AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
JerryBoBerry said:
LadyLuna said:
for now, I'm starting to bookmark them.

I've been subscribing too. That way i get an email any time someone makes a new post in that thread.

I need to start bookmarking the ones that answer people's repeat questions, and I need to start subscribing to the ones I want to keep up with.

Otherwise I just stroll leisurely through the "View new posts" and "View your posts" links.
ZenHedonist said:
Today I am going to randomly commit random acts of randomness...

I like to call random acts of kindness "racks"
Yes Finally! Nice sunny warm weather after an ugly couple days of snow and heavy wind. *signals* Time to go play some basketball and grab some pistachio ice cream at the parlor afterwards while this good weather lasts. :)
I find it interesting how so many members try giving models unsolicited advice about their camming careers.

Now lets take a step back a second. These are women they are talking to. Anyone who knows anything about women will know that they do not take unsolicited, obvious personal advice well. My question is, are people so blind? I mean how can you really go through life knowing so little about the opposite sex? Fair enough if you were gay, but someone hanging out on a camgirl site clearly isn't.

This is where men and women are wired very differently. Women will have a problem, they'll go to their friends and they'll talk about it. If they go to their female friends they'll offer comfort and maybe mild advice if it seems necessary, but most of the time the girl is just going to her friends for a pat on the back and some comfort. If they go to a male friend he will try to fix it. It's the difference. With men although many of my male friends do come to me for comfort and just to chat, they don't do it as much. If a man hears a woman has a problem he will offer a suggestion that comes to mind. Here is where the problem lies... if someone is going through a problem then they will have thought it through a lot. They will have thought of possible outcomes, what's possible etc. The reason usually there's a problem is because none of the obvious things are working. So the man gets told the issue and in 5 minutes comes up with the first few things that pops into his head. There's a reason it only took him 5 minutes to think of. Because it's bloody obvious.

What makes this worse, is most of the girls on here do not have a problem with these things. We're not coming to anyone with our problems, we're just minding our own business and being happy with our success.

It is not always the advice, it's the person who's giving the advice, and the situation where the advice is made.

I wish people would just remember that we're women doing a profession that I doubt any of them could pull off. Not all models become successful camgirls, and many really good looking girls crash and burn. This means there must be more to it. Unless someone has actually done said job, it's just not his place to make this kind of advice.

And again in case people didn't hear it the first times, we are WOMEN. This means we are very different from men, we can be a little mentally unstable, we can get VERY angry at men we do not know interfering with our lives. We can get just as angry when men we do know interfere with our lives. We over think everything by nature, we talk to each other as much as possible. We're usually more comfortable sharing in depth things about our personal lives.

Why is it that people seem to understand in real life that we're all a bit nutty with stuff like this yet they act shocked when we act like this online? Yes some members like camgirls to be wonderful perfect online people, but essentially the whole reason for camgirls is that we're not actresses, we're real people behind the screens. Which means we can tell members to go to hell as much as we like! :p
MyDesertRose said:
It's a gorgeous day outside. I'm going apartment hunting for a country place that's handicap accessible. And hopefully find another job, too.

I missed you, sunlight. Welcome back to the big apple!

WOOT! that means i can come visit now right? lmao....i feel you though, if you've never lived in the country it isnt a big deal to not have it, but once you get used to seeing green trees and blue skies all around you it is so hard to give it up. good luck miss rose :)
More than once I have thought about starting a thread just for rants. Even with suggested proper decorum and such. Then I thought how that might not work out so well.

Then I got distracted by the Heart concert on TV and how well Ann Wilson still sings and how good she and Nancy sound together and well the band plays even though the current bass player looks as if he just walked off a Poison video shoot.

Then I forgot about it for a couple of months.
emptiedglass said:
I hate that there are certain people I just can't say no to.
I hate it even more that they know this.
I had this issue last night with BJ. There are some things I can't say no to him about and some he can't say no to me about. It makes situations involving these things*..... difficult.

*No gestating fetuses were hurt over the course of our bad decisions during last night's activities. Though someone's credit card and someone else's bank card may be in need of resuscitation. :whistle:
I am really glad that when Rose changed her name back, she didn't also make a new avatar. That would've made things REALLY confusing.
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Rose said:
emptiedglass said:
I hate that there are certain people I just can't say no to.
I hate it even more that they know this.
I had this issue last night with BJ.
I think it will always be hard to say no to BJ. :lol: (Sorry childish, but I could not resist.)
LadyLuna said:
I am really glad that when Rose changed her name back, she didn't also make a new avatar. That would've made things REALLY confusing.
Way too lazy for that and I don't have any other decent pictures I could use right now. :lol:

Plus, too many people were forgetting (or just not knowing) my name even though I have it on my picture so it was past time to change it back. BabyOven just wasn't funny anymore because we didn't have any trolls trying to call me fat and useless.
Random lyric:

You were there to see it all
The laughter, the pain
I was sheltered from the storm
The one who always stopped the rain
Had the chance to choose between
The victim and the crime
If you dance the night away
You better take your time
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Hello who's there? The only one of who I am aware, is the nutter behind the keyboard there.
Types full colon, the letters 'star I N G' hits enter,
hands on cheeks gazes up adoringly, hopes to see
some actor emerge from me – someone with the ability to preform a comical parody.

A cooking show on T.V. The food network, or perhaps the BBC.
The nutter knows the plot, it's as crazy as he.
He wrote it, so that makes sense you see.
It starts with an introduction, huge smiles, from an English chap,
tells most seriously of his intention to cook and eat his cap.
But just that starting bit has become a trip, a trap.
He's tried recording it half a dozen times and each time proceeds further to crap,
all steaming piles of shit, it maddens the mad man making him feel almost like a lunatic.

You see he met the perfect fellow to play the role,
there in the bathroom mirror,
just less than a week ago.
He had a huge camp smile, and an Englishman's soul,
his eyes sparkled and he had a magnetic pull that made you want to grin back at him.
But as quick as he came, he has went just as fast.
This thing felt fun, he figured it sure to be a blast,
but now that feeling has almost completely past.

So this bit of a short beat poem, he has written,
with some sense it might somehow, keep him from quieten,
and maybe that perfect English chap in the mirror will return,
and join the nutter right here, where he is sitting.
For now I will soon post a copulation of some completely nonsensical prop/word play. That on review seems not so funny as I thought it was last night when it was my escape from the frustration of trying to do something, that is not at all like riding a bike, and failing. I will post to the Right On thread, that maybe I should have called the "Right On, and Random Ridiculous Cam Crap" thread :lol:

I don't think prop humor is real funny, (Gallagher, Carrot Top), But the guy below bust me up sometimes, (being stoned helps). Not funny to most, I saw him about 10-12 years ago, and it really clicked with me, because i dissect words in my head all the time and reinterpret them out loud to the mild annoyance of my friends, hell i annoy myself at times. (this and simple rhyme are my borderline OCD's) They don't work well in print because they mostly don't spell the same, e.g. they were not impressed with my new toyota, - they all had their own Star Wars action figures, or, Want to see my toilet, it's a very small toy. Although I often show off my wallets - mostly I can only afford to build Models very small walls. Yea haha right.

Well you might like the Wid, my stoned vid clips from last night are along the same line but the difference is I think the Wid's stuff is pretty funny, but hey I through it all together in a night, after recording a vid of a 2 carrot ring I am giving to one special Model.

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*There's no active 'MFC issues' thread, so I'll post here...*

Was anyone else having issues on MFC Saturday morning...maybe around 5:30/5:45 AM EST? One person said that my video was suddenly not showing up anymore, and then someone else told me MFC wasn't even letting him into my public chat, and he wasn't getting my PMs. Luckily, all that mess started right around the time I was getting ready to log off anyway.
"[American pilots flying for France's Lafayette Escadrille during WWI] sometimes returned to their planes after a forced landing to find them covered with flowers. At least one American, returning to his craft, discovered that young girls of the village had written amorous messages on the wings."
The_Brown_Fox said:
*There's no active 'MFC issues' thread, so I'll post here...*

Was anyone else having issues on MFC Saturday morning...maybe around 5:30/5:45 AM EST? One person said that my video was suddenly not showing up anymore, and then someone else told me MFC wasn't even letting him into my public chat, and he wasn't getting my PMs. Luckily, all that mess started right around the time I was getting ready to log off anyway.

Yes, in fact I did. I had actually just fulfilled a countdown goal with the few tokens I'd had left, right before being unceremoniously booted from MFC, making me miss the show, which I had spent a long time waiting for. It made me very sad.
The_Brown_Fox said:
*There's no active 'MFC issues' thread, so I'll post here...*

Was anyone else having issues on MFC Saturday morning...maybe around 5:30/5:45 AM EST? One person said that my video was suddenly not showing up anymore, and then someone else told me MFC wasn't even letting him into my public chat, and he wasn't getting my PMs. Luckily, all that mess started right around the time I was getting ready to log off anyway.

It was taking 5 to 10 minutes for the things I typed to show up in the chat window, and it then it reloaded on me. Then it stopped loading at all. Saturday morning was not a good time to be camming.
Am I High? *Pharrell Voice*
I realised that the Lazytown 'Cake' song is in fact not about baking cakes at all.

It's designed to teach kids to follow orders without question ('gotta do the cooking by the book'), and discourage individualism and alternative views like the so-called 'messy recipes' as your cake will turn out 'crazy', which is apparently a synonym for 'bad', no doubt have to be euthanized and that will be on your conscience.

In Lazyreich there is only one way, and that way is by the book. Now stfu and cook.

Since it's her birthday I thought I'd ressurect an homage to the 'cake' song.