AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Members guilt-tripping models about breast implants

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The_Brown_Fox said:
You didn't sign a contract that says you HAVE to continue tipping her forever. We lose tippers all the time for a variety of reasons. We know that some of them stop visiting/tipping us and move on to other happens.

If your favorite model's new boobs are actually going to be a deal-breaker for you, then stop visiting her room if it bugs you that much. If she PMs you to ask why you don't visit her anymore, you can break it to her gently the reason you stopped visiting. And by 'breaking it to her gently', I don't mean blurting out "Cuz you fucked up your body with those damn implants! THAT's why!" LOL.

This is purely hypothetical on my part since I am far from fanatical about boob jobs. But I do know guys who are vehement about hating implants and it would be a deal breaker. The question is during the often long period between the announcement of I'm going to get a boob job and the scheduling of the surgery. Should the guy tell his favorite model how passionate he is about the subject? After all plenty of girls change their minds.
HiGirlsRHot said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
You didn't sign a contract that says you HAVE to continue tipping her forever. We lose tippers all the time for a variety of reasons. We know that some of them stop visiting/tipping us and move on to other happens.

If your favorite model's new boobs are actually going to be a deal-breaker for you, then stop visiting her room if it bugs you that much. If she PMs you to ask why you don't visit her anymore, you can break it to her gently the reason you stopped visiting. And by 'breaking it to her gently', I don't mean blurting out "Cuz you fucked up your body with those damn implants! THAT's why!" LOL.

This is purely hypothetical on my part since I am far from fanatical about boob jobs. But I do know guys who are vehement about hating implants and it would be a deal breaker. The question is during the often long period between the announcement of I'm going to get a boob job and the scheduling of the surgery. Should the guy tell his favorite model how passionate he is about the subject? After all plenty of girls change their minds.

Not unless she explicitly asks for his opinion. Otherwise, we're assuming that she needs to know how he feels, and if we assume that much, then it's also assumed that this guy's tips are more important to the model than her reasons for deciding to get a boob job.
HiGirlsRHot said:
This is purely hypothetical on my part since I am far from fanatical about boob jobs. But I do know guys who are vehement about hating implants and it would be a deal breaker. The question is during the often long period between the announcement of I'm going to get a boob job and the scheduling of the surgery. Should the guy tell his favorite model how passionate he is about the subject? After all plenty of girls change their minds.

I would not think it is a good idea. Even if she changed her mind, the relationship they share will have been poisoned by him openly trying to control her. He will most like end up getting banned or leaving on his own anyways.
HiGirlsRHot said:
It seems me that simply shutting up and quietly leaving and hiding the model seems pretty drastic. Isn't there another step?

Really? Leaving quietly is drastic?

Um... alright. you're in a movie theater. Guy in the back quietly leaves. Do you notice? Guy in the back stands up and declares that this movie is shit and he's going elsewhere. Do you notice now? Which is less drastic?

When a member actually says that they don't agree with the decision, it hurts a little. When they declare that they're leaving if I go through with a decision, or because I did whatever, it hurts more. That's a direct rejection of me. When a member leaves without telling me that he's leaving or why, well, eventually I notice. But I figure he moved on, no hard feelings, and I'll still greet him with a smile when he comes back.

When a member tries to control my life through his tips, well, he gets told off. This is my life. I'm the one who has to live with this choice for the rest of my life. You just get to see what you want, or to not see something you don't want. Who does the decision impact more?

If a model asks your opinion on it, then yeah, give it to her. But if she doesn't, then let it go.

HiGirlsRHot said:
"I've always been self-conscious about the size of my boobs. I know I'd look better in clothes with bigger boobs. Plus almost all the top models on MFC have big boobs." She explains that she has researched the procedure, and is going to cam extra hard to earn the money for the surgery. She thanks you for being a such generous tipper in the past and hints that she wants you to continue.

Her first two reasons are that she wants them for herself. Thus, she will probably be happier with the boobs than without them. She has done her research, so she knows the risks. Yup, this model has thought it through. Anything you do to attempt to dissuade her is a dipshit move. Wish her luck with the surgery, remind her to tend to the aftercare, and move on. If she doesn't already know about this forum, point her here. There are models here who know what the surgery is like, how to find a good doctor, what to expect after the surgery, and how to care for the new boobs so they don't look like shit.

If her only reason had been "I think it will give me a better income." Well, then you might need to speak up. Ask her if she thinks her boobs look okay now, point out that you love the way they look, express concerns that they might not look so good afterwards. BUT DON'T DO IT IN PUBLIC CHAT. In fact, send it in an MFC mail, with the title "don't read this on camera- about the boob job" so that she doesn't get upset while she's trying to earn money.

Shaun__ said:
I would not think it is a good idea. Even if she changed her mind, the relationship they share will have been poisoned by him openly trying to control her. He will most like end up getting banned or leaving on his own anyways.

:clap: This post needs to be repeated again and again.
LadyLuna said:
Shaun__ said:
I would not think it is a good idea. Even if she changed her mind, the relationship they share will have been poisoned by him openly trying to control her. He will most like end up getting banned or leaving on his own anyways.

:clap: This post needs to be repeated again and again.

Luna you know a few of the stupid things in the past I have done, because they were talked about on the forums. I have made a honest effort to learn from those things, and other incidences you know nothing about. I also try to share my very hard earned and very expensive knowledge with others who will take it. It always seems so obvious what I should have done looking backwards for some reason, after I gain some distance.
Shaun__ said:
Luna you know a few of the stupid things in the past I have done, because they were talked about on the forums. I have made a honest effort to learn from those things, and other incidences you know nothing about. I also try to share my very hard earned and very expensive knowledge with others who will take it. It always seems so obvious what I should have done looking backwards for some reason, after I gain some distance.

Yes, I do know some of it. At the time, I thought you were a good person, just a little misguided. I'm glad that you still seem to be a good person, and less misguided.

Best thing about this forum- watching the members (and models) grow.
I hate to walk in and break up the party here. It seems a little one sided and on the female perspective with no guys input. Yes I am new here and I love this place.

Guys like big tits.

That being said for me personally it is not an issue. I know women who get breast implants because it makes them feel more confident. That is fine. I find confidence to be a VERY attractive factor in women. If some fake boobs will give you the confidence you need so be it. You go girl! Rather a woman has small breast no breast or big breast it makes no difference to me.

I would like to say please do not ever change your body to please a man. No matter how you think a guy thinks you look in some guys and most likely a lot of guys minds you are PERFECT! If you change your body do it because YOU want to because it makes YOU feel better.

I hope that what I have said helps. If not please disregard.
I bet the members who are guilt tripping the models in the first place don't even tip them. So really they shouldn't be much of a concern. It is flat out rude to say that crap to a model who just got work done and might be feeling a little anxious about it, or anyone in general. That's just straight up douche baggery. Who cares if you think the model shouldn't have got work done, its not your body and you sure as hell don't own her. :twocents-02cents:
VillyVadAz said:
I hate to walk in and break up the party here. It seems a little one sided and on the female perspective with no guys input. Yes I am new here and I love this place.

Guys like big tits.

Fixed that for you.

Guys like all different sizes of boobs. :thumbleft:
NoelleBright said:
VillyVadAz said:
I hate to walk in and break up the party here. It seems a little one sided and on the female perspective with no guys input. Yes I am new here and I love this place.

Guys like big tits.

Fixed that for you.

Guys like all different sizes of boobs. :thumbleft:
LOL lovely!
What I meant to say most the guys I hang out with are always saying holy ******* did you see that rack on her! I even have a couple friends who have bought there wives fake breast for presents....

I still stand by never change for a man do it for you and no one else no matter what guys like or do not.
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VillyVadAz said:
NoelleBright said:
VillyVadAz said:
I hate to walk in and break up the party here. It seems a little one sided and on the female perspective with no guys input. Yes I am new here and I love this place.

Guys like big tits.

Fixed that for you.

Guys like all different sizes of boobs. :thumbleft:
LOL lovely!
What I meant to say most the guys I hang out with are always saying holy ******* did you see that rack on her! I even have a couple friends who have bought there wives fake breast for presents....

I still stand by never change for a man do it for you and no one else no matter what guys like or do not.
I think some guys say that because it's shocking, not because they necessarily like them. My bf has said that same line, but he prefers small boobs. When he sees a huge rack he is shocked, especially if they are natural, but he doesn't prefer them.
CCRhyder said:
I bet the members who are guilt tripping the models in the first place don't even tip them.

^This.^ LOL. The guys who are always running off at the mouth are usually the ones who don't tip. And some members wonder why they're getting banned from models' rooms every 2 minutes.....

If you're gonna give your opinion, I believe there is almost always a nicer way of saying things, and it might even be better for you both if it's said via MFC Mail or PM.....rather than blurting out in PUBLIC CHAT that she just "doesn't do it for you anymore" and that you don't intend on tipping her again.

You can "keep it real" AND do it without being a douchebag. :thumbleft:
I get banned from rooms sometimes. Use to be much more frequently. I'm never rude or anything, just a little misunderstood from time to time.

My brain has a habit of latching on to minor details that don't matter to anyone except me, and then I always feel compelled to inquire further about that detail.

For example:

I recall one time a model telling the room a sexy story about an encounter she had with a guy she met in a bowling alley. They played a couple games, had some drinks at the bar, went to his place etc etc.

However the entire time I wanted to know if she was a good bowler. Mid way through the story I asked what was her high score for the night. She banned me.

I can't help it, my brain just goes there sometimes. I'm not TRYING to be rude, but I could understand how some would see it that way, so I don't sweat it.
So, after six, yes six, pages of discussion it pretty much comes down to this:

If a model states she is getting breast augmentation surgery, the only appropriate response is something along the lines of "hope everything goes well and here's to a speedy recovery". It really is that simple.

Now, if a model happened to say "I'm thinking about................what do you guys think?" That is an entire different ballgame. But that happens..........very seldom, if ever?

Noelle probably said it (or corrected it) best: Guys like tits. Of all shapes and sizes.

I have frequented models rooms who have had itty bitty titties and ones with bodacious tatas. And everything in between. Not much of a determining factor for me.

This is just a bonus personal opinion for you all. I don't think the guys giving models grief over their decisions really care that much about the model at all. They are just on some sort of a power trip, thinking their insignificant opinions may influence what he model does.
RogueWarrior said:
So, after six, yes six, pages of discussion it pretty much comes down to this:

If a model states she is getting breast augmentation surgery, the only appropriate response is something along the lines of "hope everything goes well and here's to a speedy recovery". It really is that simple.

Now, if a model happened to say "I'm thinking about................what do you guys think?" That is an entire different ballgame. But that happens..........very seldom, if ever?

Noelle probably said it (or corrected it) best: Guys like tits. Of all shapes and sizes.

I have frequented models rooms who have had itty bitty titties and ones with bodacious tatas. And everything in between. Not much of a determining factor for me.

This is just a bonus personal opinion for you all. I don't think the guys giving models grief over their decisions really care that much about the model at all. They are just on some sort of a power trip, thinking their insignificant opinions may influence what he model does.

Is it really that simple? I'm not trying to prolong this ridiculously long thread more (although I guess I'm doing just that), but the fact of the matter is, cam sites are public venues, and breasts are front and center there as far as attention goes. Members are used to expressing opinions. Not everyone is going to jump on the idea that this is an exception to the rule that opinions are okay. Saying something mean is mean, no controversy there. But saying what you like or what you think is a good idea? Not so obviously wrong in my opinion, especially when you consider that not everyone in the room will have been embroiled in a week-long discussion about it with frustrated models. "Giving grief" is clearly rude and not characteristic of someone who cares about the model if it's of the "you suck" variety. If it's of the, "I really don't think that's a good idea" variety though, it may really be someone who means well. Could they have expressed themselves better or simply declined to speak up? Perhaps, but that's just not always going to be what happens, even with basically decent guys. People can and do say something without considering whether someone could construe it as implying they aren't competent to make their own decisions. More often than not, it's not really meant that way; it's just a knee-jerk response. Bottom line, I think you're generally going to have to tolerate a certain amount of unwanted feedback on this topic when you mention it in your room. The same is likely true if you talk about it with friends or family, and at least your regulars probably consider themselves your friends.
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No matter how "well-meaning" it is, it's rude, crude and stupid. Every model in this thread has said to basically stfu with unsolicited advice. Yeah, it's going to happen--just like some members will go into a room and talk trash...and both will probably be met with a ban.

It isn't a free speech issue. It's about how the models wish to run their rooms, and what they don't consider proper conversation. "We Reserve the Right to Refuse Service." :)

Yes, it's that simple.
Nordling said:
No matter how "well-meaning" it is, it's rude, crude and stupid. Every model in this thread has said to basically stfu with unsolicited advice. Yeah, it's going to happen--just like some members will go into a room and talk trash...and both will probably be met with a ban.

It isn't a free speech issue. It's about how the models wish to run their rooms, and what they don't consider proper conversation. "We Reserve the Right to Refuse Service." :)

Yes, it's that simple.

Yes, every (I'll take your word for it because I'm not going to go back and see if there's an exception) model has said stfu with unsolicited advice. It would be nice if they could have what they want there, but like it or not, they pretty much can't. Sure, those of us in on this conversation will know how they feel, but it's just not the general understanding. Sure, they can ban people for saying something. That's their option. Will everyone know (or reasonably be expected to know) that saying anything at all other than "good luck" is a no-no? No.

Most every job has some aspects that are frustrating but not immediately obvious to someone outside the profession. It would be nice if people magically understood all that before they said something that irritates, but alas, that's not usually the case.

I'm not saying it's unreasonable for models to be frustrated by this. I am saying, realistically, it's still going to come up.
Of course it will come up. There are definitely rude people, and I'm sure everyone notices this. :)

I don't think that fact is the point of the OP though...more of a way of expressing distaste with the rudeness than to deny the existence of it.

* Oh, and I surmise the reason the thread went on so long is because a few members tried to justify the rudeness, or even to argue that it wasn't rude.
Just my thoughts on it : yes, there WILL be unsollicited advice, and rude or not, i'm sorry if I'm being rude too now but i'm just saying it as I view it: models aren't saying "don't give unsollicited advice because omg it's bothering us and then we can't sleep at night " lol.
It comes down to: "you're making yourself look like an annoying controlling little prick, and i'd like to be able to like you if we're going to work together"
But, you know.... if you're not fun , we can still work together, it's just a bit less fun.
Unsolicited advice happens, yes. Fine. But look at the examples in this thread again:

-every person in their room felt the need to voice every bad thought they had about it, meaning everyone was saying negative things about it multiple times in a row, not just once

-people wouldn't drop it, meaning, the model said "let's talk about something else" or even brought up a new conversation, and they just kept belittling her decision

-when being told that, yes, she really does want it, members would proceed to argue with her about her decision, bringing up multiple reasons why she shouldn't do it, ignoring her "I've wanted this for years"

-HiGirls asked about if it's a model you tip a lot, should you warn her that she's going to lose your money for it

1-3 isn't just unsolicited advice, it's BEATING THE MODEL INTO THE GROUND verbally. HiGirls was implying that money is the sole consideration, even though in his example the model said she's been wanting this because she will feel more sexy. In every case, the members are trying to control the model, and implying that they have a right to decide for the model, not just advise her.

No, we don't want unsolicited advise about what we should do with our bodies, but we can deal with that, we're adults. But the belittling and shaming and attempts to control the model's offcam life through your money is NEVER acceptable. And a decision the model makes about her body is part of her off-cam life more than her camming.
HarmlessSquirrel said:
RogueWarrior said:
If a model states she is getting breast augmentation surgery, the only appropriate response is something along the lines of "hope everything goes well and here's to a speedy recovery". It really is that simple.

Is it really that simple?

Let me emphasize a different word for you, maybe it will make more sense.

If a model states she is getting breast augmentation surgery, the only appropriate response is something along the lines of "hope everything goes well and here's to a speedy recovery". It really is that simple.
Kunra9 said:
I recall one time a model telling the room a sexy story about an encounter she had with a guy she met in a bowling alley. They played a couple games, had some drinks at the bar, went to his place etc etc.

However the entire time I wanted to know if she was a good bowler. Mid way through the story I asked what was her high score for the night. She banned me.

Who is this guy and where can I find one?!

Amazing! I was reading through that wondering what you could have been thinking about that might get you banned, wasn't expecting that! So funny/random! :)

The thing also with plastic surgery, is that, does it really effect you if someone else gets it?

Take Megan for example. I think she's a sexy sexy woman, just the way she is. She says she wants to get plastic surgery, I might think she doesn't need it, which she doesn't, but neither do I need new boots. But I want new boots anyway.
The boots could be expensive/uncomfortable/unpractical, plenty of things could go wrong...
If I chose to buy new boots, I very much doubt if I told people on acf that Megan would go "Oh my god! How could you spend that money?! Have you even thought about the price?! You don't need those boots!!!" I think she deserves the same curtesy.
Sounds kind of silly, and sure buying boots isn't surgery, but it has as much to do with a stranger as surgery has. Essentially, if I got new boots, it would be absolutely no one on mfc or acf's business to tell me not to buy them. If Megan wants new boobs, it won't effect my life at all, except for when I might go and check out her room, her boobs would be different, sure it's a big decision for her, but that's her decision.
I would also hope that if I bought/was going to buy boots and posted them up on acf that if anyone found them unattractive they would keep quiet. Actually I can't think that anyone on here or even in my room would actually cross the line if I were talking about boots. So why the fuck is it different with boobs? Might seem like a more serious decision to you, but I have been considering buying nice boots every single winter for the past 6 years of my life. No one else can make this decision for me. One day I'll just have to make the leap and I will no longer come home with wet socks.... Until then I shall avoid puddles....
Anyway.... this is why you do not post on acf after a few drinks!
Isabella_deL said:
Anyway.... this is why you do not post on acf after a few drinks!

And the truth is finally revealed. ;)

I have had a few vodka induced ramblings myself.

Yes, Isabella, I agree Megan needs no surgery, and I assume this was just a hypothetical thing you brought up. But, I, too, like Megan just the way she is. She's hot, funny, engaging to her room, laughs at my jokes in PMs :lol: and she's even the background on my cell phone right now from one of the fan signs she sent me a few months back.

Most people who consider any sort of cosmetic surgery, for the most part, probably don't need it. I'm talking about optional surgery, not cases like burn victims and such who do need it. But they often want it for a varying degree of reasons. It's unfortunate though, that in the adult business world, many of the women who get surgery get it thinking it will help their income before any other reason. You see porn stars who are all natural when they start, then suddenly you see them with enormous bewbs in one film, and I mean god awful big compared to their natural state or the frame of their bodies. Even CrzySysy when she got hers told her room that she kept hearing guys say they wished she had bigger boobies. So, it seems that she didn't get them because she particularly wanted to (she was always super hot before them), but as a hope to earn more. Thankfully, she went to the same doctor Shy did, and her fakes look quite appealing.

Now, as to guys liking big boobs? In some cases it is true. I'm a guy who likes any size, personally, as long as I find the girl attractive, I don't care how big her bewbs are. Small and perky? just fine. Big naturals? Also just fine. The only reason I sometimes like bigger boobs is because (and this will sound vulgar, I know) I quite enjoy titty fucking big boobs. I don't know why, it's just something I like doing with girls who have big bewbs. But, that's not a deciding factor to if I find a girl attractive or sexy, though. It's just more of a fetish, I suppose.

So, I personally have no issue with any girl wanting to get fake boobies, because she wants to. If it's to please a man, or men in the case of adult workers, then I am silently against it. And, as I said before, if it turns out to be a real bad boob job or the girl doesn't properly take care of herself after getting them done, then I will not like the outcome. In the case of models I perv and not interact with beyond perving, then I just stop perving them if I don't like the outcome.

Oh, and as to Stacy_Doll's boob job. She was full on nakie the other night, so I got to see them. It doesn't look like she got hers enlarged (as I've said, she already had very big natural ones), more firmed up so they don't hang as low. So they don't look bad.
Isabella_deL said:
Kunra9 said:
I recall one time a model telling the room a sexy story about an encounter she had with a guy she met in a bowling alley. They played a couple games, had some drinks at the bar, went to his place etc etc.

However the entire time I wanted to know if she was a good bowler. Mid way through the story I asked what was her high score for the night. She banned me.

Who is this guy and where can I find one?!

Amazing! I was reading through that wondering what you could have been thinking about that might get you banned, wasn't expecting that! So funny/random! :)

The thing also with plastic surgery, is that, does it really effect you if someone else gets it?

Take Megan for example. I think she's a sexy sexy woman, just the way she is. She says she wants to get plastic surgery, I might think she doesn't need it, which she doesn't, but neither do I need new boots. But I want new boots anyway.
The boots could be expensive/uncomfortable/unpractical, plenty of things could go wrong...
If I chose to buy new boots, I very much doubt if I told people on acf that Megan would go "Oh my god! How could you spend that money?! Have you even thought about the price?! You don't need those boots!!!" I think she deserves the same curtesy.
Sounds kind of silly, and sure buying boots isn't surgery, but it has as much to do with a stranger as surgery has. Essentially, if I got new boots, it would be absolutely no one on mfc or acf's business to tell me not to buy them. If Megan wants new boobs, it won't effect my life at all, except for when I might go and check out her room, her boobs would be different, sure it's a big decision for her, but that's her decision.
I would also hope that if I bought/was going to buy boots and posted them up on acf that if anyone found them unattractive they would keep quiet. Actually I can't think that anyone on here or even in my room would actually cross the line if I were talking about boots. So why the fuck is it different with boobs? Might seem like a more serious decision to you, but I have been considering buying nice boots every single winter for the past 6 years of my life. No one else can make this decision for me. One day I'll just have to make the leap and I will no longer come home with wet socks.... Until then I shall avoid puddles....
Anyway.... this is why you do not post on acf after a few drinks!
I approve you buying those boots. ;) :p :lol:
...steps out from the shadows...

Preface: I am not typically drawn to those with heavy body augmentation.
e.g: facial tattoos, tongue bifurcation, and obvious breast augmentation.

I have known my fair share of women whom have "gone under the knife" for either enhancement or reduction. First-hand have I seen both those fortunate to recover w/o complication, and those whom eventually reversed or repeated a procedure.

I am not so vapid as to think when a woman reaches a surgical conclusion, it is merely as a public service to onlookers or the bloke fortunate enough to be shagging with her. Only an introverted philistine would assume as much. I know very well the primary reason one would consider cosmetic alteration it to enhance themselves in their own eyes. We all take issue with our own bodies.

Quite simply put; if there was a surgical penile enhancement for men that had been in-place for as long as breast augmentation, I would consider it. With as much emphasis media & society place on genitalia dimensions of both sexes, I as a male would be in the proverbial "same boat" as many women find themselves in;

Am I currently pleased with my physical form?
"No, I could be leaner/smoother/stronger/hairier/etc."

Many people (including men in this hypothetical scenario) would find fault within themselves. What man wouldn't be elated at the possibility of having a Doc Johnson large enough to literally have the words "Doc Johnson" tattooed in one-inch-wide font along the side? Were this procedure common amongst men, the "natural" ones would feel compelled to compete. If a bigger bulge in the boxers meant attracting more female attention or professional success, the "Pro-Choice" and "Pro-Natural" debate would heat up quite a bit.

Sadly at present all we men seem to have going for us in the enhancement department is the latest installment of the Rogaine Clone-Wars. Fantasies of walking about with prehensile "Front Tails" bruising our knees with their integrated garage/car/TV-remote + bottle-opener + iPod + Vibrator will have to stay just that; Fantasy.

UncleThursday said:
She's a real cool girl, and it's her decision. I'm not going to hate on her when she gets it done. But I want her to still be attractive after everything is done. As long as she doesn't go to like F cups and takes care of herself, she should be fine.
I'd like to touch on this as well. I remember being rather taken aback hearing this the first time because I saw no flaw when I first gazed upon her form. In fact, it was her welcoming voice that drew me to her room many months ago.

The friendliness of her regulars and the vibe she exudes never once made me feel she was lacking in any department (physically or otherwise). I will admit to blurting out my opinion in knee-jerk fashion (akin to "why fix what isn't broken?")

I found her explanation agreeable; omitting the "glass wall" -- a.k.a disregarding this chosen profession -- one does not bare-all in the real-world. She has given this more thought than anyone I have known IRL (and I would not call those I associate with 'rash' in any fashion)
VillyVadAz said:
NoelleBright said:
VillyVadAz said:
I hate to walk in and break up the party here. It seems a little one sided and on the female perspective with no guys input. Yes I am new here and I love this place.

Guys like big tits.

Fixed that for you.

Guys like all different sizes of boobs. :thumbleft:
LOL lovely!
What I meant to say most the guys I hang out with are always saying holy ******* did you see that rack on her! I even have a couple friends who have bought there wives fake breast for presents....

I still stand by never change for a man do it for you and no one else no matter what guys like or do not.

I don't know about men, but as a firmly bisexual woman - on a PURELY "i am attracted to this' - Small tits A thru C are by far the most attractive to me personally. There are women with big boobs I find attractive.. but generally speaking...

The guys you hang out with are not dudes everywhere. They're likely a particular group (by culture I mean things like race, average income, geographical location, age etc) and represent the views of males in that group only.
on another note, yesterday I was HORRIFIED and so angry to find out that a foster mother in my rescue group (Dogs be clear) had come to an adoption event and gotten into a conversation with another foster mom. The second lady is recovering from aggressive breast cancer, and had a double mastectomy, and chose to get fake boobs to replace them.
The first woman verbally berated her for choosing to get fake boobs. She said she hated her breasts, and if she had a chance to take them off she would. And that if jesus had done this to her, he did it as a life lesson - for a reason - not as an excuse to get new boobs.

I was so so so so SO furious..and still am. It's not really entirely relevant to this thread, but wanted to share my outrage...
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