AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

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damn, what is it like to have energy, I feel like i need to sleep but i should cam tonight too... i need to clean house fix dinner for my child, this that this that.... cant i get a little help instead of being fucking expected to be everything... hubby works, and yes pays the bills, but dang i need a little help too when he gets to sleep in all day long.... What about me lol....

other than that feeling thankful for my family and horny
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Autumn is about here. That means less more revealing clothing and more less revealing clothing.
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Jason314 said:
Autumn is about here. That means less more revealing clothing and more less revealing clothing.

It also means more legwarmers and kneesox on my cam! :)
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camiliasilf said:
autumn... hell in alabama its still in the 90s, will be for a while longer lol... looking forward to wearing my boots though when it cools off.. oh and thanks for letting me join up

It's in the 80s here and I'm in Michigan.
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I thought there was an alarm going off.

Then I realized it was just the hot-water pipes from where my upstairs neighbors were showering.

Damn they whistle loudly!
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Keithy said:
camiliasilf said:
autumn... hell in alabama its still in the 90s, will be for a while longer lol... looking forward to wearing my boots though when it cools off.. oh and thanks for letting me join up

It's in the 80s here and I'm in Michigan.

dunno bout you, but I could go for some cool air about now... is tired of her seats burning her everytime she gets into the car lol....

lets see a thought for today... seems like a very peacful and beautiful hot day... to be interuppted later by the freak in me letting loose lol when i work... then again i just woke up and would love to get a babysitter and just crawl back into bed for a few hours ... not so much a morning person
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Feeling a bit stressed today, as I don't think working on MFC is in the cards for me today. People are gonna get bored of me just laying around naked and it is gonna kill my camscore... so I probably will just take it easy off cam today. Goodbye top 15.

I am nervous and anxious to see what the doctor has to say about my stomach. I am hoping to get some prescription that will magically work, but that's far fetched, I know. Damn... I sound like a major debbie downer... I'll knock this shit off soon I promise.

camiliasilf said:
dunno bout you, but I could go for some cool air about now... is tired of her seats burning her everytime she gets into the car lol....

It helps if you don't drive naked, missy. :p

(There we go... a little chuckle helps.)
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camiliasilf said:
dunno bout you, but I could go for some cool air about now... is tired of her seats burning her everytime she gets into the car lol....

lets see a thought for today... seems like a very peacful and beautiful hot day... to be interuppted later by the freak in me letting loose lol when i work... then again i just woke up and would love to get a babysitter and just crawl back into bed for a few hours ... not so much a morning person

I hear you, summer has been particularly brutal in Alabama this year. I quit getting leather/vinyl seats because I don't like sticking to them. I'm lucky, I have a garage and actually use it, and at work I have a parking deck. My friend has this big reflective shade he puts in his front window when he parks the car, seems to help.

And I do like the cooler weather for the return of boots :)
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I have a new thought for the day... and it involves leading horses to water. I don't have the energy to help those who won't drink the fucking water.
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I'm getting tired of not being able to walk around like a normal person.

also, I have way too many movies/tv shows to not have any idea what I want to watch, but I have that problem anyways.
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AmberCutie said:
Feeling a bit stressed today, as I don't think working on MFC is in the cards for me today. People are gonna get bored of me just laying around naked and it is gonna kill my camscore... so I probably will just take it easy off cam today. Goodbye top 15.

I am nervous and anxious to see what the doctor has to say about my stomach. I am hoping to get some prescription that will magically work, but that's far fetched, I know. Damn... I sound like a major debbie downer... I'll knock this shit off soon I promise.

camiliasilf said:
dunno bout you, but I could go for some cool air about now... is tired of her seats burning her everytime she gets into the car lol....

It helps if you don't drive naked, missy. :p

lol... hey i havent done that in months.... seems mfc boys expect it too much

and hun... its a good ideato break anyways... i think you could go mental if you cammed too much
(There we go... a little chuckle helps.)
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loves straight hair but hates being ocd about it and it taking me hours to do...

other than that.. my complaining mode is gone now and excited to work tonight and soon actually earlier than i have signed on in a long time... woo hoo

alabamas heat is horrible and i dont have the luxury of a garage but i love my honda so seats burning me is ok to deal with for the majority of the year here lol... mind you some rain would be good my lawn is like dead looking
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AmberCutie said:
I have a new thought for the day... and it involves leading horses to water. I don't have the energy to help those who won't drink the fucking water.

Speaking of water... how's that bottle of SMART Water doing? Thought just because you're taking the evening off I wouldn't be able to monitor it?

My own random thought: Who was the dumbass that decided the work week should be 5 days long instead of 4?
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pyrite1965 said:
Mirra said:
My own random thought: Who was the dumbass that decided the work week should be 5 days long instead of 4?

You know the French only work 4 days a week, it's the law!

The French have all sorts of crazy awesome laws like that.
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I think the 4 day work week was actually to combat unemployment. If hours by 1/10th and raise pay rates by 10% you increase the amount of workers by... 10%. So if you have a whole 7% unemployment in your country, this theoretically will create a 3% worker deficit.
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I can't believe that several members are continuing on with one of my recent thoughts. Oh well, let's see... new thought (even though it's like the end of the day)...

If I do something exceptionally good, it's me being exceptionally good. If I do something exceptionally bad, that's called me being out of character.
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Ugh, I hate when people are mad but instead of being an adult about it, they stomp around and slam doors and fill the air with all kinds of bad vibes hoping you'll get the hint. Whatever. Don't care.
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Why do people that you never expect to meet in real life have to be such assholes and assume that they have you all figured out and instantly assume that you're something that you're not? And what do you do when someone just absolutely flat out hates you for all the wrong reasons even though what had happened originally was never you're fault in the first place and someone continuously falsely accuses and blames you for insulting a best friend even though you never even did such a thing?
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