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Discussion on cam models and their feet

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OOH something else to remember when you're asking for a foot flash: If the girl is wearing stockings, socks, boots, etc... normally that's part of the outfit she intends to keep on. It's less likely that you'll get a foot view if her tooties are covered. I don't like being asked to take off my socks or stockings when I'm wearing them.

I also thanked Madison for her post because it was very well said.
MadisonLeigh said:
Good way to go about this conversation:
Member: "Are you willing to show feet, and what should I tip for a flash?"
Model: "Yes, please tip x for feet"
Member tips, model shows, and all is well. Or she has the opportunity to decline if she is not comfy with it.

Bad way to have this conversation:
Member: "feet bb"
Model: "I will flash for tips"
Member: "I will teeep you sooo big after you show them bb"
Even if the member has the tokens and plans to tip, he's probably going to end up getting banned for begging and the model will be annoyed.

When someone asks to see feet, I tell them to tip, && they shall receive. If after that, they want to flip me shit about it: INSTABAN.

I can see why someone would ask first BEFORE tipping, I've seen a lot of models get tipped, then not show their feet.

I suggest asking to see their feet, && mentioning that if they agree to it, you will tip, && you will tip first, you just want to make sure they are okay with the tootsie request.

I personally hate feet, they freak me out. But if someone tips, then I will kindly oblige. If they want more, like lotion, etc, I will ask that they keep tipping, [for example, like 15 tokens here && there] or tip a lump sum.

I have found the REAL foot fans will tip before asking... As a general rule. People don't flip out about people asking shit in my room, cause they know better. Unless of course someone asks something ridiculous like fist your nostril with a Jeep.
Tiffanylately said:
Dont think were all just being stubborn, Sometimes models feet arent really camera ready & if you tip & request when they need a pedicure then theyre gonna be shy about it, haha. I know the feeling. Ill usually show them for like 5 to 10 seconds, Feet turn a lot of people off & i wouldnt want people to leave my room over it especially when the guys that wanna see your feet usually tip less than 50 tokens.

Yes! A lot of people in my room are not turned on by feet, so when feet are in FULL view of the cam, people in my room typically are grossed out. I try to appeal to everyone, but a lot of times the "feet" people are just rude about it.

Feet bb
show feet bb
can I see feet
show feet?

Ugh. Ban.
I have no problem flashing feet for tips. However if they are covered, they stay covered. It's part of my outfit.

My one advice about asking for models to show feet or tip for feet..
Don't go asking a model to show feet if she is using them. By this I mean standing up. I have been asked and tipped for feet on so many occasions while I'm standing up and dancing, or standing up and doing nothing. Drives me insane, because then I have to grab my chair, move the cam around .. it basically disrupts everything I was doing for the other 300 people in the room.
also, please don't ask girls to show feet while they're masturbating, or you may be hunted down and slain like a dog.
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Totally agree with the wording issue- if you say "would you please show me your feet?" I'm probably not going to say anything; at most, I'll mention that I have preview pics in my profile if you want to sample before a private. if you say "how much to see your feet?" I would say "10 is minimum tip for a minimum showing, more tokens for more time" (minimum showing is 5-10 seconds, but if you don't specify soles or pointy I'll keep switching between the two x.x) any tip over 50 gets a foot-dance, to keep the rest of the room entertained while I'm showing them off. :p

To be fair, I had planter's warts when I was little (two giant scars on my left foot), and my little toe nails are way messed up (both the right and left baby toe)... but I *still* get told I have sexy feet. I also have foot fetish friendly results on my dice rolls, and give anyone who teases people about their fetishes hell. I'm a geek, I got teased for liking math, and I didn't like it very much, so why should anyone else get teased for liking feet? (exception, pedophilia and bestiality fetishes get trolled out of my room)
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My situation may be pretty unique but I wanted to share.
I have the complete opposite of a foot fetish, I have a foot phobia. This goes back to a very traumatic and gross event in my childhood and feet make me seriously uncomfortable. My feet, your feet, ALL FEET!
I have a very nice regular who loves feet and visits me often even though he knows I don't like to show them off. He has been so sweet and never pushy that I finally felt like rewarding him with a nice foot oil rub in private. But he earned that with me.
As of late tipping large sums for hot wax drips on my toes during wax shows has become popular but only from a certain regular that has built a relationship with me and treats it as a bit of silly fun "make me squeal" time, nothing sexual. This has helped me feel a bit better actually but I still would be hesitant to show them as a request from someone I don't know.

Best way to see a foot show in my room... buy me shoes! Seriously I got a new pair of shoes in the mail today and I think I pranced around with a view on my feet for 30 minutes!!! THEY HAVE EYEBALLS ON THEM!
Sorry... still excited... :mrgreen:
My :twocents-02cents:

First off, the fellows who blurt out "show feet" in public chat AREN'T foot fetishists, they are reaction fetishists. They have discovered over time that most models, particularly new models, will simply giggle and show feet upon request because at first the model finds the request quite charming (particularly when weighed against "show ass bb"). The "show feet" crowd just wants the model to stop everything she's doing and briefly focus her attention on their one request, it has nothing to do with feet and everything to do with attention seeking. That's why they don't tip, the thrill is in getting the model to dance like a goddamn monkey for no money- they have zero preoccupation with feet.

From my experience no genuine foot fetishist is stimulated by a quick flash of feet. I have size elevens (6ft tall) with brilliantly wrinkly soles and dexterous toes that I can make move independently of one another, I count among my circle of friends a number of genuine foot fetishists and not ONE of those relationships ever began with a public request. Like all fetishists, foot fetishists ASCRIBE VALUE to feet and, like all fetishists, foot fetishists are very SPECIFIC individuals. There is a colourful tapestry of foot fetishists in the world, some like toes, some like toe sucking/licking, some like wrinkly soles, some like rough heels, some like toe nails, some like foot jobs, some like toe wiggling and any combination of any of these things with specific proclivities against many of these things. A 30 second flash of footsie dancing across the screen doesn't "do it" for them.

Fetishists are often very empathetic people who would never presume to disrupt a models room to satisfy their very specific and personal proclivity for a 30 second flash. They know their needs are unique, they know their satisfaction requires investment and they're more than happy to compensate a game model to provide the required service. Genuine fetishists are often the most wise and respectful members of this chat community, their desires are specific and require an adult approach to the topic, not a few dollars thrown at an otherwise preoccupied and uninvested playmate with the expectation all needs will be fulfilled without prior discussion and detailed description of what the expectations are. Fetishists aren't willy-nilly people, they know who they are and what they're looking for and typically act accordingly.

My recommendation to the OP: be a great deal more specific in your tip notes as to what you're looking for. "May I please see your lovely feet?" will get you little more than a flash as it's impossible for the model to know what specific action you're looking for. "I would be thrilled if you scrunched up your soles and wiggled your toes towards the camera for 30 seconds" will get you where you need to be. You're a foot guy, you know what you want, ask for it! That will help you deduce which models are game and which models are lame. Leaving the choreography up to the model in hopes she'll fulfill your particular desires without knowing what they actually are isn't going to be productive for you and isn't going to magically reveal your perfect foot playmate either. Without specific direction you're only ever going to get a 5 second footsie flash, not right-minded model is going to magically provide an A-game under those totally vague circumstances.
AlexAvery said:
I have some big ol' feet and I've been self conscious of them my entire life... UNTIL I started camming. I've gotten nothing but compliments on them. I think sometimes models get snooty because we're asked the same things over and over every day. But me personally, I'll show my feet any time ;) I even licked my toes for a member who tipped for it. Nobody in the room was grossed out, it was more of a funny thing and some people even said they couldn't look away from a hot girl doing something so out-of-the-ordinary :)

What a great post - love women with attitudes like yours! :)

I have no problem flashing feet for tips. However if they are covered, they stay covered. It's part of my outfit.

My one advice about asking for models to show feet or tip for feet..
Don't go asking a model to show feet if she is using them. By this I mean standing up. I have been asked and tipped for feet on so many occasions while I'm standing up and dancing, or standing up and doing nothing. Drives me insane, because then I have to grab my chair, move the cam around .. it basically disrupts everything I was doing for the other 300 people in the room.

Thanks for the tip. I will keep that in mind :)

and give anyone who teases people about their fetishes hell.

Good on you girl - that's great to hear! :)

My recommendation to the OP: be a great deal more specific in your tip notes as to what you're looking for. "May I please see your lovely feet?" will get you little more than a flash as it's impossible for the model to know what specific action you're looking for. "I would be thrilled if you scrunched up your soles and wiggled your toes towards the camera for 30 seconds" will get you where you need to be. You're a foot guy, you know what you want, ask for it! That will help you deduce which models are game and which models are lame. Leaving the choreography up to the model in hopes she'll fulfill your particular desires without knowing what they actually are isn't going to be productive for you and isn't going to magically reveal your perfect foot playmate either. Without specific direction you're only ever going to get a 5 second footsie flash, not right-minded model is going to magically provide an A-game under those totally vague circumstances.

I get what you're saying, but reason I don't get too specific is because I don't want to feel like I'm ordering the girl around too much; if I ask just to see them then the girl can just decide what to do. If I'm in a private, then it's a different matter as the girl's time is dedicated to me :)

I count among my circle of friends a number of genuine foot fetishists and not ONE of those relationships ever began with a public request.

Not quite sure what you're getting at there or if you're trying to say I'm not a true fetishist because I ask the girls in public; but yes, a lot of "us" probably don't come out talking about our fetish in public because of all the reasons you see.... people like to make jokes and ridicule you because you like something different than them and many people think it's gross. Frankly I don't give a f**k about these people, they can all go f**k themselves for all I care. Some people have waaaaaaaaaay more weird fetishes than foot guys do and I don't judge them, I may find it weird or gross, but to each their own. As long as it isn't hurting anyone then who really cares!?

Lastly....... regarding all the talk about grossing the room out by showing your feet; I really don't get this. I mean, unless the girl has really ugly feet or uncared for feet then I don't understand how people can be "grossed out" by it...... I think the only ones that would take offense are the serial - non tipping - masturbators who are no value to the girl or the community anyway; the real tippers and the girls regulars I highly doubt would care and would probably give her compliments on her feet too.
gutterboy said:
Lastly....... regarding all the talk about grossing the room out by showing your feet; I really don't get this. I mean, unless the girl has really ugly feet or uncared for feet then I don't understand how people can be "grossed out" by it...... I think the only ones that would take offense are the serial - non tipping - masturbators who are no value to the girl or the community anyway; the real tippers and the girls regulars I highly doubt would care and would probably give her compliments on her feet too.

I do not mean this to argue, but you are wrong.
One of my very best regulars and highest tippers shares my foot phobia. No he isn't going to leave or not tip me because I showed my feet but you are wrong about only non tippers being put off by it. If it is not normal for the girl to do and is not in flow with what is happening already it can be a bit off putting.
But again, to each their own. Some people probably find my pee-wee herman voice a bit off putting! :lol: Variety is truly the spice of life!
gutterboy said:
I count among my circle of friends a number of genuine foot fetishists and not ONE of those relationships ever began with a public request.

Not quite sure what you're getting at there or if you're trying to say I'm not a true fetishist because I ask the girls in public;

Not in the least, you're reading too much into it. I actually literally meant that "I count among my circle of friends a number of genuine foot fetishists and not ONE of those relationships ever began with a public request." It was a statement of my personal experiences and in no way meant to suggest or imply you're some kind of "foot poser". Chillax.

gutterboy said:
but yes, a lot of "us" probably don't come out talking about our fetish in public because of all the reasons you see.... people like to make jokes and ridicule you because you like something different than them and many people think it's gross. Frankly I don't give a f**k about these people, they can all go f**k themselves for all I care. Some people have waaaaaaaaaay more weird fetishes than foot guys do and I don't judge them, I may find it weird or gross, but to each their own. As long as it isn't hurting anyone then who really cares!?

I wouldn't be concerned about what other premiums thought either but definitely be mindful of the models capacity for patience - she deals with the idiot-fallout as much as you do. Have compassion for her also having to watch a public chat derail itself and become irrationally focused on the the foot fetish. Keeping the momentum going and the room focused on the goal in a public chat is similar to herding cats, if those cats were jacked up on energy drinks and suffering from turrets. Genuine foot fetishists aren't necessarily not-speaking-up-in-public because they're "pussies" afraid of the ridicule of nameless faceless strangers on the internet. They're not speaking up because they realize that attached to those fap-worthy feet is a girl who's trying to get a job done and satisfy the pervy needs of a much larger demographic with much, er, simpler desires.
@JoleneJolene: Well yeah; if the person has a foot phobia then obviously it's a different story.

LovelyLemon said:
Genuine foot fetishists aren't necessarily not-speaking-up-in-public because they're "pussies" afraid of the ridicule of nameless faceless strangers on the internet. They're not speaking up because they realize that attached to those fap-worthy feet is a girl who's trying to get a job done and satisfy the pervy needs of a much larger demographic with much, er, simpler desires.

I'd say a good majority don't. Being one myself and being apart of other online "foot communities" I know how others feel as well. Many have trouble telling their partners about it and most don't tell any of their friends.
LovelyLemon said:
Keeping the momentum going and the room focused on the goal in a public chat is similar to herding cats, if those cats were jacked up on energy drinks and suffering from turrets.

I just had to highlight this. :p
LovelyLemon said:
in no way meant to suggest or imply you're some kind of "foot poser". Chillax.


LovelyLemon said:
Keeping the momentum going and the room focused on the goal in a public chat is similar to herding cats, if those cats were jacked up on energy drinks and suffering from turrets.

From a purely theoretical point of view I'm not even sure this is possible alone, you'd need outriders with sprayguns of water to "encourage" would-be escapees back into the herd.
LadyLuna said:
LovelyLemon said:
Keeping the momentum going and the room focused on the goal in a public chat is similar to herding cats, if those cats were jacked up on energy drinks and suffering from turrets.

I just had to highlight this. :p

I'll just leave this here.

Wait... did you mean Tourette Syndrome? Not as cool.
I'm a bit of a footie but I'm a little embarrassed by it. What I like actually is the spontaneity when a model is dancing around, changing positions and gives a peek or flash of her feet without her realizing it. In fact, foot shows and specific foot videos are more of a turn off than turn on.
Keithy said:
LadyLuna said:
LovelyLemon said:
Keeping the momentum going and the room focused on the goal in a public chat is similar to herding cats, if those cats were jacked up on energy drinks and suffering from turrets.

I just had to highlight this. :p

I'll just leave this here.

Wait... did you mean Tourette Syndrome? Not as cool.
That image reminded me of this addicting and strange all in one
it must be to shoot kittehs on the edges of the herd back closer to the middle
gutterboy said:
@RainbowBryte: Thanks for your post. It's not unnatural for girls to hate their feet, though it's kinda funny when all girls like shoes. That's always spun me out LOL

Ummm...can I just clarify that I abso-fuckin-lutely HATE shoes! Hate em, can't stand shopping for them or clothes either. I have 1 pair of heels (cause the hubby bought them for a job interview), 1 pair of steel toe work boots, 1 pair of newer ADIDAS (from last year), 1 pair of sandals, and 1 pair of old ADIDAS (8 years ago) for mowing the yard. I can not stand how people have to have a ton of clothes or shoes. My best friend has 60+ pairs of shoes, 3 dressers, 2 walk in closets and a spare bedroom full of clothes! I can NOT stand that! GAH! I have 1 dresser of clothes, my closet has winter coats, a trench and some hoodies. Other than that, I have some Tripp pants, corsets and such that sit on my dresser. I have too many clothes for my taste, but dinosaur toes are select for a few pairs of shoes per year :)
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I'm with you there Eva!

I used to go barefoot all the time when I was little. (that's how I got the planter's warts, actually) Fucking warts made me wear shoes all the time, and now my feet have lost their ticklishness. Instead, it all hurts!

I get shoes for two things: comfort and utility. If it's not comfortable for the use I will put it, I will not wear it. Same with clothes. Why yes, it does take me forever to find a decent pair!

Then, it's gotta have a reason. I'll buy shoes because they go with an outfit for a nice occasion- but that's the only time I try to match shoes to dress. On cam, I'm usually barefoot. (I put stockings on for tokens though :p ) Irl, it's boots in snow and sneakers the rest of the time. I've only recently gotten more than one pair of heels, and that's just for show. (I've been tempted to get one of every type of shoe and make shoes my "thing" on camera though...)

I guess, the biggest reason I hate shoes is cause it's so hard to find comfortable ones.
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