AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
evidently you have not use your 15GB limit on Google or you would be told if you do not upgrade they would delete it all for you
Really puts in perspective how much email you must get if I have so little in nearly 20 years lol
I have just started my 'hi i am a simp and this is my experience' story last night and i already have three pages. I have just only completed the introduction. This shit better be good. 🍿🍺
3 pages, to post HERE?

Might I advise you to not do that? If you want to share your story here, keep it much shorter, and don't forget paragraphs and line breaks :)
Really puts in perspective how much email you must get if I have so little in nearly 20 years lol
I don't know that I get any more than you do, I just delete emails that are not extremely important. When I have a support request that has been "finalized" by support and they have made their ruling on it I am done with it. Like I said they used to be all kept on the site. But they do not any longer. Why they chose to do away with them all being kept on the site I do not understand. I try to keep my email inbox below a couple hundred emails if I can.
I don't know that I get any more than you do, I just delete emails that are not extremely important. When I have a support request that has been "finalized" by support and they have made their ruling on it I am done with it. Like I said they used to be all kept on the site. But they do not any longer. Why they chose to do away with them all being kept on the site I do not understand. I try to keep my email inbox below a couple hundred emails if I can.
My mistake, I thought you'd said you were scared to exceed your limit so I assumed that meant you were always close or whatnot.
My mistake, I thought you'd said you were scared to exceed your limit so I assumed that meant you were always close or whatnot.
well yeah that too ... I do have what I consider "important" emails from 30 years ago but I put those in folders away from my inbox
I have just started my 'hi i am a simp and this is my experience' story last night and i already have three pages. I have just only completed the introduction. This shit better be good. 🍿🍺
wild guess from me
1) you fell in love
2) money was exchanged (you know everything about thee model the model knows everythign about you)
3) not enough money was exchanged you still exist as a financial entity
4) you've read other stories but you are unique the world began with you
5) you have no real world peole to relate to

soultion: exchange more money
3 pages, to post HERE?

Might I advise you to not do that? If you want to share your story here, keep it much shorter, and don't forget paragraphs and line breaks :)
i fear, if i start a redraft to bring it down it will just end up getting larger.
But for now i am just writing it together. I don't want to end up with plottwists and 40 more posts adjusting the story, keeping it going for excitement. i think will make a three part out of it. twilight but with less vampires.
Making promises, i just reread the introduction; setting up for a big ' you got to be fucking kidding me?' and after that dust has settled i give you a ' this shit is made up motherfucker, you are in a coma, wake up.'
Yes, i have read the others attempts at being good, no i do not have a backtattoo.
Just to clarify, my actual "inbox" is always empty because I mark things read or as spam right away. But I have over 30k "read" messages in my personal and over 33k in my work one :D
View attachment 98006View attachment 98007
Something very useful i learned: you can create filters in Gmail and tie actions to them. I create filters for words like "unsubscribe" (words you mostly get from spam mail) and set those to be archived instantly so they don't even go through my inbox. Works way better than flagging things as spam which never works well at least for me.
wild guess from me
1) you fell in love
2) money was exchanged (you know everything about thee model the model knows everythign about you)
3) not enough money was exchanged you still exist as a financial entity
4) you've read other stories but you are unique the world began with you
5) you have no real world peole to relate to

soultion: exchange more money
Other people wish they could relate to me and i don't care what familiarity we have whatsoever.

Solution: build up, because you got banned from another forum that is about football because you said a naughty word in the final minute of a game because the other team scored a winning goal. Which is completely unrelated but sounds funny and it can't be all "bbs pls bb".
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So many of the threads in the unofficial support forums seem to say
"I don't know what I did wrong, but if you unban me, I promise I won't do it again"?
(er, how, if you don't know where you broke the rules?)

I agree that when a model is banned, they should be clearly informed why.
But it's so important to read and understand the TOS.
So many of the threads in the unofficial support forums seem to say
"I don't know what I did wrong, but if you unban me, I promise I won't do it again"?
(er, how, if you don't know where you broke the rules?)

I agree that when a model is banned, they should be clearly informed why.
But it's so important to read and understand the TOS.
I think some of those are genuine but most people have a really good damn idea on why they got the boot and are pleading the whole "ask for forgiveness instead of permission" stuff we were taught as kids. Though there are some rooms that should have been permanently banned years ago that remain and that part I don't really understand but not my elephants, not my circus.
So many of the threads in the unofficial support forums seem to say
"I don't know what I did wrong, but if you unban me, I promise I won't do it again"?
(er, how, if you don't know where you broke the rules?)

I agree that when a model is banned, they should be clearly informed why.
But it's so important to read and understand the TOS.
I think some of those are genuine but most people have a really good damn idea on why they got the boot and are pleading the whole "ask for forgiveness instead of permission" stuff we were taught as kids. Though there are some rooms that should have been permanently banned years ago that remain and that part I don't really understand but not my elephants, not my circus.
I agree with both of these posts.

On the one hand, I do believe that any big site has an interest in not outright stating details sometimes, legally. But in general, would be nice to at least have the particular part of the TOS that was broken cited in the ban notice. I get it, though.

And on the same token, I think a looooottttt of the posts here are people who know what they’ve done and act innocent in hopes they’ll get people on their side at the very least, and then at the very best they’d get help from the rep here.

And on the other hand… I’ve been telling them for YEARS (when punker barbie was actually Shirley) that there are a few tiny tweaks they could make to their ban/support messages that would help weed out a few of the confusions and avoid hundreds of unnecessary posts here. I know there are things they could have done in that time to alleviate the support burden, but clearly they don’t care to put that effort in to change anything. Just hire more remote people to reply with canned responses after auto-bans.

It’s a mixed bag, for sure!
I agree with both of these posts.

On the one hand, I do believe that any big site has an interest in not outright stating details sometimes, legally. But in general, would be nice to at least have the particular part of the TOS that was broken cited in the ban notice. I get it, though.

And on the same token, I think a looooottttt of the posts here are people who know what they’ve done and act innocent in hopes they’ll get people on their side at the very least, and then at the very best they’d get help from the rep here.

And on the other hand… I’ve been telling them for YEARS (when punker barbie was actually Shirley) that there are a few tiny tweaks they could make to their ban/support messages that would help weed out a few of the confusions and avoid hundreds of unnecessary posts here. I know there are things they could have done in that time to alleviate the support burden, but clearly they don’t care to put that effort in to change anything. Just hire more remote people to reply with canned responses after auto-bans.

It’s a mixed bag, for sure!
Instead of being proactive with model requests they decided to open a psychology network that no one knows how to use and they don't promote. Just like with They opened the site. Did absolutely nothing to build on it while not promoting it. I deleted my account there.

I remember way back in the day when you were forced to read an EUA or TOS page that if you scrolled too fast or not at all it wouldn't let you hit the "Yes, I agree to these terms" button. Wonder whatever happened to that. It wasn't on CB, but other sites.
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Instead of being proactive with model requests they decided to open a psychology network that no one knows how to use and they don't promote. Just like with They opened the site. Did absolutely nothing to build on it while not promoting it. I deleted my account there.

I remember way back in the day when you were forced to read an EUA or TOS page that if you scrolled too fast or not at all it wouldn't let you hit the "Yes, I agree to these terms" button. Wonder whatever happened to that. It wasn't on CB, but other sites.
What if they made you click an accept button on each section, and double ask you if you're a member/model to accept those particular sections (i.e. for members what they're allowed to type or ask for, then models what they're allowed to say/do on live camera). I wonder if it would make any difference. Probably not, though, as I've learned at ACF there are a large % of people who just do not read ANYTHING and simply click buttons til they get to something they're interested in reading or doing.
What if they made you click an accept button on each section, and double ask you if you're a member/model to accept those particular sections (i.e. for members what they're allowed to type or ask for, then models what they're allowed to say/do on live camera). I wonder if it would make any difference. Probably not, though, as I've learned at ACF there are a large % of people who just do not read ANYTHING and simply click buttons til they get to something they're interested in reading or doing.
We really do have a problem with instant gratification as people. When I signed my apartment leases I had to initial each section they wanted me to be really aware of and how it would affect my finances in the event I broke those rules. There will always be people who claim ignorance of the law as their innocence and absent of malice but ignorance of the law is not a defense against breaking the law.
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So many of the threads in the unofficial support forums seem to say
"I don't know what I did wrong, but if you unban me, I promise I won't do it again"?
(er, how, if you don't know where you broke the rules?)
The cynic in me thinks one of two things, the errant model either knew full well what they were doing and is being disingenuous in the extreme when claiming ignorance/innocence and I have no sympathy for them apart from the general "I do usually not wish ill on anyone".

Or they are truly clueless and ignorant of the rules of the site(s) they perform on. In which case I have only *slightly* more sympathy for them. It's their job, only the clueless or unintelligent (IMO) do not first learn what rules might govern what they are doing especially if it is their only income. (I would not build a house without first studying the regulations governing what makes a safe and sound structure for example)

I agree that when a model is banned, they should be clearly informed why.
But it's so important to read and understand the TOS.
I agree with both of these statements. The site should inform the model what part of TOS they have breached, and the model should RTFM, as it were.
The cynic in me thinks one of two things, the errant model either knew full well what they were doing and is being disingenuous in the extreme when claiming ignorance/innocence and I have no sympathy for them apart from the general "I do usually not wish ill on anyone".

Or they are truly clueless and ignorant of the rules of the site(s) they perform on. In which case I have only *slightly* more sympathy for them. It's their job, only the clueless or unintelligent (IMO) do not first learn what rules might govern what they are doing especially if it is their only income. (I would not build a house without first studying the regulations governing what makes a safe and sound structure for example)

I agree with both of these statements. The site should inform the model what part of TOS they have breached, and the model should RTFM, as it were.
CRM popups are rarely clear, orunderstood.
This is one reason CB gets over flooded with damsels in stress.
An email message has to be understood in a glance, not read several times.
It doesn't matter how intelligent you are, or a native speaker in English, when we read an email, or look at a web page, we mentally become 8th graders or younger.
Anything with a cognitive load, long convoluted sentences, or weak verbs, becomes anxiety and brain spaghetti.
Just my two cents.
I am struggling to remember and hold onto what I'm working for here. The world is awful. Mortgage rates are skyfuckinghigh. I can't breathe when I think about all of the people suffering at the hands of oppression and violence and economic inequality. Do this. Don't do that. Go here but don't buy this or be yourself but the toned down version of yourself.


I am struggling to remember and hold onto what I'm working for here. The world is awful. Mortgage rates are skyfuckinghigh. I can't breathe when I think about all of the people suffering at the hands of oppression and violence and economic inequality.

strong resonance here 👍👍
Friday the 13th, followed the next day by a solar eclipse (and I happened to be right in the middle of where it was most ecliptic!) This is shaping up to be a great spooky season so far.
I can’t be scared by movies anymore, seen enough real gore for a few lifetimes this week.
Fantastic. I'm having one of the best months of my life in this industry and Biden goes and compares Putin to Hamas. Girl can't catch a fuckin' break. Is this it? Is this another world war?

This is not in any way to make light of the suffering or the tragedies happening to our fellow human beings. I'm just flabbergasted that I have basically lived my entire life on the brink of or at war with other countries. I as a late Gen X have never known peace times.
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I saw a thing on my yahoo feed today about a lady on tiktok going on a first date and ordering 48 oysters (because they were on special). I thought it was fucking hilarious, especially given the rumor that oysters are supposed to be an aphrodesiac. However, apparently her date went to the bathroom and never came back, because he didn't want to pay the bill (they were on special for a dozen for $15/ so $60 of oysters). What do other people think about this? I'm still kind of laughing about it, because I think that was awesome of her. What would you do if your first date with someone, which you were paying for, and they ordered 48 oysters lol (plus a few lemon drops I guess 😆) ?
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I saw a thing on my yahoo feed today about a lady on tiktok going on a first date and ordering 48 oysters (because they were on special). I thought it was fucking hilarious, especially given the rumor that oysters are supposed to be an aphrodesiac. However, apparently her date went to the bathroom and never came back, because he didn't want to pay the bill (they were on special for a dozen for $15/ so $60 of oysters). What do other people think about this? I'm still kind of laughing about it, because I think that was awesome of her. What would you do if your first date with someone, which you were paying for, and they ordered 48 oysters lol (plus a few lemon drops I guess 😆) ?
I am not an oyster person. Is 48 a lot for one person to eat at one sitting? That would be my only concern.

In my mind's eye I am seeing a scene similar (but smaller of course) to Monsieur Creosote from Monty Python's The Meaning of Life :rofl:
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I am not an oyster person. Is 48 a lot for one person to eat at one sitting? That would be my only concern.

In my mind's eye I am seeing a scene similar (but smaller of course) to Monsieur Creosote from Monty Python's The Meaning of Life :rofl:
I'm not an oyster person either, so I have no clue. I don't really care much for seafood, in general. But I would like to think I would not run out on a date, due to that. I'm never 100% sure what I'd do in any given situation though. I don't go on dates w people unless I'm really interested in them. So I don't think I'd run out on someone for that. If they ordered 48 oysters and started talking about how great Trump was as president, that might be different though. But it seems all this lady did was order 48 oysters, and the dude excused himself to go to the bathroom, and never came back. Texting her later that he'd cashapp her for the drinks, but she was on her own for the seafood.