AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
Recently we were picking up someone from DFW airport flying internationally. All international passengers must go through customs and exit through the same door that enters into a common area where those waiting for the passengers are gathered. The exit is lined with short fence-like barricades on both sides with people lined up waiting for their party to arrive.

This creates a kind of red carpet scenario. Most people just look for their party or look down and proceed through. But one individual owned the moment.

She walked through the doors and upon seeing all the people lined up began waving and blowing kisses in both directions. We thought it was awesome.

This got us to thinking. We really should all start owning more. Not just moments.

You're a fan of wrestling? Own it.

Your favorite TV show of all time is Blossom? Own it.

You think mullets are cool? Own it.

Whatever it is. Own it. It is part of the sum. It is what makes the whole.

Don't be sheepish. Own it like a boss. Detractors be damned.
The_Brown_Fox said:
I was at the mall earlier, and saw a People of Walmart 2013 calendar. :lol: Since Walmart has suddenly become the hot topic in this thread, I took a pic of it on my camera phone to post here. But of course the stupid picture mail feature on my phone hasn't been working properly (the last few times I've tried to send cell phone pics to my e-mail, it was unsuccessful). Anyway, I found a pic of it on Google:

They needed a "people of Walmart" icon :)


  • People of Walmart.jpg
    People of Walmart.jpg
    136.5 KB · Views: 153
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Jupiter551 said:
Yeah we're talking like the lowest level employees.

In fact the insurance companies refer to them as 'dead peasant' policies

BTW I think it's pretty obvious why they chose the term 'dead peasant' - it's because in a feudal system a lord has peasants working his land (like a corporation has employees) and if a peasant dies and a piece of land isn't being worked it's counted as a loss. So they insure the 'peasants' so that if one dies they actually make a financial gain.

Michael Moore is pretty skilled propagandist. It is worth stepping back and thinking about the claim and the implication. Walmart made money by taking out life insurance of low level employees, and what presumably working them so hard that the died early? Or in the case of the woman in Moore's movie have her leave Walmart to become a stay home mom and some how kill her. Does this even make sense?

All insurance is a bet between the insurance company and the person who bought the insurance policy. In the case of life insurance policy the bet is easy to understand. If a person dies young the the insurance company loses and the beneficiary (typically the family but in this case Walmart) wins, because the annual premiums collected don't make up for the death benefit. So in this case Walmart lost and the insurance company lost. However, what about the cases where the Walmart employee worked for 30 or 40 years (this dead peasant policy was phased out between 1995 and 2000) who didn't die, Walmart spent all this money paying life insurance premium, the guy left Walmart or retired and dies well after the policy lapse. How does Walmart make money in this far more common situation? In my time in the corporate world I went to 10 retirement parties and probably 100 goodbye lunches for every funeral for a co worker.

The thing that Moore neglect to mention is that Walmart actually provides a modest life insurance policy for its employees. This is pretty unusual for a retailer for it entry level positions. The woman quite her job Walmart which is why her family didn't get any money. Which makes sense because employee benefits pretty much only apply to people who work at a company. :woops:

Now like most Moore films there is a kernel of truth to his claim that Walmart made money from insurance policy on level employees. But the reason has nothing to do with Walmart trying to kill off its employees and everything to do with decades long lobbying efforts by the insurance industry. If anything Walmart employees were helped not hurt by Walmart's action.
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HiGirlsRHot said:
The thing that Moore neglect to mention is that Walmart actually provides a modest life insurance policy for its employees. This is pretty unusual for a retailer for it entry level positions. The woman quite her job Walmart which is why her family didn't get any money. Which makes sense because employee benefits pretty much only apply to people who work at a company. :woops:

Now like most Moore films there is a kernel of truth to his claim that Walmart made money from insurance policy on level employees. But the reason has nothing to do with Walmart trying to kill off its employees and everything to do with decades long lobbying efforts by the insurance industry. If anything Walmart employees were helped not hurt by Walmart's action.

Truly Walmart is all heart. It was so nice of them to give their employes life insurance with nothing to gain themselves.

In 1993, Wal-Mart adopted a corporate owned life insurance (“COLI”) program through which the company would purchase life insurance policies for its employees. Wal-Mart funded the policies, at no cost to the employees. The policies provided benefits of $5,000 to $10,000 to the decedents’ beneficiaries, with the remainder of the policy amount paid to Wal-Mart. By 2000, as the result of new regulations, Wal-Mart had discontinued the COLI program.

Rita Atkinson and Karen Armatrout worked as a rank-and-file Wal-Mart employees paid hourly wages. Neither opted out of the COLI program and Wal-Mart obtained life insurance policies upon both. Atkinson died in 1996. After payment under her policy to her estate, Wal-Mart received the remainder of the benefits totaling $66,048.70. Armatrout died in 1997 and Wal-Mart received $72,820.30 in benefits under her policy.
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Shaun__ said:
Truly Walmart is all heart. It was so nice of them to give their employes life insurance with nothing to gain themselves.

In 1993, Wal-Mart adopted a corporate owned life insurance (“COLI”) program through which the company would purchase life insurance policies for its employees. Wal-Mart funded the policies, at no cost to the employees. The policies provided benefits of $5,000 to $10,000 to the decedents’ beneficiaries, with the remainder of the policy amount paid to Wal-Mart. By 2000, as the result of new regulations, Wal-Mart had discontinued the COLI program.

Rita Atkinson and Karen Armatrout worked as a rank-and-file Wal-Mart employees paid hourly wages. Neither opted out of the COLI program and Wal-Mart obtained life insurance policies upon both. Atkinson died in 1996. After payment under her policy to her estate, Wal-Mart received the remainder of the benefits totaling $66,048.70. Armatrout died in 1997 and Wal-Mart received $72,820.30 in benefits under her policy.

I didn't say that WalMart had nothing to gain. How much in premium did Rita and Karen pay for life insurance policies?. If Walmart did not provide them with no cost policy, how much would their families received? How much life insurance does MFC or Streamates give camgirls. The answer to all of these question is nothing. So why is receiving $10,000 as death benefit worse than getting nothing? How were Walmart employees harmed by Walmart's actions?
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HiGirlsRHot said:
I didn't say that WalMart had nothing to gain. How much in premium did Rita and Karen pay for life insurance policies?. If Walmart did not provide them with no cost policy, how much would their families received? How much life insurance does MFC or Streamates give camgirls. The answer to all of these question is nothing. So why is receiving $10,000 as death benefit worse than getting nothing? How were Walmart employees harmed by Walmart's actions?

We can not know how or if employees were harmed by this. Most major companies are active in their employees healthcare in an effort to lower healthcare costs. They offer blood testing, exercise programs, and things like smoking cessation programs. Walmart however decided to collect millions from dying employees to offset their healthcare costs instead. It is disgusting and despicable, and even Walmart knew winning in court was unlikely causing them to settle for 2 million. The only reason they stopped the program was that people were not dying fast enough for it to be profitable.

You employer has a lot of control over your life, and they should never be rewarded for you dying. Even if they do not set your figurative house on fire, did they call 911 when it started to burn down or did they start laughing as they counted the money they hoped to make?
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HiGirlsRHot said:
Jupiter551 said:
Yeah we're talking like the lowest level employees.

In fact the insurance companies refer to them as 'dead peasant' policies

BTW I think it's pretty obvious why they chose the term 'dead peasant' - it's because in a feudal system a lord has peasants working his land (like a corporation has employees) and if a peasant dies and a piece of land isn't being worked it's counted as a loss. So they insure the 'peasants' so that if one dies they actually make a financial gain.

Michael Moore is pretty skilled propagandist. It is worth stepping back and thinking about the claim and the implication. Walmart made money by taking out life insurance of low level employees, and what presumably working them so hard that the died early? Or in the case of the woman in Moore's movie have her leave Walmart to become a stay home mom and some how kill her. Does this even make sense?

All insurance is a bet between the insurance company and the person who bought the insurance policy. In the case of life insurance policy the bet is easy to understand. If a person dies young the the insurance company loses and the beneficiary (typically the family but in this case Walmart) wins, because the annual premiums collected don't make up for the death benefit. So in this case Walmart lost and the insurance company lost. However, what about the cases where the Walmart employee worked for 30 or 40 years (this dead peasant policy was phased out between 1995 and 2000) who didn't die, Walmart spent all this money paying life insurance premium, the guy left Walmart or retired and dies well after the policy lapse. How does Walmart make money in this far more common situation? In my time in the corporate world I went to 10 retirement parties and probably 100 goodbye lunches for every funeral for a co worker.

The thing that Moore neglect to mention is that Walmart actually provides a modest life insurance policy for its employees. This is pretty unusual for a retailer for it entry level positions. The woman quite her job Walmart which is why her family didn't get any money. Which makes sense because employee benefits pretty much only apply to people who work at a company. :woops:

Now like most Moore films there is a kernel of truth to his claim that Walmart made money from insurance policy on level employees. But the reason has nothing to do with Walmart trying to kill off its employees and everything to do with decades long lobbying efforts by the insurance industry. If anything Walmart employees were helped not hurt by Walmart's action.

No one said anything about walmart trying to kill people, she had asthma. She wasn't even working for them when she died, neither Michael Moore nor the woman's family either said OR implied that. Where are you getting this from?

It's plain WEIRD for a company to take out insurance on employees like a person who worked for them as a cake decorator for 18 months. That's fucking weird. It's also scummy to make money out of someone's death but let the family (the husband having worked for them for 18 years) send themselves broke paying the medical bills.

No one, *EVER* said or implied Walmart wanted her to die or tried to kill her, but they DID profit from her death and she wasn't even working for them at the time. It's fucking weird, creepy, morbid, and wrong.
It took me about 4 or 5 attempts to log into my Clips4Sale account because of those stupid CAPCHA codes. :angry4:
The_Brown_Fox said:
It took me about 4 or 5 attempts to log into my Clips4Sale account because of those stupid CAPCHA codes. :angry4:

A lot of times I have to guess on capcha codes, because I have no idea what they are supposed to be.
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CarinaChateau said:
Assuming a raw food diet implies sashimi, fruits and wine every day, I think I could do it :romance-heartbeating:
This made me want bell pepper strips, fried mushrooms and yellow tail sushi. I miss sushi! :crybaby:
Someone on MFC what to do when the Wii controller stops working, but I forgot. Hold down the sync buttons for several seconds, I think, but I tried that. The cursor still isn't appearing on the T.V. I'm gonna have to find that Wii guide to look up the troubleshooting area.
The_Brown_Fox said:
Someone on MFC what to do when the Wii controller stops working, but I forgot. Hold down the sync buttons for several seconds, I think, but I tried that. The cursor still isn't appearing on the T.V. I'm gonna have to find that Wii guide to look up the troubleshooting area.
I changed the batteries when this happened to me, figured they were low
I just bought ten new graphic tees that I thought looked interesting. On a side note I may have figured out one of the reasons people always know I am a bit nerdy.
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:dance: Doing a major happy dance my boyfriend got my laptop working! Gtg thank him now! :angel12:
Jupiter551 said:
No one said anything about walmart trying to kill people, she had asthma. She wasn't even working for them when she died, neither Michael Moore nor the woman's family either said OR implied that. Where are you getting this from?

It's plain WEIRD for a company to take out insurance on employees like a person who worked for them as a cake decorator for 18 months. That's fucking weird. It's also scummy to make money out of someone's death but let the family (the husband having worked for them for 18 years) send themselves broke paying the medical bills.

No one, *EVER* said or implied Walmart wanted her to die or tried to kill her, but they DID profit from her death and she wasn't even working for them at the time. It's fucking weird, creepy, morbid, and wrong.

As the ABC news report points no employees were harmed by this. In the case Walmart this was actually a benefit for the employees. Prior to this Walmart rank file employee had no life insurance, because of the profits they made by taking out larger life insurance policies, Walmart was able to provide small insurance policy sufficient to cover burial expenses to its employees. In addition until recently Walmart had profit sharing plan for their employees, so the money Walmart saved in taxes increased the size its employee profit sharing checks.

The implication of Moore piece that Walmart made $82,000 from the death of their former employee. As I explained insurance is a bet and there are winners and loser. So Walmart made money cause the woman died young. However, an insurance company lost $82,000 because had to a pay out a claim long before it collected sufficient policies. In the case of Walmart (and I suspect almost other firms involved with this practice). The losing insurance company in this case was a wholly owned subsidiary of Walmart. So every underwriting dollar Walmart made collecting death benefit from it is employee was canceled out by the losses the Walmart insurance company suffered writing the policy.

The reason the scheme is a money making one is because the cost of providing insurance for employee is deductible,while the death benefits generally aren't taxable. Now this is as a result of lobbying by the insurance companies, Walmart and other corporations are simply benefiting from insurance company lobbying. This clearly needs to be changed (along with a ton of other stuff in our corporate and income tax laws.) But if you want to condemn every person/company who exploits a loophole in the tax, you pretty much cover everyone.

It's fucking weird, creepy, morbid, and wrong.
I find nothing weird about any company or person trying to legally minimize taxes which what is they were trying to do. Weird to me is something like collect bottle of sperm from fans and pouring it over yourself.
Morbid sure but virtually everything to with life or health insurance has a morbid aspect associated with it. There is almost always somebody who benefits from somebody dying earlier it is the nature of the insurance business.

Creepy, Wrong ok well you are entitled to your opinion. But on the list of bad stuff that corporations this pretty benign cause there are no victims other than people finding it creepy. I think the actions of Cam sites, which make young, often unsophisticated, woman sign contracts giving the cam company the right to use naked images of these woman anywhere on the internet for what ever purposed they want, forever even long after they quit Camming, this to me is creepy and wrong.
HiGirlsRHot said:
Jupiter551 said:
It's fucking weird, creepy, morbid, and wrong.
I find nothing weird about any company or person trying to legally minimize taxes which what is they were trying to do. Weird to me is something like collect bottle of sperm from fans and pouring it over yourself.

I love this wording. If the same thing were made illegal, would it be more wrong? What does the legality have anything to do with it? Does legal make it moral? A girl consented to sex because the man was pretending to be her boyfriend in a dark room. It's not illegal, is it moral? Certainly not. Why did you choose the wording you did? "Legally minimizing taxes."
This looks like an appeal to authority argument, which is not a valid clause.

In the unquoted section you say "wrong" but you're entitled to your opinion. But yet in the quoted section, you clearly lay out what your opinion is, and then are coming off as completely dismissive of others, invalidating a subjective case.

There really isn't a point to this. Then again, there isn't really a point to this whole thread. Just an observation.
Fedex has incredibly awful customer service. Like, MEGA bad. Good thing USPS and UPS both deliver to my house and USPS delivers internationally. :dance:
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Keithy said:
I love this wording. If the same thing were made illegal, would it be more wrong? What does the legality have anything to do with it? Does legal make it moral? A girl consented to sex because the man was pretending to be her boyfriend in a dark room. It's not illegal, is it moral? Certainly not. Why did you choose the wording you did? "Legally minimizing taxes."
This looks like an appeal to authority argument, which is not a valid clause.

In the unquoted section you say "wrong" but you're entitled to your opinion. But yet in the quoted section, you clearly lay out what your opinion is, and then are coming off as completely dismissive of others, invalidating a subjective case.

There really isn't a point to this. Then again, there isn't really a point to this whole thread. Just an observation.

I am not a moral authority, but I try to be conscious of what is illegal vs what is legal. Yes to a large extent what is illegal is also immoral; murder for example. The situation you described would be illegal in many places in the world. Is it immoral in most everyplace, but I can certainly imagine societies where it wouldn't considered immoral. I find argument about morality to be a waste of time. If people think something is immoral than they should focus on getting the law changed to make it illegal. Congress has had at least 15 years to change the law since this scheme was first publicized, obviously a majority of Congressman haven't been convinced it so bad that they've made it illegal. So in grey areas like this I say if it ain't illegal, it ain't immoral.

Lots of people think that what goes on ACF, much less MFC is immoral, (it is also illegal in many places in the world) being involved in an activity which many people consider immoral makes think three time before judging some others activity, pointing my finger and saying what you are doing is wrong.
HiGirlsRHot said:
Jupiter551 said:
No one said anything about walmart trying to kill people, she had asthma. She wasn't even working for them when she died, neither Michael Moore nor the woman's family either said OR implied that. Where are you getting this from?

It's plain WEIRD for a company to take out insurance on employees like a person who worked for them as a cake decorator for 18 months. That's fucking weird. It's also scummy to make money out of someone's death but let the family (the husband having worked for them for 18 years) send themselves broke paying the medical bills.

No one, *EVER* said or implied Walmart wanted her to die or tried to kill her, but they DID profit from her death and she wasn't even working for them at the time. It's fucking weird, creepy, morbid, and wrong.

As the ABC news report points no employees were harmed by this. In the case Walmart this was actually a benefit for the employees. Prior to this Walmart rank file employee had no life insurance, because of the profits they made by taking out larger life insurance policies, Walmart was able to provide small insurance policy sufficient to cover burial expenses to its employees. In addition until recently Walmart had profit sharing plan for their employees, so the money Walmart saved in taxes increased the size its employee profit sharing checks.

The implication of Moore piece that Walmart made $82,000 from the death of their former employee. As I explained insurance is a bet and there are winners and loser. So Walmart made money cause the woman died young. However, an insurance company lost $82,000 because had to a pay out a claim long before it collected sufficient policies. In the case of Walmart (and I suspect almost other firms involved with this practice). The losing insurance company in this case was a wholly owned subsidiary of Walmart. So every underwriting dollar Walmart made collecting death benefit from it is employee was canceled out by the losses the Walmart insurance company suffered writing the policy.

The reason the scheme is a money making one is because the cost of providing insurance for employee is deductible,while the death benefits generally aren't taxable. Now this is as a result of lobbying by the insurance companies, Walmart and other corporations are simply benefiting from insurance company lobbying. This clearly needs to be changed (along with a ton of other stuff in our corporate and income tax laws.) But if you want to condemn every person/company who exploits a loophole in the tax, you pretty much cover everyone.

It's fucking weird, creepy, morbid, and wrong.
I find nothing weird about any company or person trying to legally minimize taxes which what is they were trying to do. Weird to me is something like collect bottle of sperm from fans and pouring it over yourself.
Morbid sure but virtually everything to with life or health insurance has a morbid aspect associated with it. There is almost always somebody who benefits from somebody dying earlier it is the nature of the insurance business.

Creepy, Wrong ok well you are entitled to your opinion. But on the list of bad stuff that corporations this pretty benign cause there are no victims other than people finding it creepy. I think the actions of Cam sites, which make young, often unsophisticated, woman sign contracts giving the cam company the right to use naked images of these woman anywhere on the internet for what ever purposed they want, forever even long after they quit Camming, this to me is creepy and wrong.
The bottom line is, using former and current employee deaths as a tax shelter IS morbid, and secondly let's just pretend walmart isn't an enormous corporation. If you ran a small business and you took out life insurance on your 8 employees, one of which was a married couple, and then one of them left their job to have a baby, subsequently died and your policy netted you $81,000 while the husband, your employee of 18 years was going into debt from medical costs is that right? Only the worst kind of scum would agree that it's okay, and funnily enough that's what walmart as a corporate entity is; the worst kind of scum.
So the first thing that happened when I woke up (for real woke up, not the earlier wake up), was drop my phone in the bedroom trash can. My hands didn't want to work...

Goal: to start eating better. I really need to start saying "no" to pizza and take-out. And soda. And sweet tea. I should probably get a car, so I can get to the store anytime I have a craving for food, and start making enough to pay for said car and for the food.

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.
LadyLuna said:
So the first thing that happened when I woke up (for real woke up, not the earlier wake up), was drop my phone in the bedroom trash can. My hands didn't want to work...

Goal: to start eating better. I really need to start saying "no" to pizza and take-out. And soda. And sweet tea. I should probably get a car, so I can get to the store anytime I have a craving for food, and start making enough to pay for said car and for the food.

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.
Start small! It's possible bb! Instead of soda or tea, pour yourself a cup of water instead, it's a heck of a lot cheaper. When you finish that cup of water then pour yourself another. If you keep your water by you all day long then you'll be less likely to grab that soda or tea later.

If plain water is an issue, try adding a bit of lemon, one of those mio things (but not the whole thing, just enough for some flavor) or try juice instead (real juice, not the sugary water marketed towards kids). Once you start getting used to the water it will be easier to switch to plain water and before long it will be a habit to just only grab water. After you've mastered water, then work on less take out/pizza. Keep things in the house that will be easy and fast to cook so you're not tempted. :thumbleft: :handgestures-salute:

You can do it bb!! :dance:
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Jupiter551 said:
I changed the batteries when this happened to me, figured they were low

We put brand new batteries in it and followed the booklet's instructions (including the instructions on the 'Sync' buttons). The Wii controller actually is responsive and the blue lights are working, but the cursor still won't appear on the T.V. screen.

I might just have to buy a new controller after all. I'll just use a portion of the Amazon e-gift cards to get a new controller...a pink one and a blue one. Pretty!

I just finished watching An American Werewolf in London on T.V. LOL at the line "Kill yourself...or you'll kill everyone else." And isn't the main character the same guy from the Gremlins movies...the guy who took care of 'Gizmo'?

LadyLuna said:
I really need to start saying "no" to pizza and take-out. And soda. And sweet tea.

I love take-out...and soda...and sweet tea.....
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The_Brown_Fox said:
I just finished watching An American Werewolf in London on T.V. LOL at the line "Kill yourself...or you'll kill everyone else." And isn't the main character the same guy from the Gremlins movies...the guy who took care of 'Gizmo'?

LadyLuna said:
I really need to start saying "no" to pizza and take-out. And soda. And sweet tea.

I love take-out...and soda...and sweet tea.....
I loved that movie! Horror-comedy! One of my all-time favorites.
Nordling said:
I loved that movie! Horror-comedy! One of my all-time favorites.

I liked it too. This was my first time seeing it, and I was like Ahh, so that's what inspired Michael Jackson's Thriller! The human-turning-into-werewolf scene with the close-up of David's ears/side of his face and the hair growing out.....they did that exact same close-up shot in Thriller. And I see that both the movie and MJ's Thriller were directed by the same guy (John Landis).

I thought some of the doctors in that movie had lousy bedside
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The_Brown_Fox said:
Nordling said:
I loved that movie! Horror-comedy! One of my all-time favorites.

I liked it too. This was my first time seeing it, and I was like Ahh, so that's what inspired Michael Jackson's Thriller! The human-turning-into-werewolf scene with the close-up of David's ears/side of his face and the hair growing out.....they did that exact same close-up shot in Thriller. And I see that both the movie and MJ's Thriller were directed by the same guy (John Landis).

I thought some of the doctors in that movie had lousy bedside
Huh, and I thought this inspired Michael Jackson's Thriller
The_Brown_Fox said:
Nordling said:
I loved that movie! Horror-comedy! One of my all-time favorites.

I liked it too. This was my first time seeing it, and I was like Ahh, so that's what inspired Michael Jackson's Thriller! The human-turning-into-werewolf scene with the close-up of David's ears/side of his face and the hair growing out.....they did that exact same close-up shot in Thriller. And I see that both the movie and MJ's Thriller were directed by the same guy (John Landis).

I thought some of the doctors in that movie had lousy bedside
The funniest scene (to me at least lol) was in the theater where the guy who became a werewolf encounters some of his victims and they're all soooo polite ("nice to make your acquaintance!") while reminding him that he's caused so much death. lol
Interesting question on Family Feud:

On a scale of 1 to 10, how respectful are most men towards women?

Steve Harvey said that the number one answer was 7.