AmberCutie's Forum
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Daily Thoughts

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emptiedglass said:
Why is it that every time I feel like ass and want to spend the day in bed, everyone else thinks it's a great day for playing with power tools and hammers? :angry4:
emptiedglass and nordling!

wait, wrong thread.
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SoTxBob said:
I'm not one of those 'sky is falling' conspiracy theorist folks by any means.... but this does make me wonder WTH is really going on....
I'd say they're making preparations in case of some kind of contingency that requires the govt to maintain order domestically, perhaps without significant communications or public broadcast capability.

It's people's jobs to sit down and figure out plans for even the most unlikely situation and one that isn't so unlikely - another global collapse or ongoing economic shift to China could over the next 15 years make the world a very different place.

It's also a teeensy bit ironic that for a country so strident in its need to bear arms and unrestricted numbers of bullets etc, the US govt is being called out for having too many guns :lol:
emptiedglass said:
Shaun__ said:
Spending other people's money on toys is fun.

Yeah but those aren't just Tonka trucks...

Local cops waste money on the same kind of stupid shit too, but it is extra stupid for the federal government to do it. They have a huge surplus of real tanks sitting around that the army does not even want. Plus all of the other tanks they do want, battle ships, armored personal carriers, bombers, and a huge standing army. There was no need to have bought these.
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Fucking Chaturbate kept declining my MasterCard, which has more than enough money on it for me to upgrade and buy tokens, and I was really looking forward to upgrading my member account and tipping a model friend. :angry4: I posted about it in the Chaturbate Improvements thread.
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Random lyric:

Do I have to tell you that I love you
Do I have to tell you I'm your slave
And do we have to dance until
You're dancing on my grave
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Shaun__ said:
emptiedglass said:
Shaun__ said:
Spending other people's money on toys is fun.

Yeah but those aren't just Tonka trucks...

Local cops waste money on the same kind of stupid shit too, but it is extra stupid for the federal government to do it. They have a huge surplus of real tanks sitting around that the army does not even want. Plus all of the other tanks they do want, battle ships, armored personal carriers, bombers, and a huge standing army. There was no need to have bought these.
Yeah though battleships and bombers aren't as handy as APCs in some circumstances, and aircraft carriers are horrendous in traffic.

If you're referring to the M1 tank I think it's being retired because they're old enough now that the maintenance to keep them running is high enough that it's cheaper longterm to mothball them, sell some off, and spend money on new tech. They kinda did the same thing with the SR-71 Blackbird years ago. The maintenance cost just to keep them flyable was prohibitive, so they started using sattelites for the same sort of thing.

It may also be because a traditional mechanized land army is relatively difficult to deploy compared to infantry, wheeled vehicles etc, and less useful in urban environments. I suspect advances in surveillance, sattelite imaging and communications, as well as experiences fighting insurgents rather than regular troops have made a flexible, fluid, high tech army more important than a slower, more heavily armored vanguard.
Jupiter551 said:
Yeah though battleships and bombers aren't as handy as APCs in some circumstances, and aircraft carriers are horrendous in traffic.

If you're referring to the M1 tank I think it's being retired because they're old enough now that the maintenance to keep them running is high enough that it's cheaper longterm to mothball them, sell some off, and spend money on new tech. They kinda did the same thing with the SR-71 Blackbird years ago. The maintenance cost just to keep them flyable was prohibitive, so they started using sattelites for the same sort of thing.

It may also be because a traditional mechanized land army is relatively difficult to deploy compared to infantry, wheeled vehicles etc, and less useful in urban environments. I suspect advances in surveillance, sattelite imaging and communications, as well as experiences fighting insurgents rather than regular troops have made a flexible, fluid, high tech army more important than a slower, more heavily armored vanguard.

The federal government has armored personnel carriers too. There is no reason to buy a set for every department, this is why when companies merge they always have layoffs. You do not need two departments doing the exact same tasks or buying the same things when they can share resources.

This is nothing more than another free handout to the military industrial complex that keeps sucking up my tax dollars that should be going towards things like bridges, roads, hospitals, and schools. My country has greater needs than APCs to drive around in.
RoseRuby said:
Every time my neighbors have sex, their dog barks the entire time.
2 hours of barking and the sound of an extremely squeaky bed is giving me a headache.

2 hours? What's making the bed squeak the remaining 1 hour 55 minutes?

Wait, uhm, never mind. You didn't read this. Nothing to see here, move along. :?
JerryBoBerry said:
RoseRuby said:
Every time my neighbors have sex, their dog barks the entire time.
2 hours of barking and the sound of an extremely squeaky bed is giving me a headache.

2 hours? What's making the bed squeak the remaining 1 hour 55 minutes?
Those were my thoughts as well. :lol: I just didn't voice them because most people aren't as big a fan of quickies as I am.
So happy! My guy figured my exposure to weed had made my allergy to it go away. It's only taken a decade, because I have slowly been breaking out less and less. I've never really had any real desire to smoke weed (except for the fact that I'm allergic which makes me want to), but literally all my friend's are stoners that give major pity looks when they realize they just accidentally tried to pass me a pipe. I've on and off tested it for a month now, and I believe I'm in the clear! No breakouts in hives!!! :dance:
EasyBakeBabyOven said:
JerryBoBerry said:
RoseRuby said:
Every time my neighbors have sex, their dog barks the entire time.
2 hours of barking and the sound of an extremely squeaky bed is giving me a headache.

2 hours? What's making the bed squeak the remaining 1 hour 55 minutes?
Those were my thoughts as well. :lol: I just didn't voice them because most people aren't as big a fan of quickies as I am.

Meee! Mee! I'm a fan of quickies! ;)

Perhaps I made a mistake and they were just jumping on the bed...while moaning.
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A_Cute_Mew said:
So happy! My guy figured my exposure to weed had made my allergy to it go away. It's only taken a decade, because I have slowly been breaking out less and less. I've never really had any real desire to smoke weed (except for the fact that I'm allergic which makes me want to), but literally all my friend's are stoners that give major pity looks when they realize they just accidentally tried to pass me a pipe. I've on and off tested it for a month now, and I believe I'm in the clear! No breakouts in hives!!! :dance:

yay for an allergy going away! heads up though, back in my stoner days i ran into a person who had an allergy and got acclimated to it, then decided to smoke some for themselves.... turns out they were hyper sensitive to it. one little toke and they were high, two and they were just siting there rubbing their lips, and after a third round of pass the blunt all she could do was sit there and shake, couldnt talk, walk or do more than giggle every few minutes.

so if you decide to smoke, go slow til you find your limits lol
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southsamurai said:
A_Cute_Mew said:
So happy! My guy figured my exposure to weed had made my allergy to it go away. It's only taken a decade, because I have slowly been breaking out less and less. I've never really had any real desire to smoke weed (except for the fact that I'm allergic which makes me want to), but literally all my friend's are stoners that give major pity looks when they realize they just accidentally tried to pass me a pipe. I've on and off tested it for a month now, and I believe I'm in the clear! No breakouts in hives!!! :dance:

yay for an allergy going away! heads up though, back in my stoner days i ran into a person who had an allergy and got acclimated to it, then decided to smoke some for themselves.... turns out they were hyper sensitive to it. one little toke and they were high, two and they were just siting there rubbing their lips, and after a third round of pass the blunt all she could do was sit there and shake, couldnt talk, walk or do more than giggle every few minutes.

so if you decide to smoke, go slow til you find your limits lol

Yeah, thanks I think I do probably get high faster, but I've tried several ways. Worst case seemed to be me getting very tired. I think I'll just make sure there's no operating heavy machinery and such. Plus, I'm not really much of a stoner anyway, just feel bad that they feel SOOOO bad for me every time. Glad I don't have to hear the pity speeches anymore. :-D
Daily Thought: I have too much fun on a daily I tell ya...
YET ANOTHER random forum idea that will probably never be implemented.

Amber makes a subforum under camgirls, something along the lines of "lmao threads". And moves all those threads of:

-guys who ask us to join their "site" which is really just an affiliate link or studio
-troll threads

and similar such threads to that forum. No new threads can be created there (whether or not threads can be added to, well, that's up to Amber). Description would be something along the lines of "If you're thinking of advertising your site, here's examples of how not to do it. Troll threads also in here. Yeah, we know how to deal with you."
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A_Cute_Mew said:
southsamurai said:
A_Cute_Mew said:
So happy! My guy figured my exposure to weed had made my allergy to it go away. It's only taken a decade, because I have slowly been breaking out less and less. I've never really had any real desire to smoke weed (except for the fact that I'm allergic which makes me want to), but literally all my friend's are stoners that give major pity looks when they realize they just accidentally tried to pass me a pipe. I've on and off tested it for a month now, and I believe I'm in the clear! No breakouts in hives!!! :dance:

yay for an allergy going away! heads up though, back in my stoner days i ran into a person who had an allergy and got acclimated to it, then decided to smoke some for themselves.... turns out they were hyper sensitive to it. one little toke and they were high, two and they were just siting there rubbing their lips, and after a third round of pass the blunt all she could do was sit there and shake, couldnt talk, walk or do more than giggle every few minutes.

so if you decide to smoke, go slow til you find your limits lol

Yeah, thanks I think I do probably get high faster, but I've tried several ways. Worst case seemed to be me getting very tired. I think I'll just make sure there's no operating heavy machinery and such. Plus, I'm not really much of a stoner anyway, just feel bad that they feel SOOOO bad for me every time. Glad I don't have to hear the pity speeches anymore. :-D
Having a "DD" around just in case wouldn't be a bad idea either. :thumbleft:

BJ's allergic to the hemp in marijuana and the only way he can partake is if he takes allergy meds ahead of time. On the rare occasions he does get stoned, he has to have a sober person around him at all times to help keep tabs and make sure his throat doesn't start closing up and he doesn't start getting hives. Better safe than sorry.
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Random lyric:

She blew my mind behind the record machine
She was a shitload of trouble called her subway queen
She had a hip with bad habits and a shake that was a bit obscene
A_Cute_Mew said:
So happy! My guy figured my exposure to weed had made my allergy to it go away. It's only taken a decade, because I have slowly been breaking out less and less. I've never really had any real desire to smoke weed (except for the fact that I'm allergic which makes me want to), but literally all my friend's are stoners that give major pity looks when they realize they just accidentally tried to pass me a pipe. I've on and off tested it for a month now, and I believe I'm in the clear! No breakouts in hives!!! :dance:

True story that you're probably not interested in: I've never actually tried weed (it was never really a thing in my circle of friends, and now I live in Japan where all drugs are No Good Very Bad things and they don't differentiate between like, weed and cocaine), but last night I had an epic dream where I was running around a castle with the guys from Supernatural and someone kept setting off ~*weed bombs*~ - I have no idea - and we were all getting steadily higher and higher off air. And then we all made out.

...Basically now I want this to happen. Somebody go and make weed bombs. Yes/yes?
BeaWithMe said:
A_Cute_Mew said:
So happy! My guy figured my exposure to weed had made my allergy to it go away. It's only taken a decade, because I have slowly been breaking out less and less. I've never really had any real desire to smoke weed (except for the fact that I'm allergic which makes me want to), but literally all my friend's are stoners that give major pity looks when they realize they just accidentally tried to pass me a pipe. I've on and off tested it for a month now, and I believe I'm in the clear! No breakouts in hives!!! :dance:

True story that you're probably not interested in: I've never actually tried weed (it was never really a thing in my circle of friends, and now I live in Japan where all drugs are No Good Very Bad things and they don't differentiate between like, weed and cocaine), but last night I had an epic dream where I was running around a castle with the guys from Supernatural and someone kept setting off ~*weed bombs*~ - I have no idea - and we were all getting steadily higher and higher off air. And then we all made out.

...Basically now I want this to happen. Somebody go and make weed bombs. Yes/yes?

Scientists already got you covered, and people always joke that stoners have no motivation for some reason.

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