AmberCutie's Forum
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Daily Thoughts

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Jason314 said:
Aren't there delicious recipes that require sour milk?

Yeah, my mom always kept a gallon of rotting milk in the freezer in the garage. I asked her about it, and she proceeded to name a cake that I never ate again :p
Looks like my gift for my family in Mexico will get it before Christmas, damn DHL took forever to get clearance through Custom
Methinks it's counterproductive to wake up thinking "damn I feel fat today" and then wanting to make nachos for lunch.
I wonder if it's too much trouble to measure exactly one cup of batter for every cupcake I want to make. And by exactly, I mean to the two millionth decimal point (yeah, I have to round).
Dear Amber,
I really like how you do your shower shows with your glasses on.
That never worked for me when I tried. I guess I'm too clumsy. :lol:
Love, me.
jebbaz said:
mmm food I didn't have to pay for in a bed that isn't mine. Vacation is awesome.

<--------- JEALOUS! LOL have fun!

on a side not, Grrrr I hate working retail leading into Christmas! Note to self: kill it on cams next year so you can "retire" from retail! LOL
soyelsancho87 said:

Not a really big fan of Akon but a big of fan Lonely Island, and I can't wait for their new album

anyone else notice Akon is having a really hard time not cracking up singing this?
Today is MEH day.

Better than "run and hide" day... not as good as "YAY!" day (that was yesterday)

Still thrilled that I managed a Yay Day in December. O.O
jebbaz said:
soyelsancho87 said:

Not a really big fan of Akon but a big of fan Lonely Island, and I can't wait for their new album

anyone else notice Akon is having a really hard time not cracking up singing this?

Well with Andy and that other guy doing goofy faces like that wouldn't you have a trouble time not cracking up
Epic brain fart moment of the day...put the last of the laundry soap in the washing machine after turning it on with correct settings and promptly put the container in the recycle bin, being the good earth steward I am. Went back to watching the game...

Washing machine signals it's done so I go to put the clothes in the dryer and realized I totally spaced out putting the clothes in the washing machine. :woops:
soyelsancho87 said:
jebbaz said:
soyelsancho87 said:

Not a really big fan of Akon but a big of fan Lonely Island, and I can't wait for their new album

anyone else notice Akon is having a really hard time not cracking up singing this?

Well with Andy and that other guy doing goofy faces like that wouldn't you have a trouble time not cracking up

I must try to remain unstressed for the remainder of the week. Just need to calm down...
BloodRed87 said:
I hate it when the mail is late, especially when I'm expecting something. :angry5:

Do you usually get it the same time every day then? :eek:
Here sometimes we get it at 9am, sometimes 2pm, it's always different times! It is Royal Fail and their postman prats though.
AngelicTease said:
BloodRed87 said:
I hate it when the mail is late, especially when I'm expecting something. :angry5:

Do you usually get it the same time every day then? :eek:
Here sometimes we get it at 9am, sometimes 2pm, it's always different times! It is Royal Fail and their postman prats though.

Ouch, looks like your post office can't keep a schedule.

On a typical day, the mail shows up within the 1 PM hour. It didn't show up until around 2:15. Also the item I was waiting for was already 3 days late at this point (fucking Amazon), so my patience was running thin.
I'm half-assed watching Doctor Who and procrastinating on making tacos.

I don't know why but nowadays, I hate cooking. But I love eating. Especially tacos.
It took six minutes for the notification email that there was a reply to this topic. That's actually pretty fast compared to some other sites' notification emails.
Oww I hate headaches that stay for at least a day. :( Going on the internet for at least 6 hours a day probably doesn't help, but it's soooo boring without the internet, I even get withdrawel simpsons, haha.