AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
Jebbaz said:
:think: the heck is a "VIPAmberfan?"
Has you read mah blogz? Most recent one has infoz.
Even though I kinda feel like dog poo, I still had a nice time on MFC with my peeps tonight. Thanks to everyone who came to hang out and help me with my goals. You're so appreciated....

... Now I am disappearing from the Internets for the remainder of the night. I need some R & R to get over whatever this is that's ailing me.
AmberCutie said:
... Now I am disappearing from the Internets for the remainder of the night. I need some R & R to get over whatever this is that's ailing me.

Sometimes a good rest is enough to do the job. Let's hope this is one of those times. If I had a hug smiley, I'd be using it here.
So a young lady comes into work today wearing a button-down business suit type top, but no shirt underneath it. Just a bra under it. I could see the crevice between her boobs because the opening went that low on her.

And never in my life had I had to fight so hard to focus on a woman's face to keep from staring at her boobs when she came to ask me a question. They were that obvious.

Did I succeed in not staring at her chest? I don't think so. :naughty:
Mikeythegeek said:
So a young lady comes into work today wearing a button-down business suit type top, but no shirt underneath it. Just a bra under it. I could see the crevice between her boobs because the opening went that low on her.

And never in my life had I had to fight so hard to focus on a woman's face to keep from staring at her boobs when she came to ask me a question. They were that obvious.

Did I succeed in not staring at her chest? I don't think so. :naughty:
How many nickels did you give her? :lol: :lol:
GreatDane said:
Mikeythegeek said:
So a young lady comes into work today wearing a button-down business suit type top, but no shirt underneath it. Just a bra under it. I could see the crevice between her boobs because the opening went that low on her.

And never in my life had I had to fight so hard to focus on a woman's face to keep from staring at her boobs when she came to ask me a question. They were that obvious.

Did I succeed in not staring at her chest? I don't think so. :naughty:
How many nickels did you give her? :lol: :lol:

My tipping hiatus applies to real life too.
I'm out of soup. :cry: :teasing-binkybaby: :violin:
No sleep the last few nights, (Thankfully) more hours at work so maybe I can make that truck payment I kinda said I was going to. Sick Mini-Me home from school. Day off tomorrow YAY! AND just MAYBE be able to get on cam to at least say Hi in person for once
Keithy said:
PETA needs to realize they're good at one thing. Porn. They can ignore everything else and just work on that.

my thoughts exactly.
i hate peta. and im a vegan! they make us all look like blathering idiots and they use blatant sizism and bullying as tactics. they have their hearts in the right places i guess but seriously? that commercial doesnt make anyone wanna go vegetarian. it makes them wanna fuck. and also i have news for you peta, while you like to point out how skinny and "hawt" vegetarians are i was the fattest vegetarian ever. and even as a vegan im still kinda chubby. they even suggest msg filled crap that happens to be vegan on their website. and then proclaim how vegetarianism cures cancer and i dunno creates unicorns and shit. also as a note they might wanna make a commercial that actually makes it to t.v this year as this is the second year theyve gotten banned. awesome way to get the word out!
derp derp

end of psychotic rant. maybe i wont post at 3am anymore either. lolz
PETA lost me forever when they brought an exhibit to my college comparing killing animals to the Holocaust. Damn near brought a Double Whopper from the campus Burger King and ate it right next to their display just to piss them off.

Protip- The moment one brings up Nazis or Hitler, they lose the argument. Unless the argument is about something related to them.

The next year, they had a girl and and tranny bikini wrestle in tofu.

I can't make this shit up, people.
Mikeythegeek said:
PETA lost me forever when they brought an exhibit to my college comparing killing animals to the Holocaust. Damn near brought a Double Whopper from the campus Burger King and ate it right next to their display just to piss them off.

Protip- The moment one brings up Nazis or Hitler, they lose the argument. Unless the argument is about something related to them.
Another instance of Godwin's Law

The law also mentions that if any online discussion goes on long enough, there will inevitably be a criticism that includes a comparison to Hitler or the Nazis.

Surprisingly it happens more often then you'd think.
I find it hilarious that my ex says he's a "romantic" on his OKC profile. All my years with him point to the contrary. But that's why he's an ex.
Monday. Saturday night I struggled with failing internet. Sunday I struggled with failing internet while fighting off boredom by keeping busy with nothing. Can't wait to see what joys Monday will bring. :?