AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

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AmberCutie said:
LilyPink said:
lol I haven't done mine yet, I can't be bothered to get the box out from under the bed.

Daily thought.. My fucking Twitter got suspended and I can't figure out why. Hmph.

Any naughty pics put up recently?

No, not for ages but I use sexypeek anyway. I think it may be because I'm always tweeting my link to mfc :lol: I've emailed the o ask for an explanation so hopefully they're get back to me soon. I had 715 followers though, my new one has just over 60 lol
Mirra said:
A LIKELY STORY! I suppose NEXT you're going to try and tell us that you've always been completely sure of your gender.

I've never been sure of my gender. Sometimes, I'll answer "physically female, mentally WTF?" :p

Only thing I'm sure about is that I like being with guys and looking at girls. ^.^
I wore my knickers inside out today and didn't realise until I wondered why the 'angel' on the arse didn't read angel anymore. I knew the label was sticking out, but just thought it was sticking out, I didn't think it was coz they were inside out haha, they were ones with angel written on the arse and a bow on the front and somehow, I went all day and night not knowing!
Is it bad to hate a model's personality, and most of the things she does too herself, but still perv on her because she's one of the rare few that fit the body type I find sexy?

Seriously... even the chat is bad, and I find the things she does for tokens appalling, but its so rare to find a woman who fits my personal preference so well...
Why did I wake up this morning after a heavy night of drinking with my best friend, to find that I had purchased Paris Hilton perfume(which I realized smells really pleasant....go figure), 7 different face masks (one of which I tried and it nearly ripped my face off chemically) Eye makeup remover, a rubber chicken keychain, a package of scented candles, baby powder and heated sexual lubricant.
Drunk late night shopping is awesome, I just don't really know what I planned to do with most of these things.....suggestions?
Hmm maybe you was going to wear the perfume to attract the 7 dwarfs, to give them all a face mask, and you wanted it to be romantic so got some candles. Just incase snow white came too, you got the rubber chicken as a gift for her. You got the eye make up remover incase any of the dwarfs were wearing make up, coz it probably isn't a very good idea to put a face mask on someone wearing make up. And the lube incase you got lucky with one of the dwarfs. Anddd the baby powder incase doing all the face masks made you sweat and made your hair greasy, coz it's meant to be good to ungrease hair. The End!
I should make my own story tale thingies eh, haha. Would anyone buy CandiedLace, Snow White and the 7 Drawfs? :p
Lol, I think that was definitely my intention for all of my purchases. You are just like a psychic, how did you know how to collect my lost brain data? You're amazing! My goodness.
LuxDahl said:
Just over 360 models online...that's the least amount I've ever seen. Everyone out partying?
It seems that right about 5pm (pst) it got a lot quieter in my room. And yeah low amount of models all day today. That's the holidays for ya!
QueenMeadow said:
Dear Santa,

Please take back all my lesbian movies you got me... I love them, I truely do... but for Christmas, I want a new cam score.... perferablly going up rather then down.

SxyFantasia said:
i hope my ferrets are okay with me feeding them hotdogs ^.^
Generally Hot Dogs are high in nitrates and other such "toxins" that are bad to have in large quantities. I would assume other animals suffer the same of course the following also attributes a number of other sources of Nitrates. So as long as it's not the only thing they're eating and assuming your water is safe, then they should be fine on that regard.
Here's a blurb on effects in humans.

Nitrate toxicosis in humans occurs through enterohepatic metabolism of nitrate to ammonia, with nitrite being an intermediate[3]. Nitrites oxidize the iron atoms in hemoglobin from ferrous iron (2+) to ferric iron (3+), rendering it unable to carry oxygen[4]. This process can lead to generalized lack of oxygen in organ tissue and a dangerous condition called methemoglobinemia. Methemoglobinemia can be treated with methylene blue, which reduces ferric iron (3+) in affected blood cells back to ferrous iron (2+).

Infants in particular are especially vulnerable to methemoglobinemia due to nitrate metabolizing triglycerides present at higher concentrations than at other stages of development. Methemoglobinemia in infants is known as blue baby syndrome. There are now significant scientific doubts as to whether there is a causal link between nitrates in drinking water and 'blue baby syndrome'.[5][6] Blue baby syndrome is now thought to be the product of a number of factors, which can include any factor which causes gastric upset, such as diarrhoeal infection, protein intolerance, heavy metal toxicity etc., with nitrates playing a minor role. Nitrates, if a factor in a specific case, would most often be ingested by infants in high nitrate drinking water. However, nitrate exposure may also occur if eating, for instance, vegetables containing high levels of nitrate. Lettuce may contain elevated nitrate under growth conditions such as reduced sunlight, undersupply of the essential micronutrients molybdenum (Mo) and iron (Fe), or high concentrations of nitrate due to reduced assimilation of nitrate in the plant. High levels of nitrate fertilization also contribute to elevated levels of nitrate in the harvested plant .[7]

Some adults can be more susceptible to the effects of nitrate than others. The methemoglobin reductase enzyme may be under-produced or absent in certain people that have an inherited mutation[8]. Such individuals cannot break down methemoglobin as rapidly as those that do have the enzyme, leading to increased circulating levels of methemoglobin (the implication being that their blood is not as oxygen-rich). Those with insufficient stomach acid[9] (including some vegetarians and vegans) may also be at risk. It is the increased consumption of green, leafy vegetables that typically accompany these types of diets may lead to increased nitrate intake. A wide variety of medical conditions, including food allergies, asthma[10], hepatitis, and gallstones may be linked with low stomach acid; these individuals may also be highly sensitive to the effects of nitrate.
I hate when you need to get up and stay up at a certain time, and you can't get to sleep. Argh. I'm going to be even grumpier than usual with just 2-3 hours of sleep. Yay for ban buttons. I might have to wear my grumpy pants today haha.


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AngelicTease said:
I hate when you need to get up and stay up at a certain time, and you can't get to sleep. Argh. I'm going to be even grumpier than usual with just 2-3 hours of sleep. Yay for ban buttons. I might have to wear my grumpy pants today haha.
Oh goodness, I love them!
For some reason, MFC doesn't hate me until I start chatting.
Then everything goes to shit.

It apparently wants me to just lurk. :cry:
Why are all the spammers targeting the sexy stuff forum?