AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

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AngelicTease said:
Oww I hate headaches that stay for at least a day. :( Going on the internet for at least 6 hours a day probably doesn't help, but it's soooo boring without the internet, I even get withdrawel simpsons, haha.
Did you mean to type that, or was that the headache taking over? Or is this a common joke that I'm completely out of the loop on? :D
Aw, Amber pointed it out before I could...

*huggles AngelicTease*
AmberCutie said:
AngelicTease said:
Oww I hate headaches that stay for at least a day. :( Going on the internet for at least 6 hours a day probably doesn't help, but it's soooo boring without the internet, I even get withdrawel simpsons, haha.
Did you mean to type that, or was that the headache taking over? Or is this a common joke that I'm completely out of the loop on? :D

Lol! I often get my words muddled up and type the wrong things, I do it more when I talk though haha! And I have no idea how to spell the real word anyway. At least simpsons sounds almost right. :oops:
Mikeythegeek said:
Not looking forward to working tonight when the place will be deader than dead.

I take in donations. If my job is dead they expect nothing out of me and I can goof off all night. I hope it's dead.
I am losing the touch of clarity.
i must be a dork i read peoples signatures.. usually non model ones.. *facepalm*
lol naww some of your messages make me lulz :lol:

side note.. is it a good thing to have someone consider you rubenesque? i think so
I want one of those little blue teleporter thingies from the game Worms, so I can see my family tomorrow, pffft.
Mikeythegeek said:
I think it's a fail on all of us that no one created a Festivus thread yesterday.
I'm too young to have ever watched Seinfeld enough to actually know about Festivus. Pretty much all I know is it got popular because of Seinfeld.
Christmas eve at my grandma's house was fucking epic, my uncle tried his best to get me drunk, and we ate like kings, and I finally had gumbo for the first time in my life, took a lot of family photos.
I'm the only british girl on MFC and have been all afternoon, lol, can't think why haha. AND I'm making people watch the cheeky girls singing a christmas song, on the 5th time now hahahahahaha. :D
Does that count as a daily thought, hmmm.
I bet Amber's mother is pretty hot.

AngelicTease said:
I'm the only british girl on MFC and have been all afternoon, lol, can't think why haha. AND I'm making people watch the cheeky girls singing a christmas song, on the 5th time now hahahahahaha. :D
Does that count as a daily thought, hmmm.

All I know is "Take Your Shoes Off" and "The Cheeky Song" but I still know how awesome that must be.
AluraCurvyBBW said:
i must be a dork i read peoples signatures.. usually non model ones.. *facepalm*
lol naww some of your messages make me lulz :lol:

Mine is a stupid quote from MC Hammer. Yeah. THAT Hammer.
I kind of hate everything right now. I feel obligated by the holiday to adjust my attitude for the sake of, but no. :angry3:
LuxDahl said:
I kind of hate everything right now. I feel obligated by the holiday to adjust my attitude for the sake of, but no. :angry3:

I've felt like that for the past couple of days, but then decided that I still liked the people I've liked in the past. They're not perfect, but then neither am I. Then went and had supper with my ex, whom I hadn't seen in 18 years, and her mom, whom I hadn't seen in something like 25, and had a kind of odd, but nice time. Her mom is 75, had polio twice, raised 4 fairly decent kids and is one of the most positive people I know. Sometimes you just have to give in to the positive stuff in life. Shit will show up on its own, and I don't need to carry a supply around with me all the fucking time.

I have friends, a roof over my head, food, a job that doesn't suck too badly and my country is not a disaster area, like some places out there. I'm a lucky guy.
Thank fuck that's over. I'm putting the christmas tree away tomorrow and forgetting that this whole thing ever happened. Now fuck off snow and let me pretend it's spring time.
I wish all the model accounts where the models are always sleeping/absent/recordings would vanish.

On a more positive note, tomorrow I start the journey to becoming an accountant.
i hate seeing some girls get on sit there and not interact. i hate how some of them actually bitch at members not paying

um being an annoyin ass bitch will NOT encourage tipping.. it will in fact draw them away from you
Why is this guy/gal happy? --> :error: