Because I don't like their behavior.
Well summed up

Attention whoring i.e. over talking in free chat when I am trying to spread my attention among everyone, and not ever having bought a show from me before. Talking rudely/ disrespectfully. Bossing me around without tipping. Oooooh my fave, not being able to drop their roleplay personna, and talk to me like a real person in free chat, when they have not purchased anything (so basically refer to 1). Putting other cam people down/ complaining about them to me. Putting other people down in general, like other members, who have not done anything wrong/ or their wife or gf. Talking gibberish (quite common actually). Not talking, just typing in repeated distractions like "weeeeee ohhhhhaiaia". I guess that falls under gibberish. Having an offensive or gross screen name, that turns my stomach. Lol..and the list could go on forever. On streamate it's often about efficiency, and sometimes I do it as a time saving technique, if I can tell I never want a show with the person, or they are hurting my brain

Because many people will unwittingly waste your time, and put off other guys who would have paid to have a real show. And many talk to you as if you were desperate, and would take anyone, because they misunderstand the hustle, and are pretty condescending. If they have the screen name of a male family member, (I'm not about shouting and moaning my son, brothers or Father's name, across the whole house - turn off again.) If their screen name indicates they have a fetish I don't do, or site doesn't allow i.e. DiaperBoy6969.
This is not something that I do anymore, but some cammers block people who lurk around their room without talking. Or people who you say Hi to, and who never respond back., but return to your room a lot. I would actually prefer those folks, to someone who is gonna over talk, or give me a play by play of them crapping in their Diaper...uuugh.
I don't think this is listed but I ban people who mention other shows they've had with models as if comparing me to them will make me do the thing they want but I don't want to do.
Also, I don't care if you tipped me a million tokens, I still have to pay attention to other people in the room, so if you're dominating chat or my PM window I gotta cut you loose. Cammers cannot rely on just one person to carry a show, we need new people to take interest, too.
Unrelated, but it's good that you ignore what other people say other models do. Just say to them, "well, you know who to go to and watch then...". Anyways, each performer has her own liking.
You covered like literally every possible case, I don't know how to put a thumbs up to your post... but you definitely at least deserve it.
I block anyone who calls me mom, mama, mommy immediately. I also block time wasters, people who chat incoherently, put down other viewers or cam girls, ask extremely personal questions, and anyone I just get a bad vibe from.
I've definitely did some of those, and did get blocked so makes sense. However, I didn't call anyone mum, ask personal questions, or offend cam girls. Again good overview, appreciate it.
6-8 out of HOW MANY? Being a cammodel doesn't come with a sanity or social test. There are times you get banned for a reason and sometimes there are bans merely because you were in the room when the model lost their minds. It happens. You shouldn't care if you're banned from a room because it means there was zero business potential to begin with.
About 10-12 camgirls
I don't think this is listed but I ban people who mention other shows they've had with models as if comparing me to them will make me do the thing they want but I don't want to do.
Also, I don't care if you tipped me a million tokens, I still have to pay attention to other people in the room, so if you're dominating chat or my PM window I gotta cut you loose. Cammers cannot rely on just one person to carry a show, we need new people to take interest, too.
Unrelated, but it's good that you ignore what other people say other models do. Just say to them, "well, you know who to go to and watch then...". Anyways, each performer has her own liking.
I block for everything. If you seem like someone who would be unpleasant to do a show with then BLOCKED. I don't need any negative energy while I perform.
Your dp with the finger fits perfectly with your response
Only talking in chat, refuses to pay for anything (and telling me to get new work/ Because your kink isnt sexual.)
being rude
not at least saying hello or tipping after I acknowledge them with talk and/or type twice each. (I kick out for this first offence, third offense is a ban... unless it prompts says user connection error when leaving)
if I am in a mood you say something that pisses me off (usually has to do with demanding something without tipping.)
Firstly, there is nothing wrong with how you run things. But I would definitely get banned from you haha, if I was there, but has nothing to do with freeloading or being rude.
I also ban people for going after my long-term tippers. If you insult them, you're insulting me by proxy and I won't put up with it for any reason. "Just teasing" isn't an excuse that works, either.
It's good that you protect your long-term tippers.
Being rude or demanding? Ban. Racial slur in username? Banned as soon as they come in the room.
If you're being banned frequently, assess your behavior.
Solid answer. I've only checked about close to 10-13 webgirls. About 2 of them react positively to me, but only because those girls have similar interests as me before I told them, and are cool.
1. Being a dick.
2. Being demanding, especially begging for freebies (see 1)
Probably something to do with part 1 (mild), I was involved in. Definitely not 2.
Has anyone mentioned TOS violations, yet? I immediately ban without responding to what they've said. If you aren't familiar with what's "legal" on a cam site for a model to do, you should read the TOS before you put them in jeopardy.
I put legal in quotes because what's actually illegal according to Federal law and what's not allowed on a cam site aren't always the same thing.
My first mistake was a part of the TOS violation. Anyways, I have a decent understanding of the federal laws, so wont likely make a mistake there.
I don't ban for asking about something "illegal" on the site (like pee, for example).
I just respond with "It's forbidden by rules of this site. Please re-read ToS".
I say "IT is" without mentioning a requested action because I don't want to get banned automatically by robot system.
After that, if someone gets pushy, insults me or says, "Nah, other models did it for me", I do block immediately.
I say "re-read" because I don't want to offend anyone but I do understand that 95% of users haven't read it at all. They just clicked "Agreed", and that's it.
Would be good if the first girl that banned me had a similar thought process as you. I made a little mistake and no received no mercy
I wanted to ask other models if they have this gut feeling too.
For example, a person seems to be nice but you just FEEL there's something wrong about/with him.
If I don't block when I get this feeling, I start regretting it in a while because he turns out to be a dick.
P.S. OP, models that have banned you, could be getting similar feelings about you even if you haven't done anything bad to them (yet).
Only 1 model for certain I know did it for the gut feeling thing. The others I know did so for other reasons. I just want to see a list of reasons of what makes people block others. Cheers by the way for bringing that gut feeling up.
Yes, yes, and yes

Sometimes you just get a gut feeling.
The times that I have ignored my gut feeling, and told myself "you are probably just imagining it, give them a chance" have always been 100% regretted.
Trust your instincts, regardless if on work or other real life situations.
I recently saw a news story about how a woman followed her gut feeling every time she felt like she was being followed and the one time she didn't she was robbed in her own driveway.
There are many instances where this applies in camming.
What the F... unfortunate. I hope she didn't lose much.
open tits and fuck ass, now.
from $0 tip to $1,000,000 tip and act like a bossy piece of shit when he is not paying exactly for that.
lol, I actually kinda helped a webcam girl when she experienced this from a viewer who tipped her a small amount and wrote public messages to her like she is crap. She is kinda like a friend to me so that's why I helped out.
New members often get banned because they don’t know what the manner threshold is. There isn’t a member etiquette guide sadly. So... here is my personal advice on how to be welcomed in most rooms.
1) Be courteous. Just because you are in an adult site doesn’t mean manners go out the window. If you wouldn’t shout about your hardon in a Starbucks don’t do it in public chat.
2) Treat models like human beings. This ties into point 1. Most models don’t appreciate it when members they have never interacted with attack them with crude conversations off the bat. Take your time to introduce yourself and build rapport.
3) Get a feel for the room you are in. Each model is different. Some rooms are chatty and conversation based, others are more focused on the action. Some models like to use their time on cam to interact with the audience and others keep it more businesslike. Take some time to watch and learn the patterns before you interact. What type of humor they like? Who are the regulars? Read her bio.
4) Timing matters. A cumshow is not the right time to tell the room about your soccer team winning last night. The model should be the center of attention. A high tipper just dropped a big bomb? This is a moment to step away from chat and let the man enjoy his moment in the spotlight. If the room is very social you can applaud him or cheer him on, but not in every room. Is the model telling a story from her childhood or an emotional story of something that is happening to her? That’s not a time for dirty talking or asking for a flash. Etc.
5) Tipping never hurt anyone. As models we are used to trolls and people coming in the chatroom with bad intentions and we tend to err on the safe side so it doesn’t take much to trigger a silence or a ban. For this reason when a new member shows up, if he tips me I assume he is coming from a positive place and I am less likely to take what he says negatively.
6) Usernames matter. Pick something that highlights your personality, if your username is “11inchfatcock” models can even ban you preemptively.
Use common sense and you should be alright
I think your post should be sticked, some good advice.