AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
Jason314 said:
Doesn't he rap it as, "Go ninja, go ninja, go! Go ninja, go ninja, go!" But then again, I guess you were just saying it reminded you, so direct comparisons don't have to be necessary. I am of course referring to the double go.

Best part: "Lyrics, fill in the gap -- Drop that bass and get the NINJA RAP "
Jason314 said:
Mirra said:
Jason314 said:
Go Amber! Go Amber! Go Amber! Go Amber! Go Amber! .... I better stop before this gets marked as spam.

How terrible is it that the beginning of your post reminded me of the Ninja Rap by Vanilla Ice from the Ninja Turtles Movie? >_>

Doesn't he rap it as, "Go ninja, go ninja, go! Go ninja, go ninja, go!" But then again, I guess you were just saying it reminded you, so direct comparisons don't have to be necessary. I am of course referring to the double go.

How bad is it that it took someone posting the actual rap to get the right one in my head, despite trying to from reading the original post about it reminding of the rap until the bottom of the page?
What is this about Vanilla Ice rapping?

Sorry had to do it, also there sure was a lot pelvic thrusting in music videos in the 90's.
Why do we get so attached to people over the internet?? I just was talking to a "friend" and learned that someone was abusing one of her kids. The convo got heated, esp my end. :banghead: WHY DO PEOPLE MAKE EXCUSES FOR PEOPLE WHO ABUSE THEIR KIDS?! Then say that they are gonna put it to a stop soon, :bs: on top of that they needed rent from that relative at the time! WTF!!!!!!!! Thats your kid! Defend your kid (or any small kid, hers are toddlers) to the end, that is WTF you are on the GD planet for is to make sure your kids have the best enviroment you can provide,and that doesn't mean toys and $!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It means that they have food, water, clean clothes, clean bed, and safety under a roof, ESP FROM OTHER RELATIVES!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

rant over, but MAN am I pissed right now! :angry4: :angry4: :angry5: :angry5:
soyelsancho87 said:
What is this about Vanilla Ice rapping?

Sorry had to do it, also there sure was a lot pelvic thrusting in music videos in the 90's.

If you hadn't done it, I was about to. Damn, Vanilla Ice was schmexy. :D
Also, I took the liberty of embedding the video for you. Thinking I might need a thread on "how to" for all the features of the forum soon.
jebbaz said:
AmberCutie said:
Thinking I might need a thread on "how to" for all the features of the forum soon.
fixed to show importance.
:woops: Gaawwhhh... ok I'll spend my morning making a how to thread instead of playing games. Happeh?!
AmberCutie said:
jebbaz said:
AmberCutie said:
Thinking I might need a thread on "how to" for all the features of the forum soon.
fixed to show importance.
:woops: Gaawwhhh... ok I'll spend my morning making a how to thread instead of playing games. Happeh?!
hey, generally I know what the hell I'm doing on the internet and I still had trouble figuring out how to post a youtube video. Some things aren't as obvious as you might hope they are.
I'm so happy the man is finally using his health insurance! All that money every month and he hasn't had a check-up since he was in the service. *side eye*

Hopefully, this kick starts a drive for him to be healthier...spssst stop with the excess of red meat and chocolate... :whistle:
I actually really enjoyed the Ninja Turtles growing up and that movie. Even the song back in the day. But now in the present ive met Vanilla Ice in person and hes a dickhead with an ego im sure is way bigger than his dick.
Once a year he performs around Chicago and goes into Hooters afterwards to eat. I was working there at the time and got the pleasure of waiting on him and his 3 table entourage. Upon walking up and introducing myself to the tables, setting down coasters, and telling drink specials i was cut off and told that i was under no circumstances allowed to speak to Mr. Ice directly. (I wasn't) :think: (Dude seriously. You're lucky i even knew who u were anymore.) His bodyguard then proceeded to order for him. The entire time they were there (3 hours) he did not once even make eye contact with me. Just a far off gaze around the table and surroundings when i was near. Everyone else was more than friendly though. It was really odd to say the least. After all of that and check paid i seriously got a $5 tip from each table. :dance: Now i know he's not like uber rich anymore or probably even rich at all now, but in all reality a table who sits for 3 hrs should be tipping way more than this. I could care less who you are or what you do.
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jebbaz said:
hey, generally I know what the hell I'm doing on the internet and I still had trouble figuring out how to post a youtube video. Some things aren't as obvious as you might hope they are.

Working on it as we speak.... err, type.
AmberCutie said:
jebbaz said:
hey, generally I know what the hell I'm doing on the internet and I still had trouble figuring out how to post a youtube video. Some things aren't as obvious as you might hope they are.

Working on it as we speak.... err, type.

So here I was running around lost as my night elf protection warrior trying to figure out how the hell to get to SW post-cataclysm on Azuremyst and you were dicking around with a how to section? gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.


Ok, that last one was just because I thought it was funny.
Getting to Stormwind post-Cata? Sounds like you'll be tipping a mage or hoofin'/wingin' it.

When working on under 5 hours of sleep, eating a big meal of lasagna is not terribly conducive to having a productive afternoon.
Mirra said:
Getting to Stormwind post-Cata? Sounds like you'll be tipping a mage or hoofin'/wingin' it.

When working on under 5 hours of sleep, eating a big meal of lasagna is not terribly conducive to having a productive afternoon.

I apparently was in a high level zone (post cataclysm) when I started playing. Ended up getting out after several deaths. Then ended up getting over into Darkshore where I explored a bit. I eventually hopped a boat over to Stormwind. However it was a huge pain in the ass.
Is it bad that I would be posting something here while Amber is live?
Making a killing selling gray [Small Egg]s in AH for 4g each. Fuck you logic, god forbid some one spend 5 mins on their own to get massive amounts of low level items when gold is so meaningless.

Also, I remember when people struggled to get even a single gold. It was like huge news back then. Now even starting characters are expected to get bankrolled a few hundred.
I felt old at the age of 25 thanks to NinjaMike. He responds to someone saying "Stop" with "Hammertime" and I say that "Collaborate and Listen" is superior. He looks puzzled. I facepalmed.

Also... this is now a Vanilla Ice thread.


  • vanillaice.gif
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  • stopcollaborate.jpg
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I never have a clue what anyone here is talking about. I'm guessing the person talking about gold and eggs isn't talking about real life like I thought at first lol! I was thinking ooh that's a interesting way of making money, finding something that lays small eggs and selling them. :oops:

I can't wait until it's light outside so I can see if the birds have touched my nuts. :D
AngelicTease said:
I never have a clue what anyone here is talking about. I'm guessing the person talking about gold and eggs isn't talking about real life like I thought at first lol! I was thinking ooh that's a interesting way of making money, finding something that lays small eggs and selling them. :oops:

:lol: Methinks you may have misunderstood Golden Eggs as gold and eggs. ... olden_Eggs
Bocefish said:
AngelicTease said:
I never have a clue what anyone here is talking about. I'm guessing the person talking about gold and eggs isn't talking about real life like I thought at first lol! I was thinking ooh that's a interesting way of making money, finding something that lays small eggs and selling them. :oops:

:lol: Methinks you may have misunderstood Golden Eggs as gold and eggs. ... olden_Eggs

Disregard, I FAILed to scroll up and assumed you were talking about something else. :woops:
Bocefish said:
Bocefish said:
AngelicTease said:
I never have a clue what anyone here is talking about. I'm guessing the person talking about gold and eggs isn't talking about real life like I thought at first lol! I was thinking ooh that's a interesting way of making money, finding something that lays small eggs and selling them. :oops:

:lol: Methinks you may have misunderstood Golden Eggs as gold and eggs. ... olden_Eggs

Disregard, I FAILed to scroll up and assumed you were talking about something else. :woops:

Lol, I got confused even more when I read that.
AngelicTease said:
I never have a clue what anyone here is talking about. I'm guessing the person talking about gold and eggs isn't talking about real life like I thought at first lol! I was thinking ooh that's a interesting way of making money, finding something that lays small eggs and selling them. :oops:

I can't wait until it's light outside so I can see if the birds have touched my nuts. :D

Definitely a videogame... probably WoW with the people who frequent here.


Is December stressy because of Christmas, or is Christmas Stressy because of December?

Either way, everyone stressed so much about getting it PERFECT that they ruin the whole damn month. People need to chill out about it, and have fun instead of stress. Enjoy what you've got! Holidays are for spending time with family, not screaming at each other over who let the milk go bad.

(Actually, this year is going halfway decent for me... it was '98 - '06 that ruined my ability to relax for the holidays. I now spend each one walking on eggs waiting to be yelled at for getting in the way and then yelled at for not doing anything... And '06 makes me think my loved ones are about to turn into monsters every year x.x)
LadyLuna said:

Is December stressy because of Christmas, or is Christmas Stressy because of December?

Either way, everyone stressed so much about getting it PERFECT that they ruin the whole damn month. People need to chill out about it, and have fun instead of stress. Enjoy what you've got! Holidays are for spending time with family, not screaming at each other over who let the milk go bad.

Aren't there delicious recipes that require sour milk? But yeah, I notice that my sense of humour hasn't really been eliciting the same effect as it does on other months of the year. Not sure if it's me or them.
Chappelle's show :h:
But like hell if I'm going to sit through hearing Kanye West "sing". He irritates me to no end.