AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Members "gifting" in a model's chat room...

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ACF Owner & Admin. (I don't work for CB.)
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Cam Model
Mar 1, 2010
AmberLand (Seattle, WA)
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So today something that happened has inspired me to write about and ask for feedback on it. There are 2 questions that arose from the scenario today.


I had a raffle running. It was a mere 22 tokens to enter, and the prize was 2 of my Cootie Shot Glasses to be shipped to the winner. A rather "new-ish" member (whom has been visiting a few times over the last couple weeks and tipping sweetly, without accepting/asking for anything in return, i.e. videos/pics/scrolls on the wall, etc, he just claims to enjoy what I do on cam and tips for my entertaining presence) tipped a couple of times for the raffle but admits he just wanted to see me bend over to write tickets and didn't actually WANT the tickets.

Fair enough. I would rather people only enter my raffles/contests if they actually WANT the item to be won. Cool!

A few minutes later, enters a member whom I have never interacted with before nor spoken with on any other occasion. This member has a name that implies they are a female. More specifically, a female whom is interested in other females. Her very first comments in the chat were to the effect of "will you offer these again in the future?" and a little while later, after some comments about some nail polish I was showing off "oh boohoo I'm so sad I don't have any tokens to enter the (22 token) raffle...." I mention that it's ONLY 22 tokens, but that's ok, there will be possibly other opportunities to win similar items in the future.

The rather "new-ish" member, again tipping because he wants to see me bend over and writes tickets, tips for 2 tickets and puts in the tip note "for xyzmember tickets". Not realizing this note was public, I politely PM'd newish member and let him know that I'd rather not do this for a person that I've never spoken to before (since I'll actually be physically sending items to the winner of the raffle) and especially to a person who hasn't contributed a single token. Ever. He completely understood and we went about our business.

Then in chat I see implied-female member thanking newish member and being all excited. As politely as I could, I explained that I would rather not... blah blah just as I had said in the PM to newish member. I really did try my best to make it sound polite and understanding. And being that it was ONLY 22 tokens, that it wasn't a huge deal. I also mentioned that since I didn't know implied-female member, that I didn't even have any idea if they were, in fact, female.

Fast forward a few minutes, and this person starts spouting off about how "she could provide credentials and she hangs out with TONS of other models and I don't have to ban her she would just leave since she's not wanted..."


Then within about 20 minutes I get a LENGTHY MFC mail going on and on and on about similar things and how I made her cry and "doesn't that make you believe I'm really a woman?".

I just... I like to deal with reasonable people. This is unreasonable, in my opinion.

I'm probably just being a little weird and judgmental, and maybe if the item on the raffle was a video or a pic set which is purely digital, I would have reacted differently. But to physically send an item to a person who hasn't even contributed a nickel, let alone proven to be a cool person, I just feel a tad iffy about. If this person had just joined in and tipped to be in the raffle I wouldn't have questioned it. It shows willingness to participate and such. Or if they had been around before and been part of other conversations, I would have felt more comfortable. Hell, there are people who have never tipped who have won/been gifted items in the past that I was excited to send stuff to, but they had been part of the group that visits somewhat frequently, at least. But today, it was an on-the-fly decision I made, and I stand by it, even though I understand some may disagree with it.

SO, here are the 2 questions I'd love some member AND model feedback on:

1a: Models, how do you feel about members "gifting" items that you're raffling off/selling/etc to other members in your room? Is it acceptable if it's people that you're already familiar with, or not at all?

1b: Members, how do you feel about tipping to "gift" items to the other members? Wouldn't it make more sense to just xfer tokens to them and let them tip for it themselves? Is it because you don't trust that the member will use the tokens the way you want them to? If you don't trust another member with xferred tokens, is it then reasonable for the model to not trust this other member with gifted material? Would you require that the member you're gifting to be a regular person in the model's chat room?

2a: Models, do you feel that members who present themselves as females in your room have to behave a certain way to be taken seriously? Do you think you treat members with female names the same as others?

2b: Members, do you get distracted by members in the room who flaunt the fact that they're female? Is it just their name or their behavior that distracts you? Do you feel it's unfair if a model prefers attention not be drawn to the fact that members may be female?

Edit to add: by the way, I only emphasize that this member had a female name because I do feel, in the end, that members who are female end up getting different attention and possibly more "gifted items" than other male members in rooms. Though previously, the female members whom were gifted items in my room were established and awesome members of my regular group of people.
2a: Models, do you feel that members who present themselves as females in your room have to behave a certain way to be taken seriously? Do you think you treat members with female names the same as others?

I've actually never had any members presenting as obviously female, but I have been a tipping premium with a female-ish name i other rooms, and I've never felt like that's been a problem. Even when the model has known I've been there, or I've been talking to others, I've never had unsolicited pm's to my premium account, for example. But maybe that was a well-behaved room. I hopefully behaved like a NICE premium, but otherwise in no special way.

I don't know if this would be different if I came in and was like 'by the way, I'm beawithme!'. I've been in an ACF model's room and she's been like 'that's Bea, look her up!', and I've been in another's and she's kept it on the down-low. Didn't notice a difference in how I was treated, tbh.

I think women just express themselves differently? I'm bisexual, and you ladies are gorgeous, but I wouldn't go into a model's room and be like 'your nipples are like strawberries pls have my children'. Well, I might :lol:. I should say, I wouldn't go in and be like, 'you're making me so wet bb'. That right there flags a fake-chick for me. I'd treat that person differently.
AmberCutie said:
So today something that happened has inspired me to write about and ask for feedback on it. There are 2 questions that arose from the scenario today.


I had a raffle running. It was a mere 22 tokens to enter, and the prize was 2 of my Cootie Shot Glasses to be shipped to the winner. A rather "new-ish" member (whom has been visiting a few times over the last couple weeks and tipping sweetly, without accepting/asking for anything in return, i.e. videos/pics/scrolls on the wall, etc, he just claims to enjoy what I do on cam and tips for my entertaining presence) tipped a couple of times for the raffle but admits he just wanted to see me bend over to write tickets and didn't actually WANT the tickets.

Fair enough. I would rather people only enter my raffles/contests if they actually WANT the item to be won. Cool!

A few minutes later, enters a member whom I have never interacted with before nor spoken with on any other occasion. This member has a name that implies they are a female. More specifically, a female whom is interested in other females. Her very first comments in the chat were to the effect of "will you offer these again in the future?" and a little while later, after some comments about some nail polish I was showing off "oh boohoo I'm so sad I don't have any tokens to enter the (22 token) raffle...." I mention that it's ONLY 22 tokens, but that's ok, there will be possibly other opportunities to win similar items in the future.

The rather "new-ish" member, again tipping because he wants to see me bend over and writes tickets, tips for 2 tickets and puts in the tip note "for xyzmember tickets". Not realizing this note was public, I politely PM'd newish member and let him know that I'd rather not do this for a person that I've never spoken to before (since I'll actually be physically sending items to the winner of the raffle) and especially to a person who hasn't contributed a single token. Ever. He completely understood and we went about our business.

Then in chat I see implied-female member thanking newish member and being all excited. As politely as I could, I explained that I would rather not... blah blah just as I had said in the PM to newish member. I really did try my best to make it sound polite and understanding. And being that it was ONLY 22 tokens, that it wasn't a huge deal. I also mentioned that since I didn't know implied-female member, that I didn't even have any idea if they were, in fact, female.

Fast forward a few minutes, and this person starts spouting off about how "she could provide credentials and she hangs out with TONS of other models and I don't have to ban her she would just leave since she's not wanted..."


Then within about 20 minutes I get a LENGTHY MFC mail going on and on and on about similar things and how I made her cry and "doesn't that make you believe I'm really a woman?".

I just... I like to deal with reasonable people. This is unreasonable, in my opinion.

I'm probably just being a little weird and judgmental, and maybe if the item on the raffle was a video or a pic set which is purely digital, I would have reacted differently. But to physically send an item to a person who hasn't even contributed a nickel, let alone proven to be a cool person, I just feel a tad iffy about. If this person had just joined in and tipped to be in the raffle I wouldn't have questioned it. It shows willingness to participate and such. Or if they had been around before and been part of other conversations, I would have felt more comfortable. Hell, there are people who have never tipped who have won/been gifted items in the past that I was excited to send stuff to, but they had been part of the group that visits somewhat frequently, at least. But today, it was an on-the-fly decision I made, and I stand by it, even though I understand some may disagree with it.

SO, here are the 2 questions I'd love some member AND model feedback on:

1a: Models, how do you feel about members "gifting" items that you're raffling off/selling/etc to other members in your room? Is it acceptable if it's people that you're already familiar with, or not at all?

1b: Members, how do you feel about tipping to "gift" items to the other members? Wouldn't it make more sense to just xfer tokens to them and let them tip for it themselves? Is it because you don't trust that the member will use the tokens the way you want them to? If you don't trust another member with xferred tokens, is it then reasonable for the model to not trust this other member with gifted material? Would you require that the member you're gifting to be a regular person in the model's chat room?

2a: Models, do you feel that members who present themselves as females in your room have to behave a certain way to be taken seriously? Do you think you treat members with female names the same as others?

2b: Members, do you get distracted by members in the room who flaunt the fact that they're female? Is it just their name or their behavior that distracts you? Do you feel it's unfair if a model prefers attention not be drawn to the fact that members may be female?
I have not been on MFC in some time, so I couldn't really offer my opinion about gifting. If it were something small, like a video, I would be okay with it. If I were in the same situation as you, Amber, I think I would also be a little uncomfortable with a third party being involved in physical gift-giving.

I don't know how other ladies feel, but I usually feel very uncomfortable with any "female" presence in my room. I feel much more awkward around these women and I just want them to go away. It's not that I don't like women in general (I love women in general) or that I don't like it when women watch me engage in sex acts (quite a fan of it), but that like most people, I engage men and women differently - and for my entire camming career, I have dealt with men 99.7% of the time. When women (or alleged women) come in to my chat room I feel like I am a novice again, and that makes me uncomfortable. But also like Amber, I have found that women tend to be much more emotionally volatile. Women do not usually like to pay for sex, and I have never encountered a female member who did not get very angry or upset with me when I did not provide them with free stuff. The only females I usually enjoy watching me are other models!
Evvie said:
It's not that I don't like women in general (I love women in general) or that I don't like it when women watch me engage in sex acts (quite a fan of it), but that like most people, I engage men and women differently - and for my entire camming career, I have dealt with men 99.7% of the time. When women (or alleged women) come in to my chat room I feel like I am a novice again, and that makes me uncomfortable. But also like Amber, I have found that women tend to be much more emotionally volatile. Women do not usually like to pay for sex, and I have never encountered a female member who did not get very angry or upset with me when I did not provide them with free stuff. The only females I usually enjoy watching me are other models!

THIS IS A GOOD POINT. Once or twice I've had another model in my room, and just knowing a woman was watching changed my whole jig. It makes me want to put my knickers back on and have a geeky, chatty conversation, and I feel... ugh, this is hard to explain - like, less comfortable being objectified? Does this make sense?
AmberCutie said:
So today something that happened has inspired me to write about and ask for feedback on it. There are 2 questions that arose from the scenario today.


I had a raffle running. It was a mere 22 tokens to enter, and the prize was 2 of my Cootie Shot Glasses to be shipped to the winner. A rather "new-ish" member (whom has been visiting a few times over the last couple weeks and tipping sweetly, without accepting/asking for anything in return, i.e. videos/pics/scrolls on the wall, etc, he just claims to enjoy what I do on cam and tips for my entertaining presence) tipped a couple of times for the raffle but admits he just wanted to see me bend over to write tickets and didn't actually WANT the tickets.

Fair enough. I would rather people only enter my raffles/contests if they actually WANT the item to be won. Cool!

A few minutes later, enters a member whom I have never interacted with before nor spoken with on any other occasion. This member has a name that implies they are a female. More specifically, a female whom is interested in other females. Her very first comments in the chat were to the effect of "will you offer these again in the future?" and a little while later, after some comments about some nail polish I was showing off "oh boohoo I'm so sad I don't have any tokens to enter the (22 token) raffle...." I mention that it's ONLY 22 tokens, but that's ok, there will be possibly other opportunities to win similar items in the future.

The rather "new-ish" member, again tipping because he wants to see me bend over and writes tickets, tips for 2 tickets and puts in the tip note "for xyzmember tickets". Not realizing this note was public, I politely PM'd newish member and let him know that I'd rather not do this for a person that I've never spoken to before (since I'll actually be physically sending items to the winner of the raffle) and especially to a person who hasn't contributed a single token. Ever. He completely understood and we went about our business.

Then in chat I see implied-female member thanking newish member and being all excited. As politely as I could, I explained that I would rather not... blah blah just as I had said in the PM to newish member. I really did try my best to make it sound polite and understanding. And being that it was ONLY 22 tokens, that it wasn't a huge deal. I also mentioned that since I didn't know implied-female member, that I didn't even have any idea if they were, in fact, female.

Fast forward a few minutes, and this person starts spouting off about how "she could provide credentials and she hangs out with TONS of other models and I don't have to ban her she would just leave since she's not wanted..."


Then within about 20 minutes I get a LENGTHY MFC mail going on and on and on about similar things and how I made her cry and "doesn't that make you believe I'm really a woman?".

I just... I like to deal with reasonable people. This is unreasonable, in my opinion.

I'm probably just being a little weird and judgmental, and maybe if the item on the raffle was a video or a pic set which is purely digital, I would have reacted differently. But to physically send an item to a person who hasn't even contributed a nickel, let alone proven to be a cool person, I just feel a tad iffy about. If this person had just joined in and tipped to be in the raffle I wouldn't have questioned it. It shows willingness to participate and such. Or if they had been around before and been part of other conversations, I would have felt more comfortable. Hell, there are people who have never tipped who have won/been gifted items in the past that I was excited to send stuff to, but they had been part of the group that visits somewhat frequently, at least. But today, it was an on-the-fly decision I made, and I stand by it, even though I understand some may disagree with it.

SO, here are the 2 questions I'd love some member AND model feedback on:

1a: Models, how do you feel about members "gifting" items that you're raffling off/selling/etc to other members in your room? Is it acceptable if it's people that you're already familiar with, or not at all?

1b: Members, how do you feel about tipping to "gift" items to the other members? Wouldn't it make more sense to just xfer tokens to them and let them tip for it themselves? Is it because you don't trust that the member will use the tokens the way you want them to? If you don't trust another member with xferred tokens, is it then reasonable for the model to not trust this other member with gifted material? Would you require that the member you're gifting to be a regular person in the model's chat room?

2a: Models, do you feel that members who present themselves as females in your room have to behave a certain way to be taken seriously? Do you think you treat members with female names the same as others?

2b: Members, do you get distracted by members in the room who flaunt the fact that they're female? Is it just their name or their behavior that distracts you? Do you feel it's unfair if a model prefers attention not be drawn to the fact that members may be female?

1a: This bothers me a lot if the person receiving the prize is unfamiliar to me. If its a couple regulars who have a rapport with one another and the other guy were to say "Meh, let ___ have my prize, he's more into panties than me :p" Id be like ok cool. Its frustrating because I can't say "NO YOU CANT SPEND YOUR TOKENS THAT WAY" and I dont want my stuff being "given away" to strangers.

2a: MFC is a site featuring female nude models and it is aimed at persons who are attracted to women. It stands to reason that some of those people would be women. However in my experience, the members who draw attention to themselves being girls either a) expect special treament or are trying to get attention or b) are actually guys hoping to get special treatment or attention.
Ive had "girls" in my chat PMing members and offering them skype before. Maybe its just some dude trying to scam people, I dunno, but if its really a woman wanting male attention I don't see why she can't just sign up as a model herself. I also dont see why I would owe someone freebies because of the gender :? Not to mention that I'm trying to *work* and drawing attention to yourself like "OOOH TEEHEEE BOYS I JUST WANT TO RUB MY BOOBIES ON HERS" is going to be handled the same as if you were trolling or spamming dick emotes.

Normal, appropriate conduct:
Model: whoo! everyone say thank you to soccerfan62, he just finished the countdown!
soccerfan62: "haha actually Im a she, but the pleasure was mine :D
Model: oh oops, sorry :p

Shitty, annoying, distractingness:
sexiiBIgurl18: mmmmmm ur making my pussy so wet would love ot suck those tits
sexiiBIgurl18: guys someone pm me lol i want tokens to tip herrrrrr
sexiiBIgurl18: u ever use a strap onbb

Dont get me wrong, Im interested in tits n pussy, but just because I like tits n pussy doesnt mean I'll put up with shit I wouldnt put up with from people with the other kind of junk I like
1a: Models, how do you feel about members "gifting" items that you're raffling off/selling/etc to other members in your room? Is it acceptable if it's people that you're already familiar with, or not at all?

I think it's awesome when members "gift" in certain situations. I believe that it contributes to the community we're-all-buddies-up-in-here feel. However, I prefer they wouldn't gift anything (digital or physical) to whiny strangers, especially those who give me that icky feeling I get when I know I'm being lied to (which is what I get when a lot of these "girls" try to flaunt their ladybits for brownie points). A while ago though, I had an awesome member tip for me to add his buddy to my friends list. Because I know this member, I trust his judgement in buddy picking and that he wouldn't have me add someone who'd clog my PM with "sho tits bb or I leave". So even though the buddy was a stranger, I was okay with the friend add being gifted. Other strangers need to earn trust. I have two regular freeloaders who have never tipped. If they were gifted anything from a member who contributes and makes it possible for me to cam I would get a nasty feeling in the pit of my stomach.

2a: Models, do you feel that members who present themselves as females in your room have to behave a certain way to be taken seriously? Do you think you treat members with female names the same as others?

Needless to say, there's two kinds of female members. Those who really are females (or males who wish they were girls, I suppose) and men who pretend to be girls to get attention, free Skype shows, ect. I believe real girls don't go out of their way to say, "hey, you! Look at me, I'm a girl! I have a pussy, wanna make me wet on Skype? I wanna fuck you so bad!" They don't try to draw attention away from the model and are feminine in all of their communication. These members I treat the same as everyone else. The ones I believe to be guys I tend to mess with. I love to tell bi "girls" that I actually have a 10 in hairy thick dick. I treat these members the same way I treat any troll/scammer.

I know my system for identifying real girls isn't perfect, but it's close enough for me.
MyDesertRose said:
Needless to say, there's two kinds of female members. Those who really are females (or males who wish they were girls, I suppose) and men who pretend to be girls to get attention, free Skype shows, ect. I believe real girls don't go out of their way to say, "hey, you! Look at me, I'm a girl! I have a pussy, wanna make me wet on Skype? I wanna fuck you so bad!" They don't try to draw attention away from the model and are feminine in all of their communication. These members I treat the same as everyone else. The ones I believe to be guys I tend to mess with. I love to tell bi "girls" that I actually have a 10 in hairy thick dick. I treat these members the same way I treat any troll/scammer.

I know my system for identifying real girls isn't perfect, but it's close enough for me.
I definitely think there's a 3rd kind of female member: those who are actually female but don't jump at every chance to comment on how hot the model is, how wet her own pussy is, that she's masturbating to my tits, etc. There are actual female members who are a part of my room who I legitimately enjoy their company because they treat me less like a piece of meat than many guys even do. It's more of a camaraderie than a lesbian encounter every time they're hanging out.

I guess there's also a 4th type of female member, too: those who are fellow models on their premium accounts. I expect those girls to behave like the cool female members that I mentioned above, too.
AmberCutie said:
1a: Models, how do you feel about members "gifting" items that you're raffling off/selling/etc to other members in your room? Is it acceptable if it's people that you're already familiar with, or not at all?

Part of me says, "of course this is WRONG." But then the other part says, "No, this is fine. Newguy was just trying to help out Newgirl and he was just being a nice guy." I think you're right though. This will have your physical information on it. Even if the return address is only a PO Box. Or only a city. It still has your information on it. And that's scary to give to someone regardless of tipper or non-tipper. I understand why having someone actually tipping and show interest in the item being raffled makes it feel more secure. Still there's that nagging part of my brain, "he was just being nice, and the girl is just a new fan suffering from love-at-first-sight who can't afford to buy more tokens tonight."

AmberCutie said:
2a: Models, do you feel that members who present themselves as females in your room have to behave a certain way to be taken seriously? Do you think you treat members with female names the same as others?

I have a female regular. As a matter of fact, she was my first regular. :) I'm still surprised I have things called regs already.... I really like her. She's super nice, and she even says pervy things sometimes. She's a total dude. Her username is her initials, and it's not apparent that she's a female. I only know it because she PMed me asking if it was okay and if I was comfortable with it. THIS is exactly how I think it should be.

If she was flaunting her gender, she may have another agenda aside trying to get your attention. If it seemed that she wanted your attention and your members' attention too, then that's a major problem. You have stuff to do, you're trying to entertain these guys, and if she's distracting or messing with the vibe of the show, that's an issue.

AmberCutie said:
Edit to add: by the way, I only emphasize that this member had a female name because I do feel, in the end, that members who are female end up getting different attention and possibly more "gifted items" than other male members in rooms. Though previously, the female members whom were gifted items in my room were established and awesome members of my regular group of people.
I agree. Many many guys think it's very hot when two girls are attracted. As soon as an obviously female person starts hitting on you, they have an image in their minds. And they like it, normally. Plus, I think most guys are hard-wired to want to help women when they can. So this is probably why your nice member was so quick to try and help her.
I think it's silly that you that felt the need to make a thread over this. It's common sense to not "gift" things to the random beggar in the room. The tipper and other members in the room did not seem bothered by your decision not to give it to her and this "chick" was behaving quite ridiculously. No fucking question you are in the right.

I definitely feel odd when i have models watching me, but when it's just "female" member i treat them exactly the same as any dude in the room. And that means if you haven't tipped/talked to me before, and especially if you're whining about not being to enter my raffle, I am not giving you any special consideration. wtf

I HATE when guys try to gift things to eachother. If it's one super duper regular to another, fine, but when tippers try to give shit out to random non tippers I am seriously peeved.

Slightly off topic but I have this Cool Dude dealie guys have to tip 301 to join. It irritates me sooooo much when randommemberx tips 400 tokens for videos and then randomregularx says "Oh yeah, a new Cool Dude!" I'm sorry, no. This person tipped for videos, not cool dudes. They probably don't even know what the cool dudes thing is or give a flying fuck, but now I feel obligated to give it to them or to explain to the room why i can't and then seem like a bitch.
1b: Members, how do you feel about tipping to "gift" items to the other members?

i have done it before, and been the recipient of it a few times as well. in general there isnt anything wrong with it, though as you mentioned if it isnt for digital media then make sure the model is ok with it before you do it.

1b cont...Wouldn't it make more sense to just xfer tokens to them and let them tip for it themselves? Is it because you don't trust that the member will use the tokens the way you want them to?

for the most part a transfer is better if you are just wanting to be nice in general. if it is for a specific vid/pic set/raffle and you are doing it more to contribute than to be nice to the person then maybe go with a direct tip rather than transfer.
i don't think for myself that it is a matter of trust. if im willing to use then tokens for someone else then i would transfer probably just because i don't prefer to be public with my spending anyway. i never give any kind of gift that isnt freely given and without expectations. that makes it not a gift but a bribe or a payment.
on the receiving end i sort of prefer transfers as well for the same reason. there is one drawback to the token fairy though. if you transfer the tokens you have to let the person know you did it, and it would have to be via mfc mail pr pm. with that being the case i don't know that most people would be willing to go through the extra effort of a transfer for a small amount to a relative stranger. we monkeys are lazy

1b again...If you don't trust another member with xferred tokens, is it then reasonable for the model to not trust this other member with gifted material? Would you require that the member you're gifting to be a regular person in the model's chat room?

again, for me it isnt a matter of trust. i give the tokens for my own reasons, not those of the recipient. i used to do this sort of thing around christmas time back in the day, always 50 tokens or less, no matter if it was a random noob to the room or a friendly regular it was a matter of spreading a feeling of friendliness and good cheer rather than getting them something specific. but to answer more directly:
if i didnt trust a member enough to assume that if the transfer was for a specific purpose or model that it would be used in the intended manner, then i probably wouldnt do it in the first place, so no. if i cant trust them enough to make a direct transfer then you shouldnt either. (i and you can have a member and the model substituted of course).
i feel it would be bad manners to pass tokens for non digital things without the model's permission anyway, even to another regular, even by a transfer. a general purpose "token fairy" is different.

2b: Members, do you get distracted by members in the room who flaunt the fact that they're female? Is it just their name or their behavior that distracts you? Do you feel it's unfair if a model prefers attention not be drawn to the fact that members may be female?

no, never. but im very practical when it comes to such things. MFC and the other cam sites are not a dating pool. i will gladly converse with any other member and have fun, but when it comes to the reality of things i'm there to hear a friendly female voice and pretend to have a life of sorts. i could change my name to suzy homemaker and pretend to be female rather easily.i always assume that anyone i am talking to via text only is just an advanced AI program to save myself time and trouble. therefore all other members are genderless, no matter how much i may enjoy conversation with them.
and unfair? within a model's chat room her will is inviolate imo. her desires and wishes are paramount over any others, including my own if i choose to stay once i know the rules. since we have the choice to leave or stay it is inherently fair if a model prefers to have less attention paid to female seeming members. unfair would be if you said it was okay, then threw a hissy fit.

to sum up: i love a visit from the token fairy. all such visits should be made with no strings as we can not control the actions of others.
if you must place strings then make your gifts in public, but only after figuring out the model's preference. otherwise you might just tick off a lovely and welcoming friend.

edit P.S. anyone that would gift a random beggar or a basic is sort of a twit anyway, but sometimes it might be acceptable. the circumstances under which it is are pretty darn unlikely though.

PPS i accept all token transfers with hand jobs and promises to love you long time lol
AmberCutie said:
1a: Models, how do you feel about members "gifting" items that you're raffling off/selling/etc to other members in your room? Is it acceptable if it's people that you're already familiar with, or not at all?

I did a super special prize bag draw game once where one of the tickets had my phone number for texting and the rest were videos, pictures, fansigns and various flashes and such. A member I was very comfortable with was buying a bunch of tickets and we were having a blast. Then a 20-point premium that had been in my room several times before, had never tipped a nickel towards anything and was someone that I had never really interacted with before. He stated in chat that he wished that he could buy a prize draw, so my regular member tipped again and put a tip note in saying that it was for that other premium. I drew out my phone number. I refused to give it to him, explained it to my reg who understood completely, and stood firm in saying that I wasn't comfortable giving it out to someone that I didn't know.

I'm not at all comfortable giving prizes, digital or otherwise, to people that have never contributed, especially when I don't know them. If my reg had tipped for another of my regs, I would have given the prize without hesitation.

AmberCutie said:
2a: Models, do you feel that members who present themselves as females in your room have to behave a certain way to be taken seriously? Do you think you treat members with female names the same as others?

I'm skeptical of female members who feel it's necessary to proclaim that they're female. Every truly female member that I have ever encountered has been really respectful and never flaunted the fact that they were female in my chat. If someone entered my room with an overtly female name, I'd treat them the same as anyone else, until they drew attention away from me or whatever was going on.

I think female members should just behave in general. We don't see a bunch of men running around going 'I'm a dude, blah blah' and I'll never understand why female members do it. If it really is necessary to tell the model that you're a female, a private tip note would be the best way to do so.

I think you were well within your right to refuse to send the prize and I'm glad you stood your ground! :)
Maybe I'm a naughty one, but I would just have put the tickets for this "girl" somewhere they'd be easily removed later and go on without calling much attention to it. It toes the line of raffle fraud, but it's not like any tipper is hurt by it.
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AllisonWilder said:
We don't see a bunch of men running around going 'I'm a dude, blah blah'

:lol: Speak for yourself. When the guys start their little dick-measuring contests in the chat, all I read it as is 'I HAVE A PENIS!' 'NO, I HAVE A PENIS!' :lol:

edit to note that my guys do not LITERALLY measure their dicks, lmao. Metaphorical willy-waving.
I think it's super sweet when members of my room purchase gifts for other members. It happens quite frequently in my room and it melts my heart! So sweet! BUT in that particular case, I think you were completely in the right. Also, my members usually only gift people who have tipped before, which I believe is the way to go. :thumbleft:
As for women members, unless I know them as models, I assume most of them are fake. I don't get many, but I list "straight" on my profile. I wouldn't mind women visiting me but I've been told my room is very "guy oriented" which probably turns them away. I wouldn't treat them differently if I KNEW they were a woman and actually enjoyed their company. If I was skeptical, I might be less friendly.
1a: Models, how do you feel about members "gifting" items that you're raffling off/selling/etc to other members in your room? Is it acceptable if it's people that you're already familiar with, or not at all?

I have a reg that does this frequently, either gifting game plays, or tip matching and gifting those tokens towards another game play for the tipper. I dont mind that he does it, but he does ask me before he comments on such in the tip notes (he tips anon). I dont mind at all unless the receiving person acts like an ass, starts to act or feel entitled, or doesnt thank the anon tipper. Ive never refused any outright, but I have refused until they said thank you. Sometimes hell play a game and win a dup prize (digital goods), and once in awhile hell ask me if he can give it to someone else (usually a new person who may have been chatting nicely or tipped and lost earlier) - as long as he asks before, Im fine with it. Unless the person receiving his gift acts in a way to make me suspicious, Im generally okay with it. He never picks beggars, assholes, or people who havent contributed meaningfully in some manner that night. I like that he does it usually, it adds to the feeling of community in my room and encourages participation from others.

Now, if a new tipper tries to gift things theyve already won or game plays to someone else - Im not really okay with that. Because they dont know my room, and they tend to pick out the poor annoying beggar in the room who I have never seen before and has never tipped me, so I dont want that person to win stuff from me. I wouldnt be comfortable with that. If they picked someone I knew and was fine with - then obviously that would be okay, but thats never the case.

The worst though is when a new tipper wants to gift something theyve already won to someone else and says so in chat or PM to the other person, without asking me. A new guy won panties and couldnt get mail at his house - and he told some other guy I had never seen before, in PM - that he could have them. That other guy MFC mailed me his address, and requests and what not, - he was so excited - and I had to tell him no and explain to the tipper that I could not do that, and he could have a video of his choice instead. Of course then the other guy was mad at me cause I wouldnt give him his prize that the other guy told him he could have. -.- Even if he tried to give it to someone I knew/liked - big ticket items/mailed things arent transferrable. Ill give a substitution to the winner instead.

2a: Models, do you feel that members who present themselves as females in your room have to behave a certain way to be taken seriously? Do you think you treat members with female names the same as others?

I hold members that present themselves as females in my room to higher standards mostly because I assume they are all fakes, so thats one strike against them right off the bat. I dont care if women watch me, thats great! But if they act like an ass or try to draw attention away from my chat and me - while I am working, they will be met with disdain and banned. In my experience - real women wont act that way, they may make it known to you that they are female - but they try to fit in with the vibe of the room and act normally. When thats the case, I dont treat them any differently and I enjoy having them around because I love me some ladies!

Female members or models on prem accounts that dont know better though - if they try to 'steal the spotlight' - I most definitely treat differently. They more or less get a couple chances to wise up, if not theyre gone. Models Ill typically politely tell in PM that they really shouldnt do this/that in someone elses room. They get less room for error than men get, because honestly I think they should know better, and theyve probably gotten the same negative response from other models in the past.

Please note that none of those models have EVER been girls from ACF - you are all MORE than welcome in my room! You all know how to act! That sounded weird... but you know what I mean. I love u bbs!!! :h: You totes make me nervous sometimes when you come around, but thats only cause I want you all to think Im not a shitty camgirl, and I think so highly of all of you. :shifty:

I'm quite cautious with my tokens when i have them, and i probably wouldn't give any to another member for the purposes of raffles/shows etc etc, if and when iv'e ever transferred tokens to another member it was always outside of a show for silly thing in the lounge or to "friends" never a random member and id never expect anything for said tokens because chances are if you were sending them for something specific they wouldn't even use them, then again i tend to not trust anyone i don't know.

I find members sending other members tokens a bit cheap especially when the model is saying something like "ok 5 people tip in the next min for a show" and you get pm's from other members saying "hey will you tip if i send you 10 tokens?" kinda of detracts from the whole thing, i would assume the models would have the same thought, then again that's just my opinion, but yes i would be wary about other members tipping other members for raffles/shows etc


I really don't think there is a difference between male and female pervs or at least there shouldn't be, everyone is there for the same thing and iv'e never treated anyone any different, i joke a lot about people coming into rooms with pink fonts saying they are a girl and all of the other members changing their behavior in a snap, especially in the lounge. I tend to believe the "attention whoring" pink fonts are just guys looking for free stuff, iv'e played MMO's long enough to know if you make a female character people will give you stuff :? that said iv'e observed a lot of members looking for that attention from "females" in the room that are not the model in question, ill go out on a limb and say its because they want to try wrangle a "free show" or at least a "cam on" from a female member.

By all means i'm not trying to sound like a debbie downer on the subject iv'e known quite a lot of female members and from my experience they just want to have a quiet perv with the rest of us and not bring the attention to themselves, they look at boobs and have a chat like most other members and that's all fine but its normally the guys pretending to be female that give the pervettes a bad name, um and to answer the question no, i personally don't get distracted by female members in the room pretend or real if they are a there for a genuine reason you wont even notice them, all caps and pink fonts i usually tune out and keep watching the model like i should be doing ;)
I'm not a visitor of rooms with raffles, so I will now give feedback/advice about something I have no experience with. I know this kind of advice is very welcome here in ACF :) It is just a opinion from someone who values ACF a lot, thats alll.

I find raffles with physical prices that are going from a model's home to a member's home a violation of the so much wanted professionalism by models. It gets to personal.

The cam world is virtual, it's internet. Keep it that way. Give only prices like access to photo sets or video's, amazon giftcards, membership to personal sites, etc, etc. Do only prices you can give when behind your computer, don't give prices that include a walk to the local post office.

Then this kind of issues will be simple and not a big deal.
1b. I don't always have a rational reason for gifting. It would make more sense to transfer tokens but gifts don't always make sense. In this case your regular may not have wanted to come across as condesending "Here's a couple of bucks sweetheart, go buy yourself something.". Most men have learned over time that that type of gift does not lead to the path of happiness. Trust would have had nothing to do with it.
It is absolutly reasonable for a model to use her own experience and judgement to decide if she should or not trust the other member with the gifted material.
I don't think, the person being gifted ,being a regular in the room would make much of a diffrence. It should, but the gift giving is not a rational act.

2b. Yes, The only reason I notice that they are a female is because the announce it. To me, its the same as a member coming in and announcing that they have a 12" penis or that they are really rich. Just enter the room, stfu about yourself, and participate in the chat. :twocents-02cents:
AmberCutie said:
1b: Members, how do you feel about tipping to "gift" items to the other members?
I feel fine with it, the only thing that I asked for the premium that I bought the gift was to him to, when he had that amount of tokens, tip that same model.

AmberCutie said:
Wouldn't it make more sense to just xfer tokens to them and let them tip for it themselves? Is it because you don't trust that the member will use the tokens the way you want them to?
It's not that I don't trust the premium, or I wouldn't be buying a gift to him/her, but it's that I prefer to deal with the model directly.

AmberCutie said:
If you don't trust another member with xferred tokens, is it then reasonable for the model to not trust this other member with gifted material? Would you require that the member you're gifting to be a regular person in the model's chat room?
Yes, I think it is. Yes, but I would probably ask to the model if it's cool to buy something for that regular and for that random premium passing by.

AmberCutie said:
2b: Members, do you get distracted by members in the room who flaunt the fact that they're female? Is it just their name or their behavior that distracts you? Do you feel it's unfair if a model prefers attention not be drawn to the fact that members may be female?
Yes, a little bit. Their behavior, there was a transgender premium that, every time I saw at a model room, tried to make his/her sexuality the main topic of conversation at that model room. I understand that MFC can be the only place that you feel safe to express your sexuality but don't make it the only thing you talk about at a model room.

AmberCutie said:
Do you feel it's unfair if a model prefers attention not be drawn to the fact that members may be female?
No, I don't think it's unfair. Her room, her rules.
AmberCutie said:
1a: Models, how do you feel about members "gifting" items that you're raffling off/selling/etc to other members in your room? Is it acceptable if it's people that you're already familiar with, or not at all?

1b: Members, how do you feel about tipping to "gift" items to the other members? Wouldn't it make more sense to just xfer tokens to them and let them tip for it themselves? Is it because you don't trust that the member will use the tokens the way you want them to? If you don't trust another member with xferred tokens, is it then reasonable for the model to not trust this other member with gifted material? Would you require that the member you're gifting to be a regular person in the model's chat room?

2a: Models, do you feel that members who present themselves as females in your room have to behave a certain way to be taken seriously? Do you think you treat members with female names the same as others?

2b: Members, do you get distracted by members in the room who flaunt the fact that they're female? Is it just their name or their behavior that distracts you? Do you feel it's unfair if a model prefers attention not be drawn to the fact that members may be female?

Edit to add: by the way, I only emphasize that this member had a female name because I do feel, in the end, that members who are female end up getting different attention and possibly more "gifted items" than other male members in rooms. Though previously, the female members whom were gifted items in my room were established and awesome members of my regular group of people.

1a. I really like that my regulars try to help build a sense of community in my room by offering to give their prizes or pay for raffle tickets to other members in the room (especially if those guys have been interacting in a gentlemanly way). So far, I haven't had to give any prizes away to people who I wasn't happy to give them to. However, If the prize was a personal mailed item going to someone who I didn't know at least a little, had never tipped before, or who I had slight reservations about, then it would make me queasy and I would try to find a way to avoid it.

1b. When I go into a model's room, I assume that she has more experience with and knowledge about the other members than I have... through the interaction I am not a part of. For this reason, if I were to tip for someone else to have a raffle ticket or other item, I'd feel better sending it to the model directly. Perhaps it's because I have experience being a model, and I know that I'd rather be aware of the full context to know how to best deal with whatever situation might arise. As a member, my tip was likely was going to go to the model anyway and tipping her directly (vs. transferring the tokens) can ensure that. The bonus is that doing it this way can create a pretty cool community-type feel when guys tip for one another vs. transferring tokens (which possibly only 2 people would be aware of). For all I know, I could be tipping for someone who has been in the room lots at a different time of day and has only tipped a few times, someone who the model is just putting on a friendly face for but secretly hates, or someone who is brand new and doesn't have the intention of tipping. Whatever the reason, I still think it is best if the tip isn't transferred from member to member (unless they themselves have a friendship) and is sent directly to the model. All this being said, it's best if the intent for a tip is discussed secretly so that the model can handle it however she wants.

2a. I work under the assumption that every member who presents as female is actually a male pretending to be a female unless they give me reason to think otherwise. I also feel that every member has the right to live out whatever fantasy they want on MFC as long as it isn't distracting or disrespectful to me or other members. So no, I don't think I treat them differently.

I definitely reflect Jessi and Evvie's sentiments on this as well.

2b. Only overtly girly behavior is distracting to me. I dislike if anyone (male or female, bi, straight, or gay) discusses their own sexuality in my room if it isn't the current topic of discussion. It's unnecessary and distracting in most cases. Females are not exempt from this. I actually think it's more important for females to be careful not to discuss anything that might detract from the models sexuality which is usually what the basis of her business is.

I really hope some of what I wrote made sense.
AmberCutie said:
1a: Models, how do you feel about members "gifting" items that you're raffling off/selling/etc to other members in your room? Is it acceptable if it's people that you're already familiar with, or not at all?

I haven't raffled off something physical yet, but I've had time where I'd let the highest tipper pick what toy I use at the end of a countdown, and he'd let someone else pick. Or if he had a video that he won on the prize wheel he let me give it to another regular. I'd say that as long as they're already in your room, contributing to conversation, or even a non-tipping regular it's fine. When it comes to physical items and it's someone completely new? How about no. I still get nervous shipping panties to my best regular, I'm not going to risk letting someone I don't know figure out what state/town/whatever I live in.
2a: Models, do you feel that members who present themselves as females in your room have to behave a certain way to be taken seriously? Do you think you treat members with female names the same as others?

I have a few female regulars, they've tipped often, they'd chat with me and the other guys, one even bought stuff off my wishlist for me. I didn't even realize she was a woman until it was during a show and she said something about being busy flickin' the bean. When it comes to obvious female names, they're usually trying to get attention, and they rarely tip. The women that I've had as regulars didn't have super feminine usernames, and didn't expect special treatment.
I don't usually treat female members any different, if they expect different treatment, then they are not my kind of woman. Nope. ;P
AmberCutie said:
1a: Models, how do you feel about members "gifting" items that you're raffling off/selling/etc to other members in your room? Is it acceptable if it's people that you're already familiar with, or not at all?

2a: Models, do you feel that members who present themselves as females in your room have to behave a certain way to be taken seriously? Do you think you treat members with female names the same as others?

1A: I really dislike it when members do this. A member might whine "Aw, I would tip, but blah, blah, blah," and then someone else will tip and say "This is for a raffle ticket for dude-who-won't-tip." GRRR. It's a nice gesture, but I don't like it because A) non-tippers who give lame excuses irritate me, and the last thing I wanna do is give the prize of a Skype show to a guy like that. And B) I don't want people to get it in their heads Hey, maybe if I whine about how I "can't" tip, one of her regulars will buy a raffle ticket for me.

2B: I greet everyone in my room - male or female - with a smile and will take them seriously, as long as they're not making dumb comments or asking rude questions like "How much do you make doing this?"

There was a female member in my room who said she was bi, and she asked me if I like women. I was nice to her and told her no, I'm 'strictly dickly', and she got pissed off and said something along the lines of "Fuck you then, you dumb whore." :shock: :lol: I think I told her to get the fuck out my room and go wash her pussy or something.
RedHerby said:
I'm not a visitor of rooms with raffles, so I will now give feedback/advice about something I have no experience with. I know this kind of advice is very welcome here in ACF :) It is just a opinion from someone who values ACF a lot, thats alll.

I find raffles with physical prices that are going from a model's home to a member's home a violation of the so much wanted professionalism by models. It gets to personal.

The cam world is virtual, it's internet. Keep it that way. Give only prices like access to photo sets or video's, amazon giftcards, membership to personal sites, etc, etc. Do only prices you can give when behind your computer, don't give prices that include a walk to the local post office.

Then this kind of issues will be simple and not a big deal.
Thanks for replying, but I don't see in my questions anywhere an inquiry about your opinion on shipping physical items.

I'll just go ahead and note that I think my regulars love getting stuff in the mail. They can correct me if I'm wrong.
AmberCutie said:
RedHerby said:
I find raffles with physical prices that are going from a model's home to a member's home a violation of the so much wanted professionalism by models. It gets to personal.
Thanks for replying, but I don't see in my questions anywhere an inquiry about your opinion on shipping physical items.

I'll just go ahead and note that I think my regulars love getting stuff in the mail. They can correct me if I'm wrong.
yep, indeed, it was an unasked opinion of mine, I'm sure your regulars will like it and it will also be good for business.

It's not about your questions but about the uncomfortable feelings behind those questions, eq sending something personal to a stranger or someone you don't like.

It's also about the general trend here in ACF that's expressed often by models, no contact with members irl, hiding personal details, that it's not personal but just a job. All those things for very good reasons, it's a dangerous world.

And then models are sending personal things to the home of the member, some times much more personal then yours Cootie Shot Glasses.

imho those 2 things conflict with each other.
RedHerby said:
AmberCutie said:
RedHerby said:
I find raffles with physical prices that are going from a model's home to a member's home a violation of the so much wanted professionalism by models. It gets to personal.
Thanks for replying, but I don't see in my questions anywhere an inquiry about your opinion on shipping physical items.

I'll just go ahead and note that I think my regulars love getting stuff in the mail. They can correct me if I'm wrong.
yep, indeed, it was an unasked opinion of mine, I'm sure your regulars will like it and it will also be good for business.

It's not about your questions but about the uncomfortable feelings behind those questions, eq sending something personal to a stranger or someone you don't like.

It's also about the general trend here in ACF that's expressed often by models, no contact with members irl, hiding personal details, that it's not personal but just a job. All those things for very good reasons, it's a dangerous world.

And then models are sending personal things to the home of the member, some times much more personal then yours Cootie Shot Glasses.

imho those 2 things conflict with each other.
How is it any different than purchasing something off of eBay? I don't get it.
RedHerby said:
AmberCutie said:
RedHerby said:
I find raffles with physical prices that are going from a model's home to a member's home a violation of the so much wanted professionalism by models. It gets to personal.
Thanks for replying, but I don't see in my questions anywhere an inquiry about your opinion on shipping physical items.

I'll just go ahead and note that I think my regulars love getting stuff in the mail. They can correct me if I'm wrong.
yep, indeed, it was an unasked opinion of mine, I'm sure your regulars will like it and it will also be good for business.

It's not about your questions but about the uncomfortable feelings behind those questions, eq sending something personal to a stranger or someone you don't like.

It's also about the general trend here in ACF that's expressed often by models, no contact with members irl, hiding personal details, that it's not personal but just a job. All those things for very good reasons, it's a dangerous world.

And then models are sending personal things to the home of the member, some times much more personal then yours Cootie Shot Glasses.

imho those 2 things conflict with each other.

It's a bit of a leap, isn't it?

"You sent me something in the mail, let's get married and have sex!"

I also think that while camming is ultimately a job and that a model's safety should always be a consideration, it's entirely possible for a model to get to know a member well enough to be comfortable enough to send them something "personal" without having to worry about any lines being crossed.

Models and members are people, ya know?
RedHerby said:
I'm not a visitor of rooms with raffles, so I will now give feedback/advice about something I have no experience with. I know this kind of advice is very welcome here in ACF :) It is just a opinion from someone who values ACF a lot, thats alll.

I find raffles with physical prices that are going from a model's home to a member's home a violation of the so much wanted professionalism by models. It gets to personal.

The cam world is virtual, it's internet. Keep it that way. Give only prices like access to photo sets or video's, amazon giftcards, membership to personal sites, etc, etc. Do only prices you can give when behind your computer, don't give prices that include a walk to the local post office.

Then this kind of issues will be simple and not a big deal.
PlayboyMegan said:
RedHerby said:
It's also about the general trend here in ACF that's expressed often by models, no contact with members irl, hiding personal details, that it's not personal but just a job. All those things for very good reasons, it's a dangerous world.

And then models are sending personal things to the home of the member, some times much more personal then yours Cootie Shot Glasses.

imho those 2 things conflict with each other.
How is it any different than purchasing something off of eBay? I don't get it.
Something from eBay is about the thing itself, a book, etc, whatever, It's not about the person who sells it. A personal gift/prize from a model is not about the thing itself but about the person who sends it, eq the model in this case.

Very different at emotional level and imho not contributing to the professional distance between models and members that's also wanted. To make it visual, a pervert drinking from those Cootie Shot Glasses and thinking "Amber's lips did also touch this glass".

It's a few times in this thread, simplified put in my own words: "I like to give gifts to my trusted regulars/friends and they like it" vs "Oops, a stranger or some creep did win the raffle, I don't like it that he/she gets it".
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RedHerby said:
PlayboyMegan said:
RedHerby said:
It's also about the general trend here in ACF that's expressed often by models, no contact with members irl, hiding personal details, that it's not personal but just a job. All those things for very good reasons, it's a dangerous world.

And then models are sending personal things to the home of the member, some times much more personal then yours Cootie Shot Glasses.

imho those 2 things conflict with each other.
How is it any different than purchasing something off of eBay? I don't get it.
Something from eBay is about the thing itself, a book, etc, whatever, It's not about the person who sells it. A personal gift/prize from a model is not about the thing itself but about the person who sends it, eq the model in this case.

Very different at emotional level and imho not contributing to the professional distance between models and members that's also wanted. To make it visual, a pervert drinking from those Cootie Shot Glasses and thinking "Amber's lips did also touch this glass".O

It's a few times in this thread, simplified put in my own words: "I like to give gifts to my trusted regulars/friends and they like it" vs "Oops, a stranger or some creep did win the raffle, I don't like it that he/she gets it".
Not always. I can buy an autograph off eBay. I would buy it because of the person, not because it's signed on a cool piece of paper. Or I might get the chance to purchase it from her website. No different. I may mastubate on her autograph, but she will not know that and it won't mean we are getting personal just because I purchased an autograph from her or from eBay.
Also, it's not so black and white. You don't have to be strictly business or open to meeting all your members. There's lots of gray and models get to pick and choose whatever they feel comfortable with. It's not a contradiction to not be comfortable giving out your phone number, but being comfortable with selling your panties. That's perfectly okay.
RedHerby said:
PlayboyMegan said:
RedHerby said:
It's also about the general trend here in ACF that's expressed often by models, no contact with members irl, hiding personal details, that it's not personal but just a job. All those things for very good reasons, it's a dangerous world.

And then models are sending personal things to the home of the member, some times much more personal then yours Cootie Shot Glasses.

imho those 2 things conflict with each other.
How is it any different than purchasing something off of eBay? I don't get it.
Something from eBay is about the thing itself, a book, etc, whatever, It's not about the person who sells it. A personal gift/prize from a model is not about the thing itself but about the person who sends it, eq the model in this case.

Very different at emotional level and imho not contributing to the professional distance between models and members that's also wanted. To make it visual, a pervert drinking from those Cootie Shot Glasses and thinking "Amber's lips did also touch this glass".

It's a few times in this thread, simplified put in my own words: "I like to give gifts to my trusted regulars/friends and they like it" vs "Oops, a stranger or some creep did win the raffle, I don't like it that he/she gets it".

This may not be the right way to say this but I'm trying to anyway:

This sounds like the same thoughts that occurs to a member when we get naked and touch ourselves sensually or masturbate in front of the camera. There is just a level of intimacy implied with this job that we are professionally selling.

Edit: wait, are you saying that when doing raffles (something anyone could win) that models shouldn't offer prizes of a personal nature? Do you think it's unprofessional for a model to offer personal items for sale/not for a raffle?
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