AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
To anyone replying to spam posts.

Just report it for spam and wait for the mods to clean it up. Fuck.


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BloodRed87 said:
To anyone replying to spam posts.

Just report it for spam and wait for the mods to clean it up. Fuck.
Yeah, but they've already been reported half the time and we don't want to have clicked a thread for no reason, so la la la la ...
Make sure you shave before the 'stache ride LOL makes me giggle :D
I don't think I could stop laughing about my man's 'stache long enough for him to get any work done...though I'm sure he could grow one in a few days :think:
SxyFantasia said:
:eek: Make your man stop shaving for a few days

haha i would if i had one :p
but then again im pretty high right now so i could have one and not realise it
ill keep u posted

This post made my day. :clap: :lol:
Jebbaz said:
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST people love to pick fights with me.

Yeah? You wanna make sumpin' of it, mister?!
I got a knuckle sammich right here for ya! Two if you're extra hungry!

I'm kidding... don't hit me... I'm dainty. ;)
JoleneJolene said:
Jebbaz said:
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST people love to pick fights with me.

Yeah? You wanna make sumpin' of it, mister?!
I got a knuckle sammich right here for ya! Two if you're extra hungry!

I'm kidding... don't hit me... I'm dainty. ;)
:) I'd never strike a woman, or a friend. :)
Jebbaz said:
JoleneJolene said:
Jebbaz said:
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST people love to pick fights with me.

Yeah? You wanna make sumpin' of it, mister?!
I got a knuckle sammich right here for ya! Two if you're extra hungry!

I'm kidding... don't hit me... I'm dainty. ;)
:) I'd never strike a woman, or a friend. :)

Aww... not even a spank on the tushy? :(
JoleneJolene said:
Aww... not even a spank on the tushy? :(

Actually cant bring myself to do that either... sucks cuz lots of girls are into that, but I cant hit a woman even if she likes it :oops:
Jebbaz said:
JoleneJolene said:
Aww... not even a spank on the tushy? :(

Actually cant bring myself to do that either... sucks cuz lots of girls are into that, but I cant hit a woman even if she likes it :oops:

Then can I spank you? :eek:
Jebbaz said:
JoleneJolene said:
Aww... not even a spank on the tushy? :(

Actually cant bring myself to do that either... sucks cuz lots of girls are into that, but I cant hit a woman even if she likes it :oops:

Even though I like being spanked...

I find what you said kinda cute. :oops:
LadyLuna said:
Even though I like being spanked...

I find what you said kinda cute. :oops:
:oops: I cant do it... Think its something my Dad instilled in me at an early age.... that and my boxing coach. You never strike a woman under any circumstance. :oops:
Jebbaz said:
LadyLuna said:
Even though I like being spanked...

I find what you said kinda cute. :oops:
:oops: I cant do it... Think its something my Dad instilled in me at an early age.... that and my boxing coach. You never strike a woman under any circumstance. :oops:

Even if it means you can't when she likes it, I still prefer that to the wife-beater mentality.

LadyLuna said:
Jebbaz said:
LadyLuna said:
Even though I like being spanked...

I find what you said kinda cute. :oops:
:oops: I cant do it... Think its something my Dad instilled in me at an early age.... that and my boxing coach. You never strike a woman under any circumstance. :oops:

Even if it means you can't when she likes it, I still prefer that to the wife-beater mentality.

I'm sick of people being offended by words I use. No, I'm not "PC" and I don't care to be. People need to stop being so god-dammed sensitive.
AmberCutie said:
I'm sick of people being offended by words I use. No, I'm not "PC" and I don't care to be. People need to stop being so god-dammed sensitive.
Forgive my ignorance, but PC?
Jebbaz said:
AmberCutie said:
I'm sick of people being offended by words I use. No, I'm not "PC" and I don't care to be. People need to stop being so god-dammed sensitive.
Forgive my ignorance, but PC?
Politically correct.
AmberCutie said:
I'm sick of people being offended by words I use. No, I'm not "PC" and I don't care to be. People need to stop being so god-dammed sensitive.

You'd think in this job people would give us some slack, but it's surprisingly the opposite. I can't count how many people I've pissed off (often times being offensive on purpose for a laugh, but it seems they just didn't get the joke)
Frankie said:
AmberCutie said:
I'm sick of people being offended by words I use. No, I'm not "PC" and I don't care to be. People need to stop being so god-dammed sensitive.

You'd think in this job people would give us some slack, but it's surprisingly the opposite. I can't count how many people I've pissed off (often times being offensive on purpose for a laugh, but it seems they just didn't get the joke)
It still blows my mind that months ago someone was offended at a song playing in my room because it was about sexual abuse.

As if by playing it, I was endorsing rape.
Perhaps my luck will change when school begins again. I'm ready to have some form of social interaction beyond MFC and Twitter...
AmberCutie said:
I'm sick of people being offended by words I use. No, I'm not "PC" and I don't care to be. People need to stop being so god-dammed sensitive.


um, I mean... x.x


(PS Yeah, I can't stand how sensitive people are. "You called him black! You must be racist!" Cause, his skin is really chocolate colored. Sorry.)