AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Member Rooms

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Ahhhh... this explains the PM I got yesterday from a complete stranger. "Where is your room?" - he/she asked :?

If this avoid members from going to other sites when "there are no girls online", then MFC is winning again.
nzhere said:
I don't see much point to it either, all it will do is splinter the amount of people using the main lounges. As people will make their own private lounges..

A better option would be simply adding Conferencing mode to the pm system.

Failing that add 2 new lounges "Talk politics here" "Have your fight here"

Yeah, I agree with the conference room thing but I think that is what the member rooms are going to be used for. Sometimes after I go off cam my peeps will stay around and chat, they have become friends. So now, I guess they can invite each other over to their rooms? Cool, if it makes people :-D
Hmm... :lol:


Is it safe to say that if lounge now appears in most popular rooms, that members rooms will be likely to as well? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Random thought: maybe this is the slow integration of male models? DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNN.

I know, it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense opening up member rooms and the like. I just couldn't help but laugh thinking of how the member profiles are turning into model profiles.
Im kinda digging member rooms now... a personal lounge of your friends...could be your fortress of solitude, man cave, gentlemans club, no assholes allowed , whatever you call it etc lol...
Who has a huge messy friendslist? My idea is for the friends list, they make some dividers e.g


Custom friends list would be interesting. If linked to the members room function..
Jupiter551 said:
I wonder what happens if you try to send the Lounge a private message..
The rather boring answer is - nothing.
It gets sent - but it doesn't turn up in the lounge chat.
If you click 'open their room' - in PM - it goes to the lounge.
As someone who now spends most of his time in a member room, I love this feature because:

- no pimps
- no bloobs or fucktards
- models come in and chat with us all the time (sometimes 5-6 at once)
- I can still tip any model from the member room, just like the lounge
- I can hang with my MFC friends and discuss anything under the sun

And for those who are concerned, not once have I seen someone try to link model videos.

Yeah I hang out in QTs room a bit from time to time, but it always feels a little bit like a member's club - and I think I'm probably accepted as one of those members, but even so that kind of stuff isn't really my scene.

I'm a man of the people.

Even when the people are $20 premium tards.
Jupiter551 said:
Yeah I hang out in QTs room a bit from time to time, but it always feels a little bit like a member's club - and I think I'm probably accepted as one of those members, but even so that kind of stuff isn't really my scene.

I'm a man of the people.

Even when the people are $20 premium tards.

Haha same... I hung out in that member room a few times ...its cool and all but Im the type of guy to go hop to another room where im needed or at least doesnt make me feel like an outsider looking in...
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