AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
Screw the fucking orders... too much heavy lifting.

*feels like putty*
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Sometime dealing with MFC feels like

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My boob hurts. :( But my pain pills make me feel shitty. I'm also pissed that my account is broke. Fix it MFC, damnit! It's been like 4 hours now!
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OtakuJack1987 said:
Why do people that you never expect to meet in real life have to be such assholes and assume that they have you all figured out and instantly assume that you're something that you're not? And what do you do when someone just absolutely flat out hates you for all the wrong reasons even though what had happened originally was never you're fault in the first place and someone continuously falsely accuses and blames you for insulting a best friend even though you never even did such a thing?

That's a really deep and complex daily thought. I hope the rest of the day's thoughts are easier to process for you. /hugs
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so you can cum too hard or too much, feeling amazed that i nearly blacked out from gushing half the night... and thinking how stupid of me after three years of camming and knowing i lose sugar when i squirt that id let myself get to the point that suddenly my body is going numb and the room is dissappearing with me on cam from squirting too much lol
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When did the forum exceed 20,000 posts?
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Does that mean that the doctors who stick it up the man's ass are gay? Or just sadistic?
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is thinking that it is the first rainy cool day in like months in alabama seriously dropped into the upper 60s... and wants to curl up with a blanket and a movie and say fuck it to doing anything productive and enjoy the break in heat
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am irritated right now because it seems that even those we know here cant offer out respect to those who deserve it... get over yourselves my god we are all on the same fucking feild with different strengths hence there is a forum that amber created

amber thank you for what you do for us and all other chickys here thank you for your input
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