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New Models and Camscores

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Cam Model
V.I.P. AmberLander
Mar 6, 2010
The Internet
I think new models fuss over their camscores way too much. I remember when I was new, all I could think of was how awesome it was to make an average of 8+ dollars an hour working the hours I wanted. No matter what, every 20 hours usually averaged out to around 8+. It was my first full time job, and since all I needed was a computer I could start right away. I was so happy to be employed, and able to do it without running around to get to work.

I know that in some cases you'll work one hour and get nothing, or maybe two, but there's still that chance for a small 480 token private hour three. That's 160 tokens an hour, you can do it, even if it's just an average. Hell, masturbating is something we do for free anyways (at least, it should be, if you never masturbated for maybe you shouldn't be a camwhore, but yeah.)

Focusing on how easy the job is while making min wage, and loving how it slowly grew to more, kept me from even knowing about my camscore until it was in the 3'k's. In fact, around the time I started noticing it it stopped growing. My first paychecks were around 700, and that's with working 40+ hours a week. I know, the data is still in my saved documents.

Sure that may be harsh, and yeah I know now that our naked bodies online is worth more than 8$ an hour especially with tons of people watching... but when I was new, I was just another body. I had to make myself and my skin worth more, and I did.

It may not be easy at first, but if you work hard you get "raises" fast. Camming isn't easy just because some girls make it look easy; it's mentally/physically draining for them too. That doesn't mean it's not a fun job, but blowing glass is fun too even though it burns you and wears you out while you sweat to death working with that furnace.

So yeah. To any new girls out there; how can you not be happy with it? If you're bored, maybe it's not the right job for you. If you're boring in free chat, then try Streamate, or read the many advice threads here on what to do in free chat. Most of all, just be creative, enjoy yourself, and stay focused even when you're in your room by yourself.

We all had a time when 5-10 people was our average room count (unless we're super sexy and start out with a good cam/lighting, but yeah,) and we all worked to do better. You can too. You have to. Or you'll just be another model who quits in 2-6 months and we'll LOL at how we bothered to reply to your "hlp me camscore bb" threads even though you never posted in the introduction topics in the first place (hint hint.)

Search tags: Camscore, low camscore, higher camscore, raise camscore, new account, new model, easy money, easy tokens, I'm bored, camming is boring
thanks guys !! ALEXLADY that really made me feel better about the cam score thing. im branching out to other sites as well but i really like MFC . i know i had a day or two where i was like i dont want to get on cuz my cam score will just plumit but now i dont care it will go up and down. the point is that im having fun and so are the people in my room =)
CelticXkisses said:
thanks guys !! ALEXLADY that really made me feel better about the cam score thing. im branching out to other sites as well but i really like MFC . i know i had a day or two where i was like i dont want to get on cuz my cam score will just plumit but now i dont care it will go up and down. the point is that im having fun and so are the people in my room =)

Yeah, MFC is a lot of fun, but I hope my post wasn't rude at all. I just see min wage as an awesome start for having fun and masturbating whenever you want especially since it's almost guaranteed employment.

The whole having fun thing for both you and your fans is what makes a model grow, so yay, you've got it figured out :)
AlexLady said:
Yeah, MFC is a lot of fun, but I hope my post wasn't rude at all. I just see min wage as an awesome start for having fun and masturbating whenever you want especially since it's almost guaranteed employment.

The whole having fun thing for both you and your fans is what makes a model grow, so yay, you've got it figured out :)

That's actually a really great point. Especially in this economy.

I've actually wondered what MFC or other cam sites would look like if their existence became well known on a large scale in places like Latin America and Africa, where REAL poverty is more rampant. Why wouldn't a huge amount of women jump on board to score real money that they could never make in the world that they otherwise live in?
Awesome post Alex. I've been camming full time since January and it's taken me this long to build up my camscore and I've only just now figured out what works best when running my room. My first paychecks were averaging around $200-400 each month (not every 2 weeks) and I was still making more then than I was working fast food or any other job. If you stick it out and keep working every day like a regular job it eventually pays off. :)
While I agree with Alex to a point especially about over-worrying, complaining, and making new camscore threads... I don't agree with all of it. Alex, you were actually one of my motivators when I signed up in January. You said something about how important it is for new girls to bust their ass in the beginning so I did, and my camscore increased. I was armed with knowledge from researching everything in the beginning so I knew how important camscore was for getting a nice comfy spot on the homepage.

I don't think it's wrong for newbies to pay attention to their camscore especially when they are working hard to get it somewhere. Wanting to improve camscores is a natural goal among camwhores on MFC and gives most girls motivation. I know it did for myself, and still does. There's a balance between growing your camscore and having fun and growing regulars. It's a very delicate balance which most girls learn and already know.

Yes, anything is better than minimum wage, but camgirls should always be working for that higher goal so that even if they don't make it they still tried, and tried while having fun making better money than they thought. That's the beauty of MFC right? The possibilities are endless so I don't think telling girls to be happy for minimum wage is really fair especially when we ALL know that we ALL are working for as much as we can so we can pay off school, cars, bills, etc.

I honestly think this whole post is directed at one person, and I think you should of have just PM'ed her all this info instead of alluding to it because newbies have the right to worry about camscore just as much as a camgirl with experience and regulars. Just my opinion though :twocents-02cents:
Oh no I don't think they shouldn't work to make it better, I'm just saying they should be happy with they have, not give up, don't expect the world handed to them, and understand you have to work for things. Most of all I was saying you have to work to make it better.

You can be happy with what you've got and still aim at improving things ;)

This post isn't directed at any one person, but the great number of models who start off in a mindset of camming being easy job that takes no effort who, like I said, usually quit within a few months. Sure it's applicable to recent models, but it also happens every other week.
I also agree with Alex and Cammi on the Camscore view.... not to get too obsessed and frustrated about it.

I constantly get people in my room who are concerned about MY camscore being so low and what I should do to raise it... Well, that's all fine and good... and I am always up for advice, but I refuse to let that camscore thing dictate the way I run my room and how I interact with people... because I believe that in the long run you are falling short by calculating everything you do regarding the camscore.

Sure I understand, the higher the camscore the more people you get and the more money will follow. But even with my super crappy camscore and being a non-nude model I made $ 2200 in my first 2,5 weeks after joining MFC, was listed rank # 506 Miss MFC (lol) and I got a good crowd of followers by now. The reason why my camscore is so super low is, that I let the cam run for a VERY long time and don't log off when it is getting slow (back to the camscore calculation) - I just stay and take the time to get to know people in my room, building personal relationships with them... People appreciate when they feel that they are not on the clock and get cut off as soon as the tipping ends... And I think, this will pay back at the end (or better: it did already)...

I believe that - especially at the beginning - it is more important to take the time establishing connections to members... Those members are coming back all the time and drop the big tips... Sure, I don't have the huge crowd passing by dropping 10, 20, 50 tks on me but the money is coming... and at the end that's all what matters (to me)
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It matters! It absolutely matters! That's like saying to a customer service rep that the surveys that customers get don't matter. If you fail enough, you get fired. Just because MFC doesn't have a cut off doesn't mean its not important to focus on it. HOWEVER. what you really need to put energy in is the tokens. They make the score. Just set a small, fair, hourly goal. do a few lowish priced shows. increase the goals over time and voila! higher score.
AmazingAshlee said:
It matters! It absolutely matters! That's like saying to a customer service rep that the surveys that customers get don't matter. If you fail enough, you get fired. Just because MFC doesn't have a cut off doesn't mean its not important to focus on it. HOWEVER. what you really need to put energy in is the tokens. They make the score. Just set a small, fair, hourly goal. do a few lowish priced shows. increase the goals over time and voila! higher score.

Actually a good example of this is the Asian homepage that got shut down. :-( They cut a lot of models that didn't work up to a certain cam score.
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This is great! It's actually really, really soothing to read. My first week, I made $250. I had only worked maybe 13 hours. That's a crazy wage for someone my age!

This is my second week.. And I'm just feeling so discouraged! I worked 4 hours one night and made NOTHING. Right now I only have $13 in this pay period. I've been logging on for 15-30 minutes and logging off because the 4 hour thing REALLY messed my camscore up since I've clocked so few hours. Now I'm worried! I think it has to do with the times I log on, I think. I get more people at night (when I cant talk, ironically).

So, thank you! I'm gonna go on right now, and actually try for a decent amount of time, without hyperventilating about my camscore too much.....
I think it's cool you feel that way. I am not like that though. I like to be the best at whatever i do. I can't live off of $8 an hour. I can't even live off of $20 an hour. I don't think it's a bad thing when girls care or make a big deal out of it. There are some people okay with having a minimum wage life, and that's cool. There are others that are not. That's cool too. Everyone wants different things.
AmazingAshlee said:
It matters! It absolutely matters! That's like saying to a customer service rep that the surveys that customers get don't matter. If you fail enough, you get fired. Just because MFC doesn't have a cut off doesn't mean its not important to focus on it. HOWEVER. what you really need to put energy in is the tokens. They make the score. Just set a small, fair, hourly goal. do a few lowish priced shows. increase the goals over time and voila! higher score.
This is very well said. While I do believe that lots of new girls are putting TOO much obsession in every little fluctuation in the camscore and THAT needs to be toned down, new girls should be putting lots of effort into being the best they can be. And as Ashlee said, set lowish goals/countdowns at first, then gradually raise them up as is comfortable and eventually the camscore will go up. Just keep trying, and don't obsess over the changes in your score every day. It's going to fluctuate, just keep your eye on the bigger picture.
My 2c - I copied this from THIS thread because I feel like it sorta belongs here more.

One of my tips for new models in that thread was

2-Understand how camscores work and come up with a strategy to raise yours, but don't OBSESS

Wait? I know I'm new and I've had a few men tell me to keep the cam score up, but from what I've read all over the forums now is that we all really need to relax about the cam score. Personally so long as I'm getting some tokens and people in the room and am having fun, I could care less what that number is.

My repsonse:

I understand that - thats why i say "don't obsess'!

You say in there "as long as im getting some tokens"

I suppose it depends on what your earning goals are. Mine were higher than what I was making with a lower camscore, when I started. I don't want 'some tokens' I want "A LOT OF TOKENS".

The bottom line is that higher camscore does = more $. If you're on page 4 with a very low camscore, its difficult to get traffic. If you have no traffic its difficult to make money.

I'm NOT encouraging you to define your self worth by your camscore, or to obsess over it. At all. But I do believe that ignoring something that can significantly effect your bottom line is just not smart IMO.

My personal experience: I started at 1000 like everyone else. I floundered around for a while, making good money but not great. I was sitting ataround 1500. I set financial goals for myself, then I instituted a strategy to improve my camscore & my earnings went up. It steadily climbed from 1500 to sit around 3000.

It wasn't over the top. It was simply providing incentive for things that would help my camscore (ie offline tips, big tips) getting my guys enthusiastic about raising it, reminding them to rate tips over 90 etc.

And understanding simple things like not to leave your account logged in and other camscore killers.

I understand others take a different approach, but gaining an understanding of how camscores work, and what they do and don't do for my earnings made all the difference for me personally when I was starting out.
I wish I didn't care. The problem is I'm hardly getting any members in my room. It hard to have fun if no one is in the room. I have also seen several new models with scores over 3000. One girl said it was her 3rd day. She didn't even do anything in the chat. That frustrates me bc I work hard at being creative for ideas in chat. I'm friendly sexy and show off my body...what gives!!!! I was working with the idea to be patient but how are these newbies getting high scores so fast?
So I know this. I just have to stop whining lol and remember the age old saying...never fair to compare. I'm not looking at my camscore anymore and focusing on getting to know and entertaining my regular members. Another cliche: quality over quantity. Better to have a few loyal members than 100 freeloaders. thanks guys
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