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Generally disappointed in the actions of a few models

  • Thread starter Deleted member 4846
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Deleted member 4846

Just want to share my disappointment with some models, no names unless people really want to know and naming is allowed here.

Really nice looking girl, good chat in the room, a few people tipping for the topic which included videos and photos for tokens, so I tipped too. Nothing. I emailed her on the email she specified, heard nothing for a while until I prompted her again and she sent one short video (not what was in the topic). This has gone one for months, when ever I see her online I prompt her in PM for the content she promised, she either ignores my PMs or says that her email address has changed and will send them out if I email her new address, hmm. So, I now don't expect to get any of what was promised from this model, and I've had other instances from other models too who have just flagrantly ignored their obligations from topics.

Really disappoints me to see this happening, I hear about it from other premiums too, MFC don't seem interested (I did contact them about this one model, nothing happened) but really it's not their worry I suppose while business is still good.

This bad image works against honest models and new models, it makes premiums hesitant to tip for anything like videos - will the model actually produce the goods (I know most will because most are sensible and need the repeat business, and are honest too) or will this just be more tokens thrown away at a scam artist?

The worst part is they seem like really nice people, so why would they renege on their promises even after repeated reminders, even with screen shots of tip history (surely they have the tip history to look back on too?), or the topic actually in a screen shot of the chat with my tip with a tip note visible to the whole room saying 'For the video in the topic'!?

Needless to say, some models will never receive tips from me again because of this.

What's there to discuss? I think we all agree this is seriously uncool. I'm sorry you experienced this. But, we (users of this forum/other models) can do nothing about this, it happens, it's shit. take your business elsewhere ;)

usually though, if girls are systemically unethical about these things members will pick up, camscore will drop and it will filter itself out.
Fay_Galore said:
What's there to discuss? I think we all agree this is seriously uncool. I'm sorry you experienced this. But, we (users of this forum/other models) can do nothing about this, it happens, it's shit. take your business elsewhere ;)

usually though, if girls are systemically unethical about these things members will pick up, camscore will drop and it will filter itself out.

Pretty much this, yo. Not every cam girl is awesome and some of them will flat out rip you off. It sucks but it is what it is and no amount of discussion will change that.
There's really not much to discuss. Not getting the content you paid for or were promised is shitty, and it's some shitty behavior on the model's side, that's obvious.
You're really preaching to the choir here, the ladies who frequent ACF a lot have a great work ethic.

Unfortunately, on MFC you don't have a 100% guarantee that you'll get the content you paid for, MFC basically leaves it up to the model to take care of keeping her promises. (However there was a new rule established a couple of months ago - it showed up in our 'model news' that basically said that as a model you mustn't make promises for tips that if you have no intention of keeping them. I have no idea how well enforced this rule is.)

I do believe that models who have proven themselves to be honest/trustworthy have a chance on the site, whereas others don't. Not really. I've seen different guys ask in a model's room what happened to the video she promised them, and when she doesn't have a good explanation (despite obviously reading what is said by the members), it just leaves a bad taste in the mouth of everyone who's watching. Of course especially if it appears to happen to more than one member. :naughty:
So yeah, karma. It sucks that this happened to you, but if the model is dishonest to many others the way she was to you, she won't be able to keep a good reputation on MFC. Not sure if that makes you feel any better.
Maybe I am too soft on the subject, I'm just not the kind to go in and cause trouble over this kind of thing in a model's room. Likely, I would become the villain and end up being banned by MFC or something stupid like that - seems all too easy to become 'the nasty man' with certain women, as I have experienced a few times from encounters that still leave me wondering what the hell happened.
Yeah I don't think anyone here would suggest you do anything other than move on and try to enjoy your time on MFC. Reporting an issue to MFC like this is important because they do actually care, but you have GOT to stick to MFC mail/PM or else they really have nothing to work with.
If a model is offering to send a video in anything other than and MFC mail or PM on MFC, and you don't have an existing good base with her, don't risk it. It will be really hard for you to prove anything to MFC otherwise, because screen caps can be fabricated.
Unfortunately every now and then I have members entering my room, and telling me in PM that they are so angry cause they just got scammed by the model who either did not do as she promised or got tipped for show on topic and close the room the moment she got it, or some other unfair things.
I try to make up for it, all tho not my fault, and do something nice to a member, as for example send a little present to cheer him up.
But unfortunately those girls still there. I agree with you Ladies, they will not survive on MFC long it they continue to do so. But also there is always a new models who will do the same. And its really making not good reputation image on all of us.
Sorry its happens with you Mankor)
The only other action I would recommend, is if they are members of this forum to shoot them a PM here as well.

Otherwise, yeah you are screwed.
I usually try to hang out in a model's room and tip/chat with her and her regs for a while before I drop a large amount of tokens on a video or anything like that. It gives you an idea of how she conducts business. For example, if I see people tipping for videos and she sends the videos right away, it gives a good impression. Similarly, if it's clear that her regulars are happy customers, and have gotten what they paid for the in the past, that will show. If guys are bitching about not getting things, that's a red flag, depending on how she handles it.

Bottom line, I get to know the model before I buy something offline from her, and I've never been scammed yet.
yossarian said:
I usually try to hang out in a model's room and tip/chat with her and her regs for a while before I drop a large amount of tokens on a video or anything like that. It gives you an idea of how she conducts business. For example, if I see people tipping for videos and she sends the videos right away, it gives a good impression. Similarly, if it's clear that her regulars are happy customers, and have gotten what they paid for the in the past, that will show. If guys are bitching about not getting things, that's a red flag, depending on how she handles it.

Bottom line, I get to know the model before I buy something offline from her, and I've never been scammed yet.
I'd suggest that's the best way for anyone to handle it. I get pretty flabbergasted at how many people come here driving their waaaambulance with the sirens blaring "she scammed me" because common sense would say to get to know a person a little bit before you trust them with a transaction that isn't insured by the site or any official rules or regulations.

I'm not suggesting that mankor is lacking common sense or that what happened is acceptable. Models should definitely be ashamed of themselves to run their business in such a way, and it does give the rest of us honest ladies a bad rep. But it would be nice to have people exhibit more common sense in general on cam sites. And that sense includes realizing that not all girls are that way.
Have you contacted MFC? You should have a record of your tip in the account area, and also the chat history when the model made the offer. If you send MFC a copy of that info along with what you've posted here, you'll often get results.

Most (but by no means all of the time) MFC will contact the model who will decide to go and send the video since she doesn't want to get on MFC shit list.
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I agree with the other camgirls who posted here that the camgirls on ACF are all around honest, good people with a good work ethic. It's highly doubtful that the model who scammed you even reads this forum. Sure, there are camgirls who rip people off, and that sucks and it gives the rest of us a bad name. I'm sorry that happened to you, but there's not much you can do, unfortunately.
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I don't think he's even tryin' to draw the attention of the model by posting here. I think he's just lookin' for a place to vent and maybe discuss this issue with people who have also experienced it. Now, I haven't been technically screwed over by any models, but I have been involved in a few situations where I felt like the product I got in the end didn't live up to the tip I had to give. That's just me though.
I think what really upsets mankor is that he does spend time getting to know people and is a very generous guy. It hurts to have that thrown back at you. Where he and a lot of guys come unstuck is in assuming others to be as trustworthy as they are.

This kind of behaviour from models leads to a lot of lovely guys losing faith.
Thankfully, such models are in the minority yet one bad model can undo the good work done by so many good ones!
I can sympathize with the OP. But I think as others have said the best thing is to just move on.

It never seems to work when the ripped-off try to let anyone know, where would you do that, in the lounge of course and things like this usually go like

OP: Just an fyi guys, but model ______ reneged on videos I bought from her

the lounge: Oh cry me a river - how did a model "rip" you off - man up & get over it - report it to an admin - admins don't give a crap etc etc etc

If the model keeps doing it then she'll eventually self destruct by her own hand. She'll have a bad rep, near empty room & plummeting camscore

Let karma handle it
The Insider said:
I can sympathize with the OP. But I think as others have said the best thing is to just move on.

It never seems to work when the ripped-off try to let anyone know, where would you do that, in the lounge of course and things like this usually go like

OP: Just an fyi guys, but model ______ reneged on videos I bought from her

the lounge: Oh cry me a river - how did a model "rip" you off - man up & get over it - report it to an admin - admins don't give a crap etc etc etc

If the model keeps doing it then she'll eventually self destruct by her own hand. She'll have a bad rep, near empty room & plummeting camscore

Let karma handle it

Here's the thing though... she only gets the bad rep by lots of people saying that she scammed them. So the only way to let karma take it's course is to actually tell people that ___ ripped you off.
LadyLuna said:
The Insider said:
I can sympathize with the OP. But I think as others have said the best thing is to just move on.

It never seems to work when the ripped-off try to let anyone know, where would you do that, in the lounge of course and things like this usually go like

OP: Just an fyi guys, but model ______ reneged on videos I bought from her

the lounge: Oh cry me a river - how did a model "rip" you off - man up & get over it - report it to an admin - admins don't give a crap etc etc etc

If the model keeps doing it then she'll eventually self destruct by her own hand. She'll have a bad rep, near empty room & plummeting camscore

Let karma handle it

Here's the thing though... she only gets the bad rep by lots of people saying that she scammed them. So the only way to let karma take it's course is to actually tell people that ___ ripped you off.

Maybe a site that rates a model based on the quality of her business services rather than just her female attributes....

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LadyLuna said:
The Insider said:
I can sympathize with the OP. But I think as others have said the best thing is to just move on.

It never seems to work when the ripped-off try to let anyone know, where would you do that, in the lounge of course and things like this usually go like

OP: Just an fyi guys, but model ______ reneged on videos I bought from her

the lounge: Oh cry me a river - how did a model "rip" you off - man up & get over it - report it to an admin - admins don't give a crap etc etc etc

If the model keeps doing it then she'll eventually self destruct by her own hand. She'll have a bad rep, near empty room & plummeting camscore

Let karma handle it

Here's the thing though... she only gets the bad rep by lots of people saying that she scammed them. So the only way to let karma take it's course is to actually tell people that ___ ripped you off.

I think you misunderstand karma. I push a toddler down the stairs and take his candy bar, later that day my boss who had know idea what happened lays me off that day. That's karma.

What you're suggesting is like... gathering an angry mob. She'll get a bad rep by ripping lots of people off. If he's the only one that she ripped off, he's giving her a bad rep, not her.
SexyStephXS said:
LadyLuna said:
The Insider said:
I can sympathize with the OP. But I think as others have said the best thing is to just move on.

It never seems to work when the ripped-off try to let anyone know, where would you do that, in the lounge of course and things like this usually go like

OP: Just an fyi guys, but model ______ reneged on videos I bought from her

the lounge: Oh cry me a river - how did a model "rip" you off - man up & get over it - report it to an admin - admins don't give a crap etc etc etc

If the model keeps doing it then she'll eventually self destruct by her own hand. She'll have a bad rep, near empty room & plummeting camscore

Let karma handle it

Here's the thing though... she only gets the bad rep by lots of people saying that she scammed them. So the only way to let karma take it's course is to actually tell people that ___ ripped you off.

I think you misunderstand karma. I push a toddler down the stairs and take his candy bar, later that day my boss who had know idea what happened lays me off that day. That's karma.

What you're suggesting is like... gathering an angry mob. She'll get a bad rep by ripping lots of people off. If he's the only one that she ripped off, he's giving her a bad rep, not her.

I was using the language that was used, the way the person I was responding to used it.

Here it is:

People get a bad reputation because other people KNOW they ripped a bunch of other people off. They don't just magically get a bad reputation from nowhere. So, the only way for other people to know that she's ripped him off, is if he tells them that she ripped him off. If no one ever says "she ripped me off", no one is going to know that she rips people off, and her reputation remains intact.

It's exactly why people get away with stuff all the time- other people don't want to be a tattle tale. But telling other people what happened is the only way other people can know what happened. I'm sick of the whole "don't talk about it, it'll resolve itself" bullshit. That's like saying to someone with chicken pox who's talking about going to a doctor to "just forget about it, people survive that all the time."

If someone rips you off, go in to the lounge and tell people that she ripped you off. Yes, you'll probably be ignored. Until the next guy says the same thing, and a bit of doubt will creep in. And then another, and another, until finally people start saying "look, lots of people have been ripped off by her. Don't give her your money." That's how it works. Not by everyone who got ripped off staying silent and letting her do it to the next guy with no warning. When nobody talks about it, you get the girl with the 9,000 camscore ripping everybody off and everybody wondering "why do people give her their money?"

It's the same as if somebody hurt you, you tell people about it. If someone stole from you, you tell people about it. It's how we know that it happened. Otherwise, we never know.
^ Wow, surely this could have been solved in a different way than this? :?

You could have asked her to show you a screenshot of her sent MFC mails for example.
For all we know from what you've posted, she might have sent you the video - she might be lying, OR you might be lying. Also, it's a pretty low blow to post this on a forum that LaurenRedd is not active on. That way she doesn't see it and can't defend herself. I'm pretty sure you didn't tell her about this post.
I tipped her on April 26th. I waited 2 weeks and asked if she had gotten around to it (just checking in) She said yes she sent them. I waited a little more than a week after that and didn't receive anything. So I told her I hadn't received anything yet and asked about the video assuming it should be a link available for instant delivery anytime. She said she already sent it to my MFC mail. I looked through all of my MFC mail and didn't see anything from her. So I PMed her asking if she could resend the video and she started ignoring me and not responding to anything. Then I PMed her about it from a friends account and she responded that she sent it and she doesn't know what else she can do. So then I simply replied that she could resend the video very easily (I have nothing to gain from lying about not receiving it - at best I would receive the same video again), then she said to go eff myself and she is not resending shit. I didn't put the text from myself asking from my friends account since it was a different name and didn't want it to seem unrelated.

I guess lesson learned, don't spend money on a site where there is no recourse and you are left to simply trust another human.
mmmCleavage said:
I guess lesson learned, don't spend money on a site where there is no recourse and you are left to simply trust another human.

The thing is, most cam girls can be trusted to send the videos that are paid for. You were just unlucky. It's worth hanging around a model's room for a little while before buying any of her videos. See how they handle video sales. Do they send out the link straight away or do they make the member wait? Speak to their regulars. Have they bought videos from the model before? Did they have any problems? Check her profile. Does she have any comments alluding to dodgy video sales or scammy behaviour?

In a perfect world, you wouldn't have to do any of this but as is the case in pretty much every walk of life, there are those looking to make a quick buck and who won't think twice about ripping somebody off. They're in the minority (as far as I can tell) but the fact that they're out there at all makes it wise to scope the vibe of a room before buying any videos.
This is a full log of our conversation related to this topic... I omitted the name of my friends account. I admit I might have been slightly rude and sarcastic but no personal attacks were made:

02:10:55 PM mmmCleavage: hi
02:11:24 PM LaurenRedd: hey
02:13:06 PM mmmCleavage: i haven't received the package... did it get returned to you?
02:13:37 PM LaurenRedd: i dont think it has
02:14:47 PM mmmCleavage: do you have the video?
02:15:40 PM LaurenRedd: yepp. i sent it to you before i went on cac vacation last week
02:16:28 PM mmmCleavage: what email address?
02:22:32 PM LaurenRedd: to your mfc mail
02:24:25 PM mmmCleavage: i did not receive that either, just looked back through
--She started ingoring everything from me on this account at this point—

09:14:34 AM __________: Hi, my friend bought something from a model and never received it. She said she sent it to him and I'm not accusing her of not sending, but he truely didn't get anything and now she ignores him.
09:15:01 AM LaurenRedd: lol nice
09:15:13 AM __________: BTW, I am the "friend" (mmmCleavage)
09:15:26 AM LaurenRedd: well i did send the video to you
09:15:35 AM LaurenRedd: so idk what you want me to do
09:16:44 AM __________: well I guess it would seem rather simple to at least attempt to resend a video, the bra and thong are lost if they are lost but at least the video should still be accessible.
09:17:27 AM LaurenRedd: yeah i sent you the video
09:17:39 AM LaurenRedd: they way you just pmd me was rude as fuck
09:17:42 AM LaurenRedd: not even kidding
09:18:27 AM LaurenRedd: dude. just for that shit. ill resend you your video. your bra and thong will arrive when they arrive. and then im blocking you from my room.
09:20:29 AM __________: sounds good, I don't see why it was unreasonable to assume that I was telling the truth that I didn't receive the video after 1 attempt to send, why would I lie?
09:20:46 AM __________: If I got the video and lied that I didnt receive it I would be getting the same video again, what do I gain?
09:20:59 AM LaurenRedd: you kept pestering. being fucking annoying. of course someone is going to ignore that when they have to deal with that 24/7
09:21:27 AM __________: I sent 3 total messages over the span of several days, holy shit thats annoying
09:21:38 AM LaurenRedd: nah bro. you pm alot
09:21:59 AM LaurenRedd: i see them. i choose to ignore them m because its costantly fucking annoying.
09:22:05 AM __________: and maybe if you would respond to one and let me know exactly what is going on, I wouldn't be left wondering
09:22:44 AM LaurenRedd: you know what
09:23:11 AM __________: you would be pissed if a store treated you this way
09:24:00 AM LaurenRedd: babe you tipped 22 tokens and got panties and a video
09:24:02 AM LaurenRedd: and a bra
09:24:17 AM LaurenRedd: 22 tokens for me is $1.10
09:24:27 AM LaurenRedd: you can go fuck yourself.
09:24:37 AM LaurenRedd: and im not resendg you shit
09:25:31 AM __________: 22 tokens?
09:26:02 AM __________: you expect me to believe you sold bra, panties, and a video for 22 tokens
09:26:32 AM __________: maybe thats why i didn't get anything, you mistaked me for a guy that only spent 22 tokens
09:27:26 AM __________: and regardless of the price, you agreed to it, so thats your problem

--she banned me at this point, so we had no further discussion on the topic--
Hi. Lauren Redd here. I don't visit this forum at all but this screenshot was brought to my attention by a fellow camgirl. I have to say, A) that was rude to post especially when I am not even active on here at all B) I told him I sent him his video, and that I also resent it. The bra and thong were mailed out prior to me making, editing, and sending the video. If some of you havent noticed lately MFC kicking people off, people not getting nor receiving mfc mails. Shoot I even have tips that I have gotten and haven't even seen pop up in chat but show in archives (people asking did you receive tip kinda thing because it wont show up.)
I could sit here and defend my self, post the actual pms that those are from (btw those 2 pms are two entirely different ones. Ex: look at the time stamps. Where I said go fuck yourself and im not re sending you shit was from this afternoons cam sesh.) The top one was from apr.26th as stated. so of course there were other things said and as to why I would say to someone go fuck yourself.) I told you mr mmmClevage that the way you addressed me from your friends account speaking to me in third person like I am stupid was rude. As a camgirl you deal with pms, mfc mails, stuff everyday. Constantly PMing hi, hi, hi, hello, hi, hi hi hihih (you get my point) over and over is annoying when we have others to also chat with. What do people do with someone who is annoying we ignore them. Sorry but its true. We are all human and get annoyed by things especially if its a constant pm on cam all the time. We are also human and make mistakes. Have I forgotten to send a video here and there? Sure I have! But i ALWAYS go back to my archives and check after a cam show if I forgot. Sorry, must be the new mom brain. As for the bra and panties I told you i mailed them out, I don't put return addresses because hello common sense. Other who have purchased panties from me have received them throughout my almost 2 years of camming on MFC. I always send my videos and have a rather nice collection at that. I applaud the cam girls who have been doing this for way longer than me. I applaud the cam girls who make camming their life and are on almost all the time. I unfortunately don't have that option. I am a new mom and if I forget to do something I do apologize. Taking care of a 6 month old, dealing with my depression, being head of household because my husband got an injury last year that put him out of work, and finding time for camming is hard work. But I am trying to work on coming on cam daily daytime and night time. I have developed regulars who are always happy with my work that i send them and have even developed friendships to some mfc friends that i talk to outside of cam. mmmClevage, next time don't stoop so low as to post a screenshot from two separate pms between you and a model. Maybe if you weren't so rude to begin with this morning or other times I would have handled it differently and worked with you. Of course I banned you. This just proves exactly my point as to why I had that attitude to begin with towards you. I don't have anything else to say, anyways have a nice days guys.
oh and nice job on deleting the first screenshot you posted mmmClevage. So people point it out and you delete it. Good job
I know how frustrating it is when you think you're in the right and someone else is in the wrong. I feel for you, because I'm sure we have all, one way or another, have been in this situation. But you're still sort of missing the point, this is not the place ór the way. In dutch we have a saying, which is loosely translated 'A shouting loner in the dessert".

trying to shame her only makes you look like a pathetic douche, and that's not what you're trying to achieve right?

dude, seriously, put your effort in positive things! go knit a sweater, watch a good movie, throw tokens at other camgirls (I can point out a few hundred at this forum alone)

and, for your (and fuck's) sake, remove the image above from the interwebs. it will not hurt her as much as it will hurt you.
I didn't omit anything that hurt my case in the screenshots, I was simply trying to make it more condensed and concise. I simply wanted to post evidence and let people think what they think. I came here because to my knowledge it is the biggest forum for MFC members to chat.I realize that Wal-Mart is a much larger entity, but wouldn't you like to know if Wal-Mart was acting in a way that hurt the consumer? My intention was simply to make other members aware of this incident. I accept the fact that I got screwed and I'm not getting anything out of it, but I feel like it is something other members might be interested in knowing. I don't feel like she adequately attempted to resolve the situation. If she is going to use the excuse that its not her fault if MFC fails to get the message to me, than it isn't unreasonable for her to believe that that happened and at least try a second time to deliver the video. This will be my last message, because I feel like I will be beating my head against a wall since the majority assumes I'm just a douche bag in the wrong. Oh well, I got my message out there, view it as you wish. Good luck to future consumers.
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