AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Pet Peeves, yo.

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How many fucking profiles is this stupid autoplay video posted on? Please models, if you want people to stay on your profile page long enough to read it, consider deleting autoplay videos members post.

On cam sites when people ask a million questions about what I did today...what I did over the weekend...what I'm doing for Valentine's Day. *sigh* I'm fucking your mom...that's what I'm doing. :lol: Just kidding.
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I hate when people tell me "sorry" when they havent even done anything! Like if they walk through a door before me and tell me "sorry" or if walk pass me on a sidewalk and tell me "sorry". I'm just sitting there dumbfounded thinking "what are they apologizing for?". It makes me feel uncomfortable. What are you sorry for? Existing? Jeeze. Its annoying.
The_Brown_Fox said:
On cam sites when people ask a million questions about what I did today...what I did over the weekend...what I'm doing for Valentine's Day. *sigh* I'm fucking your mom...that's what I'm doing. :lol: Just kidding.
Hah I actually enjoy this type of smalltalk on cam. It most definitely beats all the overtly crude sexual questions we are inundated with. I'd rather repeat how I took a hike or went out for sushi a few times than repeat my bra size and the date of my last anal sex. :lol: :mrgreen:
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ChrryBlossom said:
I hate when people tell me "sorry" when they havent even done anything! Like if they walk through a door before me and tell me "sorry" or if walk pass me on a sidewalk and tell me "sorry". I'm just sitting there dumbfounded thinking "what are they apologizing for?". It makes me feel uncomfortable. What are you sorry for? Existing? Jeeze. Its annoying.
:-D I've been guilty of this. lol It's a knee-jerk announcement of humility, I guess. Kind of like, "sorry you had to see me while you're out and about." lol
ChrryBlossom said:
I hate when people tell me "sorry" when they havent even done anything! Like if they walk through a door before me and tell me "sorry" or if walk pass me on a sidewalk and tell me "sorry". I'm just sitting there dumbfounded thinking "what are they apologizing for?". It makes me feel uncomfortable. What are you sorry for? Existing? Jeeze. Its annoying.

I am guilty of this, I think it is because there are a lot more people who have a pet peeve about those who walk through a door before them, or pass them on a sidewalk AND don't tell them they're sorry. So to not take any chances I apologize to everyone constantly.
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ChrryBlossom said:
I hate when people tell me "sorry" when they havent even done anything! Like if they walk through a door before me and tell me "sorry" or if walk pass me on a sidewalk and tell me "sorry". I'm just sitting there dumbfounded thinking "what are they apologizing for?". It makes me feel uncomfortable. What are you sorry for? Existing? Jeeze. Its annoying.

AmberCutie said:
Hah I actually enjoy this type of smalltalk on cam. It most definitely beats all the overtly crude sexual questions we are inundated with. I'd rather repeat how I took a hike or went out for sushi a few times than repeat my bra size and the date of my last anal sex. :lol: :mrgreen:

I like small talk too and wish more people would chat. But they don't have to ask me 100 questions about every little thing I do:

"You were at a bus stop? Why don't you drive? You don't have a car? Why not? You GOTTA have a car." Okay, dude, forget I even mentioned the bus.....
HarmlessSquirrel said:
When someone can't let go of a joke and keeps on making it over and over. Might have been funny once. Every day for months, not so much.
Yes! This plus folks who use what ever the latest fad phrase is no matter what anyone says.

The "go make me a sandwich" was never really funny but now it's become vomitous.
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About apologies:

-if I bump into you, the apology is for bumping into you, because that was rude.
-if I realize that I cut before you to get in the door, then I'll apologize, because that was rude.

About small-talk:

on the one hand, you have the people who are upset if I'm not talking with the room, so small talk helps with that.
on the other hand, you have, sometimes the same people, who don't want to interrupt the conversation to take me to a show or give a tip for a flash or something. THAT is a pet-peeve. The conversation is there to keep us from getting bored while we wait for a show! But no, "I was gonna give you a tip, but it looks like you're busy..." ugh!

About the pantyhose under jeans:
if it's cold out, another layer is always nice
I've also done this when I was either out of socks or out of underwear, so there's also that
and if you've got something going on where jeans against your skin doesn't feel so nice, hose does
lastly, either the lady likes the feel, or her significant other has a fetish for them
LadyLuna said:
"I was gonna give you a tip, but it looks like you're busy..." ugh!

Or when I'm logged into a cam site, and I say "I'm about to log off in a little bit to go eat," then someone who's been sitting there says "Oh. I wanted to take you private, but you can go do what you gotta do." :woops: I'm not sure I'm buying that...especially when I tell them "I'm not logging off yet though," and they still say "I'll just come back later."

Just like when I used to put in my MFC room topic 'Sorry, no toys today', and people used to say "Aw, I wanted a private show." Hmmm...really? LOL.

Sometimes I think people just like to act like they WERE gonna spend when they know damn well they weren't.

And then there's the guy on Streamate who was literally counting down the minutes until his SM daily limit was renewed, so he could go exclusive. He was sitting there going "8 minutes.....5 minutes.....2 minutes....." When time was out, guess what he did? He logged off and didn't come back. LOL. Hmmmmm.....
driverxtc said:
During chat/sessions when dumb asses keep adding GIFS and pics or overkill with the emoticons/smiles. So annoying!!!!

Something's not right when I have to ban a guy for posting back-to-back emotes after I've told him 2 - 3 times "Let's go easy on the emotes." People who do that are usually immature attention whores who don't tip.
The_Brown_Fox said:
driverxtc said:
During chat/sessions when dumb asses keep adding GIFS and pics or overkill with the emoticons/smiles. So annoying!!!!

Something's not right when I have to ban a guy for posting back-to-back emotes after I've told him 2 - 3 times "Let's go easy on the emotes." People who do that are usually immature attention whores who don't tip.
And usually, the emotes have nothing to do with what's going on in the room...or worse, they do but in a very inappropriate way. Like today, a model was showing her perfect, bare tush and some imbecile posts a GIF of another model in a similar pose.

Model: "Is that of me?"
Idiot: "No, yours is better."

I wanted to scream, "then why in hell are you posting another model in this model's room!?"
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Nordling said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
driverxtc said:
During chat/sessions when dumb asses keep adding GIFS and pics or overkill with the emoticons/smiles. So annoying!!!!

Something's not right when I have to ban a guy for posting back-to-back emotes after I've told him 2 - 3 times "Let's go easy on the emotes." People who do that are usually immature attention whores who don't tip.
And usually, the emotes have nothing to do with what's going on in the room...or worse, they do but in a very inappropriate way. Like today, a model was showing her perfect, bare tush and some imbecile posts a GIF of another model in a similar pose.

Model: "Is that of me?"
Idiot: "No, yours is better."

I wanted to scream, "then why in hell are you posting another model in this model's room!?"

This, for sure. When someone posts a porn pic of any sort, it seems to me they're saying the model in the room isn't sexy enough to hold their interest. If so, why be in there? When they post a penis pic, maybe they really should be looking for a male model?
When people steal images of my dogs or my actual photography. :angry4: (And yes, I'm pretty pissed at myself for forgetting to slap a giant, gaudy watermark on that image.)

They don't steal pictures of my butthole, boobs, ass or any of my explicit images. Nope, they steal the images of my dogs or my landscapes....I've even had a few images with my giant watermark on them get 'stolen' by someone who tried to claim they were me. Wtf? Seriously? You pick the pictures of my dogs over the pictures of my ass. :woops: It would bother me if someone stole a picture of my ass, but not nearly as much as one of my images that I actually keep in my portfolio. :-x

Edit: And double fuck tumblr for not having any sort of report, flag or any kind of button that would direct the site's attention to those blogs that do nothing but improperly reblog and steal other people's images/videos/gifs/whatever. Screw them for letting it continue!
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While my wife and i are sitting down relaxing and i say something to her and her response is, " Me?"
Which results in me saying, "Yes you, do you see anyone else in here. . ."

Oh yes, another one is when she asks me, "What's your plan?"
My plan is to try to figure out how I can annoy you with stupid questions.

OMG I have a thousand of these and they all involve my wife, Ahhh, TRUE LOVE AINT IT GRAND.
Shaun__ said:
How many fucking profiles is this stupid autoplay video posted on? Please models, if you want people to stay on your profile page long enough to read it, consider deleting autoplay videos members post.


omg I totally agree.
When a person, girl or guy talent or otherwise, BEGS and WHINES. I hate seeing that.

"Please Give me tokens!!!" every 30 seconds


"Show me your Feet Please" every 30 seconds

It's just rude and annoying
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HarmlessSquirrel said:
Nordling said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
driverxtc said:
During chat/sessions when dumb asses keep adding GIFS and pics or overkill with the emoticons/smiles. So annoying!!!!

Something's not right when I have to ban a guy for posting back-to-back emotes after I've told him 2 - 3 times "Let's go easy on the emotes." People who do that are usually immature attention whores who don't tip.
And usually, the emotes have nothing to do with what's going on in the room...or worse, they do but in a very inappropriate way. Like today, a model was showing her perfect, bare tush and some imbecile posts a GIF of another model in a similar pose.

Model: "Is that of me?"
Idiot: "No, yours is better."

I wanted to scream, "then why in hell are you posting another model in this model's room!?"

This, for sure. When someone posts a porn pic of any sort, it seems to me they're saying the model in the room isn't sexy enough to hold their interest. If so, why be in there? When they post a penis pic, maybe they really should be looking for a male model?

What gets me is the actual string of thoughts that lead up to someone posting a penis emote. They either a) saw someone else use it in another room and thought "yeah thats good, im gonna tuck that in my back pocket and use it later" and then memorize the damn shortcut or, b) they actually go on a hunt for juuust the right penis emote themselves.
Both are just weird as hell.
to be fair, aren't there a couple that are just no brainers, like :erection and :peen ?
When a private show spy decides to PM me in the middle of a private show ("I'm watching you fuck yourself, baby!"). Seems kinda tacky to me. And I've had to talk to that guy before about toning it down a notch with all the PMs.
When you are offline for an hour or two, and return to ACF to see you have picked up 3or 4 New thanks, and you can't find what post any of them were for. :woops:
camstory said:
When you are offline for an hour or two, and return to ACF to see you have picked up 3or 4 New thanks, and you can't find what post any of them were for. :woops:
Click on "thanks received" under your avatar and go to the last page :)
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LilyMarie said:
camstory said:
When you are offline for an hour or two, and return to ACF to see you have picked up 3or 4 New thanks, and you can't find what post any of them were for. :woops:
Click on "thanks received" under your avatar and go to the last page :)
Thank you so much Lily. I thought there might be a way that I was not aware of.
-members who expect everything for nothing and then get pissed when you don't deliver. For instance: I had a guy get pissed at me because I wouldn't do anal with a dildo that WOULD NOT fit in a100 pound girl's ass for 12 tokens. Seriously, for sixty cents I'm supposed to tear my ass open without any lube just for you? He called me a scam artist and said he'd go find a free video of it. Really? You can get porn for free? Well sheeyat why didn't ya just do that in the first place?

-members who tell you daily for six weeks that they're going to tip you as soon as payday comes because they don't have any tokens. Gosh, do you only get paid twice a year? You poor thing! Here, I'll give you a free Skype show because I feel so bad for you! It's even worse when their rewards points keep climbing. I didn't know MFC was giving out rewards points for having no tokens.

-American members who try to pretend they're from the UK and, trying to defend themselves when you catch them red handed will accuse you of being a fake English person. Thank you! I didn't know that I wasn't born in the UK and that I didn't live there for thirteen years. I also did not lnow that our Queen had as much political power as the US POTUS! Gawd... If you're going to try to be something you're not at least have the wits to google some basic facts.

-when guys say they love you and it's the first time they've been in you're room. What are you supposed to say to that? "I love u too bb even though there's no way to distinguish between you and the 450 other people in here and you haven't even tosse me a nickel?"

-when your cheque arrives a month late and you realize you should have paid $45 to do direct deposit
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A pet peeve of mine is when guys would throw out the compliment "You look like ________" and say a random celebrity's name that didn't match at all except for maybe one attribute. Megan Fox has black hair, the camgirl has black hair- "You look like Megan Fox."
SweepTheLeg said:
A pet peeve of mine is when guys would throw out the compliment "You look like ________" and say a random celebrity's name that didn't match at all except for maybe one attribute. Megan Fox has black hair, the camgirl has black hair- "You look like Megan Fox."

I get this at least twice a night from members. "Lindsay Lohan when she had red hair and wasn't a train wreck/drug addict/looking like shes 40." "The girl from Little House on the Prairie" "Liv Tyler"

In real life I look more a kin to Liv Tyler actually lol. But yes they see red hair and think Lindsay. Or see pigtails and think Ingles Family. I guess when they say Liv theyre actually looking at my face lol.
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