First your ip can not be tracked by any viewer on any site.
You're streaming to a server and viewers would see only this server's information.
They can use many other ways to find out clues from whatever they can see or hear in your room, or through your window :/
Neighbours speaking loud and noise from an airport can tell better about a localization than an ip
Think to hide your keyboard, especially when you type and ofc if you type any password.
Take care if you have external ways to communicate with your users to inspect each media separately
ie Deactivate geolocalisation from your twitter of course and from your phone if you use it to shot photos
or they can be get from photos exif informations
(you can use ie "xnview" to read them, a free basic photo editor)
** I'm not so sure that the streams can or not embed localization given by some cameras but read your cam notice.
(common sense is to
read notices of everything you use, though)
Then emails are the most common way to track IPs.
And some services are well known to not respect privacy at all (facebook / insta / gmail) on other aspects.
You can have a look on this mail service :
tutanota.com they are privacy militants , free and open source.
You'll find a lot of tips by searching "Cyberstalking" and also in other answers to come.