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Members guilt-tripping models about breast implants

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Miss_Lollipop said:
on another note, yesterday I was HORRIFIED and so angry to find out that a foster mother in my rescue group (Dogs be clear) had come to an adoption event and gotten into a conversation with another foster mom. The second lady is recovering from aggressive breast cancer, and had a double mastectomy, and chose to get fake boobs to replace them.
The first woman verbally berated her for choosing to get fake boobs. She said she hated her breasts, and if she had a chance to take them off she would. And that if jesus had done this to her, he did it as a life lesson - for a reason - not as an excuse to get new boobs.

I was so so so so SO furious..and still am. It's not really entirely relevant to this thread, but wanted to share my outrage...

That's... not so much "rude and inappropriate" as it absolutely certifiably batshit insane behaviour. If I was the woman getting the surgery, I don't think I'd have been able to resist the urge to slap her fucking face off :shock:
Quick question, how are members "guilt tripping" models? I don't quite grasp the guilt part... as in making them feel guilty for having surgery.

I can't help thinking it's the wrong expression being used. Do you feel guilty having a boob job when men complain? Isn't it more of a financial or perhaps even emotional blackmail? Financial because they say they're not going to pay up if you do. Emotional as I guess they may be "friends" (loosely used) who claim they'll bugger off if you do.

But can't quite see how it's guilt. Being pedantic I know, but I think there's a distinction unless there's disagreement and/or good explanation on the guilt part :)
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Zoomer said:
Quick question, how are members "guilt tripping" models? I don't quite grasp the guilt part... as in making them feel guilty for having surgery.

I can't help thinking it's the wrong expression being used. Do you feel guilty having a boob job when men complain? Isn't it more of a financial or perhaps even emotional blackmail? Financial because they say they're not going to pay up if you do. Emotional as I guess they may be "friends" (loosely used) who claim they'll bugger off if you do.

But can't quite see how it's guilt. Being pedantic I know, but I think there's a distinction unless there's disagreement and/or good explanation on the guilt part :)
A "guilt trip" is someone attempting to make someone else feel bad about what they did/have, not necessarily that they succeeded in creating that guilt.
Sometimes its nice to remember the words of Craig Ferguson.

1. Does this need to be said?
2. Does this need to be said by me?
3. Does this need to be said by me right now?

There's a very simple reason why penile enhancement and boob enhancement aren't really comparable, and that is- the only thing boobs have to fit into is clothing.

The average woman is 5-7 inches deep. The average penis is 5-7 inches long. Get much longer than 8 inches and you're going to have trouble finding a woman that will say "oo yes, I want to take it all!" (I'm not saying they don't exist, just that they are more rare)

If the penile enhancement is at the end of your dick, and you get it too long, your actual dick will end up nowhere near a pussy, no matter how many girls you fuck.

Granted, huge boobs have their own problems. I knew a girl in high school who lamented her natural DD's. She was not looking forward to the back problems, and could never quite trust that the boy was with her for her personality (which is just wrong because she was one of the sweetest girls on the planet!) and not for her looks (because even without the boobs, her face was quite lovely). And she was sick of guys constantly staring at her chest. She was planning on getting reduction surgery down to C's when she was legal and had the money for it. I sincerely hope she has gotten her wish by now.
Miss_Lollipop said:
on another note, yesterday I was HORRIFIED and so angry to find out that a foster mother in my rescue group (Dogs be clear) had come to an adoption event and gotten into a conversation with another foster mom. The second lady is recovering from aggressive breast cancer, and had a double mastectomy, and chose to get fake boobs to replace them.
The first woman verbally berated her for choosing to get fake boobs. She said she hated her breasts, and if she had a chance to take them off she would. And that if jesus had done this to her, he did it as a life lesson - for a reason - not as an excuse to get new boobs.

I was so so so so SO furious..and still am. It's not really entirely relevant to this thread, but wanted to share my outrage...

Wow, I understand your anger and I wonder what it is about the Bible thumpers that seems to make them think they have the right..(nevermind, I'll keep it short). There are a couple in my Pyr rescue gp. fosters as well. No matter the subject, they cant seem to formulate a thought without quoting something from a sermon or verse... Gets damn tiresome to the rest of us that can actually carry on conversations with free thought.
Miss_Lollipop said:
on another note, yesterday I was HORRIFIED and so angry to find out that a foster mother in my rescue group (Dogs be clear) had come to an adoption event and gotten into a conversation with another foster mom. The second lady is recovering from aggressive breast cancer, and had a double mastectomy, and chose to get fake boobs to replace them.
The first woman verbally berated her for choosing to get fake boobs. She said she hated her breasts, and if she had a chance to take them off she would. And that if jesus had done this to her, he did it as a life lesson - for a reason - not as an excuse to get new boobs.

I was so so so so SO furious..and still am. It's not really entirely relevant to this thread, but wanted to share my outrage...

I will say the woman saying those things should not have said so. Cancer or anything else that forces any person to remove a part of their body is no more 'God's/Jesus' punishment/life lesson' than someone getting hit by a car is. And people wonder why I can't stand overly religious people...

But, a double mastectomy can be a huge self esteem issue to a woman. She's had pretty much all of her breast tissue removed. That would be like a man having to have all or most of his penile tissue removed. The effect on one's psyche is unimaginable. So of course she would want cosmetic surgery to replace her breasts; just like a man would want it to replace his penis. She still wants to feel feminine, and attractive. It's not like she just up and decided 'hey, let me get bigger tits for the fuck of it!' She probably only went back to what her size was before the mastectomy anyway. For her, and others like her, they just want to continue to feel feminine.
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LadyLuna said:
The average woman is 5-7 inches deep. The average penis is 5-7 inches long. Get much longer than 8 inches and you're going to have trouble finding a woman that will say "oo yes, I want to take it all!" (I'm not saying they don't exist, just that they are more rare)

You reminded me of a Dirty Debutantes video from the 90s. Ed Powers had another guy with him for most of the series, and I can't for the life of me remember his name. But Ed, he's a small man, penis wise. He's maybe 3-4 inches erect. The black guy as his other male performer, though, is a good 8+ inches long.

So in one of the videos, they had this thin blonde girl, and while the black guy was fucking her, she started to complain 'your balls are hitting my ass' and his response was akin to 'shut the fuck up, you're one of the few women I can put it all the way in with!' :lol:
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Zoomer said:
Quick question, how are members "guilt tripping" models? I don't quite grasp the guilt part... as in making them feel guilty for having surgery.

I can't help thinking it's the wrong expression being used. Do you feel guilty having a boob job when men complain? Isn't it more of a financial or perhaps even emotional blackmail? Financial because they say they're not going to pay up if you do. Emotional as I guess they may be "friends" (loosely used) who claim they'll bugger off if you do.

But can't quite see how it's guilt. Being pedantic I know, but I think there's a distinction unless there's disagreement and/or good explanation on the guilt part :)

"Guilt-tripping" is an expression meaning people are ATTEMPTING to make someone feel bad or guilty.
It doesn't mean they succeeded.

Like if I wanted to "guilt-trip" you about being so picky about words in my posts, I would attack and or berate you over it to the point where it becomes a bit personal. In the end you wouldn't actually feel guilty about it, but I was TRYING to evoke that emotion.
geez. I'm in the room again that this topic was inspired by, and people are still giving her grief...

mac69always: whywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywh

mac69always: you are to insecure sorry

Uncalled for.
Guilty about what, a boob job? Again - attempting to feel guilty would imply you've something to be guilty over. Like feeling guilty because someone now doesn't like your boobs? How can you feel guilty of that?

If I criticised my friends hair cut saying it looked shit - it wouldn't be a guilt-trip I am putting her through. Its being a twat.

A guilt trip would be "because you went out to get your hair cut, you missed my delivery which you agreed to stay in to receive it for me and now I have to spend 3 hours, £10 in fuel and drive 100 miles to pick up!".

That is a guilt trip because they have something to feel guilty over.

If you attacked me over me picking on your words and started slinging insults - that is not a guilt trip.

If you instead told me you were dyslexic - that would be a guilt trip.

So I still fail to see the guilt trip in this - but I guess I am alone in that? At which point, I'll just have to agree to disagree :p
Kunra9 said:
mac69always: whywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywh

mac69always: you are to insecure sorry


I probably would've been like "You are a retard...sorry. Suck my dick." BAN! LOL.

So you're entitled to give your opinion, eh? Very well then. I'm entitled to ban immature, negative, inconsiderate people who are messing up the vibe of my room. :hello2: And what kind of nutbag types out 'why' that many times in a row? God damn.....
Zoomer said:
Guilty about what, a boob job? Again - attempting to feel guilty would imply you've something to be guilty over. Like feeling guilty because someone now doesn't like your boobs? How can you feel guilty of that?

If I criticised my friends hair cut saying it looked shit - it wouldn't be a guilt-trip I am putting her through. Its being a twat.

A guilt trip would be "because you went out to get your hair cut, you missed my delivery which you agreed to stay in to receive it for me and now I have to spend 3 hours, £10 in fuel and drive 100 miles to pick up!".

That is a guilt trip because they have something to feel guilty over.

If you attacked me over me picking on your words and started slinging insults - that is not a guilt trip.

If you instead told me you were dyslexic - that would be a guilt trip.

So I still fail to see the guilt trip in this - but I guess I am alone in that? At which point, I'll just have to agree to disagree :p
I'm really not sure how you are missing the point here but I'm guessing "guilt-trip" is not a common term in your part of the world.
Guilt tripping someone is rarely called for and deserved, that's why guilt tripping someone is something negative. If it was only applicable in the sense you seem to grasp it, it wouldn't be such a negative interaction on the part of the "tripper". By telling a model she ruined her body for them by having a boob job, they are attempting to make her feel guilty about what she did. Obviously she has no reason to feel guilty about it but that doesn't change the fact that they are attempting to anyway.

If my neighbor built a new deck that he worked very hard for and I told him that I was having a really hard time financially and he could have bought me some food with that money, instead of building a deck ,I would be guilt tripping him. I would also be acting completely twatish and he would have ZERO reason to feel guilty but that doesn't change what I'm attempting to accomplish.
JoleneBrody said:
Zoomer said:
Guilty about what, a boob job? Again - attempting to feel guilty would imply you've something to be guilty over. Like feeling guilty because someone now doesn't like your boobs? How can you feel guilty of that?

If I criticised my friends hair cut saying it looked shit - it wouldn't be a guilt-trip I am putting her through. Its being a twat.

A guilt trip would be "because you went out to get your hair cut, you missed my delivery which you agreed to stay in to receive it for me and now I have to spend 3 hours, £10 in fuel and drive 100 miles to pick up!".

That is a guilt trip because they have something to feel guilty over.

If you attacked me over me picking on your words and started slinging insults - that is not a guilt trip.

If you instead told me you were dyslexic - that would be a guilt trip.

So I still fail to see the guilt trip in this - but I guess I am alone in that? At which point, I'll just have to agree to disagree :p
I'm really not sure how you are missing the point here but I'm guessing "guilt-trip" is not a common term in your part of the world.
Guilt tripping someone is rarely called for and deserved, that's why guilt tripping someone is something negative. If it was only applicable in the sense you seem to grasp it, it wouldn't be such a negative interaction on the part of the "tripper". By telling a model she ruined her body for them by having a boob job, they are attempting to make her feel guilty about what she did. Obviously she has no reason to feel guilty about it but that doesn't change the fact that they are attempting to anyway.

If my neighbor built a new deck that he worked very hard for and I told him that I was having a really hard time financially and he could have bought me some food with that money, instead of building a deck ,I would be guilt tripping him. I would also be acting completely twatish and he would have ZERO reason to feel guilty but that doesn't change what I'm attempting to accomplish.
Oops! Reading back my post sounded WAY more condescending then I meant Zoomer, sorry. The bitchy tone was totally not intended. :?
Bitchy tone? It didn't include the words "you're a fucking moron ..." so I didn't find it that way.

I guess one could say you two are guilt tripping me for not agreeing with something... it's easy to do isn't it :p
Guilt tripping isn't merely disagreeing. It's setting up a structure where, if the person doesn't agree, or modify a particular behavior, the guilt-tripper will attempt to make someone feel guilty about it--generally making it seem as if the person's behavior makes them a less than worthy individual. "If you eat that slice of bacon, that someone else may have wanted, you're obviously very selfish."
crappuccino said: what do you girls think about muscle implants on men?

Personally, I think muscle implants are different for one very big reason. You cannot get bigger, less saggy breasts naturally.

You can however work out and build muscle tone, depending on how you work out.

The same as if you gain a lot of weight suddenly and lose it suddenly, the skin you've stretched and destroyed is not going to return to it's natural form without the help of plastic surgery.

But, to each their own. I personally feel that breast implants and lifts are a bit more justified as there is no real natural, effective way to replicate the results of surgery in a natural, non invasive fashion.
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Pooky said:
crappuccino said: what do you girls think about muscle implants on men?

Personally, I think muscle implants are different for one very big reason. You cannot get bigger, less saggy breasts naturally.

You can however work out and build muscle tone, depending on how you work out.

The same as if you gain a lot of weight suddenly and lose it suddenly, the skin you've stretched and destroyed is not going to return to it's natural form without the help of plastic surgery.

But, to each their own. I personally feel that breast implants and lifts are a bit more justified as there is no real natural, effective way to replicate the results of surgery in a natural, non invasive fashion.
I forgot the correct term for this, but some guys have "moobs" man boobs. Even with a 12-pack, they have extra weight on their pecks they can't get rid of with any amount of exercise. But again, if they want to do it, for whatever reason, it's not my concern. Although I might have an opinion on it, unless asked, I would not give it.
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:-D IF the guy who was thinking of fake pecs or biceps, I'd not say anything unless he was the type of guy who liked to hang out in "rough" places. Picture him going into the type of bar where you tend to avoid eye-contact... The type of guys in those places may like to size people up and if they SEEM to be a challenge, they may think your friend is MORE than what he really is.

This could end up with severe injury, so in this case, yeah, I'd try to talk him out of it.
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PlayboyMegan said:
I didn't read through the entire thread. I apologize if this has been stated before.
I find it hilarious that so many guys say they hate fake boobs, but most of them can't even tell the difference (with a natural looking augmentation)
Playboy has a test where they show a bunch of boobs and people can guess which are real or fake. I got a 30% on the test and I know many guys who said they did just as poorly as me. I had a friend who had a boob job and went from an AA to a B cup. A guy we worked with said to her, " I don't know why girls get fake tits. Yours are so natural and perfect, they should just stick with natural, like you did." She agreed with him and we both laughed our asses off after.
Anyways, so many guys can't tell the difference. The fake boobs they say they don't like are the ones that LOOK fake, but so many don't. Also, many girls have said their income has increased greatly with a boob job. So I guess it goes to show that many guys like NICE boobs, real or fake.
I know I never can tell so I just enjoy the company no matter what the cup size might be. Nice boobs are nice, real or fake. In my opinion, if a guy really likes the model, something like that shouldn't phase him one way or another.
Typical MFC conversation:

Dumbass: Hey bb, nice boobs!
Model: Um, thanks.
Dumbass: R they real?
Model: Enhanced
Dumbass: God, I hate fake tits!

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