AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Done with chaturbate…

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
Yes it is, and clearly stated in the paragraph of the ToS that @Vixxen81 quoted in a previous comment
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Yes it is, and clearly stated in the paragraph of the ToS that @Vixxen81 quoted in a previous comment

I skimmed a lot of this thread, so I didn't see that particular part and I did say I'm not familiar with how CB is. I don't have a ton of time to read everything posted here, and only had some spare time to post today since I'm dealing with some health issues that's making me procrastinate packing for a vacation. But thanks for re-clarifying!

ETA: It was also meant a bit tongue in cheek. Of course, tipping or buying content is always a sort of "buy at your own risk" thing. But I was truly unaware that CB didn't allow content to be downloaded.
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I skimmed a lot of this thread, so I didn't see that particular part and I did say I'm not familiar with how CB is. I don't have a ton of time to read everything posted here, and only had some spare time to post today since I'm dealing with some health issues that's making me procrastinate packing for a vacation. But thanks for re-clarifying!

ETA: It was also meant a bit tongue in cheek. Of course, tipping or buying content is always a sort of "buy at your own risk" thing. But I was truly unaware that CB didn't allow content to be downloaded.
I hope you feel better soon/get taken care of. Chaturbate is 1000% use at your own risk. On both sides. It's what I like most about it, honestly.
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a few years back it was somewhat common for models to swap video links so that way they could leave five star reviews for one another, haha.
LOL I LOVED LARPING members on my other accounts, and leaving creative 5 star reviews for other models hahaha

I hope you feel better soon/get taken care of. Chaturbate is 1000% use at your own risk. On both sides. It's what I like most about it, honestly.

Aw, thank you! I have a chronic illness that sometimes acts up when I'm stressed or having bad anxiety, and when I flew out of town last month it was very windy and I experienced literally the worst turbulence of my life, so I've been having a bit of anxiety about flying in a few days, which ends up making me kinda sick on top of being anxious. Booooo, haha. But, posting on here has been distracting me from the anxious feelings! I've been trying to manifest good health all day, because I'm supposed to be hiking in less than three days and I don't want to feel sick while already dealing with a pretty big increase in altitude!
The only moment I ever had on CB when another model supported me by tipping me thousands of tokens she sent me a PM later saying she wanted all of the tokens back because her boyfriend was pissed off she tipped me all of their meth money.

I may be bitter.
To be fair we did free swapsies, one for one. We never tipped each other that way.
But sorry you had that experience, I generally discourage other models from every live room I have. Have heard a lot of nightmare stories about it going waaaay South.
And I've experienced other models being really inappropriate in my room before, not just advertising, but also negging, so..yeah.. you ain't alone in that. None from here though.

There are huge telegram groups for Twitter retweet and likes, MV retweets and likes etc. I used to do a lot of those.
Aw, thank you! I have a chronic illness that sometimes acts up when I'm stressed or having bad anxiety, and when I flew out of town last month it was very windy and I experienced literally the worst turbulence of my life, so I've been having a bit of anxiety about flying in a few days, which ends up making me kinda sick on top of being anxious. Booooo, haha. But, posting on here has been distracting me from the anxious feelings! I've been trying to manifest good health all day, because I'm supposed to be hiking in less than three days and I don't want to feel sick while already dealing with a pretty big increase in altitude!
Girl I dry heave when I think I've offended someone, I get it. :h: My heart to you.
Girl I dry heave when I think I've offended someone, I get it. :h: My heart to you.

My condition is also stomach related, and ugh, those anxiety induced stomach pains/nausea are the worst! Pepto, Zofran, PPIs and probiotics to the rescue!

Anyway, sorry for totally derailing this thread!
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My condition is also stomach related, and ugh, those anxiety induced stomach pains/nausea are the worst! Pepto, Zofran, PPIs and probiotics to the rescue!

Anyway, sorry for totally derailing this thread!
I can't remember if you're in the states or not but Imitrol is great anti-heave stuff.
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I can't remember if you're in the states or not but Imitrol is great anti-heave stuff.

I am in the states, haha. That's the red liquid OTC nausea medication, right? If that's what I'm thinking of, it has helped me before in the past, but I have a really hard time drinking it when I'm already nauseous. If I'm remembering right, it almost kinda burns going down? Liquid Pepto helps me the most, because I typically have excess stomach acid, and it just feels so soothing drinking that. OTC or prescription PPIs help out the most long term, which reminds me that I should probably do another round of Omeprazole soon.
I am in the states, haha. That's the red liquid OTC nausea medication, right? If that's what I'm thinking of, it has helped me before in the past, but I have a really hard time drinking it when I'm already nauseous. If I'm remembering right, it almost kinda burns going down? Liquid Pepto helps me the most, because I typically have excess stomach acid, and it just feels so soothing drinking that. OTC or prescription PPIs help out the most long term, which reminds me that I should probably do another round of Omeprazole soon.
Yeah that's the stuff. It's so gag worthy but once down it's a peaceful thing. For me any way. I also smoke tons of pot. LOL That really helps. I know that's not a popular opinion at all but when I get so deep into it nothing is better than a hardcore bong rip.
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Yeah that's the stuff. It's so gag worthy but once down it's a peaceful thing. For me any way. I also smoke tons of pot. LOL That really helps. I know that's not a popular opinion at all but when I get so deep into it nothing is better than a hardcore bong rip.

I actually know a good bit of people who use weed to help with nausea! Actually, weed was about the only thing that would help with hangovers when I still drank, haha. Oddly enough, it doesn't really help me with nausea outside of hangovers, though. And, I don't like smoking too much, because that syndrome where people end up getting chronic nausea from smoking daily kinda freaks me out. Plus, I'm just not a huge fan of the way it makes me feel in general. I only recently tried a strain of Indica that I kinda like.
I actually know a good bit of people who use weed to help with nausea! Actually, weed was about the only thing that would help with hangovers when I still drank, haha. Oddly enough, it doesn't really help me with nausea outside of hangovers, though. And, I don't like smoking too much, because that syndrome where people end up getting chronic nausea from smoking daily kinda freaks me out. Plus, I'm just not a huge fan of the way it makes me feel in general. I only recently tried a strain of Indica that I kinda like.
That's the cool thing right? We all have self soothing methods. My mom was a xanax taker like it was tic-tacs. I rely on what grows out of the ground and not what some doctor pushing pharma tells me I should take.
That's the cool thing right? We all have self soothing methods. My mom was a xanax taker like it was tic-tacs. I rely on what grows out of the ground and not what some doctor pushing pharma tells me I should take.

I honestly wish weed helped with my anxiety like it does for some people. I'm prescribed alprazolam (generic Xanax), because I genuinely need it and it's literally been a life saver for me. However, I'm extremely careful with it, because I know how easily addictive it is. Benzos can either really help a person, and even be life saving for some people who can barely function due to anxiety or panic disorders, or they can totally destroy your life if you're not careful with them or abuse them.
There are still some scenarios where content gets removed but I think it's related to ID issues and bans but I don't remember exactly.
is it possible that accounts that are no longer active and therefore haven't had any reason to comply with the recent new ID request have had their old content disabled? (I mean, if you can't receive tokens until you provide the new ID they're asking for, then presumably they'd have to stop people from spending tokens to buy your old content any longer...and maybe they just did that in a clumsy way that means people who had already paid for access have lost it?)
I'm prescribed alprazolam (generic Xanax), because I genuinely need it and it's literally been a life saver for me. However, I'm extremely careful with it, because I know how easily addictive it is.

Same with me. It helps me a lot, but I go out of my way not to take it more than a few consecutive days. When I can do without it, I don’t take it at all. But when I do need it, it has been a game changer. Knock on wood, I’ve been able to avoid building a tolerance so far.
Same with me. It helps me a lot, but I go out of my way not to take it more than a few consecutive days. When I can do without it, I don’t take it at all. But when I do need it, it has been a game changer. Knock on wood, I’ve been able to avoid building a tolerance so far.
I’m also lucky that I never built up a tolerance to it, so 0.25 works like it should to help out with anxiety. Doesn’t make me feel high or anything, it just makes me feel normal.

Honestly, I feel like taking alprazolam has helped rewire the way my brain handles high stress situations, in a positive way. In DBT, one of the skills is learning how to remove yourself temporarily from a high stress/anxiety situation where you feel like you might have an anxiety attack, wait about 45 minutes (that’s about how long our bodies can sustain heightened adrenaline levels, so the time frame when you’re in flight or fight mode) and access the situation and what outcome you would want to see and decide on the best actions to achieve that outcome, which is hard to do in the moment when your anxiety/emotions are heightened and you’re in flight or fight mode). It’s a super useful skill, however, I can have pretty awful anxiety attacks where I act irrationally and later regret what I did when I was feeling that overwhelmed. Taking alprazolam when I felt myself getting to that point allowed me to actually do the DBT skills and now it’s way easier for me to do them, even without the help of medication. Plus, I fly somewhat often and that wouldn’t be possible for me, at least not easily, if I didn’t have medication to help control my anxiety.
I'm glad it helps all of you, truly. The few times I was given any kind of medication like that I became a zombie, so my thought process was then I guess I don't really, really need it. There are people who truly benefit from it. 💗 I'm just not one of them.
I’m also lucky that I never built up a tolerance to it, so 0.25 works like it should to help out with anxiety. Doesn’t make me feel high or anything, it just makes me feel normal.

Honestly, I feel like taking alprazolam has helped rewire the way my brain handles high stress situations, in a positive way. In DBT, one of the skills is learning how to remove yourself temporarily from a high stress/anxiety situation where you feel like you might have an anxiety attack, wait about 45 minutes (that’s about how long our bodies can sustain heightened adrenaline levels, so the time frame when you’re in flight or fight mode) and access the situation and what outcome you would want to see and decide on the best actions to achieve that outcome, which is hard to do in the moment when your anxiety/emotions are heightened and you’re in flight or fight mode). It’s a super useful skill, however, I can have pretty awful anxiety attacks where I act irrationally and later regret what I did when I was feeling that overwhelmed. Taking alprazolam when I felt myself getting to that point allowed me to actually do the DBT skills and now it’s way easier for me to do them, even without the help of medication. Plus, I fly somewhat often and that wouldn’t be possible for me, at least not easily, if I didn’t have medication to help control my anxiety.

I did a similar thing in the beginning of my time taking alprazolam. While I was on it & feeling calm, I’d think about the situation that triggered the anxiety more rationally. Over the course of a few months I trained my mind to do that while not on the medication, too. I still need it sometimes, but not as often.
Hello, Leanbeef. I saw your post, and I thought that this might help explain things:

"I had been experiencing some recent issues with a particular adult chat site (CB), and I came across this forum while browsing for any relevant information on the matter. I probably fit the label of what might be referred to as a "whale" member. Or at least I did until very recently. My tipping was prodigious and generous, and I really enjoyed purchasing the models' content, including images and videos. There were many instances of certain models making personalized content for my purchase (the content was priced prohibitively high enough that the models knew only I would be purchasing them). I am here because I saw that some models are wondering why the tips are drying up, and I feel that I can provide a unique insight to answer that. CB has removed all links to much of the purchased content in the members' collection. In my particular case, they have removed some of my (favorite) purchased content for which I paid a minimum estimated $67,000 (about 66,000 Euros). Due to this circumstance, I haven't tipped (and I've spent far more on tipping in the past) or purchased any new content recently, and I won't until the situation is rectified. If it doesn't appear that CB will restore the content they defrauded me, then it is very fortunate that my primary residence happens to be in the same county court division in which CB has their corporate office. I'm quite certain I shouldn't have any problems enlisting others who have been similarly defrauded. Anyway, that's why the tips have been down. We would love to resume tipping the models, but it would have the unfortunate side effect of enriching a criminal corporate enterprise."
Hi @ContrarianPOV. We appreciate your posts as you helped us identify a bug related to previously purchased content. Candidly, we were remiss in not responding here sooner and in our support team’s erroneous responses. This is being used as a “teaching moment” with various teams. We should have done (and will do!) better. The fix was deployed earlier today and, if you log into your account, everything should be restored. Btw, we’ve sent a follow up dm when you have a moment.
Hi! M/F couple here and it’s been just like that for us too. This last update has changed chaturbate into just a background site for us now. Stripchat is actually getting better every day and growing quicker than our CB account now . We just added camsoda too, and I’m sure the new tag helps but we’ve been making more on there than SC.

But yeah, yesterday was 5 hours on CB and not counting video sales we made like 300 tokens 😬.
Im experiencing totally the same .My room just dead. Can you clear up what last update you mean? i see that something happened to the site but im not sure what
I am in the states, haha. That's the red liquid OTC nausea medication, right? If that's what I'm thinking of, it has helped me before in the past, but I have a really hard time drinking it when I'm already nauseous. If I'm remembering right, it almost kinda burns going down? Liquid Pepto helps me the most, because I typically have excess stomach acid, and it just feels so soothing drinking that. OTC or prescription PPIs help out the most long term, which reminds me that I should probably do another round of Omeprazole soon.
Late reply but this might be useful.

Watch out with the Omepazole, doses of 40mg/day correlate with a significant increase in chance of death from all causes (multiple studies, no one understands the mechanism/why). I worked hard to get my dosage down from 40mg -> 20mg because of that. And I have to take mine everyday, if I miss a couple of days the acid gets quickly out of control.

And i was also told that once you take a given dose you really have to either keep taking it or wean yourself off/lower dose of it for weeks/months (slowly) because your body has learned to quickly regenerate the acid producers the Omepazole gets rid of. I tried cold turkey and even abusing the pepcid and antiacids I could not control going from 40mg -> cold turkey.
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Late reply but this might be useful.

Watch out with the Omepazole, doses of 40mg/day correlate with a significant increase in chance of death from all causes (multiple studies, no one understands the mechanism/why). I worked hard to get my dosage down from 40mg -> 20mg because of that. And I have to take mine everyday, if I miss a couple of days the acid gets quickly out of control.

And i was also told that once you take a given dose you really have to either keep taking it or wean yourself off/lower dose of it for weeks/months (slowly) because your body has learned to quickly regenerate the acid producers the Omepazole gets rid of. I tried cold turkey and even abusing the pepcid and antiacids I could not control going from 40mg -> cold turkey.

Oh yeah, I'm really careful with it. I was prescribed a PPI before (not sure which one or the dosage since it's been awhile, but I know it was stronger than the OTC Omeprazole) and my doctor was like "You CANNOT take this for any longer than two weeks". Apparently it can greatly increase the risk of dementia and bone density loss as well.

I haven't done a course of it since around Thanksgiving, but when I do a round of it, I only take it for about a week instead of the recommended two week course, since a week of it normally helps lower my acid production so that my esophagus/stomach can heal enough. Thankfully haven't had any issues. I also have a few friends who take it for a day or two before they know they're going to be partying to help out with indigestion/heartburn from drinking. I'm sorry you have to take it every day, I know how much acid reflux and stomach issues suck.
I have had canker sores in my mouth since I was in Junior High (a long time ago), and the PPI's eliminated those, so canker sores seem to be an early indicator of acid issues, so I always have had a problem at some level, and I am at the point were I likely have to stay on 20mg/day for the long term. The reported issues seem to be much worse on 40mg vs 20mg. But I might have to come up with a plan to lower from 20 to 10mg and see I can still maintain control. Last time I tried that it did not go so well.

The pepcid/famotidine has less side effects but does not control acid as well/as long as a PPI . You might see if a pepcid in the morning and at night work for you. During covid they though that pepcid somehow reduced the death rate of Covid, but eventually figured out that the people taking the PPI were dying at a higher rate (death rate increased with dose--in China there were people reported to be taking as high as 80mg/day) than the people taking pepcid.
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