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Pet Peeves, yo.

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Jessi said:
Being vegan and watching the community go nuts over pseudo scientific bullshit and fad diets while worthy causes get thrown under the bus. :(

Exactly. This just ALL OVER !

On the bright side United Airlines stopped shipping primates for testing anymore. Which now means not a single North American Airline transports them at all for experiments. Im not a big fan of Peta for their BSL, and other views, but I do always like their fur free, leather free, and undercover reports. And when they put so much pressure on places and get things like this to be stopped.

“The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men”
—Leonardo da Vinci
Pardon me while I play devil's advocate here, but weren't the vegetables that vegans eat once alive, too? Or is the life of a vegetable not the same as the life of an animal?
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SweepTheLeg said:
Pardon me while I play devil's advocate here, but weren't the vegetables that vegans eat once alive, too? Or is the life of a vegetable not the same as the life of an animal?

This is a joke question right?
No, plants and animals are not the same thing. Veganism is not about "not eating things that were alive".
If you'd like to ask me about my personal reasons or have any questions, I would be happy to answer via PM. But I am not interested in debating people and I don't want to derail this thread so I will say no more about my dietary choices in here.
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SweepTheLeg said:
Pardon me while I play devil's advocate here, but weren't the vegetables that vegans eat once alive, too? Or is the life of a vegetable not the same as the life of an animal?
^Biggest pet peeve ever.

I'm not vegan or even vegetarian anymore (I eat meat very rarely however, and have a totally vegetarian kitchen) but I was for 13+ years and it is astounding how many times people ask that question. I'm not trying to be a bitch, but yeah, comparing vegetables to animals is just sort of insulting. It was one of those questions that solidified my choice in choosing not to eat meat.

Pretty much all of the stupid things people say to vegetarians because they're so defensive about their diet (I never lectured anyone about their diet and yet everyone needs to be all "I COULDN'T LIVE WITHOUT BACON MMMMM HAR HAR HAR") is what kept me as a vegetarian for so long, partially. I didn't start eating meat until I started hanging out with omnivores who were conscious about animals and factory farming, as well as respectful of my choices in vegan/vegetarianism and would eat/love vegan/vegetarian food with me.

I also have my criticisms of the vegan community though. Pretty much everyone sucks.
Oh, also (just to be a bit of an obnoxious twat):

Even if plants WERE conscious and could feel pain like animals (lol), all of the animals people eat are raised on plants. So when you eat a hamburger, that cow had to be fed plant matter for years and years before getting slaughtered. Eating plants saves more plants than eating meat.

And, just to continue being an obnoxious twat:

(notice how most of the stupid shit is the same in both videos?)
Jessi said:
When someone posts a facebook status like "ooh wehh fuck the law fuck the police, free ________"
1. You are a 20 y/o white girl who grew up in a small, wealthy rural community not a person of colour from New York whose been systemically discriminated against by law enforcement
2. No, we can not abolish laws and descend into anarchy because someone you love committed a crime
3. Maybe your boyfriend could control himself like an adult instead of getting drunk and hitting people at bars, then he wouldnt be up on charges right now. But no, clearly it is the fault of police for not just letting people get wasted and wail on each other without consequence.

It annoys me when people act like all cops have it in for them, and every time you see them they're like "Well, you know...I got locked up again. I just can't get a break..." :roll: Uh, stop doing dumb shit like TRESPASSING, and painting yourself as the victim...grow up!
The "pseudo science bullshit fad diet" and the quote about killing animals for food being the equivalent to murdering people put me on that defensive. People can eat what they want, they don't want to eat meat- good, more for me, but there's ways to handling it.

Q: How will you be able to tell if someone's a vegan?
A: Don't worry, they'll tell you.

And because I like to return obnoxious twattiness with obnoxious twats of my own:

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SweepTheLeg said:
The "pseudo science bullshit fad diet" and the quote about killing animals for food being the equivalent to murdering people put me on that defensive. People can eat what they want, they don't want to eat meat- good, more for me, but there's ways to handling it.

I never said killing animals was the same as killing people :/

There are a lot of people in the vegan community who get into weird diets that have no basis in actual nutrition, and it makes for crappy stereotypes. I wasnt in here to preach about veganism, I was just venting about something that I find annoying as hell. I think stuff like this can happen in any community.

I hope that clarifies my comment.
I was a vegetarian for 7 years and now that I'm not, my biggest pet peeve is people saying "I'm SO glad you eat meat now."

Like, wtf? Did it really affect your life that much? I told them never to worry about feeding me if it was going to be such an issue, I'd make my own food but apparently my choice to be a vegetarian for many years REALLY bothered people around me. This is despite never lecturing them in their choices, never saying we couldn't go to a restaurant because I had to find something vegetarian. Never asked them to make me anything special.
LacieLaPlante said:
I was a vegetarian for 7 years and now that I'm not, my biggest pet peeve is people saying "I'm SO glad you eat meat now."

Like, wtf? Did it really affect your life that much? I told them never to worry about feeding me if it was going to be such an issue, I'd make my own food but apparently my choice to be a vegetarian for many years REALLY bothered people around me. This is despite never lecturing them in their choices, never saying we couldn't go to a restaurant because I had to find something vegetarian. Never asked them to make me anything special.

Ive gotten the same thing from many people. Ones who never fed me or had a single issue with going out to eat with me once too. They would always ask like it was some big huge deal. Like i had some disease even.
My sister constantly telling me how she could never give up cheese or sour cream. How i couldnt honestly like the taste of fake bacon to the real stuff. Ugh. When we'd go shopping and look at shoes and id put ones back cause they were made of leather she'd roll her eyes. WTF?
Now that im not fully vegan i still choose vegetarian options almost always but now they never comment on it. I just dont get it. My diet does not in the least effect them. Nor does my shoes being humane. Or my closet not having fur items.
LacieLaPlante said:
I was a vegetarian for 7 years and now that I'm not, my biggest pet peeve is people saying "I'm SO glad you eat meat now."

Like, wtf? Did it really affect your life that much? I told them never to worry about feeding me if it was going to be such an issue, I'd make my own food but apparently my choice to be a vegetarian for many years REALLY bothered people around me. This is despite never lecturing them in their choices, never saying we couldn't go to a restaurant because I had to find something vegetarian. Never asked them to make me anything special.

I can understand why this would annoy you but it is easier to socialize when everybody is an omnivore than when there is a vegetarian and especially a vegan. Even if you don't request special treatment if people are your friend, we do try and accommodate you. It is pretty much human nature. So the cool new Brazilian steakhouse opened up, sorry can't go it would be to hard for our vegetarian friend to find something to eat. Thanksgiving dinner, better add an additional vegetable course to the meal, or maybe even make one of those Tofu turkeys. Better not order veal out when dining with her...

I recently started dating a girl who was vegetarian for 5 years and just quit a year or so ago. It was a real relief to find out that she had changed.
I don't eat red meat, because I have trouble digesting it. All the people around me are constantly bothering me about it for some reason. Some people are just offended by differences in lifestyle choices.
HiGirlsRHot said:
LacieLaPlante said:
I was a vegetarian for 7 years and now that I'm not, my biggest pet peeve is people saying "I'm SO glad you eat meat now."

Like, wtf? Did it really affect your life that much? I told them never to worry about feeding me if it was going to be such an issue, I'd make my own food but apparently my choice to be a vegetarian for many years REALLY bothered people around me. This is despite never lecturing them in their choices, never saying we couldn't go to a restaurant because I had to find something vegetarian. Never asked them to make me anything special.

I can understand why this would annoy you but it is easier to socialize when everybody is an omnivore than when there is a vegetarian and especially a vegan. Even if you don't request special treatment if people are your friend, we do try and accommodate you. It is pretty much human nature. So the cool new Brazilian steakhouse opened up, sorry can't go it would be to hard for our vegetarian friend to find something to eat. Thanksgiving dinner, better add an additional vegetable course to the meal, or maybe even make one of those Tofu turkeys. Better not order veal out when dining with her...

I recently started dating a girl who was vegetarian for 5 years and just quit a year or so ago. It was a real relief to find out that she had changed.

A relief? Really? I never once had an issue with who i was with eating meat. Out to dinner, at home, ever. Nor did i ever preach when they ate it. I understand some do, but saying you're glad she quit cause youre assuming they are all that type is very unfair. So is assuming we want extra veggie dishes or Tofurkies when we come to your place to eat. Just like someone who has any other dietary restrictions or allergies, they never assume you will cook to their needs. Yes its humane nature to want to accommodate friends and family which is always appreciated but again when someone is constantly told not to worry about such for them to react always like its such a big deal is ridiculous.
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Jessi said:
SweepTheLeg said:
The "pseudo science bullshit fad diet" and the quote about killing animals for food being the equivalent to murdering people put me on that defensive. People can eat what they want, they don't want to eat meat- good, more for me, but there's ways to handling it.

I never said killing animals was the same as killing people :/

There are a lot of people in the vegan community who get into weird diets that have no basis in actual nutrition, and it makes for crappy stereotypes. I wasnt in here to preach about veganism, I was just venting about something that I find annoying as hell. I think stuff like this can happen in any community.

I hope that clarifies my comment.

You did not quote killing animals was the same as people. the girl who responded after you did. I apologize for not knowing the weird diets was part of the vegan community that made for weird stereotypes, I thought the pseudo-science diet fad comment was about people who weren't vegan.

quick edit* Anyone I know that aren't omnivores, I may ask out of curiosity- a conversation started but I am not going to badger for them to eat what I eat. I'm on my own special weird diet that tries to keep carb intake below 50g a day and I know about the questions and comments.
Teagan_Chase said:
A relief? Really? I never once had an issue with who i was with eating meat. Out to dinner, at home, ever. Nor did i ever preach when they ate it. I understand some do, but saying you're glad she quit cause youre assuming they are all that type is very unfair. So is assuming we want extra veggie dishes or Tofurkies when we come to your place to eat. Just like someone who has any other dietary restrictions or allergies, they never assume you will cook to their needs. Yes its humane nature to want to accommodate friends and family which is always appreciated but again when someone is constantly told not to worry about such for them to react always like its such a big deal is ridiculous.

I'll I am saying is that it is easier to accommodate people who aren't vegetarian for meal times. My last serious girlfriend, only ate fish and chicken, since I did the cooking and shopping that meant some accommodation on my part what we ate. But it wasn't a big deal, I'd order steaks, or pork chops when we went out or when she was out of town. In contrast my sister, has been a vegetarian for all but a few of her 60 years (and a vegan for several years.). While she would always bring a veggie dish, and I'd often have a meat entree, but if I wanted to add some seafood to the salad, or meat to a soup, nope can't do that, because that would mean my sister could only eat the dish she brought. My mom and sister are both allergic to tomatoes so I eliminate those, just like they make sure the cucumber aren't include in salads or dishes they serve me. It is part of being a good host, in the same way I wouldn't serve pork to my Jewish friends.
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Not to be on a high horse or anything, but omnivores really should eat vegetables too. I've been with many omnivores as a vegan and it wasn't a big deal at all because all humans should eat vegetables, regardless of if they're omnivorous or vegetarian. So to say it's obnoxious having to make a vegetable dish for the really should be making one anyway, regardless of if anyone present is vegetarian or not. I understand that it can be a pain for people to accommodate other's eating habits, but if being a vegetarian made a friend of mine happy, I'd be happy to accommodate them. I just don't think it's a big deal for omnivores to occasionally eat vegetarian dishes. :twocents-02cents:
LadyLuna said:
camstory said:
There is no doubt that someone has said, single ply toilet paper already. Though I want to add a question, and a make believe game I've found that makes finding single ply not quite as bad.

Single ply toilet paper exists? Oh, is that the really thin stuff?

(Note- people who aren't camstory will probably not be interested in the rest of my post)

I tend to guage how thick the toilet paper is as I pull it off the roll. So I hand-over-hand it until I have a wad that's roughly the right size and thickness in my hand. Only ever fails in those bathrooms where, when you go to rip the paper, it doesn't rip, so it ends up really fucking bunched up.

(okay, this bit's on topic)

Toilet paper that won't rip, so by the time you can rip it, you have, instead of toilet paper, what resembles a paper thread. Who the fuck can wipe with a paper thread, no matter how long it is? And how the fuck can toilet paper that is SO THIN be SO HARD TO RIP?

I know commercial businesses are under the impression those jumbo rolls of single ply they stock public bathrooms with are cheaper. But honestly, as soon as i realize that's what I'm dealing with my first thought is 'now I'm just going to have to fold up two or three times as much to get it back to proper functionality.' Where's the savings in that?
VeronicaChaos said:
Not to be on a high horse or anything, but omnivores really should eat vegetables too. I've been with many omnivores as a vegan and it wasn't a big deal at all because all humans should eat vegetables, regardless of if they're omnivorous or vegetarian. So to say it's obnoxious having to make a vegetable dish for the really should be making one anyway, regardless of if anyone present is vegetarian or not. I understand that it can be a pain for people to accommodate other's eating habits, but if being a vegetarian made a friend of mine happy, I'd be happy to accommodate them. I just don't think it's a big deal for omnivores to occasionally eat vegetarian dishes. :twocents-02cents:

A lot of the vegetable dishes that I know of have been flavored with some sort of meat though, even if it's just a meat broth. And if you're vegan, there's all sorts of things that I never knew had animal product in them (like marshmellows), so that makes it worse. All of a sudden, I have to get vegetable oil sticks instead of butter, and figure out something for the beans that doesn't involve bacon. I make tomato soup from a can, I add milk. Whoops, can't do that now! I make hot chocolate, I use milk for that, not water. Unless, of course, I have a vegan friend who wants a cup.

I'm not saying I would make a big deal out of it. I'm just saying that I can see how people would. For a lot of people, milk, butter, cheese, and bacon end up in so many dishes that cooking for a vegetarian or vegan friend forces them to actually THINK about what they're making. Sometimes, they'll be asking "can they eat this? I don't know".

Also, the comments about fish come from the confusion between lent and vegetarian. The catholic church has that whole "no meat on Fridays" rule, but fish is an exception. Which confuses a lot of people when they know about the Catholic thing but haven't met a lot of vegetarians. Especially when people joke about Catholics "going vegetarian for forty days". Though I don't understand the comments about chicken... maybe it's those who think vegetarians just don't want to kill the fluffy animals?

I like meat. I also like vegetables. I love fruit. And yes, I do tend to eat my steak on the rare side (warm red center, which is medium-rare in most steakhouses, rare in most other restaurants). But I wouldn't be able to eat it if I've seen it live. Do I think this is problematic? No. Do I think this would be a problem if I'd lived in other times? Yes, but I don't think I'd be as squeemish about it in other times. I've always been kinda pragmatic about my food.

I am fully aware that it takes 10x the amount of space to feed an omnivore than it does to feed a vegan.. but then again, with the rate humans are taking over the earth, if some of us don't eat meat those animals would probably be allowed to go extinct. I'm absolutely repulsed by the people who try to force their housecat into a vegan diet. Cats are carnivores, not omnivores.

Just to keep this slightly on-topic: pet peeve is people who think that just because something is physically better for them, it must be physically better for everyone. Conversely, people who think that just because something is better for a friend, it must be better for them. Not everyone is the same, and has the same make-up or same reactions to chemicals. That's why we need 3 different type of general pain-meds, and have some people who still don't get any benefit from any of the three.
AngelicTease said:
ARGHHH! I hate when you tell someone you don't do something and then they say 'try' and 'you will like it'. GRRR! Obviously I don't bloody like it and that's why I don't bloody do it! :woops:

WARNING- JOKE, do not take this seriously

But why not? it works on 5 year olds, obviously it should work on you...

Seriously, when they do that to us, it makes me feel like they're trying to parent me. And when it's something sexual, that just makes it so much more icky! "how will you know you don't like it if you don't try it?" "ever have your finger cut off?" grrr

And then of course there's "I don't like it" "just try it for me?" "I have tried it. I didn't like it." "so you'll do it for him but not for me?" "well, I did it with him because I wanted to try it. Then I found out I didn't like it, so I don't do it anymore."

LadyLuna said:
AngelicTease said:
ARGHHH! I hate when you tell someone you don't do something and then they say 'try' and 'you will like it'. GRRR! Obviously I don't bloody like it and that's why I don't bloody do it! :woops:

WARNING- JOKE, do not take this seriously

But why not? it works on 5 year olds, obviously it should work on you...

Seriously, when they do that to us, it makes me feel like they're trying to parent me. And when it's something sexual, that just makes it so much more icky! "how will you know you don't like it if you don't try it?" "ever have your finger cut off?" grrr

And then of course there's "I don't like it" "just try it for me?" "I have tried it. I didn't like it." "so you'll do it for him but not for me?" "well, I did it with him because I wanted to try it. Then I found out I didn't like it, so I don't do it anymore."


Yes, grrr! :angry4:
Extra crispy bacon. I don't want bacon flavored gravel.

Just thought I'd throw that in after all the vegetarian/vegan talk. :-D
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I hate when you have a hair that you can see in the corner of your eye and you keep trying to move it out the way but because it's just one single hair it's hard to see/get hold of/move.
Or you think something is on your glasses so try and move it off with your finger and then end up with a big finger print/smudge as well as the origional annoying thing.

Bald people don't realise how lucky they are. They'll never have a hair annoying them, if they ever find hairs in their food people can't blame it on their hair because they wont have any. They don't have to buy shampoo or expensive hair products. They don't have to worry about bad hair days. People can't judge them or think bad things about them because of their hair colour. Is there bald people jokes like there is blonde jokes? Ohh and the best thing, they are in good company, because all smilies seem to be bald too! :-D :) ;) :dance: Have you ever seen a smily with hair? I haven't! :character-afro: :glasses9: :glasses10: Okay, there is a few hairy smilies, but not many!
(I mean bald people as in like old people/stressed people/married people(lol), not people who have health problems and that's why their hair has fallen out, I know they're not lucky!)
Seeing reckless asian drivers get away with (not literally btw) MURDER. Especially I after I do something bad by accident and I have to scold myself in the mirror.

Oh, also seeing threads veer off subject. Sorta like going to a Tuperware party and having the discussion go from what's the best container for meats to people shouldn't be eating meat to god is gonna burn everyone who isn't wearing a purple toga on Feb 10, 2020.
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Shutterbuck said:
The "Excessive Chatter" dude at the super market check lane...

This reminds me of another pet peeve.....

When the guy at Subway talks my ear off, and asks about family-related things I'd rather not discuss with other people around (people waiting in line).

Also, having some dude sit next to me on a bus and putting me on the spot in front of everyone, by asking for my number and/or asking "Ooh, is that your real hair?" :roll: I just wanna get to my destination in peace without annoying people bugging me with their questions and their cigarette breath.
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