AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

MFC Agent ??banned?

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Mikeythegeek said:
AngelAndrea said:
Um this makes sense, in some crazy alternate universe. Unfortunately (jkjk totally fortunately) she has already had multiple reports filed against her and just because she "stopped" doesn't mean anything to enforcement agencies with kid on cam caps spanning months. Who cares what she says, that bitch means shit with words, all I care about is her actions and she's proven she couldn't give half a fuck about everyone but herself and she has violated many many laws. Stand down, I'll do so in a game of Call of Duty but this is real life bro.
Yes, but she's had so many reports against her and probably a couple of hundred images with those reports that if they want to, the FBI could storm her house right now and drag her away. I mean, they have her address now because she was arrested by local authorities so all they have to do is get that info and that's it. And the police will do that sometimes- catch the criminal once, let them go but keep an eye on them until they're ready to take them down for real.

That's why I'm saying let's just hold on. Let's let the authorities do their job. Either they'll get her for what she has done or they'll get her for doing it again. I truthfully don't expect any other possibility because I don't see her stopping.

Far be it from me to correct someone, BUT being warned for something by the police is not the same as being arrested and charged. A warning is a get out of jail free card.

Experience: I have been warned and have been arrested. :?
Jupiter551 said:
ZoeMadison said:
WOW an entire 13 page thread devoted to Agent? How'd she get so lucky ;)

Good question, maybe she was born this way or maybe she just went like this after years of drug abuse :dontknow:

Anyway it's more like 12 pages of shit-talking and one page of white knights :p

Drug use? Now you are going a little bit overboard. Yes it is 12 pages of shit talking..and that is what it would think that just once everyone on here would take a look at how much energy that they have devoted to this matter and give it a break...doesn't anyone on here have a life other then bashing Agent_99? you can start devoting 12 pages of talking shit about me since I guess I have the guts to stand up and say "Enough is Enough."

So, I will say what you all are going to say about me..
"she should be ashamed of herself she is too old to be one here!
"What a cow"

Blah...Blah..Blah.....Oh I guess I should prepare myself for you to slam my room too with your idiotic comments...doesn't bother me at all... :handgestures-salute:
LadyLuna said:
NoelleBright said:
Now while I may not agree with the way things are being handled regarding Agent, it isn't directly effecting my income. I don't have any less premiums or tippers in my chat when she's online and doing these shows than when she's not.

You may just not be aware of her affecting your income...


When I first started MFC, I got privates and groups almost every day. Then the public shows became rampant. Nowadays, I don't make any more or less when those models are online than when they aren't, BUT I make less overall because men are willing to wait for the free show later.

I used to make 1500-2400 tokens in 8 hours DAILY. Now, I'm lucky to hit that much twice a month, because public shows have stolen my audience, and I have to rely on regulars who can only give me that much a couple times a month. The rest of the time, I get 600-1200 tokens, no matter how long or little I stay online.

My point is, has your income gone down overall since she started it? Or have you not been camming long enough to know that?

It isn't her public shows that have decreased your's summertime..even some of the top models are not making the same amount. I keep track of the days that are normally good days and the days that are not and then take those days's not worth my time to sit there and worry about the fact that I am not making the same amount that I was before.
DeeDee4you said:
Jupiter551 said:
ZoeMadison said:
WOW an entire 13 page thread devoted to Agent? How'd she get so lucky ;)

Good question, maybe she was born this way or maybe she just went like this after years of drug abuse :dontknow:

Anyway it's more like 12 pages of shit-talking and one page of white knights :p

Drug use? Now you are going a little bit overboard. Yes it is 12 pages of shit talking..and that is what it would think that just once everyone on here would take a look at how much energy that they have devoted to this matter and give it a break...doesn't anyone on here have a life other then bashing Agent_99? you can start devoting 12 pages of talking shit about me since I guess I have the guts to stand up and say "Enough is Enough."

So, I will say what you all are going to say about me..
"she should be ashamed of herself she is too old to be one here!
"What a cow"

Blah...Blah..Blah.....Oh I guess I should prepare myself for you to slam my room too with your idiotic comments...doesn't bother me at all... :handgestures-salute:

Everyone gossips, those who say they don't are lying. Its like picking your nose, everyone does but not everyone admits it.

Oh and I doubt anyone here will be going to you room to throw out elementary age insults to you, don't worry your safe :lol:
Jupiter551 said:
Lol I went and had a look at and it's absolutely blown up since I looked a couple days ago lol

Including some posts that kinda sound like they're from 99, but then say they aren't? :think: lol

PissedOff on July 22, 2011 at 8:13 pm
Catch99 if you so much as come near me, you will be the one sitting in jail. I am copying every one of your posts and will be presenting them to the FBI. There are very strong laws against stalking. It won’t come down as to what Agent_99 is doing it will come down to your behaviour and your threats. You are a sick and perverted person that has devoted his/her life to this…that is what the FBI will be looking at because in the end they will wonder how far you will go and how irrational you will become. Since I am not Agent_99 I think they will take me much more seriously.

No that post was from ME! Because. Catch_99 Said my name and where I lived and how he was going to follow her to MY HOMETOWN..

So, start the bitching..and I will go to the FBI if the sick mother fucker ever comes near me or my family.
DeeDee4you said: you can start devoting 12 pages of talking shit about me since I guess I have the guts to stand up and say "Enough is Enough."

So, I will say what you all are going to say about me..
"she should be ashamed of herself she is too old to be one here!
"What a cow"

Blah...Blah..Blah.....Oh I guess I should prepare myself for you to slam my room too with your idiotic comments...doesn't bother me at all... :handgestures-salute:

WOW, speaking of idiotic comments... :lol:
Bitching about her breaking MFC rules is one thing, going after her with the cops the feds and whoever is just nuts.

Wait till some whacko like catch99 decides what you do in a public show is a crime because kids have free access to public chat on MFC with not even having to sign up.

I think it's gone from "MFC needs to enforce their own rules" to "lets alert the FBI and have her tossed in a federal prison"

How many of you lovely ladies smoke pot on cam?
Ya know... that's a crime. it's breaking MFC rules. It's setting a bad example for the children watching.

This is like a fox hunt.... we all had the fun of chasing the fox all over the countryside and now up a tree.
Cutting the tree down and skull fucking the fox before you beat it to death is one step past "fun".

This has turned into a stalker contest. All this feeding the FBI crap is going to come back and bite some of you on the ass.

Get a grip.
How many friggin' times was she warned? Everybody watched her push the limits to see if she would get busted. Well, she finally pushed it too far with kids on cam. I said on numerous occasions that it was only a matter of time before she finally pissed someone off enough to do something about it. Now everybody is crying about her getting busted? Give me a break!

She made her bed, now she can friggin' lay in it! I have no sympathy for her.
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Bocefish said:
How many friggin' times was she warned? Everybody watched her push the limits to see if she would get busted. Well, she finally pushed it too far with kids on cam. I said on numerous occasions that it was only a matter of time before she finally pissed someone off enough to do something about it. Now everybody is crying about her getting busted? Give me a break!

I think several people are viewing it differently - they (myself included) are not seeing people now pursuing Agent_99 out of the principle of what she's done - although that is the reason some are giving.
It just appears too... personal. It appears, to me, that some folks hate her to the point that they have a vendetta against her - they've made it their mission to try and see "justice served". If others see a similar sort of "wtf" about what is happening through this being pushed to the "next step" - that may be why their posting.

I'm wondering/interested in knowing what sort of criminal charges people are hoping to see her up against, and what sort of punishment they want to see her receive. What would satiate their hunger for "blood" so to speak...
Zoomer said:
Bocefish said:
How many friggin' times was she warned? Everybody watched her push the limits to see if she would get busted. Well, she finally pushed it too far with kids on cam. I said on numerous occasions that it was only a matter of time before she finally pissed someone off enough to do something about it. Now everybody is crying about her getting busted? Give me a break!

I think several people are viewing it differently - they (myself included) are not seeing people now pursuing Agent_99 out of the principle of what she's done - although that is the reason some are giving.
It just appears too... personal. It appears, to me, that some folks hate her to the point that they have a vendetta against her - they've made it their mission to try and see "justice served". If others see a similar sort of "wtf" about what is happening through this being pushed to the "next step" - that may be why their posting.

I'm wondering/interested in knowing what sort of criminal charges people are hoping to see her up against, and what sort of punishment they want to see her receive. What would satiate their hunger for "blood" so to speak...
Exactly how I feel, zoomer. It's become way too personal for too many and I think everyone just needs to calm down and let the process play itself out unless she starts up again.

Until something worth talking about happens, I'm done with this discussion.
A few notes from me about this topic:

1. I am deleting posts that include screen caps or images of A99, whether it be an edit, or complete removal of your post. I've asked you nicely before, and that seems to have been forgotten. Forum warnings have been sent out. For those of you who would like to inform me of posts with images, please use the report function (the red ! at the bottom of a post) and I'll get to it when I have time.

2. For those of you who decide to MFC mail, PM, Tweet, or otherwise inform me that you're unhappy about this thread existing: Sorry, but it's going to exist whether you like it or not. Opinions are abundant, rants are inevitable. Put on a crazy show, you're going to get people who both love and hate it, and they're all going to talk about it. In A99's case, she is a smart enough lady to realize she was creating this buzz about herself by doing what she's done on cam. I recall a popular saying that mentions something about making a bed and lying in it. :think: This forum is a place for folks who watch MFC (and other cam sites) to discuss things on their mind, which is perfectly acceptable and will continue to go on. I moderate as necessary.

3. To the forum PM I received over the weekend sticking up for A99: Yes I realize she could be a fabulous person outside of MFC. Many of us can probably imagine that she's very different on camera vs. off camera. It doesn't change what she's done, nor make anyone take back things they've said. The opinions stated here are about her attitude while on cam, her actions while on cam, and her blatant disrespect for rules and laws. The fact that she's super sweet to some members, and helps other people from time to time doesn't change that, unfortunately.

4. As to the nature of the discussion here: I think that if she's really going to stick to in-house or private property shows from now on, it wouldn't kill people to let up a bit. Sure, the reports that have been submitted were understandable, but going forward if she's not doing it anymore, what's the point of going to such lengths to get involved with it? It's one thing to still be annoyed with her, so you go to this forum or some random blog or review site to rant about it, but I think it's a whole other thing to go all "legal on her ass" if you don't have anything to gain from it. So let's continue to use this thread to rant our feelings/opinions and discuss the current happenings on the subject, but the conspiracy theories and the legal missions could be toned down quite a bit and I'd be happy.
Holy Shit Where In Hairy Balls Have I Been????

I Srsly HAD No Clue Her Shit Was... On THIS Level! LoL.

Poor Girl. :(

What The Fuck Happened? {I know I could go through 13/14 pages and figure it out myself, but do I really want to? Not so much lol}
Cliff Notes Version Plz?

ZoeMadison said:
Holy Shit Where In Hairy Balls Have I Been????

I Srsly HAD No Clue Her Shit Was... On THIS Level! LoL.

Poor Girl. :(

What The Fuck Happened? {I know I could go through 13/14 pages and figure it out myself, but do I really want to? Not so much lol}
Cliff Notes Version Plz?

tl:dr version of this thread (without opinion bias)

1- Agent_99 frequently does shows in public places and frequently will have guys on cam with her (not while she's naked to the best of my knowledge) and despite the no men on cam rule on MFC, has only been punished for it one time and that was while she was at home and flashing her private parts.

2- In some of those public shows, children have been seen on cam in the background. That is strictly illegal.

3- Most are disturbed/appalled/angry that she is getting away with rule breaking and doing explicitly illegal things on cam. Many are also bothered by her attitude of banning members who don't tip her before talking in the chat. Some just rip her for being ugly.

4- Some have said here that they like her for doing something different, though they agree that she shouldn't be getting away with rule/law breaking.

5- Last week, she was caught in a hotel lobby flashing her stuff and arrested or cited for public indecency in the town she lives in.

6- It's been found on other sites that talk about MFC that there are individuals who have gone out of their way to try to bring her down.

7- There's now a disagreement over whether to continue pushing to get her out of MFC and into jail or just let things play themselves out because law enforcement have probably received a ton of info on her and her antics.
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ZoeMadison said:
Holy Shit Where In Hairy Balls Have I Been????

I Srsly HAD No Clue Her Shit Was... On THIS Level! LoL.

Poor Girl. :(

What The Fuck Happened? {I know I could go through 13/14 pages and figure it out myself, but do I really want to? Not so much lol}
Cliff Notes Version Plz?

Holy shit, girly, what prompted your capitalizing every word spree, there? :lol:
Bahhaa Omg.! Wow. I feel bad for her! :(

Something fun {& should have been harmless} turned into a train wreck... :/

& Yeah. Idk. Its Just Something that Happens When I Get excited and type! :lol: Ive been doing it for years! Weird. I know.
AmberCutie said:
It's one thing to still be annoyed with her, so you go to this forum or some random blog or review site to rant about it, but I think it's a whole other thing to go all "legal on her ass" if you don't have anything to gain from it. So let's continue to use this thread to rant our feelings/opinions and discuss the current happenings on the subject, but the conspiracy theories and the legal missions could be toned down quite a bit and I'd be happy.

Well I don't think anyone here is "getting legal", at least not to my knowledge. On that other site there is a slightly crazed guy who seems to have made it his life's mission to bust her - and I think that's pretty unhealthy.

It's also pretty fucking entertaining lol.

So I'll be watching from the sidelines with
Mikeythegeek said:
ZoeMadison said:
Holy Shit Where In Hairy Balls Have I Been????

I Srsly HAD No Clue Her Shit Was... On THIS Level! LoL.

Poor Girl. :(

What The Fuck Happened? {I know I could go through 13/14 pages and figure it out myself, but do I really want to? Not so much lol}
Cliff Notes Version Plz?

tl:dr version of this thread (without opinion bias)

1- Agent_99 frequently does shows in public places and frequently will have guys on cam with her (not while she's naked to the best of my knowledge) and despite the no men on cam rule on MFC, has only been punished for it one time and that was while she was at home and flashing her private parts.

2- In some of those public shows, children have been seen on cam in the background. That is strictly illegal.

3- Most are disturbed/appalled/angry that she is getting away with rule breaking and doing explicitly illegal things on cam. Many are also bothered by her attitude of banning members who don't tip her before talking in the chat. Some just rip her for being ugly.

4- Some have said here that they like her for doing something different, though they agree that she shouldn't be getting away with rule/law breaking.

5- Last week, she was caught in a hotel lobby flashing her stuff and arrested or cited for public indecency in the town she lives in.

6- It's been found on other sites that talk about MFC that there are individuals who have gone out of their way to try to bring her down.

7- There's now a disagreement over whether to continue pushing to get her out of MFC and into jail or just let things play themselves out because law enforcement have probably received a ton of info on her and her antics.

awesome sumnation.. . is that a word? thats it in a nutshell Im drunk. carry on.
kristyLIVE said:
Can you imagine if all of us went on strike? I mean, MFC is successful because we're all here. Without us where would he be?... What a thought...


Yeah what a moronic thought that was. You're all replaceable. Not trying to be a dick to mfc's self proclaimed "sweetheart" but damn, you might wanna think your thoughts out a little better.

Also, this thread has informed me that herpes lives way too close to me which kinda sucks
first post, probably supposed to make an intro thread but i tought you'd all wanna know if you dont already.

Leo, the owner of myfreecams goes by Tipmuthafucka on the site and frequents agent_99s room. today he tipped her over 1000 tokens in a few minutes so i hardly see him banning her anytime soon.
emamber said:
first post, probably supposed to make an intro thread but i tought you'd all wanna know if you dont already.

Leo, the owner of myfreecams goes by Tipmuthafucka on the site and frequents agent_99s room. today he tipped her over 1000 tokens in a few minutes so i hardly see him banning her anytime soon.

Jupiter551 said:
AmberCutie said:
It's one thing to still be annoyed with her, so you go to this forum or some random blog or review site to rant about it, but I think it's a whole other thing to go all "legal on her ass" if you don't have anything to gain from it. So let's continue to use this thread to rant our feelings/opinions and discuss the current happenings on the subject, but the conspiracy theories and the legal missions could be toned down quite a bit and I'd be happy.

Well I don't think anyone here is "getting legal", at least not to my knowledge. On that other site there is a slightly crazed guy who seems to have made it his life's mission to bust her - and I think that's pretty unhealthy.

It's also pretty fucking entertaining lol.

So I'll be watching from the sidelines with

Excuse me Jupiter, I will have to strongly disagree with you about the NOT getting legal aspect. It is getting to be EXACTLY that unless you didn't read the post at the top of page 14. She has been doing shows IN her home lately and following the rules as of right now, so lay off people. If she gets in trouble by the police, let them do their job. But quit throwing stones while she is behaving. And who the F*** cares what Leo's name is on MFC (Tipmuthafucker). Is this guy the owner of MFC as what I have seen written on here? If he is, he can do what the hell he wants on his site. Some people find entertaining a rude, outrageous female, while others dont. Kind of like watching Judge Judy on tv. She is a mean, rude bitch. But some people find that entertaining and it helps her ratings. So keep hating on A99, your helping her show anyways. The more people that sign up for these forums will see this thread and will seek her out. Some of the people will become her fans.

AngelAndrea said:
Mikeythegeek said:
AngelAndrea said:
Um this makes sense, in some crazy alternate universe. Unfortunately (jkjk totally fortunately) she has already had multiple reports filed against her and just because she "stopped" doesn't mean anything to enforcement agencies with kid on cam caps spanning months. Who cares what she says, that bitch means shit with words, all I care about is her actions and she's proven she couldn't give half a fuck about everyone but herself and she has violated many many laws. Stand down, I'll do so in a game of Call of Duty but this is real life bro.
Yes, but she's had so many reports against her and probably a couple of hundred images with those reports that if they want to, the FBI could storm her house right now and drag her away. I mean, they have her address now because she was arrested by local authorities so all they have to do is get that info and that's it. And the police will do that sometimes- catch the criminal once, let them go but keep an eye on them until they're ready to take them down for real.

That's why I'm saying let's just hold on. Let's let the authorities do their job. Either they'll get her for what she has done or they'll get her for doing it again. I truthfully don't expect any other possibility because I don't see her stopping.

??????? Anyways, again, I have the e-mail address that is accepting evidence and complaints against 99, if anybody would like to help the current investigation just PM me. I don't care if she says she's going to stop she doesn't care that she did something that is wrong therefore I cannot trust that she will not do further moral offences and legal ones as well, this isn't about MFC rules (never was), I haven't been on that site since due to my issues with that. I will be helping the investigation as much as I am able to and anyone who would like to help out go ahead and PM me, don't send me the caps, I will send you the e-mail I was given.

I'm sorry I just don't get the POINT of saying leave it when a current investigation is pending? Maybe you didn't read that? Who knows.
emamber said:
first post, probably supposed to make an intro thread but i tought you'd all wanna know if you dont already.

Leo, the owner of myfreecams goes by Tipmuthafucka on the site and frequents agent_99s room. today he tipped her over 1000 tokens in a few minutes so i hardly see him banning her anytime soon.
It's HIGHLY likely that this information is just a rumor started by someone in her room, or by Agent herself. I don't imagine Leo would do that. If he does... then :eek: .
AmberCutie said:
emamber said:
first post, probably supposed to make an intro thread but i tought you'd all wanna know if you dont already.

Leo, the owner of myfreecams goes by Tipmuthafucka on the site and frequents agent_99s room. today he tipped her over 1000 tokens in a few minutes so i hardly see him banning her anytime soon.
It's HIGHLY likely that this information is just a rumor started by someone in her room, or by Agent herself. I don't imagine Leo would do that. If he does... then :eek: .

I was just in Agents room and this tipmuthafucka was in there. He said goodnite to everyone and they ALL replied with "goodnite Leo."

Is he an admin or the owner? I would be more disappointed if he was an admin. That means, its NOT his site and he is probably not doing his job. If its his site, then he can pick and choose what models he favorites. It would be HIS site after all....

Fair? NO, but then if we as models don't like it, then go to another site.
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