I'll admit... some of the non-US models are very sweet and attractive but I personally stick the North America, UK, and Australia because it's come to a point where the conversation is more important than what's on cam *most* evenings. Not to say I don't find my favorite models attractive... but that's not what keeps me there.
As far as my opinion on all of this, I reckon it's just like any other product or service. You need something to differentiate yourself from others. You need several somethings that people find appealing and accentuate them. You need people to find out about it. The hardest part in my opinion is the getting people to find out about it thing.
In my personal opinion it's a shame a lot of models don't do a bit more research before they just jump on cam. Based on the limited time I spend in the lounge (basically when NO model I know is online but I feel like seeing titties >_>) they basically have 4 kinds of people linking models. 1. The straight up pimps pushing a model or two in particular. 2. The guy who is scrolling through all models and mentions free shows or other things of interest. 3. The guys who check models who are known to have free shows or other things of interest in public. 4. The guys who look for New Models to try and pull one over on them. I feel new models who are prepared can take advantage of that 4th point and get themselves into the #3 category (breaking rules not even remotely necessary) and increase exposure much more quickly than slowly building up a CamScore that lists you higher.
As far the other thing I mentioned... the differentiating part I reckon that's basically to say be yourself... not some other model. I'm quite sure the other model can be herself better than you can so why would they watch the immitation? The appealing/accentuate thing basically means know your strengths when it comes to this work and flaunt them. If you're lucky, you're Amber and you have a lot to work with.

If not, you still have those things that people are always commenting on or requesting. Put them in the freakin' spotlight.
Once you get them in the door and interested, then it's time to make repeat customers. Make them feel special or engaged and you're in. It's really the same for most businesses in which a monopoly/oligopoly does not exist.