AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
Well, it's my first anniversary on these forums. Woo hoo! Go Pi Day!
Jebbaz said:
Keithy said:
inb4 no one reads the last sentence of my post, the one under the picture.
Dont think you read any of mine either after reading this.

Well, that's because that's an issue I'm not interested getting into. A purposeful ignorance of the goings on between some forum members. My point was more of less the over reaction and misinformation rather than making a joke. The image was created to try and scare Americans, which isn't true. I'm donating to help people in Japan and I feel no need to make an issue of it here. Do I think the nuclear reactors are an issue? They say it's under control, I have no reason to doubt them. The tsunami and the earthquake did a horrible thing and I'm doing what I can to help. Being pissed off on a forum isn't going to help.
Jesus Murphy in a handbasket... you peeps are quiet today.
AmberCutie said:
Jesus Murphy in a handbasket... you peeps are quiet today.

In my defense, I got a sore throat and weird twitchy finger syndrome from all the fumes emitted by the green spray paint I was using all over the house in preparation for tomorrow. Yeah, that's it.
AmberCutie said:
Jesus Murphy in a handbasket... you peeps are quiet today.

yet again been working my ass off, tho I don't see any part of the "ass off" goin on :think:
Happy St Patrick's Day! Look! I wear green everyday on the forum LOL! Enjoy, I'm off to work again.....
Mikeythegeek said:
Mirra said:
BadAssCurves said:
What is with me hulking out on everyone in the morning? RAWR! I'm such a raging grouch.
I think Amber blamed something called... whore moans for her unusual attitude last night? :whistle:

It's spelled "hormones," you senile old fool! :lol: :p
Had to do it. I couldn't help it. Sue me.

It's okay Mikey. I always knew you were a bit lacking in the whole sense of humor department.
Finally made a new MFC avatar during the Amber's group show, and I didn't even take the effort to center the image. It might be bugging me for a while.
Got a confusing DM tweet from a very lovely cam model that I haven't seen in quite awhile, and when I finally get to a computer to reply to her I find that her twitter account has disappeared.... so confusing :(
I wish people would speak clearly when they are leaving a message on the machine, especially if it's someone who I've never met before and I can't catch their name.
Every time I see Jebbaz's avatar, I find myself attracted...

My thought for today is how amazing the ability to communicate is today, and yet, so few people really understand the art of communication.