AmberCutie's Forum
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Daily Thoughts

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My daily thought is my ex is way stupider than i ever believed he was. After telling him to either pay me what he owes me or shut the hell up for life he comes back with "ill come put it in your hand at your house and you will leave being my finace." WTF? Dude you have done lost your mind for sure.
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but don't tell him he's lost his mind until after you get your money, just saying cash in hand is a lot better than hot air from a blowhard gasbag.
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bud9752 said:
but don't tell him he's lost his mind until after you get your money, just saying cash in hand is a lot better than hot air from a blowhard gasbag.

Lol honestly at this point i keep telling him amazon it to me or nothing else. I am NOT meeting up with him EVER. Hes seriously gone nuts and dangerous.
I am willing to act as a mediator for your situation.

He can give the cash to me, which I can then pass on to you. (for a nominal fee)

I am also willing to cause personal property damage, emotion grief, as well as kick him in the genitals per your request (a more substantial fee)
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Kunra9 said:
I am willing to act as a mediator for your situation.

He can give the cash to me, which I can then pass on to you. (for a nominal fee)

I am also willing to cause personal property damage, emotion grief, as well as kick him in the genitals per your request (a more substantial fee)

Haha you can keep all $200 of it if you manage to get it from him to begin with the little lying thief. :liar: And feel free to inflict any pain on him you wish. After talking to him for about 5 minutes you'll really want to anyway. :)
mynameisbob84 said:
Don't you just love it when the company you work for goes into administration? :?

I looked up HMV, because it popped up in my twitter feed. I hope you do okay.
Shaun__ said:
mynameisbob84 said:
Don't you just love it when the company you work for goes into administration? :?

I looked up HMV, because it popped up in my twitter feed. I hope you do okay.

Thanks, sir. I read they're confident they can find a buyer so fingers crossed...
I think I finally heard the mythical "Ahhhhh" sound on Streamate, but I was drunk, my music was a little on the loud side and it was WAY over $25. Damn it.
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Jupiter551 said:
LadyLuna said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
I think it's so cute (yet sometimes just a tad creepy) how all of the contestants on Family Feud are constantly clapping, even when they've got $0 and have been told their answer isn't up there on the board.

And when it's all over, the losing team comes back out to shake hands and hug everyone on the winning team, and then they all clap and dance to that cheesy Family Feud Awwwww! :)

I mean, it's the best display of good sportsmanship I've ever seen.

I think it's because the show got started so long ago. If you watch wheel of fortune, it's the same deal. In any of the game shows that have been around forever, way back when they started clapping even if you're losing was just how things were done. Since the show started off with that, it would take a real dick not to continue the tradition.

"Ok! Everyone that lined up tonight for the bowl of soup and a shave, you are being paid to lose. Just clap and smile, clap and SMILE. Don't try to steal the clothes when you leave, you'll get your soup and a coupon for a cup of coffee on the way out after the filming. Now head over to the de-licing shower."
Yep, plenty enough for every one, and things will go real smooth, long as everyone tows the line and gets with the program. Them were the days.

Dam sight better once they got rid of that pinko Goucho Marks. :lol:
Shaun__ said:
This staple is not doing its assigned job in life. Bad staple! :angry4:

That's not a staple, it's a box brad. Fail, just the same.
ConnerJay said:
I love the cock
Ooh! I'm good at this game. :dance: My turn!

I love boobies.
camstory said:
Shaun__ said:
This staple is not doing its assigned job in life. Bad staple! :angry4:

That's not a staple, it's a box brad. Fail, just the same.

That is one of my surgical staples. It is supposed to have been holding me together. After I took my dressings off I noticed I had two extra holes, and found that when I looked in my bandages.
Shaun__ said:
camstory said:
Shaun__ said:
This staple is not doing its assigned job in life. Bad staple! :angry4:

That's not a staple, it's a box brad. Fail, just the same.

That is one of my surgical staples. It is supposed to have been holding me together. After I took my dressings off I noticed I had two extra holes, and found that when I looked in my bandages.
Ouch, sorry Shaun. If it's any consolation, (I'm thinking not so much, but), they do a poor job of holding wooden storage/moving vaults together as well. We used to punch holes with a sharp awl ether side of the split and stitch em back up with baling wire, but I imagine that wont do.

All poor joking aside, I wish you a Quick recovery. :)
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Often after twitter'ding a string of tweets, I fear I am less twitter D, and more twitter dumb. Which make me thirsty, so I pour another drink.
Conspiracy theories can be fun sometimes; part of the local mythology and stuff, but it's gotten crazy and ugly lately. Everything that happens any more has to be shoved into some stupid CT, and with ugly, sometimes horrific results.
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Youtube ads a lot of things. But one thing it doesn't have is an indicator of whether or not you've watched a certain video. It would be helpful when I'm looking through Ted Talks, because I go about it in a very random way. If I've already watched it, I usually don't want to watch it again. Unless it's been over a year, and I don't really remember it.
Last night I scored 10,350 points (five stars) on the song "Thriller" on the Michael Jackson Wii game. :dance:
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lordmagellan said:
I wish the switch for the bathroom fan wasn't right beside the light switch. When I click the wrong one in the dark it feels like some hell beast is raging at me.
It always startles me a bit and makes me need to pee worse than when I went in there. :?
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lordmagellan said:
I wish the switch for the bathroom fan wasn't right beside the light switch. When I click the wrong one in the dark it feels like some hell beast is raging at me.

Ahh, yes...the "DAMN, I stunk up this bathroom!" bathroom fan. :lol:
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Just walked in from work a few minutes ago. When I first came up stairs I noticed the thermostat read 69. I stepped into my room to put my coat on the bed then stepped back out to head to the bathroom. For some reason I glanced at the thermostat again and now it reads 70 only seconds later. I thought to myself "Right... obviously I'm so hot the entire... no; I can't even complete that thought without wanting to laugh at how silly it is."
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My boyfriend's cat needs to stop liking me so much! She seriously won't leave me alone. At first it was cute, like she always wanted to be in my lap, whenever I left the room she'd make a cute warble noise then follow me. Now though if I get on cam and shut the shut with her behind...she claws at the door. If I let her in...she is determined to be in my lap. If I don't pay enough attention to her...she'll start walking by my monitor. >.<
Tigresslily said:
My boyfriend's cat needs to stop liking me so much! She seriously won't leave me alone. At first it was cute, like she always wanted to be in my lap, whenever I left the room she'd make a cute warble noise then follow me. Now though if I get on cam and shut the shut with her behind...she claws at the door. If I let her in...she is determined to be in my lap. If I don't pay enough attention to her...she'll start walking by my monitor. >.<

Sounds like you have potential Caturday pics ... :-D
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Tigresslily said:
My boyfriend's cat needs to stop liking me so much! She seriously won't leave me alone. At first it was cute, like she always wanted to be in my lap, whenever I left the room she'd make a cute warble noise then follow me. Now though if I get on cam and shut the shut with her behind...she claws at the door. If I let her in...she is determined to be in my lap. If I don't pay enough attention to her...she'll start walking by my monitor. >.<

My mom's cats are like that. They like to sit on or near me, and I am the only person they do not bite for some reason. :think: Maybe I taste bad, but smell good.
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An apology to any who have replies deserved to post or PM's. I have a deep cough that has reinserted its self and seems to want to kill me with a painful vengeance. Having slept myself well on the flu a week ago, I will do the same to this dam caugh if only it will let me get to sleep.
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camstory said:
An apology to any who have replies deserved to post or PM's. I have a deep cough that has reinserted its self and seems to want to kill me with a painful vengeance. Having slept myself well on the flu a week ago, I will do the same to this dam caugh if only it will let me get to sleep.
Mucinex DM and lots of water. :thumbleft: :thumbleft: Steamy showers and vapor tents help too.

I'm a pro at dealing with and getting rid of the goobies. :dance: