I have 2 female friends I know very well and I'm the type who gifts my very close friends. What sent was not that much and if I could, and I tried, I would have sent gifts. Someone made a remark about her using her passport to appear legit. The story on that is I sent her part of the money for it and asked her to show it to me to share in her excitement. My concern here is of I'm the one creating trust issues. I think the vote is split. I have never formed amore than a user relationship before and as others have pointed out we are enjoying what we have. I just am hoping that the feed back will maybe point out something I've not thought of. As for paying her to perform.....I don't, I can't pay a close friend to do something they are doing because they are in a rough spot. That's not friendship that's exploitation to me.
I know a sex fiend with morals...lol