There's a few games that I've played over and over (DQ 8 was my main go to game for a looooong time when I was younger, still wish there would be a PS5 remake), but no other game I have ever played has come even close to how I feel about BG3. The only ones that have come somewhat close is Dragon Age Inquisition and Oblivion and Skyrim (obviously I have a type haha). I played a handful of short games between my first playthrough and this one, but I couldn't stop thinking about how much content I missed, judging from videos I've seen on Youtube, and had to go back.
You should really give it another try! Did you play as Tav (totally custom character)? Tav has basically no background, which can be a pro or con. Pro because you can come up with your own headcanon for your character, con because... you're just this random person thrown into the game and you don't have your own personal story to explore. I enjoyed my Tav run because I think almost all the companions have extremely interesting backstories and I had fun learning more about them while also progressing the game. You can actually play as any of the origin companions too, but the downside to that is that I don't believe they are voiced in their origin runs (biggest reason why I may never do an origin Astarion playthrough, because his voice makes me swoon hahaha).
Buuut, playing as The Dark Urge gives you a very interesting backstory that you get to explore throughout the game and connects to the overall D&D lore. Since I'm currently doing a Durge run, while also knowing the full storyline, I have to say that playing as Durge makes way more sense. Also, without spoiling anything, I find some of the Durge choices (specifically whether or not you want to give into the dark urges or not) hilarious.
That's just my, admittedly, totally biased opinion haha.