AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Library camgirl busted

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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LexiGraceCam said:
Prisim, can I give you some advice since you feel you need to keep giving us some? Go back to these other normal forums you keep talking about and leave us alone. As it has been stated a few times, people like you are what make us as protective as we are. You are not doing anyone any good being on this forum. You are just weirding us out and we are apparently annoying you.

FFS. :lol:

So people that want you to be able to have enough privacy protection to be protected by stalkers without damaging your social life with worrying about every single thing make you scared?
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PRISM said:
LexiGraceCam said:
Prisim, can I give you some advice since you feel you need to keep giving us some? Go back to these other normal forums you keep talking about and leave us alone. As it has been stated a few times, people like you are what make us as protective as we are. You are not doing anyone any good being on this forum. You are just weirding us out and we are apparently annoying you.

FFS. :lol:

So people that want you to be able to have enough privacy protection to be protected by stalkers without damaging your social life with worrying about every single thing make you scared?

Where do you get that we are worried about every single thing and that we are damaging our social lives? I don't understand. Sure, a few may be. But I assume that those girls are overly cautious about everything, even stuff out of their cam lives. Which still, why is this your problem? Yes, we do a lot to protect ourselves. But by no means do a majority of us let every single thing get us scared.

We have all explained everything to you many times, I think it is best if you drop it if you insist on staying here.
PRISM said:
LexiGraceCam said:
Prisim, can I give you some advice since you feel you need to keep giving us some? Go back to these other normal forums you keep talking about and leave us alone. As it has been stated a few times, people like you are what make us as protective as we are. You are not doing anyone any good being on this forum. You are just weirding us out and we are apparently annoying you.

FFS. :lol:

So people that want you to be able to have enough privacy protection to be protected by stalkers without damaging your social life with worrying about every single thing make you scared?

Camsites are work, not social activities. It can be both, but very fucking rarely does a model cam just for the hell of it, not worrying about making money.

I seriously doubt any of these ladies are freaking out in their social lives.
JimsX said:
PRISM said:
LexiGraceCam said:
Prisim, can I give you some advice since you feel you need to keep giving us some? Go back to these other normal forums you keep talking about and leave us alone. As it has been stated a few times, people like you are what make us as protective as we are. You are not doing anyone any good being on this forum. You are just weirding us out and we are apparently annoying you.

FFS. :lol:

So people that want you to be able to have enough privacy protection to be protected by stalkers without damaging your social life with worrying about every single thing make you scared?

Camsites are work, not social activities. It can be both, but very fucking rarely does a model cam just for the hell of it, not worrying about making money.

I seriously doubt any of these ladies are freaking out in their social lives.

I know camming is work not some kind of hobby.
PunkInDrublic said:
PRISM said:
I really don't get why everyone on here acts like a cult, Models are supposed to think and act a certain way, and then members are supposed to act and think a certain way and neither are allowed to even question it.
Keep in mind that this forum isn't really like other forums so behavior here that would seem cult like elsewhere is kinda normal here. Either deal with it or leave.
And why is that exactly? Serious question.
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JimsX said:
PRISM said:
I know camming is work not some kind of hobby.

So where are you getting this notion that models are carrying uzis on dates and doing background checks on everyone they meet?

From what some models and membeers have said
JickyJuly said:
You cannot effectively assess threat for someone you don't actually know.
Weird thing? I guess what I find weird is this privileged status you seem to think cam girls have. There are plenty of other sex workers out there, just as there are plenty of people out there who aren’t sex workers and yet still need to do threat assessments.

Threat assessments are done by politicians, celebrities, military leaders, business leaders, and every wealthy person on the planet. They’re also done by financial institutions, corporations, governments, military units, etc., etc. Yeah, what a weird thing to even discuss.

Also, I don’t recall saying that threat assessments can be done for someone you don’t know. In fact, I’d like to see you even try, which just shows how absurd the statement even is. I simply made some general observations, just as any social scientist would, based upon some situations I’ve known of in the past, or have knowledge of in the present.

But apparently cam girls are exempt from any type of commentary by “outsiders." Why? Well, apparently for no other reason than the majority of you seem to become offended at the drop of a hat. In any other profession, asking whether someone’s threat assessment needs to be reevaluated would be considered a ‘No shit, Sherlock,” type of question. But if someone suggests the same to a cam girl, watch out, pitchforks, tar and feathers, and then the labels that I’ve seen used so many times that they’re already becoming meaningless, “weird,” “creepy,” etc. Personally I find it weird that you seem to think you have the right to tell me what I’m allowed to discuss, or even what I’m allowed to think. Most therapists would call that mind fucking.
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I wasn't speaking about camgirls. It's a weird topic for anyone. I certainly wouldn't knock on my neighbor's door to tell them they have too many locks on their door and no need for a lock on their bike.
PRISM said:
JimsX said:
Nope, because it is not up to you or anyone else what a model does to protect her privacy.

Even with an organized listing it would still be up to the model what she or he wants to do for privacy protection. I don't see how its so hard to understand that concept.

How do you know we don't already have these kinds of things in Models Only.

Let me guess...

Because models and members told you so....

Camgirl said:
PRISM said:
JimsX said:
Nope, because it is not up to you or anyone else what a model does to protect her privacy.

Even with an organized listing it would still be up to the model what she or he wants to do for privacy protection. I don't see how its so hard to understand that concept.

How do you know we don't already have these kinds of things in Models Only.

Let me guess...

Because models and members told you so....


If there is already something like that you could just have just said there is already one in the Models Only section.
LexiGraceCam said:
Nordling said:
Isn't it time for food?

I have always wanted to try beef wellington.
I've made it's really good and impressive to your guests. :) The fun part is massaging the tenderloin roast with brandy. :)
Azhrarn said:
PunkInDrublic said:
PRISM said:
I really don't get why everyone on here acts like a cult, Models are supposed to think and act a certain way, and then members are supposed to act and think a certain way and neither are allowed to even question it.
Keep in mind that this forum isn't really like other forums so behavior here that would seem cult like elsewhere is kinda normal here. Either deal with it or leave.
And why is that exactly? Serious question.
Not sure what you are asking exactly. Why and how is this forum not like other forums or why is this behavior considered normal here? I don't consider it normal and do my best to be critical of it(hyuck hyuck same team)but it's just how things are. Probably has more to do with being supportive and less of a conform or be cast out type thing but I don't know, serious answer.
BlairLuxe said:
I may just be suffering from chronic cam girl paranoia... But every now and then I find myself wondering if Azhrarn and PRISM are actually the same person and he just has two accounts so he can look like someone agrees with him.
They had completely opposite opinions earlier in this thread and have way different styles. Both are argumentative and noobish but I doubt it's the same dude. If it is the same dude, lol@the amount of work he has put into this and lol@arguing with yourself.
PunkInDrublic said:
BlairLuxe said:
I may just be suffering from chronic cam girl paranoia... But every now and then I find myself wondering if Azhrarn and PRISM are actually the same person and he just has two accounts so he can look like someone agrees with him.
They had completely opposite opinions earlier in this thread and have way different styles. Both are argumentative and noobish but I doubt it's the same dude. If it is the same dude, lol@the amount of work he has put into this and lol@arguing with yourself.

There's like 20,000 people registered here there are going to be people with similar pov's when it comes to certain topics. It would be like saying that all the members on here that are upset about a "threat assessment levels guide" are the same people.
PunkInDrublic said:
You know what tho, after reading that Bruce Jenner thread I'm convinced dude is just trolling. Was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt but I'm done feeding or trying to help him.

So I'm not allowed to have a more conservative view point when it comes to certain issues? Trolling is the #1 thing people use on internet forums to attacking persons with alternate view points.
If our dear Punk thinks you're a troll... you're probably a troll. If you are not, than that is a real indication that you may want to step back and evaluate how you get along in the world.
JoleneBrody said:
If our dear Punk thinks you're a troll... you're probably a troll. If you are not, than that is a real indication that you may want to step back and evaluate how you get along in the world.

The entire adult entertainment industry is not just for ultra pc liberals, there are many with some conservative view points. The porn star Mimi Miyagi ran as a republican in an election a few years ago. ... epublican/ ... 37769.html
PRISM said:
PunkInDrublic said:
You know what tho, after reading that Bruce Jenner thread I'm convinced dude is just trolling. Was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt but I'm done feeding or trying to help him.

So I'm not allowed to have a more conservative view point when it comes to certain issues? Trolling is the #1 thing people use on internet forums to attacking persons with alternate view points.
Conservative does not mean bigoted. Bigotry is not an "alternate viewpoint."
Nordling said:
PRISM said:
PunkInDrublic said:
You know what tho, after reading that Bruce Jenner thread I'm convinced dude is just trolling. Was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt but I'm done feeding or trying to help him.

So I'm not allowed to have a more conservative view point when it comes to certain issues? Trolling is the #1 thing people use on internet forums to attacking persons with alternate view points.
Conservative does not mean bigoted. Bigotry is not an "alternate viewpoint."

How can I be bigoted if I don't actually hate people based on race or gender or sexual orientation? ... sex-change
You stated that western society was "promoting this" and equated it to situations deserving that "they would be sent to a mental institution".

You may not hate them, but that's not exactly an understanding/welcoming position.
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ramblin said:
You stated that western society was "promoting this" and equated it to situations deserving that "they would be sent to a mental institution".

You may not hate them, but that's not exactly an understanding/welcoming position.

But if someone needs mental help do they not need to see a therapist?
PRISM said:
ramblin said:
You stated that western society was "promoting this" and equated it to situations deserving that "they would be sent to a mental institution".

You may not hate them, but that's not exactly an understanding/welcoming position.

But if someone needs mental help do they not need to see a therapist?
I think you'll find that you're in the distinct minority here if you believe that trans people need therapy / institutionalization.
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