AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
I've been working out a lot lately and it makes me feel so good about myself. :) Can't wait to see what I look like a month from now!
People advertising a dental clinic shouldn't be wearing lots of eyeshadow or fake nails, or have weirdly dyed hair, to take away from the teeth.
Starting to make some healthier choices, walking for excersize. Making some decisions this month thaat will most likely change a lotin the coming days
Sevrin said:
Jupiter551 said:
I feel a fond affection for my fellow beings today. :)

Did you send them all a PM? :p
HAH I needed that laugh tonight. Thank you Sev.
Holy Shit, it's tomorrow. The flight is tomorrow...

I feel like the world's about to reset. Probably why I had an apocalypse dream last night.
Was nice to see a warning tonight, at least. Also, glad I was safely logged off at this time.

I couldn't tell if Miss Yogi could actually see the admin message, though, as she had no reaction to it, and when kleanex said "NO!!!" she didn't know what for. It would suck if the message was only to members, so models have no idea why their room count is low if they magically aren't booted off.


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    at least.jpg
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Hmm... a slightly different set of quick smilies are showing up.
Jason314 said:
Hmm... a slightly different set of quick smilies are showing up.
:thumbleft: ;)
saw The Adjustment Bureau, was pretty good, not as good as I'd hoped. I'm a huge Phillip K. Dick fan, thank god he's dead so he doesn't have to see how hollywood butchers so many of his stories... Blade Runner was fantastic, Total Recall was pretty good, Minority Report was okay...and the rest sucked.

Verdict: torrent or dvd.
Jupiter551 said:
saw The Adjustment Bureau, was pretty good, not as good as I'd hoped. I'm a huge Phillip K. Dick fan, thank god he's dead so he doesn't have to see how hollywood butchers so many of his stories... Blade Runner was fantastic, Total Recall was pretty good, Minority Report was okay...and the rest sucked.

Verdict: torrent or dvd.
I thought it was a pretty good movie, but then again I haven't read the story it's based off of so that could be a deciding factor. In fact I don't thin I've read any of his books, which is something I plan on correcting one of these days.