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Discussion on cam models and their feet

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Aug 28, 2011
Just thought I'd start a discussion thread for us foot guys (there is quite a lot of us out there on MFC it seems) to discuss their luck (or lack thereof) of getting some good foot "action" with the models and which models have some of the best feet.

Here is some of my experiences below:

The Bad:

elyssia: (Used to go by another name, pretty sure this is her new name):

After tipping her I casually asked to see her feet, I was then told if I wanted to "see more" I needed to go private. Her right I guess, but gotta say it's pretty rare that a model won't show her feet unless you go into private with her.


This girl is amazingly cute, but seems pretty shy. I once tipped her twice and then shortly after asked if I could see her feet, she ignored me. Other times when her feet are showing I will give her compliments on her feet and I again, get ignored. Seems like she is uncomfortable talking about them - which is a shame, because they look pretty nice.


Before tipping, once I asked to see her feet. I was instantly banned for one day. I didn't beg, I just asked politely AND I was going to tip if she showed me.


This girl is very very cute, but isn't very personable. She doesn't talk on cam and when she talks in chat she just responds with one or two words usually. I once tipped her twice (50 tokens total) and then asked to see her feet. Her response was simply "no". I then said "No?" and then she responded with "No?". Sigh. I soon after left.

The Good:


Whilst being one of my favourite models (she is just soooo adorable) this girl has some sexy feet too. If you're a tipper she has no problems showing you her feet. :)

Taylorxxxx: (Formerly Asiaxoxo)

Another of my fave models. Whilst I haven't actually asked to see her feet, another member was speaking about her feet and she showed a nice big closeup of them and they are very nice.


Now THIS girl will really get into things if you tip her or if you're one of her regulars. I've had her go as far as sucking on her toes and licking her feet, and I didn't even have to ask for her to do it. Freakin awesome!!!


As busy as her room is, Aspen does a great job at responding to requests if you are a tipper. She has some pretty sexy feet and often wears some sexy heels too. Adorable girl as well.


This girl is happy to show you her feet for tips. She usually gives you a decent showing as well, not the 2 second viewing you get from some girls when you ask.

Well that's my list. Would be interested to hear yours! :)
sxycherrypie said:
Hun you have to understand that in public everyone does not have a foot fetish so models usually only do fetishes in prvt.

It's not like I'm asking them to do a foot show. I think taking out 30 seconds to show your feet is understandable to take a break from showing the usual "pussy", "ass" and "tits" the rest of the time.
gutterboy said:
sxycherrypie said:
Hun you have to understand that in public everyone does not have a foot fetish so models usually only do fetishes in prvt.

It's not like I'm asking them to do a foot show. I think taking out 30 seconds to show your feet is understandable to take a break from showing the usual "pussy", "ass" and "tits" the rest of the time.

Ahh I see thats harmless lol I would show my feet to ya for a min to give ya a sample.Come into my room love tonight my hours are on my profile i f u can make it =D.
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LacieLaPlante said:
Foot fetishes seem to turn off people who dont have foot fetishes. I don't mind giving a nice foot tease for a tipper, but for a real nice look at my feet I would prefer to be taken private. Look at the comments of the people in the room when you show feet. It's a lot of jokes!

Just a quick view of the feet like a side veiw not like hey look my feet are right in fromt of the camera thing lol.
Ahh I see thats harmless lol I would show my feet to ya for a min to give ya a sample.Come into my room love tonight my hours are on my profile i f u can make it =D.

Haha thanks. That's a great attitude :)

Just a quick view of the feet like a side veiw not like hey look my feet are right in fromt of the camera thing lol.

Yeah haha..... I don't need you to focus in on them or anything, just put them in view. Something what we call in the foot community as "the pose" is when you lay on your stomach and have your legs up in the air behind you and your legs crossed. If you have nice soles that = super sexy!

Foot fetishes seem to turn off people who dont have foot fetishes. I don't mind giving a nice foot tease for a tipper, but for a real nice look at my feet I would prefer to be taken private. Look at the comments of the people in the room when you show feet. It's a lot of jokes!

Yeah I know. You get a lot of idiots making stupid comments. Thing is feet get a bad rap because of all the ugly feet out there and women who don't take care of their feet and because of this people automatically paint all feet with the same brush. Disgusting feet probably gross me out more than a regular guy, but when I find a lady with sexy feet that have been well looked after, then I get excited! :)
The problem with "feet men" is they generally have a really bad reputation of being non-tippers. I get asked to show feet ALL the time, and only have one guy who will tip me for it. It seems as though many of them don't feel like they have to tip because feet aren't really inherently sexual. I realize this isn't the case for all "feet men", but for a great deal of them on MFC it is true.

I'm not into feet AT ALL, but I do have a regular who will tip me X amount of tokens to give him peeks of my feet throughout my shift and I'm completely fine with it. Will I give him a crazy closeup and suck on my big toe? Hell no, but I do make sure he gets a nice peek of my feet every once in a while, no one in my room is ever even aware of our "deal" and all of the non-feet guys don't get grossed out.

If you tip and ask -nicely- in the tip note, and its nothing too crazy like toe sucking or an extreme closeup you may have more luck. I think the obvious foot fetish closeup is what creeps most girls out because she knows it probably is a huge turn off to the rest of her room.
Good members who like feet:
Those who tip and THEN ask or ask in a tip note and tip what the model is requesting for a flash (if your thing is feet, it's no different than showing boobs to a guy who is a boob guy). -OR- Members who ask if they can see feet AFTER they tip the amount for a flash.
Members who share names of girls who show feet and they have had good experiences with.

Bad members who like feet:
Members who start a thread off listing all the models who weren't comfortable with fulfilling a request. Tips are tips... unless you have an agreed upon action that is going to be performed for the tip PRIOR to tipping, you have no right to get annoyed with her if she won't fulfill the request made after. Especially when the model isn't rude. As for the one who immediately banned you, the highest incidence of begging (at least for me) is guys who ask to see feet. Sometimes if you're not in the mood to deal with begging or something has been going on in the room (that the member who just entered may not be aware of) the model will just ban to not have to deal with it.

Btw, I have zero issues with feet guys. As long as they tip the flash amount, I'm happy to show feet. So I'm not trying to troll the thread, just addressing an annoyance I had :)
Well said Ella!

Basically, yeah. I'd ban anyone who said "show feet bb" too. If they were nice and tipped, I'd give them a little look, but obviously my free chat is about everyone. Of course if you want a show that is only about you it'd have to be in private. Lol.
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Since this can of worms has been opened, why don't the feet dudes tip? Just because you're not asking to see a risque body part, doesn't mean you're not asking for a free show. I get "feet, bb?" 10 times a night, and have only ever gotten 1 foot tip and one foot pvt. That said, my feet would go on the bad list as I only purposely show my feet if asked in pvt. Florida and flip flops make for some dirty hippie feets.
EllaXoXo said:
Good members who like feet:
Those who tip and THEN ask or ask in a tip note and tip what the model is requesting for a flash (if your thing is feet, it's no different than showing boobs to a guy who is a boob guy)
Tips are tips... unless you have an agreed upon action that is going to be performed for the tip PRIOR to tipping, you have no right to get annoyed with her if she won't fulfill the request made after.

Seems like that he mentions only on one occasion that how he asked before tipping. If he's to be banned for asking before hand, but can't expect her to comply when he tips, you're basically telling him he's shit outta luck and he's the asshole for trying. Just because he includes models he's had a bad experience with doesn't make it a bad list. He's not rude about it, he's honest and polite with the list. This list would actually be helpful to keep models that don't want to show their feet from being bothered about their feet.
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The thing is he's also asking after tipped, as if he's owed something for tipping for what to the model's eyes were "tips just because of all the dancing I'm doing etc etc."

You can't tip and then expect a flash. You ask how much for a flash, and then you tip if she's willing to flash in the first place.
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AlexLady said:
The thing is he's also asking after tipped, as if he's owed something for tipping for what to the model's eyes were "tips just because of all the dancing I'm doing etc etc."

You can't tip and then expect a flash. You ask how much for a flash, and then you tip if she's willing to flash in the first place.

But he's just saying he tipped, and he didn't get a foot flash. He's then listing the results. It's not like he's calling the models cunts and scam artists, he's just advising people looking for feet as to the results of his experience. The model could have easily said he needs to tip x amount more or to see her profile on costs of a foot flash.
I think you should ask before tipping. Some models may be self concious about their feet. I always hated mine because I think my toes look funny.....They are so long...... I show them occasionally but sometimes I just don't want to. Ive had only good things said about them but I still think they are be a stupid insecurity but for some those can be hard to get past. Im trying to get over it. I used to hate my nipples because I thought they were too big but since I have started camming I get so many compliments on my "big dark nipples" so now I like them :) maybe that will happen with my feet eventually :)
Thanks Keithy - was starting to feel a bit ganged up on here with all the models lol

Bad members who like feet:
Members who start a thread off listing all the models who weren't comfortable with fulfilling a request.

I guess that's your subtle way of saying you don't like negative comments being posted on the forum about cam girls? Are we only allowed to post positive comments on this board about cam models? Think I'm entitled to free speech, am I not!?

If they aren't comfortable with it then that's fine, but don't be rude about it.. that's all I ask.

Tips are tips... unless you have an agreed upon action that is going to be performed for the tip PRIOR to tipping, you have no right to get annoyed with her if she won't fulfill the request made after.

As above, that's fine. Just be polite, as members are expected to be to the girls. Respect is a two way street you know. ;)

Basically, yeah. I'd ban anyone who said "show feet bb" too.

As stated above, the only time I didn't tip before asking I asked politely, I didn't order the girl around as you have stated above; FTR I can't stand the term "bb".

Since this can of worms has been opened, why don't the feet dudes tip?

I hope you're not pointing the finger at me there!? The only reason I didn't tip before asking in my example above is because of prior bad experiences. Either you tip and you get ignored or rude responses when you ask or if you're lucky enough to get a response sometimes you might get a 2 second look - so that time I thought I'd ask first and I'd tip based on how good a look she gave me.

Oh and FTR...... if I ask and they do show me their feet, if they make an effort and show me a lot I usually give them another tip afterwards; which in most cases is bigger than the initial tip....... so please don't say all foot guys don't tip.
Keithy said:
AlexLady said:
The thing is he's also asking after tipped, as if he's owed something for tipping for what to the model's eyes were "tips just because of all the dancing I'm doing etc etc."

You can't tip and then expect a flash. You ask how much for a flash, and then you tip if she's willing to flash in the first place.

But he's just saying he tipped, and he didn't get a foot flash. He's then listing the results. It's not like he's calling the models cunts and scam artists, he's just advising people looking for feet as to the results of his experience. The model could have easily said he needs to tip x amount more or to see her profile on costs of a foot flash.

Yeah, but he tipped with a flash request. He didn't ask first if she'd comply with that request. I mean, I can't tip a non-nude model asking for a boobie flash in the tip comment and complain about it anymore than you could tip a non-foot-girl for a peak.
@RainbowBryte: Thanks for your post. It's not unnatural for girls to hate their feet, though it's kinda funny when all girls like shoes. That's always spun me out LOL

As for asking first..... you can see how far that got me. And to be honest I feel kinda cheap by asking first as so many people do it and have no intention of tipping, even though I know I will tip.

So if I don't really know the girl much I don't bother asking nowadays much as I feel if I tip her that I may not get what I'm hoping for.

I don't always expect stuff for my tips, if I'm sitting in a girls room for awhile because she is entertaining, I commonly will just tip her, but sometimes I am just browsing, find a cute girl and want to see her feet - then I find myself asking "Tip and ask or not?"; I usually choose the latter unfortunately :(
AlexLady said:
Keithy said:
AlexLady said:
The thing is he's also asking after tipped, as if he's owed something for tipping for what to the model's eyes were "tips just because of all the dancing I'm doing etc etc."

You can't tip and then expect a flash. You ask how much for a flash, and then you tip if she's willing to flash in the first place.

But he's just saying he tipped, and he didn't get a foot flash. He's then listing the results. It's not like he's calling the models cunts and scam artists, he's just advising people looking for feet as to the results of his experience. The model could have easily said he needs to tip x amount more or to see her profile on costs of a foot flash.

Yeah, but he tipped with a flash request. He didn't ask first if she'd comply with that request. I mean, I can't tip a non-nude model asking for a boobie flash in the tip comment and complain about it anymore than you could tip a non-foot-girl for a peak.

As Keithy said I am just listing my results. And as I also said above, I have no problems with them not wanting to do it - that's the risk I take when I tip them; however, all I ask is that they don't be rude about it and don't all out ignore me after I was nice enough to tip them in the first place. If that's the attitude they take, then no wonder so many foot guys are like "show feet bb".
AlexLady said:
Yeah, but he tipped with a flash request. He didn't ask first if she'd comply with that request. I mean, I can't tip a non-nude model asking for a boobie flash in the tip comment and complain about it anymore than you could tip a non-foot-girl for a peak.

But he's not complaining, he's making a statement of facts. The only negative judgemental statement he makes is listing models under the "bad" heading to describe that he had a bad experience (need a private, instant banning, being ignored, etc.). It would be the same as you tipping a model and ask for a boobie flash and then find out she doesn't flash her boobs, then making a post saying "these models don't flash their boobs" and adding how pretty they are and how you wished you could have seen their boobs.
Ah ok I see, that's reasonable.

When you ask first, don't "beg" first such as saying "show feet bb." Don't ask her to do something, whither or not you'll tip afterwards is irrelevant. If you say you'll tip afterwards you'll come accost as a scammer. If you just ask her to do it... you're a beggar.

Ask her how much to do something. I bet you'll get better results and you'll come accost as more friendly with a better head on your shoulders about what camming is about.
AlexLady said:
Ah ok I see, that's reasonable.

When you ask first, don't "beg" first such as saying "show feet bb." Don't ask her to do something, whither or not you'll tip afterwards is irrelevant. If you say you'll tip afterwards you'll come accost as a scammer. If you just ask her to do it... you're a beggar.

Ask her how much to do something. I bet you'll get better results and you'll come accost as more friendly with a better head on your shoulders about what camming is about.
Very true. A simple change in wording can often make all the difference in the world.
gutterboy said:
Since this can of worms has been opened, why don't the feet dudes tip?

I hope you're not pointing the finger at me there!? The only reason I didn't tip before asking in my example above is because of prior bad experiences. Either you tip and you get ignored or rude responses when you ask or if you're lucky enough to get a response sometimes you might get a 2 second look - so that time I thought I'd ask first and I'd tip based on how good a look she gave me.

Oh and FTR...... if I ask and they do show me their feet, if they make an effort and show me a lot I usually give them another tip afterwards; which in most cases is bigger than the initial tip....... so please don't say all foot guys don't tip.

I wasn't singling you out just broadly generalizing. Hehe. There are two things that set off my this dude is NOT going to tip detector the quickest. 1. Saying "my cam is on" via PM 2. Saying "show feet?". My detection skils are not fool proof. Those are just two sects of members that seem to try to get something for nothing most often.
Good way to go about this conversation:
Member: "Are you willing to show feet, and what should I tip for a flash?"
Model: "Yes, please tip x for feet"
Member tips, model shows, and all is well. Or she has the opportunity to decline if she is not comfy with it.

Bad way to have this conversation:
Member: "feet bb"
Model: "I will flash for tips"
Member: "I will teeep you sooo big after you show them bb"
Even if the member has the tokens and plans to tip, he's probably going to end up getting banned for begging and the model will be annoyed.

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Unfortunately foot guys got a bad rep from the (mostly true) stereotype of "show feet bb".

It doesn't surprise me that USNicoleAngel banned you lol, she's a right b*tch :) She's also banned from this forum lol.

I guess the best approach would be to ask the model directly either in pm or in public chat if she's foot-fetish friendly.

There are guys who think they can pull a fast one in getting their fetish catered to for free, like asking to see feet with no tip, or one guy in Frankie's room yesterday asking if she liked small dicks (nice try basic lol), and they give the rest of you guys a bad name - pretty sure some models love foot guys, and foot shows (I vaguely recall seeing a discussion here asking how to increase foot traffic - no pun intended).
All I gotta say is you can tip to see my feet anytime. I actually like them when I get the time to go get my pedi's :)
Preslye said:
All I gotta say is you can tip to see my feet anytime. I actually like them when I get the time to go get my pedi's :)

This AND this thread reminded me I forgot to show someone my soles because the room got REALLY flooded last night & I owe him a pic. :woops: So thanks for that! Lol
Dont think were all just being stubborn, Sometimes models feet arent really camera ready & if you tip & request when they need a pedicure then theyre gonna be shy about it, haha. I know the feeling. Ill usually show them for like 5 to 10 seconds, Feet turn a lot of people off & i wouldnt want people to leave my room over it especially when the guys that wanna see your feet usually tip less than 50 tokens.
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