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MFC Agent ??banned?

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Jupiter551 said:
ZoeMadison said:
WOW an entire 13 page thread devoted to Agent? How'd she get so lucky ;)

Good question, maybe she was born this way or maybe she just went like this after years of drug abuse :dontknow:

Anyway it's more like 12 pages of shit-talking and one page of white knights :p
I find it amazing that so many are talking about her and she obviously doesn't want to participate here or have her images used here, could always change the subject. rumor has it that Bemlover is coming back or is already back
I hope bem comes back but...and I know how wrong this sounds...bem was more fun when she was an alcoholic
Thank you very much for sharing your points of view. I don't have opinion about the Agent girl, but i can say that here i found some precious words which touched me and made me thinking about my online time in public chat. I have never thought about underage guests or basics, because i have no kids but now you got me thinking about that and i'll be more careful in future. It's not like i do shows in public, actually i'm doing my best to avoid even touching in open room, but i like to be naked on the cam without action. Just more comfortable about me.

The one outside show i watched made of Agent 99 was in a pizza restaurant. She was flashing boobs and i was wondering how no one around her noticed what she's doing. As soon as she started to eat her pizza someone sent her text message on her phone and she said that someone recognized the restaurant so she had to leave. That's what happened.

For me being a girl with few months experience in MFC (because i left and get back and left again and get back again) i said myself "lol, she is really brave girl if she is doing it". But now i'm saying myself - thank God that i have limited place in my apartment and have no battery to go outside and to make such kind of shows. Actually it is pretty cool that i saw the other side of the situation - what others think about that. Many useful words. Thanks to all. :)
Jupiter551 said:
Dunno about clever...that would imply she planned to have a 12 page thread on another model's forum.

Saying "any publicity is good publicity so omg stop saying bad things about her" is a cop-out. She was "famous" in mfc circles before this thread ever appeared.

Famous for ignoring any rules, banning for no reason, being a novelty because she's old and rough but making money, oh and generally just being batshit crazy.

Btw what is it you think she "created"? Long before Ancient99 Bemlover was doing crazy shit, better and funnier. Before Aging99 models were doing shows in "exotic" locations, such as airline bathroom group shows at 20,000 feet.

The difference? Well for one thing they didn't come off as completely fucking crazy, in addition to being a total cunt, I guess to retards that makes her more entertaining.'

I feel sorry for you guys who enjoy her antics but never got to enjoy Bemlover's shows. She's waaaay funnier, effortlessly, and did her thing without needing to be such a greedy ho.

Saying "any publicity is good publicity so omg stop saying bad things about her" is a cop-out. She was "famous" in mfc circles before this thread ever appeared.

hmm who said this? i see part of my sentence with a made up sentence that i never said, my only point was the exact one you made clear by responding to my post. Whether you love or hate her you can't control yourself from thinking and talking about her, and continuing to write about her! With every post you write about how much a bitch she is you give her more publicity whether it's good or bad. Also how do you know she isn't behind the reason for this topic? Couldn't someone create a username that talks shit about themselves and what a rulebreaking cunt they are to draw attention to one's self? Maybe cunning is a better word but i don't know enough about her to make an accurate description im sure, just basing it on my own experience. I've never heard of Bemlover, but you've peaked my interest. I'm personally to lazy to create anything that entertaining, i just like to dress up, dance, get myself and others off and roleplay...
amberdawnnude said:
Jupiter551 said:
Dunno about clever...that would imply she planned to have a 12 page thread on another model's forum.

Saying "any publicity is good publicity so omg stop saying bad things about her" is a cop-out. She was "famous" in mfc circles before this thread ever appeared.

Famous for ignoring any rules, banning for no reason, being a novelty because she's old and rough but making money, oh and generally just being batshit crazy.

Btw what is it you think she "created"? Long before Ancient99 Bemlover was doing crazy shit, better and funnier. Before Aging99 models were doing shows in "exotic" locations, such as airline bathroom group shows at 20,000 feet.

The difference? Well for one thing they didn't come off as completely fucking crazy, in addition to being a total cunt, I guess to retards that makes her more entertaining.'

I feel sorry for you guys who enjoy her antics but never got to enjoy Bemlover's shows. She's waaaay funnier, effortlessly, and did her thing without needing to be such a greedy ho.

Saying "any publicity is good publicity so omg stop saying bad things about her" is a cop-out. She was "famous" in mfc circles before this thread ever appeared.

hmm who said this? i see part of my sentence with a made up sentence that i never said, my only point was the exact one you made clear by responding to my post. Whether you love or hate her you can't control yourself from thinking and talking about her, and continuing to write about her! With every post you write about how much a bitch she is you give her more publicity whether it's good or bad. Also how do you know she isn't behind the reason for this topic? Couldn't someone create a username that talks shit about themselves and what a rulebreaking cunt they are to draw attention to one's self? Maybe cunning is a better word but i don't know enough about her to make an accurate description im sure, just basing it on my own experience. I've never heard of Bemlover, but you've peaked my interest. I'm personally to lazy to create anything that entertaining, i just like to dress up, dance, get myself and others off and roleplay...

It's been said several times during the thread, or not in so many words, your post just put me in mind of it - I wasn't saying you'd said it. Someone could make a thread about themselves secretly I suppose, though if agent99 is nzhere (the starter of this thread) she loves the asian homepage and posting pics of men on cam :lol:

I don't think the guys who post here are quite derp enough for her tipping demographic, that's just my opinion.

Bemlover is just, fantastic. She has a disco ball, smoke machine, stripper pole and flashing nightclub lights in her LIVING ROOM. I've seen her do many many hilarious things, just oddball things... Oh and yeah she often does them to the soundtrack of pan-pipe muzak renditions of classic pop, which if anything just adds to the weirdness.

One night I went in her room and it was all dark, I could see smoke vaguely, but no bem.
Then Air Supply started up, in time with the disco lights, and Bem rose through the smoky mist wielding two glowing lightsabers, naked, wearing this sort of flashing blue LED visor. I wish so so much I'd got a screenshot lol. You couldn't come up with this kinda shit, it has to come natural :lol:

When ordering a pizza one time, and planning on teasing the delivery driver, she gave her phone number out with her microphone on lol...doh! Then spent the next half an hour answering the phone and saying "who is this! stop calling me!"

A guy from the lounge (Zozzone) called her and videotaped her on cam and the audio of the two of them on the phone, was great...then she pulled a gun (unloaded but still) on the pizza guy, who understandably shat himself. Then she proceeded to get drunk, at one point started rubbing her pussy, closeup, and must have been eating the pizza cos a little piece of crust and cheese fell down onto her pussy, and she just rubbed that too lol.

She also sexier than 99, though I've more watched her for the entertainment

AlexiaRose said:
Jupiter551 said:
Then she proceeded to get drunk, at one point started rubbing her pussy, closeup, and must have been eating the pizza cos a little piece of crust and cheese fell down onto her pussy, and she just rubbed that too lol.


Yeah but it was still hilarious :p

Saturday, July 23, 2011
Public Record

From the public records of the Findlay Police Department and the Hancock County Sheriff's Office:

Police Department

A woman was given a trespass warning Wednesday for Drury Inn, 820 W. Trenton Ave., after she was reportedly engaging in inappropriate web chats in a common area at the motel.
I havent read that article yet but she's in ohio

That's definitely her lol...hancock county is where that catch99 guy kept saying she is lol.

The only confusing part is it says "a woman" :think:
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Lol I went and had a look at and it's absolutely blown up since I looked a couple days ago lol

Including some posts that kinda sound like they're from 99, but then say they aren't? :think: lol

PissedOff on July 22, 2011 at 8:13 pm
Catch99 if you so much as come near me, you will be the one sitting in jail. I am copying every one of your posts and will be presenting them to the FBI. There are very strong laws against stalking. It won’t come down as to what Agent_99 is doing it will come down to your behaviour and your threats. You are a sick and perverted person that has devoted his/her life to this…that is what the FBI will be looking at because in the end they will wonder how far you will go and how irrational you will become. Since I am not Agent_99 I think they will take me much more seriously.
From the public records of the Findlay Police Department and the Hancock County Sheriff's Office:

A woman was given a trespass warning Wednesday for Drury Inn, 820 W. Trenton Ave., after she was reportedly engaging in inappropriate web chats in a common area at the motel.

And there it is. How soon until someone goes to the police station and takes a look at the public record and posts her real name and address?
NickT said:
From the public records of the Findlay Police Department and the Hancock County Sheriff's Office:
There's a lot of cool stuff going on there this week.

A wallet was whisked away Wednesday or Thursday from a Buick parked in the 300 block of Portz Avenue.

Two "very young" marijuana plants were confiscated by police in the 600 block of Lawn Avenue on Thursday.

Two females were skinny-dipping Friday in a pond behind 1915 Yarrow Court.
Hancock County sounds like an interesting place. Just hang on to your wallet so it doesn't get "whisked away".
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She's married to Leo??? TipMuthafucka's been tipping her, and she told everyone that it's her husband Leo, the owner of the site. I'm not sure if it's a stunt or the truth. But her room is addictive. And she is ROCKIN' the pink (my fave color) today. :-D

I'm talking about pink CLOTHING...not the other "pink." :naughty:

Edit: He said he's not quite her husband...they're "living in sin." :lol:
Sevrin said:
Two "very young" marijuana plants were confiscated by police in the 600 block of Lawn Avenue on Thursday.

I wonder if they'll be fostered out
NickT said:
From the public records of the Findlay Police Department and the Hancock County Sheriff's Office:

A woman was given a trespass warning Wednesday for Drury Inn, 820 W. Trenton Ave., after she was reportedly engaging in inappropriate web chats in a common area at the motel.

And there it is. How soon until someone goes to the police station and takes a look at the public record and posts her real name and address?

Actually, I don't think one even needs to go there in person...
lol if she gets busted for indecent exposure she'll end up on their sex offender's registry, it says the minimum length of time for that is 15 years and she'd have to register with them every year :lol:
Jupiter551 said:
lol if she gets busted for indecent exposure she'll end up on their sex offender's registry, it says the minimum length of time for that is 15 years and she'd have to register with them every year :lol:

Let's just say someone I know (cough) has reported her to a few child protection agencies including one within the FBI. The reports are being investigated and have been filed as "dangerous to children" and "potential safety hazard", somehow those are different? Either way, something CAN be done about this and if anyone has any screencaps they'd like to share I can send you the e-mail that is accepting evidence for her case just PM me.

They said that her having a child appear on cam is a federal offence and that they would appreciate any and all evidence that can be found so they can compile a complete case without possibility of acquittal and continuance of the actions. (And no, the children to not have to be in any sort of undress of even be aware of her actions to be considered a child endangerment and possible pornography charge).
AnnieForest said:
NickT said:
From the public records of the Findlay Police Department and the Hancock County Sheriff's Office:

A woman was given a trespass warning Wednesday for Drury Inn, 820 W. Trenton Ave., after she was reportedly engaging in inappropriate web chats in a common area at the motel.

And there it is. How soon until someone goes to the police station and takes a look at the public record and posts her real name and address?

Actually, I don't think one even needs to go there in person...

LMFAO How many peeps do you think she banned are gonna shell out the 40 tokens to get the public records?

Karma can be a real beeyotch sometimes! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Paulie Walnuts said:
I think ya'll have gone a we bit over the edge of the sanity cliffs.
Even I have to agree with this.

Here's the attitude I'm taking with this now that she's been caught:

She has no motivation to do her thing in public where she lives because she now knows that they can catch her. So let's see if she decides to stick to normal shows. If she does, stand down. But if she starts going back out in public and doing this stuff, I'll gladly hold the door open for everyone to rush in and report her.
Mikeythegeek said:
Paulie Walnuts said:
I think ya'll have gone a we bit over the edge of the sanity cliffs.
Even I have to agree with this.

Here's the attitude I'm taking with this now that she's been caught:

She has no motivation to do her thing in public where she lives because she now knows that they can catch her. So let's see if she decides to stick to normal shows. If she does, stand down. But if she starts going back out in public and doing this stuff, I'll gladly hold the door open for everyone to rush in and report her.
fair enough :) i'm mostly in it for the gossip though. gotta love that juicy grapevine.
blackxrose said:
Mikeythegeek said:
Paulie Walnuts said:
I think ya'll have gone a we bit over the edge of the sanity cliffs.
Even I have to agree with this.

Here's the attitude I'm taking with this now that she's been caught:

She has no motivation to do her thing in public where she lives because she now knows that they can catch her. So let's see if she decides to stick to normal shows. If she does, stand down. But if she starts going back out in public and doing this stuff, I'll gladly hold the door open for everyone to rush in and report her.
fair enough :) i'm mostly in it for the gossip though. gotta love that juicy grapevine.

Um this makes sense, in some crazy alternate universe. Unfortunately (jkjk totally fortunately) she has already had multiple reports filed against her and just because she "stopped" doesn't mean anything to enforcement agencies with kid on cam caps spanning months. Who cares what she says, that bitch means shit with words, all I care about is her actions and she's proven she couldn't give half a fuck about everyone but herself and she has violated many many laws. Stand down, I'll do so in a game of Call of Duty but this is real life bro.
AngelAndrea said:
Um this makes sense, in some crazy alternate universe. Unfortunately (jkjk totally fortunately) she has already had multiple reports filed against her and just because she "stopped" doesn't mean anything to enforcement agencies with kid on cam caps spanning months. Who cares what she says, that bitch means shit with words, all I care about is her actions and she's proven she couldn't give half a fuck about everyone but herself and she has violated many many laws. Stand down, I'll do so in a game of Call of Duty but this is real life bro.
Yes, but she's had so many reports against her and probably a couple of hundred images with those reports that if they want to, the FBI could storm her house right now and drag her away. I mean, they have her address now because she was arrested by local authorities so all they have to do is get that info and that's it. And the police will do that sometimes- catch the criminal once, let them go but keep an eye on them until they're ready to take them down for real.

That's why I'm saying let's just hold on. Let's let the authorities do their job. Either they'll get her for what she has done or they'll get her for doing it again. I truthfully don't expect any other possibility because I don't see her stopping.
Mikeythegeek said:
AngelAndrea said:
Um this makes sense, in some crazy alternate universe. Unfortunately (jkjk totally fortunately) she has already had multiple reports filed against her and just because she "stopped" doesn't mean anything to enforcement agencies with kid on cam caps spanning months. Who cares what she says, that bitch means shit with words, all I care about is her actions and she's proven she couldn't give half a fuck about everyone but herself and she has violated many many laws. Stand down, I'll do so in a game of Call of Duty but this is real life bro.
Yes, but she's had so many reports against her and probably a couple of hundred images with those reports that if they want to, the FBI could storm her house right now and drag her away. I mean, they have her address now because she was arrested by local authorities so all they have to do is get that info and that's it. And the police will do that sometimes- catch the criminal once, let them go but keep an eye on them until they're ready to take them down for real.

That's why I'm saying let's just hold on. Let's let the authorities do their job. Either they'll get her for what she has done or they'll get her for doing it again. I truthfully don't expect any other possibility because I don't see her stopping.

??????? Anyways, again, I have the e-mail address that is accepting evidence and complaints against 99, if anybody would like to help the current investigation just PM me. I don't care if she says she's going to stop she doesn't care that she did something that is wrong therefore I cannot trust that she will not do further moral offences and legal ones as well, this isn't about MFC rules (never was), I haven't been on that site since due to my issues with that. I will be helping the investigation as much as I am able to and anyone who would like to help out go ahead and PM me, don't send me the caps, I will send you the e-mail I was given.

I'm sorry I just don't get the POINT of saying leave it when a current investigation is pending? Maybe you didn't read that? Who knows.
Paulie Walnuts said:
I think ya'll have gone a we bit over the edge of the sanity cliffs.
lol why? it's fun to watch the drama unfold, and I honestly think she's gonna get busted - and she's such a smartass bitch who's been raking in the dough by breaking the rules, hell I'm not gonna lie it's going to be satisfying to watch her go down lol.

People saying the cops don't/won't do anything are in fantasy land. Firstly, every cop I know will bust everyone they can, anytime they can. Secondly on the crimestoppers website for her area the 'crime of the week' is indecent exposure - so obviously they care about it lol. Thirdly, once businesses become aware of what's going on they want her out of there and THEY bug police to do something. She steals wi-fi, films people without their knowledge, exposes herself, and mooches anything she can business in the city would want her around.
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