ways to Sunday... No one cares. You have become the joker, the bozo, the chew toy, the shirtail cousin who suddenly shows up at an event improperly attired. Get it? Most likely you are only still here because of schadenfreude. And that's pretty sad.
Nordling said:
And like everyone's said thirteen ways to Sunday... No one cares. You have become the joker, the bozo, the chew toy, the shirtail cousin who suddenly shows up at an event improperly attired. Get it? Most likely you are only still here because of schadenfreude. And that's pretty sad.

If nobody cares then why are they here?

Your answer should get you banned by the way according to the forum rules.
cryptoassets said:
Let me ask you this. If someone calls you a 12 yr old or tells you to Fuck off what is your response? Any response is probably going to be interpreted as defensive yes?

Personally I'd take the hint that I'm not wanted, cut my losses and go the fuck elsewhere. I have better things to do with my free time than spend it with people who don't like me.

cryptoassets said:
I believe there is no choice for her. She either has to Ban me for no reason again her or reinstate the old account .

Did you forget the fact that you literally JUST (in your previous fucking post) threatened to continue spamming the forum with the same unsollicited nonsense if she didn't comply with your demands? "If you don't do what I want, I'll keep whining and whining until you give in" is not an adult way of solving a problem.
Personally I'd take the hint that I'm not wanted, cut my losses and go the fuck elsewhere. I have better things to do with my free time than spend it with people who don't like me.

Its not about "not feeling wanted" its about how should someone respond to a 2 yr old who makes such a comment. Try to answer the question next time.

cryptoassets said:
I believe there is no choice for her. She either has to Ban me for no reason again her or reinstate the old account .

Did you forget the fact that you literally JUST (in your previous fucking post) threatened to continue spamming the forum with the same unsollicited nonsense if she didn't comply with your demands? "If you don't do what I want, I'll keep whining and whining until you give in" is not an adult way of solving a problem.

Show me where I threatened to continuing spamming the forum?

Un-ban my old account its simple and I'll interact with the other topics in this forum like anyone else would.
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