There was this guy here once, a while back. I think he had a terrible idea for some cam-related business, and he wanted input on that terrible idea, and the input was "yeah, your terrible idea is kinda terrible, and this is why..." Unfortunately, he didn't take it very well, which is almost understandable because nobody wants to hear that their terrible idea is terrible, but most people have the sense to handle that sort of thing with a little grace. This guy, though, he was super-defensive, which is pretty much the first rule of the internet - don't be so fucking defensive - but I think nobody ever taught him about that part, so it went on and on and on, and the longer it went, the funnier it got, because everything people said went right over his head. And that's because he was so busy reacting and reacting and reacting that he never actually followed anyone's point. He was too busy swinging wildly at nothing.