AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
I need to move out in a few weeks, so there is a whirlwind of thoughts racing through my head involving how I'm going to budget myself, what kind of place I'll get, if my roommate is still in, is my dog going to be happy, etc. It's stressing me out like crazy! Keeping positive though :)

Wow. It really DOES help to write down what's on your mind, even if it's just a couple of sentences :)
I should take up violin again, just so I can use that violin smiley.
I don't know how much I could say this.
But KotaMorgue. I want her.
Like, a lot.

jebbaz said:
NicoleEnvy said:
I don't know how much I could say this.
But KotaMorgue. I want her.
Like, a lot.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
you are not alone in that desire, lovely ;)
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Yess! I remember mentioning her in a favorite models thread a while back.
Methinks I have a pretty obnoxious obsession. :oops:
NicoleEnvy said:
jebbaz said:
NicoleEnvy said:
I don't know how much I could say this.
But KotaMorgue. I want her.
Like, a lot.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
you are not alone in that desire, lovely ;)
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Yess! I remember mentioning her in a favorite models thread a while back.
Methinks I have a pretty obnoxious obsession. :oops:

Oh great, I'ma be thinking about you two together for the rest of eternity now... so much for sleep ;)

Who am I kiddin? If any thought is gonna keep me awake I want it to be a Nicole & Sky sexy time thought. Yay for active imaginations!!
NicoleEnvy said:
I don't know how much I could say this.
But KotaMorgue. I want her.
Like, a lot.

I was definitely also thinking the exact same thing. Now that is one hell of a lady.
hehehhee :D I have a big smile on my face right now from reading this, you guys are bomb as fuck! I wuv youu!! :}
Oh, and dreamyyy!:h: I wish i could meets you in person, and go on adventures together hehe ^.^ and make crazy fuckin things!!
yay She's back ^__^

also, its almost 5:30 am and I haven't slept yet... anyone else have this problem? Like every night?
I think once the trial period ends, I won't upgrade to a full account.
Jason314 said:
I think once the trial period ends, I won't upgrade to a full account.
Wish I'd done it that way. I wasted $80 bucks on the bull shit. Bought into the hype and everything. Turns out I hate MMOs.
Finally forced my boyfriend to tell me what he wanted for Christmas.
Well, actually he wanted these two expensive ties but he was only going to let
me buy one for him but I grabbed them from his hand and attacked the register
and payed for them.

Noowww onto buying my family presents. Nooo ideas though.
Sigh.... I actually will have to do my shopping for Christmas soon.... Ugh. I hate Christmas until December 19th, then I love it like everyone else. I know, I'm strange.
Maybe it's just the time of year, but I'm noticing people getting cattier and more emotional with replies and posts. Geesh.

Re fucking lax.
Sorry for hashing out my personal problems with another member on your forum Amber. If the need to continue arises, I will take it elsewhere. I like it here, and I'd rather not have a part in the collapse of good will around here if I can help it.
Finally reached Level 20, and made it to the entrance of the Burning Steppes and the entrance to Northern Stranglethorn before realizing that my level isn't high enough to survive in either of those places. The trial won't let me advance in level now, so I'm going to uninstall the game.
AmberCutie said:
Maybe it's just the time of year, but I'm noticing people getting cattier and more emotional with replies and posts. Geesh.

Re fucking lax.

Meh, logic and reasoning fails so we use the only thing left.
...and that's it. Ten days are done. Let's hope that the next 10 days goes by just as quickly (which it probably will, due to the definition).